Click to Eleven
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Rainbow. achievement script
Από 1caruxx
In this guide I'll explain a way to automate the process of opening and closing the game to force the rainbow background spawn while you are AFK.
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1. In the Steam client top left corner, click on Friends > Invisible.
2. Go to your Click To Eleven library page, click on the gear icon > Properties... and turn off Steam Cloud:

3. Click on the gear icon again > Manage > Browse local files.
4. Create a new plain text document inside the Click to Eleven installation folder and copy/paste the following script:

@echo off title Rainbow. achievement script by 1caruxx set i=0 :loop start "" "ClickToEleven.exe" set /a i=i+1 echo Launched %i% times. timeout /t 12 /nobreak taskkill /f /im "ClickToEleven.exe" cls goto loop

5. Save and close the file. Change the file extension to .bat and double click on it to run the script.
6. Go outside and touch some grass while your computer does naughty things. If you want to stop the script, just close the command window.
Can I get banned for this?

Is this allowed by the achievement hunter community?
Auto clickers or macros (this case) are fine for monotonous tasks (again, this case). Source.

Can I modify the sleep time of the script?
Yeah, feel free to adjust it. If your machine is slower than mine, maybe you need more time between actions, or if it's faster, you can reduce it to optimize the entire process. But I think I setted the sleep time well.

How much time it takes to unlock the achievement?
Five to six hours if you are lucky. Each time you launch the game, there is a probability of 1/250 (0.4%) that the rainbow background appears.

BTW, it's my birthday. Happy birthday to me 🎉