Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis IV

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Hold of Amldihr
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Hold of Amldihr

Hold of Amldihr
Current version 1.1 (2.Jan.2025)
This is a submod for Anbennar (Steam Version Only). Includes 79 new missions and 30+ new events focusing on the reestablishment of Aul Dwarov and making different choices about how the country should operate.
Updated to the Fires of Conviction.
Government reforms:
1) Professional army or companies of the holds
2) Strengthening the monarch or strengthening the estates/parliament
3) Focusing on direct administration or on the subjects.
4) Economic reform focusing on the advanced use of water to deal with the consequences of the Hoardcurse.
Diplomatic actions:
1) Grant subjects or take for yourself a mandate on a region neighboring the Serpentspine and lowering their liberty desire.
2) Restore the identity of a subject to that of a hold, allowing them to form that hold.
3) Later make a hold an Amlharaz subject that has the same liberty desire as a client state.
3 monuments in your capital area: Assembly Hall, Hall of the Ancestors and Citadel Hold. A choice between 3 monuments once a source of power is discovered in the caverns: Artifice halls, Magic Academy and Golem Factory.
New Holds Estate:
Power of the other holds compared to the capital is represented by this estate, allowing you to manage administration, liberty desire and more.
1) Holds estate disaster that you will probably not trigger unless you really mismanage the estate
2) Nobles vs Holds disaster that you can trigger once or avoid fully to advance down the mission tree
18 Komentar
dunadan  [pembuat] 2 jam yang lalu 
all the bugs found by Quis Machina fixed in the recent update. Chanck change notes for more info.
Quis Machina 8 jam yang lalu 
I just wanted to add overall i love the mod idk if you are looking for any sort of insight but i would recommend maybe a sort of popup or maybe even decision letting players know about the additional diplo decisions, like the mandate just so they know to look there, and i would say maybe an option for players to have a potential option for the early adventurers near them to send out "diplo actions" or something say lik asra company, ruby company ect to have an event to diplo get them as early vassals and perhaps even decisions or possible events when you trigger certain missions to release the holds as potential vassals early on incase you want to go heavy into vassal gameplay early.

Also in terms of the new holds estate privilege i would make note on the privilege screen that it provides the same bonus as the government reform that way players know the 2 wont stack, found that out the hard way after some testing lol.
dunadan  [pembuat] 9 jam yang lalu 
@Quis Machina thank you for the report, will fix the issues in the next update
Quis Machina 11 jam yang lalu 
One thing not sure if it is intentional or not for the "return identity" mechanic if you are going the purge path for the restore identity, while the hold does come back in terms of culture and faith their technology group stays the same, IE Orc, Goblin, etc
Quis Machina 12 jam yang lalu 
Also when trying to give up mandate there are no options available to give up
Quis Machina 13 jam yang lalu 
I noticed a bit of an issue when you change Marrhold over to dwarven for some reason their nation leader dosnt check properly as dwarven, so you can do royal marriages, it just shows a skull by their name rather than the dwarven symbol.
dunadan  [pembuat] 5 Jan @ 1:33am 
@Raccoon General any country that is planning on taking Castanor can work very well with this mission tree (if its capital is there, preferably then one that is not interested in the Serpentspine).
This is due to the fact that the mission tree gives you and your ally in that region mission rewards. You can check Castanor influence, Castanor Presence and In The Mountain Shadow missions on the left side of the tree for more info.
Raccoon General 4 Jan @ 8:18pm 
I'm gonna play this mod with a friend, are there any factions that work well (co-op mission tree, beneficial alliance etc.) that go with Amhildr?
Music Man 4 Jan @ 8:25am 
@dunadan Just tried it out, much better! feels like a slightly harder war of the roses. Perfect!!
dunadan  [pembuat] 4 Jan @ 12:10am 
@Music Man adjusted the spawn rate from 0.7 per month to 0.3 per month, planning a rework of the disaster in the next update