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Beluga MK 1
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23 жовт. 2024 о 7:55
12 січ. о 7:13

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Beluga MK 1

BETTER GLASS & EK Mods needed for it to work properly

Old vessel dating back to the colonisation of europa, very ancient tech, with a lot of tweaking and man made optimisation over the decades. You can trust this beast if treat it right, but beware otherwise

This beast has a lot, come equipped with
4 Turrets ( 3 coilgun and one OVERLOADED chaingun)
2 Depth charge launch tube
2 Heavy turrets - a spinal raigun in the bottom and a heavy coilgun in the front end
Working elecricity (kinda - just be carefull it can take fire, there is also some sprinkler in the reactor room to ensure a quick exctinction of the flames [button near batteries])
Fast speed (if your electric grid is monitered)
Emergency dive button - near the steering computer, if you press it the whole deck become an extra ballast - this way the sub can dive up to 30km/h (dont forget to tell everybody on the deck to get their dive suits - also to exit the emergency dive mode, you need to press the same button again, but the pump maybe need 2 or 3 extra press to start draining the deck)
Big moonpool at the bottom, for all the suit diving juice

I think this is everything, there is some buttons in a lot of places to turn the lights on / off, just look around and test the stuff
Made this last year, so its not that fresh in my mind and i don't remmember what needs tweaking - so feel free to comment all the feedback you can
This is my second sub, i think everything worked when i tried it in solo, only the waypoints were sometimes a bit akwards, but it should be playable

Sorry for the bad english