Sengoku Dynasty

Sengoku Dynasty

Bamboo? What bamboo the woodcutter hut says
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"When you have bamboo growing all around you, but apparently it's really the spoon from the Matrix movie there is no spoon, or in this case, there is no bamboo XD Sadly one of the many illogical things to be found in this game, including
* a wood shed 10 times the size it needs to be,
* building more storage doesn't give you more storage
* needing a metal pickaxe to mine clay (you know the stuff you can mine with your hands or even just a stick IRL)
* NPC's who like to walk into walls and stay stuck there forever
* being suddenly married to a whole village when you got married and had a child with 1 guy/girl
* bad hairstyles
* the same face just more or less dirt (making Bathesda's oblivion days the same 4 faces look like a huge choice)
* lack of clothing choice
* bad UI
* simple things made over complex for no good reason
* NPC's only use half a farming field if that.
* buildings that are shown as being able to interlock but don't (mansion buildings namely the fences)

* The choice to use the super buggy god awful Unreal Engine 5 (yes folks that is the reason for all your bugs make sure to disable Anti-Aliasing Method and turn up Anti-Aliasing Quality so it stops trying to use your power supply and forces it to use your GPU)

and that it just SOME of the illogical and craziness to be found"