Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis IV

Hold of Amldihr
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2024 年 12 月 27 日 下午 1:46
1 月 17 日 上午 12:00
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Hold of Amldihr

Hold of Amldihr
Current version 1.1 (2.Jan.2025)
This is a submod for Anbennar (Steam Version Only). Includes 79 new missions and 30+ new events focusing on the reestablishment of Aul Dwarov and making different choices about how the country should operate.
Updated to the Fires of Conviction.
Government reforms:
1) Professional army or companies of the holds
2) Strengthening the monarch or strengthening the estates/parliament
3) Focusing on direct administration or on the subjects.
4) Economic reform focusing on the advanced use of water to deal with the consequences of the Hoardcurse.
Diplomatic actions:
1) Grant subjects or take for yourself a mandate on a region neighboring the Serpentspine and lowering their liberty desire.
2) Restore the identity of a subject to that of a hold, allowing them to form that hold.
3) Later make a hold an Amlharaz subject that has the same liberty desire as a client state.
3 monuments in your capital area: Assembly Hall, Hall of the Ancestors and Citadel Hold. A choice between 3 monuments once a source of power is discovered in the caverns: Artifice halls, Magic Academy and Golem Factory.
New Holds Estate:
Power of the other holds compared to the capital is represented by this estate, allowing you to manage administration, liberty desire and more.
1) Holds estate disaster that you will probably not trigger unless you really mismanage the estate
2) Nobles vs Holds disaster that you can trigger once or avoid fully to advance down the mission tree
14 条留言
Bonkfire 1 月 12 日 上午 10:37 
Hey i know it would add a requirement but if you added compatibility for the dwarven monuments mod it might be nice, you end up duplicating a lot of the monument in the almidhir area
dunadan  [作者] 1 月 10 日 下午 6:12 
@ThePeoplesLastChoice if you do exactly what you are describing - make every hold your vassal then if their culture is dwarven it changes it to local culture already
ThePeoplesLastChoice 1 月 10 日 上午 5:29 
@dunadan, fair enough, i was more thinking about the holds that you either colonized or couldnt easily vassalize another tag for.

Personaly i think it eould be cool as a reward for the forming aul-dwarov mission, like if you went down the absolutist route it unified all dwarven culture to kromium dwarves but if you went with the assembly of holds it restored local dwarven cultures.

still its your mod and its great regardless
dunadan  [作者] 1 月 8 日 下午 8:44 
@ThePeoplesLastChoice this is a situation in which you kind of have to pick your poison, becasue there is already a way to make theose holds the hold culture by making them your vassals, and If you chose not to there is an arguement to be made that making it switch is not really thematically correct, so i do not think I want to add a feature that is not for everyone.
ThePeoplesLastChoice 1 月 8 日 下午 3:47 
really really cool mod! honestly only criticism i have is that there are some typos/awkward writing. but even then its clear a lot of effort has been put into it.

one question i do have is would it be possible to add a decision to restore the culture of holds you directly own? like i know the hoardcurse does it but i still think it would be cool. maybe as a capstone for when you form Aul-Dwarov?
dunadan  [作者] 1 月 5 日 上午 1:33 
@Raccoon General any country that is planning on taking Castanor can work very well with this mission tree (if its capital is there, preferably then one that is not interested in the Serpentspine).
This is due to the fact that the mission tree gives you and your ally in that region mission rewards. You can check Castanor influence, Castanor Presence and In The Mountain Shadow missions on the left side of the tree for more info.
Raccoon General 1 月 4 日 下午 8:18 
I'm gonna play this mod with a friend, are there any factions that work well (co-op mission tree, beneficial alliance etc.) that go with Amhildr?
dunadan  [作者] 1 月 4 日 上午 12:04 
@Raccoon General they work together, but you will get some monuments duplicated
Dizzle 1 月 3 日 下午 11:12 
In all seriousness, I'm just joking you put an incredible amount of work into this submod and i sure as hell couldn't do it myself good on you man keep working hard
Dizzle 1 月 3 日 下午 11:11 
Why would you ever want to play as Amldihr? literally in lore the kromium dwarfs are arrogant prideful incompetant idiots that caused the Aul Dwavor to Collapse. Diamond Dwarf Supremecy!!!