Total War: ATTILA

Total War: ATTILA

104 个评价
标签: mod, Campaign
223.420 MB
2024 年 10 月 11 日 上午 3:13
2 月 5 日 下午 7:50
14 项改动说明 ( 查看 )



The year is 471 AD.
The Roman world stands on the edge of total destruction.

The barbarian puppet master, Ricimer, seeks to overthrow the Emperor Anthemius after a failed campaign to restore the empire, and install his own instrument in his stead. The foederati march on Rome, and aim to take all of Italia...

In Gaul, the Magister Militum Syagrius desperately fends off the machinations of a fledgling Visigothic empire, ravenous Burgundians, and the Frankish king Childeric, seeking a new homeland for his peoples...

The British tyrant Ambrosius Aurelianus leads one last attempt to reinforce the empire, yet his army has been intercepted in Gaul, and Britannia is woefully undefended...

In the East, the Emperor Leo faces rebellious foederati of his own as well as a recently belligerent Vandalic kingdom, while the Sassanids march against the last vestiges of the Hunnic Empire once and for all.

If Anthemius can turn the tide, he may yet be able to reinforce the last desperate enclaves of the true Romans, restore the light of Rome to the world, and be crowned Restitutor Orbis. It will truly be the…

  1. A brand new historical campaign spanning the last days of the Roman emperors, and the rise of the barbarian and foederati kingdoms.
  2. A more authentic portrayal of the foederati kingdoms that sought to retain the institutions of Rome, and the barbarian kingdoms that sought to destroy it.
  3. Entirely custom family trees with unique characters, family members, and generals.

  • Changeable faction names upon objectives, for tribes to become nations and claimants to become empires...
  • A scripted storyline alongside the Anthemius campaign, drawing upon the historical sources for an authentic narrative to Rome's last days.
  • A unit overhaul to best represent the dire situation of the Western Empire, while opening it up to reform and rejuvenation as it reclaims its territories.
  • ...And much more!


  • Imperium Romanum Pars Occidentalis (Anthemius)
  • Imperium Romanum Pars Orientalis (Leo)
  • Diocesis Galliorum (Syragius)
  • Dioceses Dalmatiae (Julius Nepos)
  • Diocesis Britannorum (Ambrosius Aurelianus)

  • Austragutþiuda (Theodimir)
  • Weisagutþiuda (Euric)
  • Salli (Childeric)

  • Regnum Vandalorum et Alannorum (Gainas)
  • Sweboz (Hermeneric)

  • Eranshahr (Peroz)
  • Kartli (Vakhtang) IN DEVELOPMENT
  • Parskahayasdan (Arderveshnasp) IN DEVELOPMENT


Join the Discord HERE[]

Remember to subscribe to the model packs to get the most out of the visuals!

  • Cicer Vopiscus - Implementation, db, startpos, campaign design, character/unit design, historical research, testing.
  • Korean3451 - Art, writing, campaign design, historical research, testing.

The models and textures in this mod are part of the Age of Justinian model packs used by the team, which contain the excellent work of:
Be sure to check out their original work!
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21 小时以前
Suggestions | Modding Help | Issues
Cicer Vopiscus
91 条留言
jtoetoe11 2 小时以前 
Lol i noticed it was funny
Cicer Vopiscus  [作者] 22 小时以前 
So it seems like Terminator didn't really cover the unit reskin properly :P Only 1/3 of the Romans have been reskined at this stage and we have more on the way! Though the barbarian factions have not been touched for now, but will come later!
Vindhler 2 月 25 日 下午 12:38 
the unit packs are not working the Romans have a lot of yellow from the main game for me still
A$$clOwn 2 月 23 日 下午 6:55 
thee model pack 2 wont download fully on laujncher idk why
Heroyan10 2 月 16 日 上午 2:47 
if you are going to make Armenia a playable faction then it would be better to name it's leader Vahan because Arderveshnasp was appointed governor by Shah after Vardan's rebelion, but de jure he never ruled Armenia and in 481 when Armenian nobles were released from prison Vahan led another rebelion and took back the Armenian throne.
ChamP_O 2 月 15 日 下午 2:16 
Would be cool if the mod had a region gift feature
LastRoman 2 月 15 日 下午 1:14 
Make it possible:westernromanempire: to play as Flavius Ricimer
Mario  [作者] 2 月 11 日 上午 5:18 
@Herald of Sigmar In terms of Romano-British historiography, we're not really blessed in the same way that the Republican/Imperial eras were with writers and biographers. The sources that we do have were either separated through time/geography from the events, introduce mystical elements, and typically contradict one another, with Vortigern ruling, Ambrosius ruling, Arthurius ruling, etc. The use of tyrant is simply the depiction of the war-leader, not a commentary on their rule (which there's very little information on!). It's simply my interpretation of what's most likely in post-Imperial Britain; we know Ambrosius being of the purple, it most likely meant of imperial heritage or of the governorship, and it seems more more fitting to have him leading the last vestiges of Romano-British resistance.
Mario  [作者] 2 月 11 日 上午 4:44 
@heX_ Glad you're enjoying it! Difficulty was something we wanted to absolutely stress, and all it takes is one thing to go wrong for things to take a very precarious turn... :) Would definitely recommend the WRE and Britanniorum campaigns as well!
The Old Saxon 2 月 10 日 下午 5:15 
Looking great!