Balota Submarine Dock
Type: Mod
163.090 KB
2024年11月19日 2時54分
2024年11月19日 11時49分
9 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Balota Submarine Dock

For Chernarus+ Requires BuilderItems
To add for your Server - Subscribe to the Mod. Access the info folder; upload the DZE named "balota sub base (no snow)"
Upload to EditorLoader (in your Missions folder) - Add the XML to your mapgrouppos / Disregard the PBO/Key.

The original dze "balota sub base snow" includes the Land_tisy_storage pictured above. It has a snowy effect so I removed it for servers without snow.
If you like the area please give a favourite/thumbs up. Join my discord -

If you want to see the Area join my server. Direct connect info is in my Discord or Search on the Launcher LastofusZ

You can add additional loot spawns for the buildings via DAYz editor and then add those to your Mapgroupproto.
Or turn into custom JSON for your server. To Add zombies via the editor Make a territories file & event add the coordinates.

Using this DZE file will add a Highway road from Balota military, leading to a decaying, overgrown submarine base.
Access by road, helicopter or boat.
Radar building with intercom, 2 Submarines, Dry dock area, all enter-able building/walkways. Military Barracks & HQ.

Must have builder items in mod list.
5 件のコメント
lotzy69 2月22日 0時06分 
Hi Bo Katan yes I have builder items mod installed and working, it’ll load into the editor with everything but once loaded into a server it’s not loading the bridge and a lot of other features near the subs
Bo_Katan  [作成者] 2月21日 12時01分 
Hai @lotzy69 Do you have builderitems installed?
lotzy69 2月21日 4時08分 
Hi Bo Katan I added the dze to editor and then exported as a json file to add to a server to have a better look at it but it’s not adding the bridge and looks like it’s missing a lot any idea why this might be happening?
Bo_Katan  [作成者] 2月16日 14時07分 
Hi @zac Apologises for the delayed response. All it requires is dabs, builder items.
Zac 2024年11月24日 23時04分 
Does this require any extra mods other than @DayZ Editor Loader;@BuilderItems; and Dabs.
I am having an issue where not all of the Objects are loading into the server. It looks like its missing most of the bridge and then some.