Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

40 valoraciones
DB building prop pack
Assets: Prop
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20 OCT 2024 a las 5:39
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DB building prop pack

DB building prop pack by SvenBerlin

This is the DB building prop pack. These things are around the the area of the DB building at Nordbahnhof Berlin (Deutsche Bahn)

DB building logo front
DB building logo roof
Berlin buddy bear (change the colours you like )
Berlin Buddy bear 2 ( UV unwrapped but not professional) Maybe you can use PO for your own styles)
bicycle shelter DB
bicycle rack
bench u-form DB building park ( in this version citizens take a seat)
bench u-form DB building ( is the prop which is build in the park version )
plant pot 1,2,3
trash bin
closed patio umbrella

Big thanks to Yosh who decorated a realistic scenery of the DB building area with these props and made these wonderful screenshots
2 comentarios
AmiPolizeiFunk 20 OCT 2024 a las 19:02 
great work! a minibuild with the buildings and all of the lovely props for allbuilds would be fantastic
tuananh821 20 OCT 2024 a las 7:15 