Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

71 次評價
Beach Volleyball Prop Pack
Assets: Prop
18.688 MB
2024 年 10 月 20 日 上午 4:39
1 項更新註記 (檢視)

Beach Volleyball Prop Pack

Beach Volleyball Prop Pack by SvenBerlin

This is a beach volley prop pack.

12 female beach volleyball players (static props) ( you can build teams by changing clothes colours )
beach volleyball
Beach Volleyball ground marker
Beach Volleyball net

Thanks a lot to Yosh for the nice screenshots. He tried to replicate the scenery of the Beach Mitte volleyball fields close to Berlin Nordbahnhof and the DB building (Deutsche Bahn), and he made a really nice job.

If you wonder how these Cims where created:
In the beginning there was the Sims4 :tm: character editor, as this one allows to change body and faces in the most customizeable way. Many of these characters wearing costum clothes provided by different websites for free. After each creation got exported, the mesh of each single got optimized by removing unneeded details (e.g. tounge, teeth and eye balls) and reducing the tris massively. Additionally each texture got manually changed and optimized to match to the completely different values needed for C:S citizens. Afterwards the normal binding of the mesh to the Cims skeleton where done. As these Cims are based on another companies software, and their TOS only allows the non commercial usage, i decided to not have any donation link on these assets. Forthermore the sharing or upload on any other Platform nor selling or creating reskins of them is allowed.

Sims 4 is a registred brand of Electronic Arts. I'm not in any relation with EA, nor these skins are affiliated by EA.
5 則留言
truffleshuffle 2024 年 10 月 31 日 下午 9:23 
Great pack and great screenshots! Please consider a Part 2 with their hands up as passing/shooting poses, currently they all look like they're waiting for each other =) Not a complaint, this is amazing.
notDONEyet 2024 年 10 月 23 日 上午 11:29 
FINALY! hell yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Silver5word 2024 年 10 月 21 日 上午 5:43 
You should really consider changing the thumbnail of this asset so that we know what this pack really contains... after all, we all know what we're here for (the old man in the second pic certainly does).


Jokes aside, I literally closed CSL while loading to download this asset. Definitely looking forward to using these.
c95samuel 2024 年 10 月 20 日 下午 5:48 
is it possible to the master of animated assets (you) to make these animated so we can put it with animation like the vanilla one but better graphics? and or make them as citizenz, you know, more variation hehe
Bastet69 2024 年 10 月 20 日 上午 6:00 
Another fantastic asset! Thank you! :D