Fullbright Presents TOILET SPIDERS

Fullbright Presents TOILET SPIDERS

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Fullbright Presents TOILET SPIDERS 100% Achievement Guide
By chikichicky
General tips for a successful run and 100% achievement guide.
There are a total of 14 achievements.

Popped A Volunteer scared a spider with a light bulb.
  • You have to use a Light Bulb and throw it at a toilet with a spider in it.
  • You can get this easily in the first area. There are two bulbs in the room on the left.

Hero of the People A Volunteer accomplished their mission.
  • Find the Keycard and use it to overload the reactor.
  • It will be located in the final area.

Bogey A Volunteer escaped the Exclusion Zone with their life.
  • Successfully use the keycard and escape before the timer runs out with at least one volunteer remaining.
  • You have 80 seconds to run back to the beginning with the caveat of your path being blocked. Look to your left for an open vent to crawl through then turn immediately left to resume running for your life!

Birdie Volunteer Alpha survived the Exclusion Zone.
  • Successfully use the keycard and escape before the timer runs out with the first volunteer. Meaning no deaths!

Four Long Lives Four Volunteers survived the Exclusion Zone.
  • All volunteers must survive!
  • Find the Conscription Orders to gain +1 Volunteer and escape successfully.

Eagle Without any items being picked up except keys, the mission was accomplished and a Volunteer escaped.
  • Cannot pick up any items except necessary key items and escape with at least one volunteer remaining. (I haven't actually gotten this one yet. Good luck!🍀)

Retire Rich Three coins were recovered over the course of a single mission.
  • Collect three Lucky Coins in a single run.
  • You obtain them by scaring a spider with a light bulb and checking the toilet afterwards. There is a chance to obtain a coin. They do not seem to spawn in the final area.

Super Eagle Volunteer Alpha escaped the Exclusion Zone, without picking up any items except keys. The probability of achieving this is on any given attempt is approximately 2.6%.
  • Cannot pick up any items except necessary key items and escape with the first volunteer. Meaning no deaths! (I haven't gotten this one either. 😭)

Investigator All of the documents were found over the course of a single mission.
  • There are 7 documents in total and you will have to read them all in one run.
  • One in the 1st area, two in the 2nd area and four in the 3rd area. None in the final area.

Master of Unlocking A Volunteer unlocked all of the security doors in the facility.
  • Use the Corroded Key, Tarnished Key and Steel Key to open the doors.

Reaper's Feast Four Volunteers died on a single mission.
  • You need to get the 4th volunteer by getting to the final area and scare a spider with a light bulb (may require more than one successful attempt), pick up Conscription Orders to gain +1 Volunteer, then allow them to die to spiders.
  • I'd recommend saving some light bulbs for the final bit and using your flash grenades/volunteer lives instead.
  • If you run out of spiders at the end to die to, you can always backtrack to open up any toilets with spiders in the previous areas. Just don't use the keycard!

No Time to Lose In less than 6 minutes and 30 seconds the mission was accomplished and a Volunteer escaped.
  • ESC to view the options, then click on the radio button to select Always Run.
  • Get familiar with possible item spawns. Refer to the ITEMS section of this guide.
  • Get Lucky Coins to improve your chances of already opened toilets!
  • View the video of my run below for this achievement:

Picked A Volunteer plucked the elusive purple flower.
  • Found in the courtyard (2nd area) near the tree.

Commentariat You activated all of the Commentary nodes in a single playthrough.

  • Turn on Commentary mode in the settings.

  • Look for the above nodes throughout your run. There are 4 in the first section, 6 in the second section, 6 in the third section and 2 in the final section (18 total). The last one will not appear unless you have obtained the keycard. The node will be in front of the console where you swipe the keycard.
  • Continue to escape successfully and you will obtain the achievement.

  • Found behind the reception desk.
  • Check the indicator to determine if there is a spider in a bathroom. Definitely useful for one toilet bathrooms but not so much for everything else.

  • Can be found on shelves, desk lamps and ceiling lights.
  • Left-Mouse button to aim and Right-Mouse button to launch at a toilet to scare and get rid of a spider presence.

  • Can be found in front of tipped over wooden crates, inside blue plastic crates, in opened desk drawers or inside trunks.
  • If attacked by a spider when opening a toilet, this flashes your screen and prevents death!

  • Found in the last bathroom you've checked and cleared in each area.
  • Opens the locked security doors. In total, you need to find three different ones: Corroded, Tarnished and Steel Key

  • Found in the last area in a toilet to unlock the casing of the button to overload reactor.

  • Found in the last area in a toilet that had a spider scared away by a thrown Light Bulb. Pick up to add a Volunteer to your roster!
  • Keys seems to always spawn in the last bathroom when you've fully checked for safe toilets. Make sure you open all the toilets that don't have a spider in them!
  • There seems to be a way to tell how many spiders are present depending on the amount of toilets in the bathroom.

    # of Toilets 🚽
    🕷️ Spider Count
    0 or 1

  • If you get Lucky Coins during your run, you could potentially have already opened toilets (that had a spider in it). You could open all the stall doors to check before you begin lifting toilets randomly! Yes, I’ve accidentally thrown a light bulb at an opened toilet expecting it to be closed.
  • If you are attempting a speed run, go into the Options to set yourself to Always Run.
  • When escaping, you can walk against the collapsed columns to go over them instead of going through the vent route.
I enjoyed the game overall. There's just something about toilet gambling that is satisfying!

With the release of 1.0, that should be it for updates on this guide. Let me know if there are any errors or additional information you'd like me to add. I hope you found this guide useful!

**UPDATE** I have added information on the additional achievement!

ホトトギスくん 30 Dec, 2024 @ 3:58am 
It is very difficult to get an Eagle in the current situation, where the location of the key is not random, but the last bathroom.
Has anyone been able to get it without cheating?
I would prefer no eagle in my opinion.
chikichicky  [author] 29 Dec, 2024 @ 9:29am 
Seems iffy with the purple flower then. I was only able to get it once on a playthrough and I haven't seen it again after I got it!

The luck based achievements seem rough which is unfortunate; I hope they consider making it a bit easier to obtain in the future.
ホトトギスくん 29 Dec, 2024 @ 4:47am 
I was able to get all but the Eagle and Super Eagle.
The remaining two are a matter of luck.
I don't like this kind of achievement.
ホトトギスくん 29 Dec, 2024 @ 2:48am 
I was able to get it.
I went for it right away and got it, so there must be a time limit.
ホトトギスくん 29 Dec, 2024 @ 12:57am 
I can't locate the purple flower.