Metaphor: ReFantazio

Metaphor: ReFantazio

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Comprehensive Walkthrough Schedule & General Resource
Por HayateButler
This guide contains a list of general information that players may find useful and can be used as a resource guide. In addition, I've written a comprehensive schedule that will help players unlock all achievements in the game while experiencing nearly all available unique activities within one playthrough.

+ favoritos
Nos favoritos
- favoritos
This is a general resource guide alongside a full schedule walkthrough for Metaphor: ReFantazio.
Difficulty Setting & Level Scaling
Difficulty Modifier
Ally Dmg Dealt
Ally Dmg Taken
*Storyteller Difficulty allows players to revive on party death
**Hard Difficulty adds an extra action crystal to the enemy's turn
***Regicide Difficulty removes retries, makes your party more susceptible to Anxiety & take 3x damage (instead of 1.5x normally) from a weakness or critical hit, but also doubles your drop rate.

Damage Scaling by Level Difference
There's an additional modifier that affects the damage you and your opponents deal to each other depending on the level gap. Here's a table that provides some key break points.
Level Difference
Damage Multiplier
16+ Levels Behind
10 Levels Behind
7 Levels Behind
3 ~ 0 Levels Behind
5 Levels Ahead
10+ Levels Ahead
Starter Stats
When you first arrive at Grand Trad and apply at the Recruitment Centre to join the army, you're prompted two questions before being asked your protagonist's name. Your answer to the first question doesn't matter, but the second influences your starting stat distribution. Here are the responses and stat results for choosing them.

Dialogue Response
Strength - I'm stronger than I look.
Magic - I've got a sharp mind.
Endurance - I can take a lot of punishment.
Agility - I'm small but quick.
Luck - I've always been lucky.
*I suggest Magic or Agility for your first playthrough. Your early companions are more Strength-focused, so having a magic user helps balance the team composition.

In terms of what each stat affects:
  • Strength - Melee and Physical Skills
  • Magic - Magic and Healing Skills
  • Endurance - Damage Taken
  • Agility - Hit Rate, Evasion, Escape Odds, Turn Order, Multi-Hit Count
  • Luck - Item Drop Rate, Critical Hit Odds, Ailment Recovery & Affliction, Multi-Hit Count
*Excluding the level up stat boost you can control, your protagonist's level up stat distribution is fairly even across the board, generally +1 to each stat across 5 level up intervals.

It’s also worth mentioning that damage and healing scales much more based on your equipment (weapon and armour) than stats, so don’t feel pressured into thinking there’s a “wrong” build. You can switch to any build at any time and make it work just fine.
Combat System
Metaphor: ReFantazio utilizes a hybrid battle system dubbed Fast & Squad in which combat can be split into two parts: Real-Time, and Turn-Based.

Fast Combat
The real-time combat is fairly straightforward, and you can use Gallica's Fae Sight to determine whether the enemy will force you into the turn-based combat, or can be cleaned up in real-time by their outline glow.

Your attacks will also vary depending on what weapon you and your party has equipped, so using the Gunner archetype will allow you to hit from afar, whereas the Mage archetype will put you near the enemies while being able to hit in a larger radius. In addition to weapon choices, it's important to utilize the lock-on mechanic and watch your positioning, as hitting enemies from behind and using attacks they're weak to will deplete their stamina gauge faster.

You should also be wary of enemy attacks, and avoid being greedy with your hits. It's better to dodge roll away after a couple attacks and learn their patterns than to let them counterattack, putting you at a disadvantage during the turn-based combat.

Lastly, if you so wish, you are able to cancel the Squad Battle (Turn-Based Combat) prompt and force real-time combat against non-weak enemies by dodge rolling. This can come in handy in certain situations such as switching to Mage and abusing the archetype's passive to refill MP by constantly stunning an enemy.

Squad Combat
The meat of your fights take place in the classic turn-based combat format, and this game utilizes the Press Turn system that was introduced in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, which has a lot of depth to it.

The combat takes place in turns - one side is given a number of action crystals (with the order of individual character actions determined by Agility), and when they've been consumed, the turn switches to the opponent's side.

What makes the Press Turn system special is that when you fulfill certain conditions such as exploiting an enemy's Weakness or landing a Critical Hit, you are refunded half an action crystal, affording your party extra actions. On the flip side, if your attack is nullified or dodged, you lose 2 action crystals; or worse yet, if your attack is repelled or absorbed, your turn ends immediately.

On top of this per-turn basis planning, party action order can also be managed to some extent across turns. That's because the character who acted last in the previous turn will always be the last one to act at the start of the next turn. Think of it like a deck of cards where the pulled card will be placed at the bottom after being drawn. To be more clear on this, take this example:
  • At the start of a fight, your turn order by agility is character A → B → C. Assuming each character takes an action which consumes 1 action crystal, the next time your party gets to act, it will always begin in this order: A → B → C. However, if on character C's action, he only uses half an action crystal (e.g. Pass), then character A will get to act again; then on your party's next turn, the order will be B → C → A instead.

I've also left out Party Formation, which allows you to move party members to the front or back lines - this affects their physical damage (with some exceptions), and their physical defence. As a general rule of thumb, you'll want magic focused characters in the back row for added defence, and physical focused characters in the front row for more damage. Keep in mind you can swap rows multiple times during your turn, which adds a layer of strategy where you can attack in the front row, then move to the back row (if you have enough actions) to take less damage on the enemy's turn.
Royal Virtues
Royal Virtues are equivalent to Social Stats from the Persona series, and as you develop them, you're able to progress certain story aspects which you might not have been able to previously.

While you aren't directly given numerical values for how close you are to a Royal Virtue rank up, some improvements have been made so that you can now roughly gauge when your next rank up is by looking at each virtue's star marker per rank.

There are 5 virtues in this game, with them being: Courage, Wisdom, Tolerance, Eloquence, and Imagination. Each start out at rank 1, and max out at rank 5. Here are their titles & point requirement.

Rank 1
Rank 2 (Pts)
Rank 3 (Pts)
Rank 4 (Pts)
Rank 5 (Pts)
Spirited (30)
Fearless (100)
Dauntless (180)
Heroic (240)
Informed (16)
Knowledgeable (80)
Erudite (160)
Sagatious (280)
Open-Minded (40)
Generous (100)
Benevolent (160)
Saviour (210)
Articulate (40)
Urbane (80)
Influential (130)
Rhetorician (170)
Inspired (50)
Visionary (120)
Revolutionary (200)
Demiurgic (280)

Coins to Points Distribution
1 Coin: 5 pts
2 Coin: 6 pts
3 Coin: 8 pts
4 Coin: 10 pts
5 Coin: 11-12 pts
6 Coin: 13 pts
7 Coin: 15 pts
8 Coin: 16-17 pts
New Game+ Info
What's Carried Over for NG+?
  • Reeve & MAG
  • Royal Virtues
  • Items & Equipment (Excluding Story-Related Key Items)
    • Gold Beetles are Retained and can be Recollected Again
    • Dragon's Legacy (Weapon) must be Reacquired
  • Archetype Progress (Retains Study Unlock & A-EXP)
    • Follower Bonds are Not Saved (Need to Meet Criteria Again)
  • Enemy Scans
  • Memorandum
  • Playtime
Achievement List
Story Achievements
These are automatically unlocked through story progression (+1 for finishing every achievement).
Allies United
Traverse the Northern Border Fort.
Out of the Fire
Traverse the Nord Mines.
Calamity Averted
Traverse the Regalith Grand Cathedral.
Dark Truths
Traverse Kriegante Castle.
On Knife’s Edge
Traverse the Charadrius.
History Untold
Traverse the Dragon Temple.
Mission Accomplished
Traverse Montario Opera House.
His Majesty
Study the Prince Archetype.
Skybound Hope
Traverse the Skybound Avatar.
Coronation of the King
Witness the ending.
The Traveller
Acquire all achievements.

Combat Achievements
These are related to engaging in battles, and Archetype progression.
Stun an enemy.
United Front
Use a Synthesis skill for the first time.
No Mercy
End 50 battles without taking damage.
Monster Hunter
Subjugate a bounty.
Archetype Adept
Master an Archetype.
Tactical Strike
Inflict ambush damage against stunned enemies 100 times.
What's Yours is Mine
Steal an item from an enemy.
Stray Elements
Defeat 10 Elmentas.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Use 50 different Synthesis skills.
Money is Power
Spend a total of 100,000 reeve using skills that consume money.
Overcome all trials to defeat Louis.
- Complete all 4 "Trial of the Dragon" Investigation Quests
Coliseum Champion
Win 30 consecutive Gold Class battles at the coliseum.
Archetype Hero
Master all the Archetypes with the protagonist.
Star Shatterer
Defeat Destroyer Charadrius, wielder of true power.
- DO NOT Shatter Any Melancholia Crystals in the Final Dungeon (Ignore ALL Powerful Presences)
Closing the Book
Defeat the redscale dragon from the Book of Apocalypse.
- New Game+ Only, Non-Storyteller, Read the Book of Apocalypse in Akademeia

Daily Life Achievements
These pertain to the life sim aspects, such as Follower Bonds, activities, traveling, etc.
Shake on It
Obtain a Follower.
Shrewd Shopper
Buy an item on discount.
Blessed Power
Purify a piece of equipment.
For Science!
Performed a Special Experiment.
Visit all towns.
Vista Viewer
Collect all drawings of the journey.
Hearts as One
Max all Follower ranks.
Hey, Listen!
Consult Gallica 100 times.
Worldly Wisdom
Unlock the entire map.
At Your Own Risk
Successfully challenge the test of courage at the highest difficulty.
- Clear all 3 Bungee Jumping Challenges (Spirited Youth at Martira: Thoroughfare Square)
Chef in Training
Help cook a meal at the inn with Maria.
- Night Only, Help Fabienne at the Hushed Honeybee Inn between 06/29 and 09/22
Help Anyone in Need
Complete all quests.
Finish reading all books.
- Total 7 Books, 1 from Julian (Brilehaven: Angler's Inn Square) between 07/23 and 08/12
All That Glitters
Make all possible gold beetle item exchanges.
- Requires 46/50 Gold Beetles
King of Cuisine
Make all recipes.
- Total 21 Recipes, 1 Acquired after Cooking the other 20 Recipes
Summon Mask Time
Create all summoning vessels and masks.
Sword Surfer
Travel a significant distance by blade-riding.
Debate Me
Win debates against all candidates.
- Total 8 Podium Candidate Debates (3 in Martira, 4 in Brilehaven, 1 in Altabury Heights)
Podium Debates
During certain parts of the story, you will be able to debate against other candidates that are giving speeches on the podium. These are time-sensitive and must all be completed within one playthrough in order to earn the "Debate Me" achievement.

Once you win against a candidate, they will no longer show up at the podium, indicating you've completed their debate.

Location & Timeframe
Debate Response
Martira: 06/29 - 07/16
Loveless O'Shea
"Alcohol won't bring equality."
Martira: 06/29 - 07/16
Lina Kayden
"What are your policies?"
Martira: 06/29 - 07/16
Roger Ward
"Taxes benefit us all."
Brilehaven: 07/23 - 08/12
Rudolf Krause
"The tribes must stand together."
Brilehaven: 07/23 - 08/12
Milo Maurizio
"Beauty is deeper than our skin."
Brilehaven: 07/23 - 08/12
Jin Dulls
"We should help anyone."
Brilehaven: 07/23 - 08/12
Idaeus Glodell
"You only parrot Louis!"
Altabury Heights: 09/13 - 10/25?
Julian Castillion
"The present day matters too."
Mask List & Experiment Materials
Here is a list of all the masks for the Masked Dancer Lineage, what materials you need for the Mask Experiments, plus where to acquire everything.

Masked Dancer Masks
Mask Name
Seeker's Mask
Fool White Mask + Judgement White Mask
Magic Seeker's Mask
Fool White Mask + Magician White Mask
Soul Hacker's Mask
Seeker's Mask + Magic Seeker's Mask
Mage's Mask
Magician White Mask + Moon White Mask
Wizard's Mask
Magician White Mask + Priestess White Mask
Elementalist's Mask
Mage's Mask + Wizard's Mask
Warlock's Mask
Wizard's Mask + Hermit White Mask
Warrior's Mask
Chariot White Mask + Strength White Mask
Swordmaster's Mask
Chariot White Mask + Emperor White Mask
Samurai's Mask
Warrior's Mask + Swordmaster's Mask
Knight's Mask
Hierophant White Mask + Strength White Mask
Mage Knight's Mask
Hierophant White Mask + Justice White Mask
Paladin's Mask
Knight's Mask + Mage Knight's Mask
Dark Knight's Mask
Mage Knight's Mask + Hanged Man White Mask
Brawler's Mask
Strength White Mask + Sun White Mask
Pugilist's Mask
Strength White Mask + Justice White Mask
Martial Artist's Mask
Brawler's Mask + Pugilist's Mask
Healer's Mask
Lovers White Mask + Priestess White Mask
Cleric's Mask
Lovers White Mask + Temperance White Mask
Saviour's Mask
Healer's Mask + Cleric's Mask
Gunner's Mask
Hermit White Mask + Chariot White Mask
Sniper's Mask
Hermit White Mask + Moon White Mask
Dragoon's Mask
Gunner's Mask + Sniper's Mask
Thief's Mask
Hanged Man White Mask + Tower White Mask
Assassin's Mask
Hanged Man White Mask + Devil White Mask
Ninja's Mask
Thief's Mask + Assassin's Mask
♥♥♥♥♥'s Mask
Star White Mask + Fortune White Mask
Trickster's Mask
♥♥♥♥♥'s Mask + Fool White Mask
Commander's Mask
Emperor White Mask + Tower White Mask
General's Mask
Emperor White Mask + Judgement White Mask
Warlord's Mask
Commander's Mask + General's Mask
Merchant's Mask
Fortune White Mask + Temperance White Mask
Tycoon's Mask
Merchant's Mask + Star White Mask
Summoner's Mask
Devil White Mask + Empress White Mask
Devil Summoner's Mask
Summoner's Mask + Devil White Mask
Berserker's Mask
Death White Mask + Chariot White Mask
Destroyer's Mask
Berserker's Mask + Tower White Mask
Dancer's Mask
Fortune White Mask + Star White Mask + Judgement White Mask
Mend Mask
Justice White Mask + Hierophant White Mask + Temperance White Mask
Mind Mask
Magician White Mask + Sun White Mask + Moon White Mask
Muscle Mask
Chariot White Mask + Strength White Mask + Emperor White Mask
Mercy Mask
Lovers White Mask + Priestess White Mask + Empress White Mask

White Mask Materials
Unlike Talismans, White Masks can also drop from certain common enemies, but they're not always guaranteed. Instead of listing the various lootable items, and bosses, I'll instead discuss the most reliable way to stock up on these materials.

When you arrive at Virga Island, you'll be able to purchase "Secret of the Eugief's Stall" from the Informant at the Golden Deer Hearth tavern. This unlocks the Wary Shopkeep's store, which is located back in Port Brilehaven: Seabreeze Street. Every day of the week except Idlesday, he sells 1 of every mask listed below for 25,000 Reeve each.

Day of the Week
Material Name
  • Fool White Mask
  • Magician White Mask
  • Priestess White Mask
  • Empress White Mask
  • Emperor White Mask
  • Hierophant White Mask
  • Lovers White Mask
  • Chariot White Mask
  • Justice White Mask
  • Hermit White Mask
  • Fortune White Mask
  • Strength White Mask
  • Hanged Man White Mask
  • Death White Mask
  • Temperance White Mask
  • Devil White Mask
  • Tower White Mask
  • Star White Mask
  • Moon White Mask
  • Sun White Mask
  • Judgement White Mask
Vessel List & Experiment Materials
Here is a list of all the vessels for the Summoner Lineage, what materials you need for the Summon Experiments, plus where to acquire everything.

Summoner Vessels
Vessel Name
Goblin Loincloth Vessel
Talisman of the Foul + Talisman of the Fairy
Stone Wing Vessel
Talisman of the Avatar + Talisman of the Night
Cockscomb Vessel
Talisman of the Avian + Talisman of the Raptor
Obsidian Bone Vessel
Talisman of the Wargod + Talisman of the Femme
Flaming Mane Vessel
Talisman of the Avatar + Talisman of the Avian
Minotaur Vessel
Talisman of the Wargod + Talisman of the Avatar
Gravelord Vessel
Talisman of the Raptor + Talisman of the Divine
Esoteric Hair Vessel
Talisman of the Foul + Talisman of the Raptor
Pentagram Vessel
Talisman of the Divine + Talisman of the Night
Shattering Spear Vessel
Talisman of the Wargod + Talisman of the Fairy
Collared Beast Vessel
Talisman of the Night + Talisman of the Wargod
Lotus Flower Vessel
Talisman of the Avian + Talisman of the Femme
Black Frost Vessel
Talisman of the Night + Talisman of the Fairy
Conch Shell Vessel
Talisman of the Avian + Talisman of the Divine
Trident Vessel
Talisman of the Avatar + Talisman of the Femme
Buzzing Fly Vessel
Talisman of the Divine + Talisman of the Foul

Talisman Materials
Talismans are generally acquired through lootable dungeon items or treasure chests, and are also guaranteed drops from certain bosses. The Boastful Shopkeeper in Virga Island also stocks 1 of every Talisman for a hefty price.
Material Name
Talisman of the Foul
  • Psyocropos (Scoundrel's Nest - Boss)
  • Ordemos (Abandoned Path - Boss)
  • Boastful Shopkeeper (Virga Island - 100,000 Reeve)
Talisman of the Raptor
  • Lootable Item (Drakongrace Shinjuku)
  • Lootable Item (Abandoned Path)
  • Lootable Item (Skybound Avatar)
  • Boastful Shopkeeper (Virga Island - 100,000 Reeve)
Talisman of the Divine
  • Hómo Sondro (Disgraced Ruins - Boss)
  • Lootable Item (Tower of Insolence)
  • Lootable Item (Skybound Avatar)
  • Gupdetron (Skybound Avatar - Boss)
  • Boastful Shopkeeper (Virga Island - 100,000 Reeve)
Talisman of the Night
  • Hómo Margo (Drakongrace Shinjuku - Boss)
  • Hómo Pento (Land of Ceremony - Boss)
  • Treasure Chest Mimic (Disgraced Ruins)
  • Hyperic (Mt. Vulkano - Boss)
  • Boastful Shopkeeper (Virga Island - 100,000 Reeve)
Talisman of the Avatar
  • Malvirta Drako Eht (Drakongrace Shinjuku - Boss)
  • Icebeast Chimenzahn (Everfrost Forest - Boss)
  • Grotesque Chimenzahn (Skybound Avatar - Boss)
  • Boastful Shopkeeper (Virga Island - 100,000 Reeve)
Talisman of the Wargod
  • Hómo Pento (Land of Ceremony - Boss)
  • Rudolf the Roussainte Lion (Gauntlet Runner Fight)
  • Lootable Item (Mt. Vulkano)
  • Ziocropos (Tower of Insolence - Boss)
  • Boastful Shopkeeper (Virga Island - 100,000 Reeve)
Talisman of the Femme
  • Lootable Item (Land of Ceremony)
  • Lootable Item (Manor of the Ascendant)
  • Lootable Item (Skybound Avatar)
  • Boastful Shopkeeper (Virga Island - 100,000 Reeve)
Talisman of the Avian
  • Leogron (Spire of Blind Faith - Boss)
  • Lootable Item (Everfrost Forest)
  • Kokamordos (Manor of the Ascendant - Boss)
  • Leogrophon (Skybound Avatar - Boss)
  • Boastful Shopkeeper (Virga Island - 100,000 Reeve)
Talisman of the Fairy
  • Lootable Item (Scoundrel’s Hold)
  • Milo the Adonis (Gauntlet Runner Fight)
  • Jin the Charlatan (Gauntlet Runner Fight)
  • Boastful Shopkeeper (Virga Island - 100,000 Reeve)
Extra Tips
You can swap Archetypes that have been studied at any time through the equipment menu
  • Hammy Shopkeep at Regalith Grand Cathedral, night only: you can slightly increase your popularity by eating meat skewers there for 150
  • On June 11, after the funeral cutscene, talk to the Angry Man at Regalith Grand Cathedral (center right of map near street walkway) periodically to receive MP restoring consumables
  • You should consider leaving Trance Crystals alive (monster spawners) because they allow you to farm MP when the protagonist is using a Mage Archetype, and can be useful for A.EXP & MAG farm later game

The weather condition affects the difficulty of battles in dungeons (namely not being able to regain half action crystals for landing weakness or critical hits). So be extra prepared during days of bad weather if you're heading out to a dungeon.

Unscathed Triumph provides a 25% EXP & Money Bonus, and a 50% A-EXP & MAG Bonus.
Bad Weather provides a 50% EXP & A-EXP Bonus.

Getting Wisdom Rank 2 early is encouraged because it has a low requirement and unlocks a few things in Grand Trad (this can be done by completing the "Help the Hushed Honeybee" request from the Young Nidia at Grand Trad: Sunlumeo Street + passing the time at the bench near the Lycaon Magic Association at Grand Trad: Sunlumeo Street; 10 + 6 nets you 16 Wisdom for Rank 2). Following that, you'll want Tolerance for Maria's Follower Bond, and Imagination for a new Archetype in the next city. Lastly, Bounty & Coliseum Requests give a good amount of Courage, so you don't want to prioritize that Royal Virtue during your downtime.

Once you unlock the Gauntlet Runner, you can use the washroom and check the pantry daily for free exp and cooking material. On Idlesday (days that end on 0 or 5) using the toilet also grants +1 Luck.

Reading Books while traveling in the Gauntlet Runner are an efficient way of improving your Royal Virtues as long as you pick the correct dialogue prompt. Finishing them all is also required for an achievement.

When you come across Trance Crystals, it might be a good idea to leave them for when you're low on MP. The Mage Archetype Lineage Hero Passive allows you to gain 1 MP for the team per stun/kill, so you can infinitely farm the monsters spawned.

Archetype Info:
After mastering an Archetype (max rank), the excess Archetype Experience gained does not go to waste, as every 1,000 A.Exp will be converted to a Hero's Leaf of Light. It can be consumed to give 1,000 A.Exp to any character's archetype of your choice.

Fun Tidbit:
More's name is taken from Thomas More, the author of the book Utopia.
Schedule (June 2 - June 12)
Played on Hard Difficulty.
Watersday, June 2
When you gain control, you'll find yourself surrounded by enemies in Tradia Desert. Head towards the Royal Capital and loot the two Medicinal Herbs along the way.

Feel free to poke around upon arriving at Grand Trad before heading to the Recruitment Centre.

You'll be interviewed by a haughty captain at the Recruitment Centre. The first question doesn't matter, but how you answer his second question affects your starting stats. Refer to the Starting Stats section for more details and choose whichever, but I suggest Magic or Agility.

After the interview, you're told to pick up your guardsman equipment and will be greeted with a long line. But before you do anything, check the hallway to your right for a Gold Beetle. Now you're free to talk to people and join the queue.
*You need 46/50 Gold Beetles for an achievement, make sure to collect them!

Idlesday, June 5
After Strohl joins your party, it's time to enter the fort. For battles here, I suggest spamming Mage Fire as it deals way more damage than melee.

You can use the map to spot any obvious loot - yellow dots are enemies, and blue stars indicate loot items. If you spend some time exploring, you'll find 3 Medicine, 3 Medicinal Herb, 1 Revival Medicine, 1 Magla Pill, 1 Broken Igniter, 1 Old Coin.

After your fight with a human, you'll meet Grius, who also joins your party for the mission ahead.

Before ending the day at the Mountain Forest Camp, look behind you for a Gold Beetle just a short distance from the campfire. Grab it and rest up for the departure.
  • More Bond Rank 1

Flamesday, June 6
Time to head through the Nord Mines. There’s not much to say about the Nord Forest Trail aside from a reminder that the Seeker Archetype is weak to Fire. The boss fight inside the Nord Mines is quite straightforward - prioritize the soldiers before focusing the captain so they don’t buff him, and guard when necessary.
  • Strohl Bond Rank 1
  • Gallica Bond Rank 1
I recommend giving Grius the Warrior Archetype, and yourself the Mage Archetype. If you have enough MAG left over, give Strohl the Mage Archetype too (just for this dungeon so he learns Blizz). While you're here, also check the Mystical Scrolls. Talk to the cat before leaving Akademeia to learn that his name is Plateau, and receive a Hero's Incense. If you own any DLCs, they're in the Mysterious Treasure Chest on the couch nearby.

I suggest purchasing all 5 Ice Chunks from the Young Peddler, they'll come in handy soon.

After the Magla Hollow, you'll be greeted by a door that's overflowing with dark mist. This indicates there's a strong foe ahead, and it's this fight which teaches you about utilizing Party Formation. The boss is weak to Ice, and as long as you pull your party to the back row, its strong AoE attack will always miss (try not to use Ice Chunks here).

Proceed a bit further and you'll spot a sleeping dragon. I know Grius says to avoid disturbing it, but the treasure it's guarding is quite nice... let’s walk up to it. The dragon is weak to Ice, so the strategy is to use Blizz and Ice Chunks to gain extra actions. The dragon's attack pattern is always 1 turn of all physical attacks, followed by 1 turn of all fire attacks (if you have a Seeker, make sure to guard these turns).

Idlesday, June 10
  • Maria Bond Rank 1

Flamesday, June 11
Let's switch to the Healer Archetype to work on "More's Task: Foreword and Prologue," and make sure Strohl is on the Warrior Archetype.

While in Sunshade Row, head north towards the group of shops. Feel free to take a look and update your gear. Make sure to check behind the stairs near Chelonia Shieldworks (Armour Shop) for a Gold Beetle, and head up the same stairs into Comfort Concoctions (General Store) for another Gold Beetle from inside the Bag of Spices next to the door.

Head to the royal funeral when ready.

After being forced to retreat you'll be back in Regalith Grand Cathedral. Head to the east part of map and talk to the Angry Man for a Magla Pill, then follow the mission marker to the Mausoleum.
  • Hulkenberg Bond Rank 1
  • Gallica Bond Rank 2

Watersday, June 12
This is where the game opens up and gives you some freedom to choose how to spend your time. You can now blade-ride! It's super stylish, allows you to travel faster than running, and is required for an achievement. Use it whenever you can.

Sunshade Row
Chat with the Knowledgeable Man near Strohl to learn about Informants.

Talk to the Mustari Man also nearby for "Pagan's Dilemma". Head to St. Fermis Church at Sunlumeo Street and purchase the Breath of Fresh Air for 500 Reeve, then turn in the quest.
- Tolerance +4 Coins

Just north of More's Phantom is a Man in Pain asking for a Medicinal Herb. Give him one for a Hero's Incense.

Sunlumeo Street
Talk to the Young Nidia Man to the southeast to receive "Help the Hushed Honeybee".

Head west to the Naŭ Filono Tavern and talk to the Deferent Staff by the door for a Soothing Sweetbun.

Regalith Grand Cathedral
If you have the money, purchase all 3 Fruit Cordial from the Entero Water Shop just across the street from the Recruitment Centre.

When you're ready, head to the Catacombs Entrance. It's a good idea to stop by Akademeia to inherit Bot skill, as you'll come across Blue Elmentas (rare enemies that flee and are weak to Fire).

Catacombs & Regalith Grand Cathedral (Dungeon)
You'll meet a paripus who needs help rescuing her friend: "A Friend in Need", then proceed through the Mausoleum into Regalith Grand Cathedral.

Find the Chamber Side Room Key and rescue the trapped hostages.
  • Catherina Bond Rank 1
Might want to switch Strohl to Brawler Archetype for the remainder of this dungeon.

Head up the stairs to the Servants' Chamber. For the locked treasure chest near the entrance, you'll need the Guest Room Key highlighted by an exclamation mark (!) on the map by crawling through the passageway next to the eastern room with the Dying Monk. This unlocks the door to the south of the map that's also marked with an exclamation mark. After clearing the room, the Pale Monk inside will hand you the Treasure Chest Key before dying. Return to the chest for the Sanctified Amulet.

If you're low on resources but need MP, remember the Mage Archetype's Hero Passive restores everyone's MP by 1 per enemy stunned & defeated (Trance Crystals are good for MP grinds since they resummon easy mobs).

The top of Altar Chamber is another boss fight. You'll want to end the fight ASAP by focusing the Mage Captain first as he'll buff everyone's Attack & Defence before using AoE magic.

At the Reception Chamber, use the Sanctified Amulet on the statue right before the boss door for a reward. When you reach Healer Archetype Rank 10, head to Akademeia to turn in "More's Task: Foreword and Prologue" so you can learn Archetypes & inherit skills anywhere from now on. Feel free to use other Archetypes after this.
- Imagination +4 Coins

Once you reach the Heavenly Staircase, it's time to face Zorba. He mainly summons corpses, so you need to manage killing them while chipping away at his HP, or go all in and kill before you get overwhelmed.

After this is a fight with the giant human, but you get a full heal beforehand and it's honestly not that difficult as long as you have a Brawler to break the shell.
Schedule (June 13 - June 23)
Arboursday, June 13
We have some time until the 22nd to take care of things.

Hushed Honeybee Inn
First, return to the inn and purchase "Secret of the Redgrass".

Regalith Grand Cathedral & Recruitment Centre
Head to Regalith Grand Cathedral next and talk to the same Angry Man from before for your daily Magla Pill. Afterwards, purchase 4 Redgrass, 1 Bidou Meat, and 1 Pristine Clearwater from the Herb-Seller, Burly Butcher, and Water Merchant respectively in the area. You can also talk to the Sentry guarding the cathedral to check the coronation rock for free MAG (this can be done daily, but it also be stockpiled, so do this at your leisure). Stop by the Recruitment Centre as well to pick up "Man's Not-So Best Friend" from the Recruiter Dispatcher (Maneater Manjula Bounty).

Sunlumeo Street
Finally, go find Strohl and spend time with him.
  • Strohl Bond Rank 2

Sunshade Row
Feel free to check out Gloamhall, which is only open at night and can be found by leaving the Hushed Honeybee Inn and taking the first right down the alley. The shop sells some interesting accessories which you might want... if you can afford them.

Regalith Grand Cathedral
When you're done, head over to Regalith Grand Cathedral and talk to the Hammy Shopkeep found in the southeast part of the map. Eat the Mountain of Meat Skewers for 150 Reeve and boost your popularity.

Hushed Honeybee Inn
To close the day out, let's return to the inn.
  • Help Fabienne - I want to make Redgrass-Roasted Bidou
    • Let's stick to the recipe.
- Tolerance +3 Coins

Metalsday, June 14
Hushed Honeybee Inn
Head back inside and spend time with Hulkenberg.
  • Hulkenberg Bond Rank 2

Sunlumeo Street
Let's report back to the Young Nidia.
- Wisdom +4 Coins

Just north of here is a bench you can sit down at to improve your Wisdom.
  • View of The Royal Capital - Let's take a break.
- Wisdom +2 Coins
Wisdom Rank 2 (Informed)

Idlesday, June 15
Sunshade Row & Regalith Grand Cathedral
Today is Big Bargain Day, so stop by some shops and update your equipment. You can head to St. Fermis Church to get your rare equipment purified too. Lastly, go to Regalith Grand Cathedral and buy 4 Redgrass, 5 Bidou Meat, 11 Pristine Clearwater.

Sunlumeo Street
Head to Sunlumeo Street. Because you have Wisdom Rank 2, you can talk to the Igniter Merchantess at the northeast part of the map to receive "A Bullish Embargo," which unlocks Belega Corridor.

Stop by the Hushed Honeybee Inn to buy info on Belega Corridor if you want, as that's where we're going next.

When you're ready, leave through the south exit.
  • I want to go to Belega Corridor.
Belega Corridor (Dungeon)
You were able to clear Regalith Grand Cathedral (Dungeon) in one day, so this should be a walk in the park by comparison.

Make sure to talk to the Midlife Adventurer on B1 to receive 3 Stunning Arrows. Those can be used for the boss.

Near the stairs you took down to B3, there's a Gold Beetle behind some bars. Hug the left wall and look for a crawl space near some barrels to access it.

The Grotesque Gupatauros should be a decent challenge, but nothing impossible.
This isn't necessary, but if you want to earn an unscathed triumph against it, you can keep retrying until you manage to paralyse it with a Stunning Arrow (this is luck based so landing the status ailment can take quite a while, I only recommend doing this if you're patient).

Flamesday, June 16
Sunlumeo Street
Let's spend some time with Strohl
  • Strohl Bond Rank 3

Regalith Grand Cathedral
Talk to the Wandering Student next to the Herb-Seller and receive a Curative Coney Roast. Feel free to check out the night market stalls while you're here.

Sunlumeo Street
Time to report back to Brigitta that you slayed the Gupatauros.
  • Brigitta Bond Rank 1
- Courage +4 Coins

Watersday, June 17
Lets head out to finish our bounty request.
  • I want to go to Tradia Desert.
Tradia Desert (Dungeon)
Head directly southeast and you should spot a big rock pile, with two small cacti and a bush next to it. If you look carefully, you'll find a Gold Beetle in the bush.

The Maneater Manjula should be an easy boss to mop the floor with, you've dealt with much harder bosses already.

Arboursday, June 18
Recruitment Centre
First order of business is to claim our bounty reward.
- Courage +4 Coins

Sunlumeo Street
Once that's done, head over to the Chatty Elder near Naŭ Filono Tavern to improve your Imagination.
  • Chatty Elder - Listen to his story.
- Imagination +2 Coins

Sunlumeo Street
Head over to Brigitta to talk about your next request.
  • Brigitta Bond Rank 2

Metalsday, June 19
Sunlumeo Street
Back to the Chatty Elder again to finish hearing his tale.
  • Chatty Elder - Listen to his story.
- Imagination +2 Coins

Hushed Honeybee Inn
  • Help Fabienne - I want to make Redgrass-Roasted Bidou
    • Let's stick to the recipe.
- Tolerance +3 Coins

Idlesday, June 20
Sunshade Row
Head west from the Hushed Honeybee Inn and you'll spot a Masked Man who offers to teach you about mustari's history, talk to him to improve your Tolerance.
  • Masked Man - Talk to him.
- Tolerance +2 Coins

Sunlumeo Street
I wonder what job Brigitta in store for us today?
  • Brigitta Bond Rank 3

Flamesday, June 21
Sunshade Row
Head to the north part of the map and donate 250 Reeve to the Activist Woman, then stick around to encourage her.
  • Activist Woman - Give 250 Reeve
    • Let's do it.
- Eloquence +2 Coins
Receive Fairy Dust

Hushed Honeybee Inn
  • Help Fabienne - I want to make Redgrass-Roasted Bidou
    • Let's stick to the recipe.
- Tolerance +3 Coins
Tolerance Rank 2 (Open-Minded)

Watersday, June 22
Maria has gone missing...

You'll find her at the Regalith Grand Cathedral.

Arboursday, June 23
Register for the Tournament to the Throne.

Head to bed, and Maria will come by to give you a request "Promising Returns".
Schedule (June 24 - July 2)
Metalsday, June 24
We've finally gotten our own Gauntlet Runner! This'll be our main means of transportation from here on out.

Check the Pantry for cooking material. This refreshes daily (and has a cooking material you can only get here - Gauntlet Shrooms), so come back whenever you can access the Runner.

Gallica wants us to go to the Engine Room, so head to the back of the Runner and take the ladder down.

Now that we're free to pass the time, interact with the Cooking Table at the Kitchen to unlock recipes and receive some free cooking material. We're not going to be using this space for now though.

Go to the room next door and check the bookshelf instead to read a book.
  • Bookshelf - New World Travel Diary
    • Any
    • Any
    • Any
- Imagination +4 Coins

Check the Campfire. If the glow is red, you'll receive a Dreameater Moth; if the glow is blue, you'll receive a Lumibee. Both are cooking material, so remember to grab them every night when camping at the Runner.

Spend time with Strohl.
  • Talk with Strohl.
    • They had no allies (+600 MAG)
- Imagination +4 Coins

Idlesday, June 25
You can use the Toilet every Idlesday (days that end on a 0 or 5) for a free +1 Lk.

Check the Pantry & Toilet, then head to the Lounge.
  • Bookshelf - New World Travel Diary
    • The pavillon.
- Imagination +4 Coins
Imagination Rank 2 (Inspired)

You'll stop by the Tree of Prophecy.
- Wisdom +4 Coins

Check the Campfire.

Spend time with Hulkenberg.
  • Talk with Hulkenberg.
    • It's cool. / It's kind of scary. (+450 MAG)
- Imagination +4 Coins

Flamesday, June 26
Hope you were ready for a fight. It shouldn't be too tricky though.

You chat with a troubled Neuras and receive "Providing a Spark".

Watersday, June 27
Having finally arrived at Martira, you meet up with Bardon and he treats you to some local cuisine. Afterwards, we're briefed on the kidnapping situation...

Check the Tavern's Fireplace next to Hulkenberg for a Gold Beetle, then head into the Guest Room and search the Cupboard for a Medicinal Herb. Take a drink from the water pitcher at the Desk for a Gold Beetle (seems random whether you get this or not, feel free to try again over the next few days).

Arboursday, June 28
Head over to Kriegante Castle.

Time to talk to the people in town and gather information.

Looks like we have 4 days to spare until we depart to capture Heismay.

Metalsday, June 29
Thoroughfare Square
Now that we're back in Martira, head east to the blue-haired Nidia that dismissed us yesterday when we tried to ask him questions... Grius' Memento was stolen! Talk to the Pompous Man to receive "A Dagger, a Ring, and a Rake".

Talk to the Gloomy Youth just north of the fountain for "Hatching a Plan".

Head over to the Recruiter Dispatcher and pick up "The New King of the Imps" bounty request.

Before wrapping things up, stop by the Informant at Visca Alba Tavern to purchase "Ingredients of Martira," "Village Trading: Martira," and other optional info. We can now head to Cattleracket Road, which is found at the west exit of Thoroughfare Square (or southwest exit of Stairstone Market).

Stairstone Market
Today is Weapon & Armour Shop Discount Day, so update your equipment too.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, then go to the Round Table and depart for Imp's Den.

Head to the Deck and train with Hulkenberg.
  • Hulkenberg Bond Rank 3

Imp's Den (Dungeon)
This is a good place to earn a lot of Archetype exp, and bring Blizz for Red Elmentas.
Make sure to pick up the Gold Beetle found in the northwest part of the map, should be easy to spot it if you check the map for a loot icon.

The trick to this boss fight is to kill all the weak goborn except for one, then focus the Goborn King.

I ran in and out the dungeon a few times farming the Goborn until Hulkenberg had Mage Archetype Rank 10 so she could study the Magic Knight Archetype. Along the way, I also got my Merchant Archetype to Rank 15 (you don't need to grind for this, but keep it in mind across the next couple dungeons as it's a future request from More).

Let's return to town.

Idlesday, June 30
Thoroughfare Square
Report to the Recruiter Dispatcher about killing the Goborn King.
- Courage +4 Coins
Courage Rank 2 (Spirited)

Today is Big Bargain Day, so buy 5 Mellow Milk and 3 Fruit Cordial from the Spirited Water Merchant.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Toilet.

Talk to Gallica to warp to Maria. But before passing the time, let's stop by a few places for 2 requests and some extra goodie.

Catacombs Entrance
The Nervous Soldier will give "Skullduggery".

Sunlumeo Street
The Resentful Noble standing near the Lycaon Magic Association hands you "A Haunted Heirloom".

Stop by Naŭ Filono Tavern and chat with the Deferent Staff for a Soothing Sweetbun.

We're all set now, so head back to The Hushed Honeybee Inn and talk to Fabienne so you can tell Maria about your travels.
  • Maria Bond Rank 2

Talk to Gallica and warp to Brigitta to help her.
  • Brigitta Bond Rank 4

Flamesday, July 1
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry.

Visca Alba Tavern
Continue your training with Hulkenberg.
  • Hulkenberg Bond Rank 4

Thoroughfare Square
Chat with the Spirited Youth at the central north part of the map and take on the challenge (chance of failure, reset till you succeed)..
  • Take the plunge.
- Courage +4 Coins

Watersday, July 2
Head to your Gauntlet Runner, check the Pantry, and set out for the Giant Sandworm's Nest.

Head to the Lounge to read another book.
  • Bookshelf - Pride and Persuasion
    • To gain the upper hand.
- Eloquence +4 Coins

You'll stop by the Midnight Sunsands.
- Wisdom +4 Coins

Notice how there was another Runner along our route? That means we've got a battle ahead.
  • Catherina Bond Rank 2

Check the Campfire.

Spend time with Hulkenberg.
  • Play a game with Hulkenberg.
    • That's impressive. / You’ve endured so much pain. (+450 MAG)
    • Any (+450 MAG)
    • Anyone could be captain. (+600 MAG)
- Wisdom +4 Coins
Schedule (July 3 - July 11)
Arboursday, July 3
It's a human! We're forced into fighting it, but it shouldn't be too much of a challenge.

Having been gobbled up by the Greatworm, we now have to find a way out... through its rear.

Giant Sandworm's Belly
You're give a 15 minutes timer, so you should run past common enemies and focus on looting. Only engage in fights with rare enemies (Red Elmenta).

In the first room (Foregut), take the left path first to open a door, then backtrack across the right path. There's an annoying pool of stomach acid that slows you down and drains your HP, roll spam to move a bit faster.

In the second room (Hindgut), take the left path and fight the miniboss guarding the Trance Crystal, then backtrack across the right path just like what you did in the first room.

At the end is a boss fight which shouldn't give you too much trouble.

Giant Sandworm's Nest
Head inside to find Heismay.

If you can't figure out how to spot the real Heismay among the clones... Look at his shadow.

Metalsday, July 4
Head to the underground channel.
  • Heismay Bond Rank 1

Idlesday, July 5
Thoroughfare Square
Stop by the Recruiter Dispatcher for "The Man-Eater in the Mine".

Feel free to head to the Informant at the tavern for info on this request, and the story dungeon.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Toilet.

The Washroom across from the Pantry has been fixed, so you can stop by daily for 100 EXP.

Cattleracket Road
Talk to the Greengrocer Girl and buy 1 Rockbean, 5 Fragrant Spices, 1 Hero's Fruit Seed.

Talk to the Bug-Selling Boy and buy 1 Worm Bait, 1 Grasshopper Bait.

Bind Well Alley
Time to return to the dungeon.

Kriegante Castle (Dungeon)
Beware of Mimics, use Fae Sight to differentiate them from regular treasure chests. Also, now that you have Heismay, you can use Steal to acquire rare drops.

When you come across the Mysterious Creature, it's best to ignore it and proceed ahead.

The trance crystal at the 2nd Magla Hollow (Old Resevoir) is a good MP refill point, though you can also utilize the Thief's Plunder Magic skill to engage in a battle then escape.

You'll want to be fully prepared for the boss fight, as it'll be a long but straightforward battle.

- Courage +4 Coins

Flamesday, July 6
We've got some time to spend until we depart from Martira.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Cattleracket Road
There's a Cheerful Fairy you can chat with in the south part of the map just across from the Man with Cow.

The Kind Old Woman in the northwest part of the map will offer you 4 Rockbeans for chatting with her.

Thoroughfare Square
Have a talk with Bardon.
  • Bardon Bond Rank 1

Visca Alba Tavern
With things settled down, pay the Elegant Performer at the Tavern to hear some music and reminisce about Grand Trad.

Talk to the Classy Woman for "The Queen of Cuisine: Heart".

Stairstone Market
Head to the King's Rock and check the podium to debate Loveless.
  • We came to see the podium. - Let's go for it.
    • Alcohol won't bring equality.
- Eloquence +4 Coins
- Imagination +1 Coin

Watersday, July 7
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's set off to Man-Eater's Grotto.

Head to the Lounge to read.
  • Bookshelf - Pride and Persuasion
    • Scare them.
- Eloquence +4 Coins

When prompted, stop by Komero.

We receive the Glass Ornament and Inventor's Journal, and hand it over to Neuras.
  • Neuras Bond Rank 1
After reading the journal, he gives us "Relic Search: Inventor’s Request".

Back at the shop, buy the Practical Pidgeon Parcel, 5 Magla Pill, 4 Orgo Sugar, and optionally, a few Fleeting Fountain of Youth.

When you're ready, continue our trip to the Man-Eater's Grotto.

Before heading inside, let's check in with More at Akademeia since we've unlocked the Gunner Archetype.
  • More Bond Rank 3
- Imagination +4 Coins

He'll then give us "More’s Task Chapter Two: Solitude" which we've already finished (if your Merchant Archetype isn't Rank 15 yet, you can swap to it and get it done during this or next dungeon).
  • More Bond Rank 4
- Imagination +4 Coins

We receive "More’s Task Chapter Three: Drifting" and can enter the dungeon.

Man-Eater's Grotto (Dungeon)
There's a lost relic and Gold Beetle here.

You can find the lost relic in the first zone (no loading screen transitions). It's in a treasure chest behind a crawl space, and will be highlighted by a marker on the map, so it should be easy to find if you make sure to explore.

Proceed down the stairs (loading screen transition) and hug the right wall. Clean up the trance crystal, and just north of it is the Gold Beetle.

Good luck with navigating the rest of the dungeon. It shouldn't be too difficult to find and defeat the boss.

When you're done, return to town.

Arboursday, July 8
Thoroughfare Square
Let's report back to the Gloomy Youth, then the Recruiter Dispatcher.
- Courage +4 Coins

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Talk to Gallica to warp to Maria.
  • Maria Bond Rank 3

Head over to Neuras to give him the lost relic you collected yesterday.
  • Neuras Bond Rank 2
He'll hand us "Relic Search: Dregs of Destiny" afterwards.

Metalsday, July 9
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Time to get Grius' dagger back, let's head to the Abandoned Tomb.

Head to the Deck and see what Strohl wants to consult you about.
  • Strohl Bond Rank 4

Get ready to fight as there's another runner along the way. This fight might be a bit tricky if you have anyone weak to Wind or Ice, so you may want to consider swapping Archetypes if you're having trouble.

Check the Campfire.

See what advice Hulkenberg needs from us.
  • Hulkenberg Bond Rank 5

Idlesday, July 10
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

Head to the Lounge to read.
  • Bookshelf - Pride and Persuasion
    • Plead with them.
- Eloquence +4 Coins
- Eloquence +4 Coins
Eloquence Rank 2 (Articulate)

Abandoned Tomb (Dungeon)
The Gold Beetle here can be found quite easily. From the entrance, take the first right, run past the mimic and climb up the ladder. Head towards the Red Elmenta (south direction) and climb down the ladder to reach your destination.

Make sure to use Fae Sight occasionally as there's plenty of mimics and crawl spaces.

The Trove Imitec boss' rare drop is a Crescent Medal accessory which you might want to consider stealing because it grants Revitalise 2 (recovers 4 MP per action) when equipped.

Once you've got Malveno's Ring, head back to town.

Flamesday, July 11
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Talk to Gallica to warp to Maria.
  • Maria Bond Rank 4

Talk to Cuculus and hand over the ring.
- Courage +4 Coins
  • Alonzo Bond Rank 1
Schedule (July 12 - July 22)
Watersday, July 12
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Thoroughfare Square
Let's accompany Strohl to visit his old home.
  • Strohl Bond Rank 5
You receive "A Noble's Legacy" from Strohl afterwards.

Stairstone Market
Head to the King's Rock and check the podium to debate Lina.
  • We came to see the podium. - Let's go for it.
    • What are your policies?
- Eloquence +4 Coins
- Imagination +1 Coin

Arboursday, July 13
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Talk to Gallica to warp to Maria.
  • Maria Bond Rank 5

Let's get to know Heismay better.
  • Heismay Bond Rank 2

Metalsday, July 14
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Thoroughfare Square
Chat with the Spirited Youth and take on the second challenge (chance of failure, reset till you succeed).
  • I'll take the plunge.
- Courage +4 Coins

Stairstone Market
Head to the King's Rock and check the podium to debate Roger.
  • We came to see the podium. - Let's go for it.
    • Taxes benefit us all.
- Eloquence +4 Coins
- Imagination +1 Coin

Idlesday, July 15
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

Let's warp to Grand Trad to finish the Mausoleum requests. Feel free to do some shopping and stop by the Hushed Honeybee Inn to purchase some intel from the Informant before heading out.

Mausoleum (Dungeon)
Should be easy to clear because you're way higher level than the mobs here. You may have to engage in Squad Battles with the skeletons just to get their quest drops.

To minimize backtracking hassle, when you reach a room with three doors, take the left or right one first.

When you're heading back, hand the Mortaskulls over to the Nervous Soldier.

Flamesday, July 16
Sunlumeo Street
Warp to Grand Trad to give the necklace to the Resentful Noble.
- Courage +4 Coins.

Regalith Grand Cathedral
Pay a visit to the Angry Man to receive a Magla Potion.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's help Heismay find a place to lay his son to rest.
  • Heismay Bond 3

Stairstone Market
Head to the King's Rock and check the podium to give a speech, depending on the crowd, there are two possible answers:
  • Let's promote local delicacies.
  • I let my actions speak.
- Eloquence +4 Coins
Eloquence Rank 3 (Urbane)

Watersday, July 17
Gauntlet Runner
It's off to Port Brilehaven!

Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Thanks to Maria's Speed Cooking Follower Perk, we can cook 1 dish for free any time we're traveling (you can cook both in the afternoon and night as long as you're traveling, to allow for leeway to catch up, I'll mainly list cooking in the afternoon and leave night time cooking free).
Head to the Kitchen to make Benevolent Bread for the Classy Woman's request.

Once that's done, let's go reading at the Lounge.
  • Bookshelf - New World Travel Diary
    • Sounds pretty.
    - Imagination +4 Coins
    - Imagination +4 Coins

Check the Campfire.

Since we hung out with Strohl and Hulkenberg during previous travel nights, let's go with Heismay this time (you can choose any of them for the same Royal Virtue boost).
  • Talk with Heismay.
    • It's nice and quiet. (+600 MAG)
- Imagination +4 Coins
Imagination Rank 3 (Visionary)

Arboursday, July 18
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Head to the Kitchen to make a new dish. If you check the symbol next to each one, you'll be able to tell which ones you've already cooked in the past by a pot icon with a check mark.
You should have 1 Giant Worm Meat drop for cooking Critical Meatballs (if not, feel free to cook something else).

Let's play a game with Hulkenberg.
  • Balance offense and defense. (+600 MAG)
- Wisdom +4 Coins

You'll stop by the City Ruins.
- Wisdom +4 Coins

Check the Campfire.

Let's go to the Lounge.
  • Bookshelf - Bygone Days
- Tolerance +4 Coins

Metalsday, July 19
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

If you got a Lumibee from the Campfire, you can cook Invincible Noodles. If not, you can make Redgrass-Roasted Bidou instead.

Head to the Lounge.
  • Bookshelf - Bygone Days
- Tolerance +4 Coins

As expected, Catherina's Runner was along our route so we have to fight her again.
  • Catherina Bond Rank 3

Let's finish reading Heismay's book.
  • Bookshelf - Bygone Days
- Tolerance +4 Coins
- Tolerance +4 Coins

Idlesday, July 20
We've arrived at Brilehaven.
While looking for an inn to stay, let's pick up the Gold Beetles around here.

Seabreeze Street
From the Wary Shopkeep in the center of the map, head east into the alleyway, and then follow the left wall to reach a Gold Beetle next to some crates.

Head to the Calm Ferryman marked by the mission, but don't talk to him. Look east, hidden next to the dock ramp is another Gold Beetle.

Once we got the 2 Gold Beetles here, go north to Merchants' Bazaar.

Merchants' Bazaar
Today is BIg Bargain Day, so pick up some stuff at the market.

From the Cheery Water Merchant and Fervent Fishmonger to your left, buy 5 Briny Salt, 3 Fruit Cordial, 4 Marbled Bluefin Tuna, 4 Mora Coney Meat.

The Nidia Shopkeeper nearby sells Rider's Anklet today, which is a nice +9 Ag accessory.
Side note, here's what he sells every day of the week:
  • Flamesday - Stormy Sea Ring
  • Watersday - Archetypal Ring
  • Arboursday - Rejuvenation Bell
  • Metalsday - Knight's Bracelet
  • Idlesday - Rider's Anklet

To the west of the Black Cat's Claw (General Store) entrance is a Gold Beetle.

The other Gold Beetle here is to the northeast where the Recruitment Centre is. When you exit the centre, look left towards the boxes and crates near the carriage and you'll spot it in the corner.

Now let's talk to a Ferryman and head to Arenafront Wharf.

Arenafront Wharf
Chat with the Mysterious Old Man next to you, and here's where you'll spend your Gold Beetles that you've collected. Hand over the beetles you have to receive the following 2 items.
  • Arcane Dragonblood
  • Venomward Charm
Go straight north (up the stairs on your right) and you'll find another Gold Beetle out in the open.

We're all done now, so let's talk to the Ferryman and head to Angler's Inn Square: Inn District.

Angler's Inn Square
Let's check out the inns and look for a place to stay.

Watersday, July 22
Let's head to the Nightprowler.

Take the ferry to Charadrius.

Looks like we've got until August 13 to take care of side missions before the main event.
Schedule (July 23 - July 27)
Arboursday, July 23
Angler's Inn Square
From the inn, head straight ahead to spot an Exhausted Woman who gives you "Soldier's Solace".

To the east where the other inns were, you can find Julian. Chat with him to receive a missable book: "The Magical Future".

Take the ferry to Nightprowler to receive a request from the Overfamiliar Man, "Deeds and Diversions".

To the arena next.

Arenafront Wharf
Head west up the ramp and you'll spot a Man in Pain. Give him a Medicinal Herb for Briny Threads and a Tail Bait.

North of where you previously found a Gold Beetle, the Brewer will give you "The Chalice vs. The Brew".

Head inside the arena and talk to the Pompous Noble.
  • You know me, I trust?
  • Such a tawdry arena, this.
  • I prefer real fights.
  • Any

Now let's go back to Seabreeze Street.

Seabreeze Street
Starting from the south part of the map, talk to the Kindly Boy for "Efflorescent Youth". To the north of him is a Troubled Old Man, hear him out.
  • Four puppies were born.
  • One candidate was young.
West is another quest, this time from a Sullen Man: "Dental Distress".

Before moving on to the bazaar, you can go east from the Wary Shopkeep and talk to the Grimacing Sailor for a free Gambling Stall Silver (sellable item).

Merchants' Bazaar
Head north to find a Craftsman standing near Strohl, offer to help for "Superior Scrimshaw".

Oceanan Recruitment Centre
Stop by for "Grieving Ghost of the Goblet" bounty request.

With everything taken care of, head to the tavern.

The Greatest Catch
Speak to the Seasoned Man to purchase "Fiend of the Forsaken Tower", "Village Trading: Port Brilehaven", and other information that you're interested in learning about (if you wish to save some money, you can wait until July 25 to purchase the notes regarding Louis' subordinates and July 27 for the rest of them as there will be discounts).

With all that out of the way, we're going to be warping around to complete a couple fetch quests.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Warp to Grand Trad.

Naŭ Filono Tavern
Talk to the Deferent Staff for a Soothing Sweetbun.

St. Fermis Church
Purchase the Rainbow Flower then head towards the cathedral.

Regalith Grand Cathedral
A Gold Beetle has been added. Head south from the Herb-Seller, and at the 4th stall, you'll spot it hovering above some spices.

Let's check the market for a Fishmonger that knows Strohl's father.
After finding him, he informs us that merchant in front of the Cathedral knows about Strohl's inheritance.
Go to the Capital Merchant just a short walk away, and have a chat so we can bring Strohl here next time.

Let's warp back to Brilehaven now.

Seabreeze Street
Give the Kindly Boy the flowers.
- Tolerance +4 Coins

Warp to Martira.

Kriegante Gate
The Gate Guard thanks you with a Matterbreak Hammer.

MesmerEyes Apothecary
There's a Gold Beetle sitting inside the red bag of spice near the right set of stairs.

Cattleracket Road
For another Gold Beetle, enter from Thoroughfare Square. Look straight ahead at the standalone Cow, and the beetle is next to the hay bales.

Visca Alba Tavern
Talk to the Classy Woman and give her the Benevolent Bread to finish her request.

We've wrapped up everything we can do, so let's see how Bardon is doing.

Thoroughfare Square
Spend time with Bardon as he has something to discuss.
  • Bardon Bond Rank 2

The Greatest Catch Tavern
Feel free to listen to some music from the Elegant Performer, this time of Martira.
There's also a Calm Fairy nearby.

Merchants’ Bazaar
Head north and speak to the Gambling Man. Let's wager we'll be rank 20-11 by August 13.

Head to the King's Rock and check the podium to debate Jin.
  • We came for the podium. - Let's go for it.
    • We should help anyone.
- Eloquence +5 Coins
- Imagination +1 Coin

Metalsday, July 24
Merchants’ Bazaar
Head to the King's Rock and check the podium to debate Glodell.
  • We came for the podium. - Let's go for it.
    • You only parrot Louis!
- Eloquence +5 Coins
- Imagination +1 Coin

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's accompany Heismay to his village.
  • Heismay Bond Rank 4

Idlesday, July 25
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

Time to infiltrate Charadrius.

This'll be a series of boss battles, so I used some A-EXP items to prepare. I highly recommend Tetrabreak, but the rest is optional and you can set up your team as you wish (consult the Informant notes purchased):
  • Protagonist - Magic Seeker inherit Tetrabreak
  • Strohl - Raised Commander Archetype to Rank 9 for Formation of Vigor
  • Hulkenberg - Unlocked Wizard Archetype Rank 6 to inherit Kandera on Magic Knight, and equip Slash Dodge
  • Heismay - Used Gunner
Unlocking the Wizard Archetype also led to 15 different Archetypes studied, so I reported this to More.
  • More Bond Rank 5
- Imagination +4 Coins

He then issues "More's Task Chapter Four: Turmoil"

Charadrius (Dungeon)
Xaneth is weak to ailments, so disable him with poison/burn, sleep, etc. or use Assassin's one-hit kill skills (works as an ailment too).

You can pick between Ceiba (right) or Glechom (left). I strongly recommend Ceiba, but only if you have Tetrabreak, because he never attacks and is easy to handle due to his weakness to all physical types after removing repel. As for Glechom, you'll want to have a Knight to draw aggro; his opener is annoying and may warrant a few retries to avoid the Daze debuff. I actually ran back after defeating one to also fight the other, but it's not necessary besides personal satisfaction.

Cabio is last, and he's weak to Electric; surprise, there's actually another guy, and Salva is weak to Pierce. This fight is a bit tricky with the AoE attacks, so if you have a Slash Evasion gear (Fencer's Headgear), give it to your Gunner to avoid weakness exploit.

  • Gallica Bond Rank 4

Flamesday, July 26
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Warp to Bardon to have a chat.
  • Bardon Bond Rank 3

Merchants’ Bazaar
Head to the King's Rock and check the podium to debate Rudolf.
  • We came for the podium. - Let's go for it.
    • The tribes must stand together.
- Eloquence +5 Coins
- Imagination +1 Coin

Watersday, July 27
Today is Forgiveness Day, everything is 30% off. Go ahead and prep for the upcoming dungeon explorations.

Consider buying Archetypal Ring (increases A-EXP gain) from the Nidia Shopkeeper at Merchants' Bazaar.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Merchants’ Bazaar
We've kept Strohl waiting long enough, inform him about the merchant with his inheritance.
  • Strohl Bond Rank 6
- Tolerance +4 Coins
Tolerance Rank 3 (Generous)

Feel free to check any Magic Shop for the 30% discount.

Merchants’ Bazaar
Head to the King's Rock and check the podium to debate Milo.
  • We came for the podium. - Let's go for it.
    • Beauty is deeper than our skin.
- Eloquence +5 Coins
- Imagination +1 Coin
Eloquence Rank 4 (Influential)
Schedule (July 28 - August 3)
Arboursday, July 28
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Warp to Bardon and see what he wants to show us.
  • Bardon Bond Rank 4

Head over to the coliseum.

Arenafront Wharf
Talk to the Wandering Student to the northeast for a gift.

The Varmareno Coliseum
Head inside and talk to the Spirited Receptionist to receive "Defeat the Coliseum Monster", which is the certification battle. You'll face a Crag Manjula's, whose only weakness is Strike damage. Since you're judged by how fast you defeat it, make the kill quick and earn the 25,000 reeve reward.

Metalsday, July 29
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

We're departing on a 5 day road trip to tackle all 3 dungeons in one go.
To start things off, we make for the Tomb of Lament (take the route that stops by Inundo village).

Head to the Kitchen to cook Coney Stew.

Let's lend an ear to Hulkenberg.
  • Hulkenberg Bond Rank 6
Make a quick stop at Inundo.

Purchase the Toothbrush of Hygienia, 1 Mellow Milk, all the Briny equipment (for appraising later), and optionally a few Hell's Boiling Bath Bomb.

When ready, let's continue our trip.

Check the Campfire.

Head to the Watchtower to chat with Heismay about his village.
  • Heismay Bond Rank 5

Idlesday, July 30
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

Head to the Kitchen to cook Curative Coney Roast.

Go to the Lounge to read the book you received from Julian.
  • Bookshelf - The Future of Magic
    • It won't work for everyone.
- Wisdom +4 Coins

You'll stop by the Peregrine Falls.
- Wisdom +4 Coins
Wisdom Rank 3 (Knowledgeable)

Tomb of Lament (Dungeon)
There's two Gold Beetles and a lost relic for Neuras, so search carefully for them. Mimics and Gupatauros are the common enemies you'll fight here.

Follow the left wall (check the two crawl spaces along the way for loot) and head down the stairs next to the Battered Adventurer.

There's a crawl space immediately to your right, head in and follow the path to another crawl space which will lead you to the lost relic highlighted on your map.

Return to the stairs and follow the left wall up north (feel free to fight both Gupatauros, and ignore the set of stairs leading up for now). Pick up the loot and all the skeleton-filled gates behind you will open. There should be 3 crawl spaces you can access from those previously locked gates, with each leading to some loot. Once you're done, head up the stairs that you passed by earlier.

Check the west row of doors for a crawl space, then head east towards the exclamation mark. Pull the contraption to open a path that leads back to the entrance. The path directly to your east is a dead end that shows there's a Gold Beetle beyond the gate. Instead, head to now open giant wall-doors where there's a path east to a set of stairs down (and a crawl space to some loot).

This area is mostly a giant loop, so you can head north or south, doesn't matter. Make sure you collect the Gold Beetle in a crawl space (north of where you came from, south of the 2 treasure chests). The stairs up to the next part of this dungeon is located at the central north part of this floor's map, right behind the Gupatauros + Green Elmenta.

Just like before, pull the contraption marked by the exclamation mark, then head along the east path between the wall-doors that were just opened. Before taking on the boss, check the crawl space to the east of the boss door to find a the second Gold Beetle behind a mimic.

The boss will open by summoning a Chimenza that will heal any damage you deal on the first turn, so you'll want to buff and/or debuff on the first turn to have nukes ready on the second turn. I swapped to Seeker Archetype because it has Rider of the Blade Synthesis skill, whereas Magic Seeker does not.

When you're done, set up camp so we can go somewhere else tomorrow.

Check the Campfire.

Head to the Engine Room so we can hand over the lost relic to Neuras.
  • Neuras Bond Rank 3
Receive "Relic Search: Youth’s Folly" next.

Flamesday, August 1
Gauntlet Runner
Set off for Gracia Forest.

Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Head to the Kitchen to cook Magical Bread. If you don't have a Dreameater Moth from the Campfire, you can cook Redgrass-Roasted Bidou or Invincible Noodles instead.

Back to the Lounge to continue Julian's book.
  • Bookshelf - The Future of Magic
    • Immediately is too rash.
- Wisdom +4 Coins

Gracia Forest (Dungeon)
The mobs here are generally low level, so you should be able to run through everything easily.
Make sure to grab the Gold Beetle located at a dead end in the northeast part of the map.

Once you've defeated the boss, let's set up camp to go somewhere else tomorrow.

Check the Campfire.

Let's play a game with Hulkenberg.
  • Charge a single point. (+600 MAG)
- Wisdom +4 Coins

Watersday, August 2
Gauntlet Runner
Our final destination is the Forsaken Tower (if you're wondering who's the owner of the Silver Gauntlet Runner we're ignoring, it's Roger; unfortunately we can't visit him without wasting a time slot).

Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Cook Redgrass-Roasted Bidou.

Let's finish Julian's book.
  • Bookshelf - The Future of Magic
    • We have to live and fight on.
- Wisdom +4 Coins
- Wisdom +4 Coins

After defeating Lina, she just... drops out of the tournament lol.

Check the Campfire.

Head to the Strategy Room to help Heismay keep watch tonight.
  • It must've been difficult. / The past is the past. (+450 MAG)
  • We trust you too. (+450 MAG)
  • You’d make a fine commander. (+600 MAG)
  • Any (+450 MAG)
- Tolerance +3 Coins

Arboursday, August 3
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's hone our weapons with Strohl.
  • I’d like to help you. / I want to travel. (+600 MAG)
  • Any (+450 MAG)
  • I waver sometimes. / I just do whatever… (+450 MAG)
- Courage +4 Coins
Courage Rank 3 (Fearless)

It's the same song and dance. We have to fight Catherina again.
  • Catherina Bond Rank 4

Forsaken Tower (Dungeon)
The tower has 8 floors and is pretty straightforward. Just make sure to grab the Gold Beetle on the northern part of the 5th floor (the first set of floors with Orgos), hard to miss if you proceed clockwise.

After defeating the boss, don't head back yet as there's an extra item on the floor above. After picking it up, you can now return to town for a well-earned rest.
Schedule (August 4 - August 14)
Metalsday, August 4
We've got a lot of quests to turn in.

Angler's Inn Square
Head straight ahead to the Exhausted Woman and give her the Dragonthistle Berries.

Warp to Seabreeze Street next.

Seabreeze Street
Give the Sullen Man his Toothbrush of Hygienia, and he'll give you a Gold Beetle in addition to the 15,000 Reeve he promised.

Head north to Merchants' Bazaar afterwards.

Merchants' Bazaar
Cross the bridge to the north and give the Craftsman the Ebony Horn he was looking for.
- Courage +4 Coins

Head over to the Recruitment Centre to report that the Fatolich has been taken care of.
- Courage +4 Coins

Warp to Arenafront Wharf now.

Arenafront Wharf
Head north to the Brewer and hand over the Chalice of Legends.

Then head inside the coliseum.

The Varmareno Coliseum
Talk to the Pompous Noble and recount your fight up the Forsaken Tower.
  • You know the Forsaken Tower?
  • I'd like the Deed.

The last quest is at Nightprowler, let's head over there.

Return the Deed to the Overfamiliar Man.

Now that all of the town's requests have been taken care of, let's talk to Gallica to warp to Strohl.
Looks like we'll be accompanying him to negotiate with Lord Hydran.
  • Strohl Bond Rank 7

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's help Heismay search for his son's urn at the eugief village.
  • Heismay Bond Rank 6

Idlesday, August 5
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

It's been nearly a month since we last visited Maria. Let's talk to Gallica and warp to her so we can tell her about the sights we've visited, and help her make that sign for Fabienne.
  • Maria Bond Rank 6

Sounds like Brigitta needs us, talk to Gallica and warp back to Grand Trad.
  • Brigitta Bond Rank 5

Flamesday, August 6
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's check on Bardon. Talk to Gallica and warp to him.
  • Bardon Bond Rank 5

Time to check on Alonzo and see how he's doing here in Brilehaven.

Angler's Inn Square
  • Alonzo Bond Rank 2

Watersday, August 7
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's head over to Merchants' Bazaar, it seems Strohl wants you to accompany him to visit his parents.
  • Strohl Bond Rank 8

Let's check on Brigitta. Talk to Gallica and warp to Grand Trad to speak with... the Watchman?
  • Brigitta Bond Rank 6

Arboursday, August 8
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

We should see what became of Martira holding a vote for who becomes governor. Talk to Gallica and warp to Bardon.
  • Bardon Bond Rank 6
He issues us a request: "The Right to Rule". (The boss is level 60, so this is going to have to be on hold for some time...)

Sounds like Alonzo is waiting for us to check his home village, let's head over to him.

Angler's Inn Square
  • Alonzo Bond Rank 3

Metalsday, August 9
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's go finish the final bungee jumping challenge with the super-fine rope. Warp over to Martira.

Thoroughfare Square
Chat with the Spirited Youth and take on the final challenge (chance of failure, reset till you succeed).
- Courage +4 Coins

Head out the tavern.

Angler's Inn Square
Go up the Watchtower and take in the scenery.
- Wisdom +4 Coins

Idlesday, August 10
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

Let's go to Seabreeze Street.

Seabreeze Street
Head towards the dock to the west and talk to the Ferryman to pay for a ferry tour.
- Wisdom +5 Coins

Looks like Alonzo returned to Brilehaven, let's head over and make sure he's doing alright.

Angler's Inn Square
Spend some time with Alonzo.
  • Alonzo Bond Rank 4

Flamesday, August 11
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's warp over to Martira.

Cattleracket Road
Head west and chat up the Man with Cow. Let's try milking a cow, and follow the man's instructions (check the dialogue log if you're not sure).
- Tolerance +4 Coins
Receive Mellow Milk x6

Let's head back to Martira.

Thoroughfare Square
Just north of the Spirited Water Merchant is a Masked Woman, chat with her to learn a mustari's perspective on Sanctism.
- Tolerance +3 Coins

Watersday, August 12
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Head back to Angler's Inn Square.

Angler's Inn Square
Go to the southwest part of the map near More's Phantom, donate and listen to the Earnest Youth.
- Tolerance +4 Coins
Receive Rainbow Roquefort

Looks like Alonzo is back, we should go over there.

Angler's Inn Square
It seems he has plans for something, let's hear him out.
  • Alonzo Bond Rank 5

Arboursday, August 13
You attend the soiree and sneak out to enter Louis' quarters for the magic formula...
  • Gallica Bond Rank 5

Gauntlet Runner
Can't forget about our daily Pantry & Washroom visit.

Head to bed afterwards.

Metalsday, August 14
Looks like we need to ask around to learn about a divine lance called "Drakodios".

Angler's Inn Square
Ask around and you'll find everyone directing you towards the tavern.

Greatest Catch Tavern
Head inside, and you'll be pointed towards the Tavernstaff.
She tells you the mustari who might have a clue left towards Merchants' Bazaar, so let's go there next.

Merchants' Bazaar
Head over to the northwest part of the map where the dock is to find the mustari village chief.

Let's depart for Virga Island.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Pop in the Kitchen to cook Cursed Love Ballad. If you don't have a Dreameater Moth, feel free to cook any other dish that you haven't made yet.

Head over to Hulkenberg and play a game.
  • My cavalry.
- Wisdom +4 Coins

Check the Campfire.

Let's chat with Junah.
  • Let's do this. (+600 MAG)
- Imagination +6 Coins
Schedule (August 15 - August 18)
Idlesday, August 15
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

Stop by the kitchen to cook something you haven't made, if you can. I had the materials to cook Steadfast Stew.

Check the bookshelf for a new book... let's read it.
  • Bookshelf - Top Secret Poetry! Do Not Read!
- Courage +5 Coins

You'll stop by the Towering Seawall.
- Wisdom +4 Coins
Wisdom Rank 4 (Erudite)

This storm doesn't bode well... looks like we're in for a fight.
Might be worth heading to the Akademeia to try fusing new masks from the Special Experiments menu (Junah's stats encourage magic build).

You'll want to bring electric and AoE attacks to take out the boss' legs first, then focus the main body. The fight is pretty simple with all its tentacles out of the way.

Flamesday, August 16
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Stop by the kitchen to cook something you haven't made, if you can. I had the materials to cook Stale Blackbread.

Feel free to pass the time with anyone, they all give unique accessories that grant +5 to all stats. Here's where you can find everyone:
  • Gallica - Anywhere
    • Any
    • Any (+600 MAG)
    • You're being surprisingly honest. (+1000 MAG)
      Receive Rainbow Scale
  • Strohl - Deck
    • Any
    • Not as allies? / You're the little brother here. (+1000 MAG)
      Receive Nacre Bracelet
  • Hulkenberg - Deck
    • Any
    • Any (+1000 MAG)
    • It's all right. / Tell me more about your travels. (+450 MAG)
      Receive Narwhal's Horn
  • Heismay - Strategy Room
    • You can relax. (+450 MAG)
    • That was wrong. (+1000 MAG)
      Receive Falcon Anklet
  • Junah - Lounge
    • Any
    • Hope you like warbling. (+450 MAG)
    • Feel better now? (+1000 MAG)
      Receive Aeon Pearl Ring
  • Fidelio - Lounge
    • Any
    • Any (+250 MAG)
    • I didn't have time to think (+250 MAG)
      Receive Handmade Flute
  • Basilio - Kitchen
    • Any
    • Any (+600 MAG)
      Receive White Sand Rose

Check the Campfire.

Let's pass the time with Junah.
  • Is the igniter that amazing? (+450 MAG)
- Imagination +6 Coins

Watersday, August 17
Sounds like we have until September 5 to acquire the lance...

Arboursday, August 18
Don't worry Edeni, we'll save Eupha today.

Village of Pagan
There's a few Gold Beetles to collect before we make our way to the Dragon Table.

From the Rooster Inn, head directly north and you'll spot the 1st Gold Beetle near two mask-like stone monuments and some trees (you can also look northeast after using the Inn Well warp).

Move west and you'll spot Golden Deer Hearth. Don't enter the tavern, instead go along its veranda and you'll catch the 2nd Gold Beetle right behind the building.

After the Masked Artisan talks to you, climb up the ladder (check the shops if you wish to update your gear). Head west past the general store and weapon & armour shop, and climb another set of ladders leading up. The Masked Soldier there will hand you a Hero's Fruit, and right beside him is the 3rd Gold Beetle.

Climb back down the ladder and head a bit south. You should be able to hear the 4th Gold Beetle, it's right behind the dragon statue to your east (hidden by some mustari NPCs that don't speak).

Head east down some ramps and you'll find three stalls. Purchase 2 Giant's Rib, 2 Fiendflower Nectar, and 1 Geldust from the Boastful Shopkeep. You can chat with the Shewd Shopkeep to buy an appraisable equipment every day, and the Elderly Seed-Seller for some Hero's Leaf of Light Seed.

Go northward and pick up 2 Queen's Honey Jar, 3 Fruit Cordial from the Genial Water Seller.

Northeast next, and stop by the Village Butcher to buy 2 Monster Bone, 1 White Peach Turnip.

Lastly, near our Gauntlet Runner, check behind the crates that are beside the Masked Soldier and a fish drying rack for the 5th Gold Beetle.

Let's head inside our runner now.

Gauntlet Runner
Set off to the Dragon Temple.

Check the Pantry & Washroom.

With our new cooking material, let's go and cook Finisher Noodles.

Head to the Lounge and continue reading Junah's poems.
  • Bookshelf - Top Secret Poetry! Do Not Read!
- Courage +5 Coins

Receive "Ancestral Solution" request.
Schedule (August 19 - August 20)
Metalsday, August 19
Now we get the "Obtain Drakodios" story quest.

Village of Pagans
Let's ask around if anyone knows where to find the ingredients for the Potion of Blight, and collect requests along the way.

To your north is a Dejected Man who asks us to avenge his sister and issues us the "Peak Curiosity" request.

Head west towards the tavern, and you'll spot an Enthusiastic Woman who asks us to get her igniter appraised at Lycaon's shop. Take the request: "The Price of Hope".

Enter the tavern to find the informant here.

Golden Deer Hearth
The Talkative Mustari tells us he has nothing and that we'll have better luck at the Royal Capital, but he does sell info regarding our other quests, so let's buy "Phantom Avian of the Spire", "Village Trading: Virga Island", "Secret of the Eugief's Stall", and whatever else you want to learn about.

Village of Pagans
Back outside, you'll spot Batlin just north of the King's Rock. Chat with him to learn the Royal Capital might have a medicine shop with what we're looking for.

Head to where More's Phantom is, and southeast of him is a Charitable Woman who gives you 4 White Peach Turnip for free.

We've done everything here for now, so let's warp to Port Brilehaven to take care of a few things.

Seabreeze Street
Chat with the Wary Shopkeep and you'll find that he stocks 1 of a list of masks per day for our Masked Dancer Lineage. I bought a Moon White Mask to create the Mage Mask for Junah. Check back on different days for different masks. No need to rush and buy them all, only what you need.

Arenafront Wharf
Stop by here as you should have enough Gold Beetles to hand in.

When you're done, the next destination is Grand Trad.

Lycaon Magic Association
Chat with the Igniter Merchant and select "Listen" to get that mustari's igniter appraised.

Regalith Grand Cathedral
Our pal the Angry Man is back, talk to him for a Magla Injection.

Recruitment Centre
The Recruiter Dispatcher has another bounty request, this time it's "The Greater One-Eyed Scoundrel".

The Hushed Honeybee Inn
Chat with the informant and buy "Potion of Blight: Grand Trad" to learn we need Parched Water from the general store here (the informants at Martira & Brilehaven sell the same info, you don't need to buy them). Grab "Village Trading: Grand Trad" while you're here.

Comfort Concoctions
Talk to the Blasé Shopkeep and purchase the Parchwater.

Look to your right, and you'll notice the pots and vases were moved away. Now you can grab the Gold Beetle that was previously blocked off.

Time to head back to Virga Island to hand in some quests.

Village of Pagans
Start at the Inn Well warp point.

To your south is a Hoarse Fisher-Crone who wants Polar Stones from the Dragon Temple: "A Guiding Gift".

Head west and return the igniter to the Enthusiastic Woman.
- Wisdom +4 Coins

Return to Edeni to get the Potion of Blight created.

After receiving the potion, turn around and you'll find that Junah wants to ask you for a favour: "Save the Mourning Snakes".

That was a lot, but we're still not done yet. let's return to our Runner and set off to save Edeni's sister.

Gauntlet Runner
Depart for the Dragon Temple.

Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Drop by the Kitchen to cook Precision Fermented Ribs.

Time to finish Junah's book... while she's in the Lounge.
  • Bookshelf - Top Secret Poetry! Do Not Read!
- Courage +5 Coins
- Courage +5 Coins

Dragon Temple (Dungeon)
Use the potion of blight on the tree, and... surprise, it's a monster.
With Junah on Masked Dancer, and Hulkenberg on Wizard, this should be a cinch.

Proceed through the entrance and make sure to check the loot icons indicated on the map inside this dungeon, as some of them contain Polar Stones (the loot pickup text will say ???).

1 Polar Stone in the Corridor, 2 Polar Stone in the Labyrinthine Path.

For Labyrinthine Path, the two main hints are the fog acts as barriers, and the gold-paved ceiling indicates safe traversal (unmarked paths can be traversed as long as it's not going up/down stairs).

Drakongrace Shinjuku (Dungeon)
Eupha says to follow the path, but you're not bound to it unless progressing the story. I recommend exploring because the treasure chest equipments are really good. Keep in mind that this is a lengthy second-half of a dungeon, so you'll need to manage your MP as best as possible (use consumable). There's no Gold Beetles to worry about here.

You'll eventually come across humans in the shape of ears. Avoid fighting these purple phantoms as they're not "real" and will just waste your resources. They'll be gone later upon defeating the main body.

You can sometimes find golden teeth (Golden Hómo Tenta) buried in the ground. They're resistant to everything, so use Almighty skills, something to inflict one-time weaknesses, or consumables that deal fixed damage (e.g. Firefang). Defeating them in Squad Battle earns you 10,000 reeve, and Fast Combat earns you 2,000 reeve.

Make sure to level your General Archetype (Rank 15) to complete More's request before fighting the boss. For me, Strohl mastered it before leaving the dungeon.
  • More Bond Rank 6
- Imagination +4 Coins

He'll then give us "More's Task Chapter Five: Resolve".

Having arrived at the altar, you'll face the human-possessed dragon god. It's a good thing this is a fairly easy fight with someone on buff duty.

Unfortunately, the human escapes towards the village, so we've got a rematch. It's way more annoying this time because it uses Reversal Prayer to change affinities every 2 turns. However, there's a trick to its AI in that it will always prioritize dispelling enemy (your party) buffs, followed by cleansing its own debuffs. As long as you make sure both are active before your turn ends, it will never attack you, earning you an easy unscathed triumph.
  • Gallica Bond Rank 6

Idlesday, August 20
Our departure date is September 6, so let's spend the remaining days wisely.

Home of the Dragon God, Eht Ria
Give the Hoarse Fisher-Crone to your east the Polar Stones. If you collected all 3, you'll also receive both a full HP & a full MP restore for one ally.

Chat with Eupha, who's nearby, to teach her about the outside world. Edeni will stop by and give us a trial to reassure her of her anxiety, "The Trial of Malnova".

After that, talk to the Clumsy Boy slightly to the north and receive a Gold Beetle as thanks.

Feel free to do some shopping and buy dungeon info at the tavern. The Boastful Shopkeeper sells talismans (non-restocking) used to create vessels for the Summoner Archetype.

If you head back to the Masked Soldier guarding the Chief's House, he'll hand you a Hero's Leaf of Light.

The Village Butcher at the north part of the map sells a new cooking material, so buy 2 Limp Goldfish.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

If you didn't cook Critical Meatball previously, warp to Brilehaven for ingredients.

Seabreeze Street
Buy 1 Giant Worm Meat from the Wary Shopkeep.

Talk to Gallica and warp to Hulkenberg. Looks like she's going to take care of things with Rhodanthe, we should go with her just in case.
  • Hulkenberg Bond Rank 7

Warp to Sandy Coast.

Home of the Dragon God, Eht Ria
Near the Village Butcher, there's a Hearty Shopkeep offering a Hundred-eyed Faux-loach Squirm-'n-Swallow Challenge for 250 reeve. Take it to receive a Tail Bait, and a Malnova Hardwood.

Go east along the shore and talk to the Seagazer Woman at the pier, she'll gift you a Stormy Sea Ring.

Now pass the time with the View of the Beach.
- Imagination +6 Coins
Imagination Rank 4 (Revolutionary)
Schedule (August 21 - August 27)
Flamesday, August 21
Talk to Gallica and warp to Alonzo to see what his plan is for us.
  • Alonzo Bond Rank 6

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's head to the eugief village with Heismay.
  • Heismay Bond Rank 7

Watersday, August 22
Head over to the Dragon Statue Plaza.

Home of the Dragon God, Eht Ria
Talk to Edeni, and ask him to change the weather at the Land of Ceremony since it's always bad weather there.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's depart for the Land of Ceremony.

Head to the Kitchen, we're going to cook Almighty Golden Stew.

Back to the Round Table we go, as it seems Hulkenberg has something to discuss.
  • Hulkenberg Bond Rank 8

You'll stop by the Prismatic Sea.
- Wisdom +4 Coins

Check the Campfire.

Go to the Engine Room to work on the Gauntlet Runner with Neuras.
  • This seems like work. (+600 MAG)
  • That’s a great sentiment. (+450 MAG)
  • Would you rather it was you? (+600 MAG)
- Wisdom +4 Coins

Arboursday, August 23
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's cook Holistic Whitefish Platter.

When you're ready, head to the Watchtower to pass the time with Heismay.
  • Heismay Bond Rank 8

Land of Ceremony (Dungeon)
This is basically trance crystal paradise (hell for us). The dungeon can be cleared sort of easily if you use a ranged or rapid-hitting Archetype to clear the crystals, but if you're not careful, the spawning skeletons can ambush you. Progression is otherwise pretty straightforward.

There's a lost relic you'll easily come across as it's marked on the map and basically along the path to the boss.

When you're near the end of the dungeon, you'll go up a flight of stairs and will be greeted by a Veteran Mustari. To the south is a trance crystal, head counter-clockwise and you'll spot a lootable item on the map southwest of the trance crystal, that's the Gold Beetle.

The boss fight itself is pretty easy thanks to Eupha's "Summon Dragon God" Synthesis skill dealing fire damage while also dispelling buffs.
  • Eupha Bond Rank 1
- Wisdom +4 Coins

Head back to town when you're done.

Metalsday, August 24
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

We depart for Orbwise Path.

Cook Sweeter than Poison... (hope you have a Lumibee)

Let's join Eupha for some meditation.
  • I’m seeing a whole new world. (+600 MAG)
  • How do we handle it? / You seem calm about that. (+250 MAG)
  • I believe in you. / I’ll have your back. (+600 MAG)
  • They always were. (+600 MAG)
- Imagination +6 Coins

Orbwise Path (Dungeon)
Should be an easy dungeon since the monsters are low level.

There's 2 Gold Beetles in this dungeon, and an Anxious Soldier somewhat close to the entrance that hands you 3 Heartwarmers to deal with the monsters afflicting Frostbite.

Hug the left wall, and you'll eventually reach a set of stairs leading up (no loading transition), proceed further and you'll find the first Gold Beetle.

Jump down the east cliff on this floor, and continue hugging the left wall. Pay attention to the map for lootable objects. Right before you reach a set of stairs going down, there should be a Gold Beetle where the map indicates 2 treasure chests are beyond your reach (northeast half of the first floor).

Proceed down the stairs next to the Uneasy Mustari and you'll arrive at the boss. Make sure to check the crawl space south of the boss door (Fae Sight helps).

Steal from the boss for a Health Incense.
  • Junah Bond Rank 1
- Imagination +4 Coins

Let's set up camp so we can head to Spire of Blind Faith tomorrow

Check the Campfire.

Head to the Engine Room to show Neuras the lost relic we found from the Land of Ceremony.
  • Neuras Bond Rank 4
He'll give you "Relic Search: Engineer’s Destiny" afterwards.

Idlesday, August 25
Gauntlet Runner
Set off to Spire of Blind Faith.

Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

The only dishes left involve ingredients we don't have yet, so let's acquire them.

Head to the Deck and check the Fishing Rod to start fishing, make sure to use Tail Bait. Here are the possible prompts & appropriate responses:
  • Maybe it's all this staring at the water's surface, but... I'm starting to feel a bit queasy.
    • Think like a fish.
  • Yaaawn... Ah, I'm more tired than I realised. Hmm... How do I shake this?
    • Give in to naptime.
  • Hmm. Nothing biting. Perhaps if the bait were moving...?
    • Thrash and splash.
These should all grant you 1 Lord of the Lake, and 2 Queen's Honey Jar.

When prompted, stop by Silento.

Feel free to buy whatever is available here.

When you're done, continue the trip.

Check the Campfire.

Head to the Strategy Room to keep watch over our Runner with Heismay.
  • Can't let our guards down. (+600 MAG)
- Tolerance +3 Coins

Flamesday, August 26
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

With the Lord of the Lake we fished up yesterday, let's head to the Kitchen.
Cook Secretest of Secrets.

I went to the Engine Room Corridor to use the Upright Cleaning Tool.
Cleaning the storage room has chance to reward you with Tail Bait x2, so maybe save beforehand.
  • Let's clean - Storage room

You'll stop by the Sporico Cave.
- Wisdom +4 Coins

Let's keep watch with Heismay.
  • We'd manage. (+600 MAG)
- Tolerance +3 Coins

Watersday, August 27
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Head to the Lounge and pray at the altar.
  • Time to pray - (Choose any companion)

The Spire of Blind Faith
This place is permanently bad weather, so unless we waste half a day to have Edeni clear up the weather (return to town after Orbwise Path on Aug 24), we're forced to deal with no weakness/crit granting extra actions; at least you can use the Stormy Sea Ring here. The climb is probably more annoying than the boss fight itself. You can even consider rushing to the top to defeat the boss first, then backtrack if you're worried about needing to conserve resources.

The 5th floor has 2 trance crystals you can farm mobs on.

Make sure to grab the Gold Beetle on the north side of the 6th floor, it's easy to spot if you run along the wall clockwise (can avoid the enemies this way too).

As for dealing with the boss, it's not hard as long as you set everyone to the back row, avoid Wind or Ice weakness Archetypes, and bring appropriate buffs/debuffs. In my case, I had the Protagonist (inherit Dekunda & Medica from Healer & Cleric) and Hulkenberg on Wizard, Junah on Masked Dancer (Wizard Mask + inherit Dekaja from ♥♥♥♥♥), and Strohl on General. The plan was to def buff and spam Fire attacks, making sure to heal & nullify buffs/debuffs when necessary.

I had 25 Archetypes studied before leaving, so I reported it to More.
  • More Bond Rank 7
- Imagination +4 Coins

Receive "More's Task Chapter Six: The End"

When ready, head back to town.
Schedule (August 28 - September 6)
Arboursday, August 28
Home of the Dragon God, Eht Ria
Let's report back to the Dejected Man and tell him his sister is fine.
- Courage +4 Coins
Courage Rank 4 (Dauntless)

Talk to Gallica and warp to Eupha, it sounds like she wants to explore Brilehaven with us.
  • Eupha Bond Rank 2

Warp to Brilehaven, to claim your gamble money.

Merchants’ Bazaar
Return to the Gambling Man and you can choose to wager again. This time, bet that we'll be rank 10-6 by September 6.

After that, it's back to our runner.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Junah wants to go shopping, so I guess we're coming with.
  • Junah Bond Rank 2

Metalsday, August 29
End of the month sale for weapon & armour if you want to check.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Home of the Dragon God, Eht Ria
Go to the Dragon Statue Plaza and head west to talk to the Village Cleric, she'll give us a mustari history lesson.
- Tolerance +5 Coins
Tolerance Rank 4 (Benevolent)

Talk to Gallica and warp to Brigitta, it sounds like she needs to tell us something.
  • Brigitta Bond Rank 7

Idlesday, August 30
Home of the Dragon God, Eht Ria
Meet up with Eupha and join her to visit the Sanctor we met last time.
  • Eupha Bond Rank 3

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

Looks like Junah wants our help to prepare for the festival she promised to participate in.
  • Junah Bond Rank 3

Flamesday, September 1
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

It's been a month, let's check how Maria's been doing since then. Talk to Gallica and warp to her.
  • Maria Bond Rank 7

Warp to Brilehaven for the coliseum.

The Varmareno Coliseum
Head over to the Spirited Receptionist to take on the Ranked League.
  • Bronze III → Bronze II
- Courage +4 Coins

Watersday, September 2
Home of the Dragon God, Eht Ria
It seems Eupha is worried about Ovi's mother and would like to visit the church. We should accompany her.
  • Eupha Bond Rank 4

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's accompany Junah to the tailor at Brilehaven.
  • Junah Bond Rank 4

Arboursday, September 3
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Sounds like Maria wants us at the Hushed Honeybee Inn. Talk to Gallica and warp to Maria.
  • Maria Bond Rank 8

While we're at it, let's warp back to Grand Trad and help Fabienne out at the Hushed Honeybee Inn today.
  • Help Fabienne - Let's do it then.
Maria will be helping out today.
  • We're going to make a Seafood Bread Wrap, but how are we supposed to make the fish?
    • Take off the fish skin first.
- Tolerance +3 Coins

Metalsday, September 4
Home of the Dragon God, Eht Ria
Eupha wants to check on Ovi and the others, let's go with.
  • Eupha Bond Rank 5

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Junah seems nervous, let's keep her positive and head to the festival.
  • Junah Bond Rank 5

Idlesday, September 5
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

I think we've been putting off Bardon's request long enough. Let's warp to Martira and go defeat the human greatworm to protect this town (Talk to Bardon to start the fight).

Take advantage of Strohl's General Archetype buffs and you should have no trouble slaying the boss.
  • Bardon Bond Rank 7
- Courage +4 Coins

Flamesday, September 6
Today is the Dragon Festival. Feel free to invite whoever you want to make a wish at the flames.
The person chosen will grant you a unique weapon (for their respective Archetype) that recovers a small amount of MP per turn in battle.
  • Strohl
    • I know the feeling. (+600 MAG)
    • Any (+450 MAG)
    • I could never. (+450 MAG)
    • Any (+600 MAG)
      Receive Rebel's Greatsword
  • Hulkenberg
    • Any
    • Any
    • Everyone's safety? (+600 MAG)
    • Any (+600 MAG)
      Receive Driftwood Lance
  • Neuras
    • You're quite the artist. (+450 MAG)
    • Any
    • I don't mind. (+600 MAG)
    • Any (+600 MAG)
      Receive Protobow Beta
  • Heismay
    • Any
    • That's not quite it. (+450 MAG)
    • Any (+600 MAG)
      Receive Silence
  • Junah
    • Any
    • You don't seem religious. (+450 MAG)
    • Any (+450 MAG)
      Receive Stylish Fan
  • Eupha
    • Any
    • Any
    • Any
    • Any (+600 MAG)
    • You're special, too. (+600 MAG)
    • Any (+600 MAG)
      Receive Dancing Crosier
  • Gallica
    • I don't know. (+450 MAG)
    • It's totally coming true now. (+450 MAG)
    • Any (+450 MAG)
    • To get closer to you. (+1000 MAG)
    • Any (+600 MAG)
      Receive Whalebone Rod
Schedule (September 7 - September 11)
Watersday, September 7
Home of the Dragon God, Eht Ria
Head back to the Gauntlet Runner.

After a cutscene, let's depart for Altabury Heights.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Head to the Deck and interact with the Fishing Rod for some last bit of fishing.
Make sure to use Tail Bait. Here are the prompts & response you should choose:
  • Maybe it's all this staring at the water's surface, but... I'm starting to feel a bit queasy.
    • Think like a fish.
  • Yaaawn... Ah, I'm more tired than I realised. Hmm... How do I shake this?
    • Give in to naptime.
  • Hmm. Nothing biting. Perhaps if the bait were moving...?
    • Thrash and splash.
These should all grant you 1 Lord of the Lake, and 2 Queen's Honey Jar.

Check the Campfire.

Head inside towards the Lounge as we have a new book courtesy of Eupha.
  • Bookshelf - How to Walk Outside the Island
- Tolerance +6 Coins

Arboursday, September 8
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's continue reading Eupha's book.
  • Bookshelf - How to Walk Outside the Island
- Tolerance +6 Coins

You'll stop by Colerodio Cliff.
- Wisdom +4 Coins

Check the Campfire.

Head inside to the Lounge to find Eupha. We haven't reflected on the past with her yet, let's spend some time talking to her.
  • Same here. (+600 MAG)
- Imagination +7 Coins

Metalsday, September 9
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Time to finish Eupha's book.
  • Bookshelf - How to Walk Outside the Island
- Tolerance +6 Coins
- Tolerance +6 Coins
Tolerance Rank 5 (Saviour)

You'll stop by the Murky Graveyard.
- Wisdom +4 Coins

Time to find an inn to stay the night.

Lunlumo Approach
There's 2 Gold Beetles here to pick up along the way.

As you head towards the city, keep an eye on the right side of the street. You'll spot a Gold Beetle between the 6th and 7th tree to your right.

Right before crossing the giant bridge to the loading zone (Blue Sky Bridge), make sure to look to your right for a set of stairs leading down. At the bottom of those stairs is a Gold Beetle next to some broken barrels.

Blue Sky Bridge
There's 2 Gold Beetles in this region, so before following the mission marker to the next zone, head west towards the shops. Hug along the wall between the weapon store and general shop, and you should spot a Gold Beetle next to some outdoor tables & chairs.

Head down to Lower Blue Sky Bridge now and enter the Whitepeaks Magic Shop.

Whitepeaks Magic Shop
You'll find the 2nd Gold Beetle here. It should be easy to spot as it's inside the small cauldron atop a candle, and is directly next to the player camera.

Now head back out and follow the mission marker to the inn.

Dia Franco Street
Continue following the marker.

Skyward Tavern
Head to bed.

Idlesday, September 10
Head back inside the tavern real quick.

Skyward Tavern
Head inside and turn right (away from the Informant). You should spot a Gold Beetle in the corner next to some barrels and crates of raw food. Feel free to pick up "Village Trading: Altabury Heights" from the Informant before you leave.

Dia Franco Street
Head towards Opera House Square.

Along the way, pickup 1 Brocaded Koi from the Dedicated Butcher, and 3 Fruit Cordial from the Devout Water Seller.

Feel free to make a Vegetable Steamed Bun at the Lax Shopkeeper's stall too, their effects are pretty good (mushroom for 200 MP to one ally, bracken for 100 MP to all allies, and mugwort for cure all allies' status ailments).

Opera House Square
Before proceeding with the story, head east towards the bridge-like pier that's the disembarking point for the Charadrius. You'll find a Gold Beetle at the end of the path, sitting in a corner. There's also a Historian standing in the midway point of the pier, if you talk to him, he gives you a Miraculous Medicine.

Now go to the left side of the Opera House main entrance. The service entrance should be easy to spot because there's a guard in front of it with an annoyed effect over his head.

When you're ready, wait till night time.

Montario Opera House (Dungeon)
Head to the backstage door, and it seems we're going to have to go look for its key...
Only finding and returning the Golden Teeth to the Middle-Aged Noble near the entrance matters for progressing the story, but you can help out other people for a couple rewards too (most notably Herald's Banner, an accessory that boosts your attack when in the front row).

When you're ready, go through the Rear Entrance Door.

For any fight against the Monks, always open with Eupha's Summon Eagle Lion King Synthesis skill so their attacks are lowered to the max, this way she'll be as safe as she can be while also being capable of attacking. To some extent, it's probably safer to pick the guard dog routes because they can target the protagonist, and you can usually run past them without being forced to engage in a Squad Battle.

As for the boss battle, it shouldn't be that big of a hurdle.

Flamesday, September 11
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Feel free to disembark and see how the town is reacting to the news.

Head back to the Gauntlet Runner to rest when you're done.
Schedule (September 12 - September 14)
Watersday, September 12
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's set off to the Royal Academy Ruins.

Royal Academy Ruins
This fight is a bit tricky thanks to Rella's Quartz Wall blocking one elemental attack per turn. Try to break it every turn, even if you aren't going to exploit Sogne's fire weakness, because it prevents Rella from using her next action on something else (e.g. buffs).

Use Frostbite nullifying equipment on your dps, and as long as you're patient while utilizing buffs + debuffs, the fight shouldn't cause any issues.

I was able to defeat this boss with the Protagonist on Soul Hacker (inherit Botra, Dekunda, Medica), Strohl on General (inherit Formation of Vigor & Fiery Strike), Hulkenberg on Dark Knight (inherit Botra, Shield Arts), and Junah on Masked Dancer (Wizard Mask, inherit Dekaja, Tarunda, Sukunda). For phase 1 specially, I open every turn with a fire attack to break Rella's wall, then chain exploit weakness to maximize half crystals and end turns with buffs and debuffs.

Arboursday, September 13
We've got until September 23 to depart for Grand Trad and be ready for the duel with Louis.

Dia Franco Street
Chat with Loveless who's right in front of the Skyward Tavern. He runs off after telling us where he'll be waiting to fight us.

Walk a bit south and talk to the Portly Man. He'll tell us he needs some Durable Spider Silk from Malva, and give us the "Warmth in Winter" request.

Just further southeast is Rudolf. Talk to him and he'll also mark his Gauntlet Runner on your map so you can fight him.

There's a Curious Man standing near the south-most pier that hands you a Divine Elixir if you talk to him.

Feel free to stop by the steamed bun shop and make one.

When you're done wandering, head over to Opera House Square.

Opera House Square
Go east and you'll spot an Obsessive Soldier near the stairs up to the Opera House. In order to convince him to not throw away his life trying to kill Louis, we're going to have to take on the Tower of Insolence: "Proof of Power".

Warp over to Lower Blue Sky Bridge next.

Blue Sky Bridge
Head towards the Whitepeaks Magic Shop and you'll come across a Man in Pain. As per usual, he asks for a Medicinal Herb. Our rewards are a Tainted Threads, and a Tail Bait!

The last thing on the list is to check the Recruitment Centre.

Mountain Recruitment Centre
Grab Icebeast Chimenzahn bounty and receive "The Fiend in the Frozen Forest" request.

Let's go back to our Runner for our daily routine.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Talk to Gallica and warp over to Eupha. We still have to help Ovi and the others.
  • Eupha Bond Rank 6
Receive "Wayward Shepherd" request

Skyward Tavern
From the Informed Woman, buy "Giant of the Tower of Insolence", and any other info you wish to know about.

The Elegant Performer is here now, feel free to have him play music from places you've been to.

Head over to the Opera House Square, we've got someone to visit.

Opera House Square
You can find the Wandering Student near the bench that increases your Wisdom. Listen to him and he'll reward you with 2 Queen's Honey Jar.

Let's go to Lower Blue Sky Bridge next to meet someone familiar.

Blue Sky Bridge
Head towards the magic shop, and you'll spot Catherina. Looks like she made it to Altabury as well. Let's see how she's doing.
  • Catherina Bond Rank 5

Metalsday, September 14
Dia Franco Street
Feel free to make a Vegetable Steamed Bun.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Head over to the Round Table and set off for Malva, we'll be fighting Loveless along the way.

Stop by the Kitchen to make Amber Stew.

Go to the Lounge and pass the time with Junah, it seems she wants to show you something.
  • Junah Bond Rank 6

Loveless boards our ship and fights us, but he's a pushover after what we've had to deal with.

Purchase Durable Spider Silk, 4 Altabury Wheat Flour (or more if you'd like), and optionally all the Graced/Heavenly Water plus some Hot Spring Report: Lifelong Pals.

Return to base when you're done shopping.

Leave the tavern.

Dia Franco Street
Chat with Ex-Candidate Loveless, and he'll tell you to beat up Milo for tricking him. Accept the request "Defeat Milo".

Head over to the Portly Man and give him the silk he asked for.
- Tolerance +4 Coins

According to Loveless, Milo hangs out near the Recruitment Centre, so warp over to Lunlumo Approach and go there.

Lunlumo Approach
Talk to Milo and we'll learn where to find him.

With that done, go back to Upper Blue Sky Bridge.

Blue Sky Bridge
Get on the podium and debate Julian.
  • We came to see the podium. - Let's go for it.
    • The present day matters too.
- Eloquence +7 Coins
- Imagination +2 Coins
Schedule (September 15 - September 19)
Idlesday, September 15
Dia Franco Street
Feel free to make a Vegetable Steamed Bun.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

Head over to the Round Table and set off towards Milo's Runner.

With the flour we purchased yesterday, cook Enchanted Pottage.

Next, head down to the Engine Room Corridor to spend some time with Basilio.
  • Basilio Bond Rank 1

Milo will always cast Mage Mirror (repels one elemental attack) on his turn, so you'll want to bring Heismay on Ninja, and Junah on ♥♥♥♥♥, for the Bloodrain Twin Ninpo Synthesis skill. The fight is otherwise pretty simple, feel free to go gambling with ♥♥♥♥♥'s Rougery for extra action crystals (might be worth using steal for a Lovers White Mask).

Eupha then unintentionally roasts Milo before we return to Altabury Heights.

Leave the tavern.

Dia Franco Street
Let Loveless know Milo has been punished.

Head over to Lower Blue Sky Bridge after.

Blue Sky Bridge
Looks like Catherina is feeling down, let's help her confront her worries.
  • Catherina Bond Rank 6

Flamesday, September 16
Dia Franco Street
Feel free to make a Vegetable Steamed Bun.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's set off to Rudolf's Runner.

Hop over to the Kitchen and cook Adamantine Honey Cake.

To the Lounge we go, as Basilio added a new book for us to read on the shelf.
  • Bookshelf - Literacy Workbook
- Imagination +6 Coins

Rudolf's battle is fairly straightforward, with his team's attacks being physical focused. You don't need to follow my strategy to deal with him, but I had Eupha on Summoner for her Summon Eagle Lion King, and Heismay for the evasion to drain enemy action crystals. Hulkenberg on Paladin for the Counter and Line Guard Synthesis skill would work too (might be worth using steal for an Emperor White Mask).

Head back to the Gauntlet Runner to accompany Junah.
  • Junah Bond Rank 7

Watersday, September 17
Dia Franco Street
Feel free to make a Vegetable Steamed Bun.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Return to Dia Franco Street and check on Basilio, looks like he wants to do some shopping.
  • Basilio Bond Rank 2

Catherina is back, so let's head over to Lower Blue Sky Bridge.
  • Catherina Bond Rank 7

Arboursday, September 18
Dia Franco Street
Feel free to make a Vegetable Steamed Bun.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Head towards Mt. Vulkano to complete Eupha's request.

You're going to need some Hex cleansing items if you don't have equipment that prevents it, so stop by the Kitchen and consider cooking a few Cursed Loved Ballad.

Let's continue reading Basilio's book.
  • Bookshelf - Literacy Workbook
- Imagination +6 Coins
Imagination Rank 5 (Demiurgic)

Mt. Vulkano (Dungeon)
There's a lost relic and Gold Beetle here.
Feel free to talk the NPCs along the way for some info on the upcoming fights.

Follow the path until you spot the Orehound Adventurer. Just beyond him, to the east, is a ladder going up. Climb the ladder and continue along without jumping down any holes to find the Gold Beetle between the 1st & 2nd hole. Hug the right wall and run past the 2nd hole to access the treasure chest containing the lost relic (it's not marked on the map like usual because we're collecting this lost relic out of order).

After that, continue exploring the dungeon. When you reach B5 (5th floor underground, assuming the first floor dungeon entrance is B1), climb the ladder in the center of the map to reach B4. There should be another ladder leading up to B3, but instead of climbing this, look around for the crawl space nearby. Head through that crawl space, and proceed until you find a different ladder leading up. This ladder will lead to more ladders, ultimately taking you to the first floor. Follow the path without jumping down any holes, and you'll find a treasure chest containing Valkyrie's Gauntlet, and more importantly, a Rusty Greatsword (this is a future request item).

Side note, if you manage to get Heismay to land the preemptive strike in Squad Battle, Catherina will basically one-shot whoever she targets. This can lead to the Lava Manjula just dying and ending the fight without you doing anything.

The boss has no weaknesses, so stick to the tried-and-tested strategy of buff and debuffs. The main annoyance of this fight is Curse Chant, which can apply Hex to your entire party. I suggest playing around skills which apply one-time weakness so you can still recover some action crystals during your turns. My strategy was to bring Strohl & Junah for supporting, and made Eupha swap to Hulkenberg (Paladin) for spamming "Magic Knight's Hammer" Synthesis skill.

Having rescued the believers, we brought them back to Brilehaven.
- Eloquence +4 Coins

Unfortunately, we can't camp here and go to another location tomorrow (even though we can fly), so let's head back to the city.

Metalsday, September 19
Dia Franco Street
Feel free to make a Vegetable Steamed Bun.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Everfrost Forest is next on our list, let's fly there.

Stop by the Kitchen to cook Indestructable Honey Cake (don't consume them all, we need one for a future request).
Having cooked all 20 recipes, we've unlocked the final recipe: Sublime Spoonful!

Head down to the Engine Room Corridor and chat with Basilio. He did promise to make something for us last time, so let's take him up on the offer.
  • Basilio Bond Rank 3

You'll stop by the Solstice Crossing.
- Wisdom +4 Coins

Everfrost Forest
Just like Mt. Vulkano, there's a lost relic and Gold Beetle here.

Vision is poor in this area, so you'll probably want to consult the map frequently. Luckily, the mobs are weak so you shouldn't have to do any Squad Battles.

Hug the left wall and you'll easily find the Gold Beetle in the southwest corner of the map. Keep sticking to the left wall, and you'll eventually reach the central east region of the map where there's a treasure chest containing the lost relic.

You can actually kill the Icebeast Chimenzahn on turn 1 if Catherina targets it, which is funny because the Montarian Spear Soldier exists purely to enable the beast and give it a second life bar. If the beast dies before he gets a chance to even heal it, the fight becomes very trivial.

When you're done, head back to town.
Schedule (September 20 - September 24)
Idlesday, September 20
Dia Franco Street
Feel free to make a Vegetable Steamed Bun.

Let's head over to the Recruitment Centre to report we've killed the Icebeast.
- Courage +4 Coins

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

We're going back to clean up the other bounty request by heading to Scoundrel's Hold near Grand Trad.

Head to the Deck to train with Basilio (as a bonus, he also increases our max HP!).
  • Any (+250 MAG)
  • Any (+450 MAG)
  • Any (+600 MAG)
  • Let's train together. (+600 MAG)
- Courage +7 Coins

Make a pitstop at Ligno when prompted.

The shop here carries some solid equipment, especially with the accessory effects, so take a look and buy what you fancy. Continue the journey when ready.

Check the Campfire.

Head to the Engine Room to give Neuras one of the lost relics you've collected.
  • Neuras Bond Rank 5

Flamesday, September 21
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's finish reading Basilio's workbook.
  • Bookshelf - Literacy Workbook
- Imagination +6 Coins
- Imagination +6 Coins

Scoundrel's Hold (Dungeon)
Lost relic and Gold Beetle, one of each can be found.
Also, since this dungeon unlocked a while ago, the mobs are all small fries.

From the entrance, hug the left wall until you come across a crawl space. Go through it and head straight down the path for the lost relic.

When you climb down a ladder to reach B3 (3rd floor underground, assuming the first floor dungeon entrance is B1), head directly south and you'll spot another ladder that goes up to B2. Climb up the ladder and it'll lead directly to the Gold Beetle.

Once you've wiped the floor with the boss, head back home.

Watersday, September 22
Dia Franco Street
Feel free to make a Vegetable Steamed Bun.

Head over to the Recruitment Centre to report your quest.
- Courage +4 Coins

Talk to Gallica and warp back to Basilio. He wants to look for Vinca, so let's accompany him.
  • Basilio Bond Rank 4

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Junah wants to bring us with her to see Myrtus, let's oblige.
  • Junah Bond Rank 8

Arboursday, September 23
Gauntlet Runner
Depart for Royal Capital Grand Trad.

  • Gallica Bond Rank 7
Feel free to chat with your allies before heading to bed.

Metalsday, September 24
Sunshade Row
The shops have upgraded their stock. Feel free to give them a check.

Sunlumeo Street
Stop by the Naŭ Filono Tavern and talk to the Deferent Staff if you want a Soothing Sweetbun.

Regalith Grand Cathedral
When you're ready, head on stage.

It's time to fight Louis at his best. Last time at Altabury Heights, he was heavily wounded, but this time he's at full power. Since he's able to detect everyone's elemental weakness, the best strategy for this fight is to boost your elemental evasion via skill inheritance or equipment for whatever each party member is weak to, and prioritize buffs & debuffs in battle to make sure he loses his action crystals without getting a chance to land attacks. As for damage, utilize skills that apply one-time weakness to maximize your actions per turn.


When you reach the Ancient Eldan Sanctum, proceed until you reach the Plaza of Light.

Plaza of Light
After the cutscene, instead of heading north towards the mission marker, go east first. Hiding behind the ruined house's roof is a Gold Beetle.

Once you've collected it, continue onward.

You'll decide here whether you're strong enough to face the truth.

  • Gallica Bond Rank 8
Schedule (September 25 - September 29)
Idlesday, September 25
Gauntlet Runner
Return to Grand Trad.

Feel free to head over to Akademeia as More has deciphered more of the Mystical Scrolls. Talk to More directly and he'll also inform you that your allies can now unlock their Royal Archetypes.

*Side Note: the Prince Archetype's skills: Heroic Slash, Royal Slash, and Royal Sword utilize the higher value of the Protagonist's Strength or Magic stat for damage calculations (despite the norm of physical = strength scaling), so don't worry if you went magic build and are concerned about not being able to deal as much damage as a physical build.

Flamesday, September 26
The Day of the Hero draws near. Today marks the final 30 days until the crowning of a new king.

Sunshade Row
Talk to the Ornamented Man standing next to the weapon store (Spado Smithy) to learn that he's looking for the War King's Legendary Greatsword from Mt. Vulkano. We receive "The Edge of Glory"... and fancy that, the Rusty Greatsword we made sure to grab is exactly what he's asking for.
- Wisdom +4 Coins

Regalith Grand Cathedral
Stop by the Water Merchant to buy 3 Pure Nectar.

Feel free to buy a few Evil Eye Talismans from the Masked Shopkeeper too.

It seems the army needs all the help they can get, lets check the bounties at the Recruitment Centre.

Royal Army Recruitment Centre
Talk to the Recruitment Dispatcher to find we have 3 new bounties to take up. They're "The Incarnate in the Woods", "The Cockatrice in the Clouds", and "The Apostles of the Apocalypse".

Sunlumeo Street
Talk to the Classy Woman in front of Naŭ Filono Tavern for "The Queen of Cuisine: Soul". You can then hand her a Indestructible Honey Cake to fulfill her request.
- Eloquence +4 Coins

Naŭ Filono Tavern
Talk to the Deferent Staff to receive one last Soothing Sweetbun.

I also really like how the Curt Owner encourages you when you ask him "Am I fit to be king...?"

St. Fermis Church
Pay the church a visit and you'll be surprised to find Gideaux here.

If you so wish, head back to the inn to purchase info on the Disgraced Ruins from the Informant, and also all the ingredient notes if you plan on stocking up on any food to cook when we're traveling on our Gauntlet Runner.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's move to Martira next. There's a bunch of new dialogue, and the fairy from before shows up again at Cattleracket Road. If you listen to the crowd near the King's Rock, you'll find that the people here still strongly believe in us.

Kriegante Gate
If you talk to the Gate Guard to the northeast, he'll show his thanks by giving you a Miraculous Mead.

Next on the list is Port Brilehaven, there's even a request for us here.

Seabreeze Street
You should start working on creating all the vessels & masks for the Summoner & Masked Dancer Lineage Archetypes. The Wary Shopkeep here sells 1 of the following white masks each on these days of the week:
  • Flamesday
    • Fool, Magician, Priestess, Empress, Emperor
  • Watersday
    • Hierophant, Lovers, Chariot, Justice, Hermit
  • Arboursday
    • Fortune, Strength, Hanged Man, Death, Temperance
  • Metalsday
    • Devil, Tower, Star, Moon, Sun, Judgement

You can also find a Kind Old Man who's been taking care of Hector (Glodell's dog) and made sure to keep the melancholisation at bay.

Merchants' Bazaar
Not much to do here, but you can find Ex-Candidate Goddard having a change of heart as he wishes us luck.

Angler's Square Inn
There's a Gabby Mustari across from the Greatest Catch tavern. Chat with him and he'll let us in on a secret, giving us the request "Trails of the Dragon: Mad Mischief".

The Greatest Catch
The Informant sells info on our bounty at the Manor of the Ascendant, and the dragon trial request we received earlier. Feel free to purchase both if you want.

Warp to Eht Ria, Virga Island.

Home of the Dragon God, Eht Ria
Edeni informs us more about the trial appearing at the towers, and we get "Trials of the Dragon: Heroes' Rest" request. Feel free to stop by the Golden Deer Hearth to purchase info on this trial from the Informant.

The Masked Soldier guarding the Chief's House gifts you a Hero's Leaf of Light.

If you check the King's Rock, you'll find that the village has their faith placed in us.

There are also a couple fairies near the Genial Water Seller talking about a king and fairy queen which were mentioned by other faries when we were at the Ancient Eldan Sanctum.

Our last stop is Altabury Heights.

Lunlumo Approach
Because Altabury Heights is under the Blight weather effect, the MAG Broker here has the highest MAG to Reeve rate (1:10 base, 1:16 with Brigitta's Bond Rank 6 Ability), so if you must earn some money fast, you can get it here. I wouldn't advise doing this because MAG is way more valuable in the long run.

Blue Sky Bridge
There's an Enraged Mustari at the Upper Blue Sky Bridge, and of course, he tells us about the third tower. You'll receive "Trials of the Dragon: Bygone Legacy".

To the southwest, you can spot a Gentle Merchant. She simply asks us to take it easy and bathe in the hot spring nearby, and we receive "Deliver Hot Spring Water".

It seems that after Grand Trad, Altabury Heights has it the roughest with all the chaos...

Dia Franco Street
Feel free to stop by the Skyward Tavern to purchase info on our bounty and dragon trial from the Informant.

Basilio should be nearby, let's accompany him to meet up with Vinca.
  • Basilio Bond Rank 5

Feel free to stop by the market at Grand Regalith Cathedral. The Paripus Shopkeep that previously sold Blue Cheese now refined his craft and sells Rainbow Roquefort. The Ishiki Artist sells a Carpenter Pendant that gives Strike resist.

You can return to the other towns and chat with its people, as some of them only appear during the night. The Gambling Man is at Port Brilehaven: Merchants' Bazaar if you want to claim your winnings.

Head to Brigitta whenever you're ready, she wishes to inform us of something.
  • Brigitta Bond Rank 8

Watersday, September 27
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's go over to Bardon, it seems he's recovered from the sandworm attack.
  • Bardon Bond Rank 8

Talk to Gallica and warp over to Catherina, she says she wants to announce something to her paripus mates.
  • Catherina Bond Rank 8

Arboursday, September 28
Basilio is feeling conflicted, we should convince him to act and accompany him to find Vinca.
  • Basilio Bond Rank 6

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's show Neuras another one of the lost relics we collected.
  • Neuras Bond Rank 6
Just one more lost relic to go: "Relic Search: A Dream's Origin"

Metalsday, September 29
Head over to Sunlumeo Street.

Sunlumeo Street
Go to the bench near Lycaon Magic Association and take a break here.
- Wisdom +8 Coins

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's give Neuras the final lost relic.
  • Neuras Bond Rank 7
Looks like yesterday night wasn't just the wind. We receive "Petty Thief" and have to recover the other stolen relics.
Schedule (September 30 - October 5)
Idlesday, September 30
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

Depart for Disgraced Ruins.

Let's use the Kitchen and cook the final recipe: Sublime Spoonful.
From now on, you're free to cook whatever you want as long as you have the ingredients. In fact, I recommend doing so because the food effects can be quite potent when used in battle.

Head to the Lounge and use the Plant Culture Chamber.
  • Plant some seeds.

You'll stop by Malibelo Slope.
- Wisdom +4 Coins
Wisdom Rank 5 (Sagatious)

Disgraced Ruins (Dungeon)
From the entrance, take the left path and it'll lead to a dead end with a Gold Beetle.

Explore the dungeon as usual and pay attention to the map to avoid getting caught off guard by a bandit hiding behind a wall. With Basilio and Eupha, you shouldn't have trouble clearing most mobs within a turn.

There's a few Bloodcoin Imitec in the overworld, so you can effectively steal & flee from one of them for 99 Heavenly Water. Feel free to do that just get a dozen for purifying equipment in the future.

Before fighting the boss, Strohl had maxed out his Samurai Archetype, so I let More know we mastered an Elite Archetype, and switched Strohl onto Warlord (Dynast Formation Synthesis skill is incredibly good).
  • More Bond Rank 8

For the Bandit Chief Cistus boss fight, you can steal a Strength Incense, and his fight is generally pretty easy...

But that's because the real boss is actually a human!

If you're having trouble, I recommend using Junah on Persona Master (inherit Dekaja) and Basilio on Destroyer. Thunderhead Dance and Stormbreaker Axe have great synergy this fight.

When you're done, head back home for dinner.

Flamesday, October 1
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Warp over to the Recruitment Centre afterwards.

Royal Army Recruitment Centre
Let the Recruitment Dispatcher know you've defeated the founder.
- Courage +4 Coins
Courage Rank 5 (Heroic)

Head on outside after turning in the quest.

Regalith Grand Cathedral
Neuras wanted us to ask the guard in front of the Recruitment Centre, so talk to the Grand Cathedral Guard to learn who the thief is.

No need to rush to recover the lost relics though. Let's catch up with Eupha and convince her that the Sanctists will listen.
  • Eupha Bond Rank 7

Let's warp to Brilehaven, we've got a couple things to take care of.

Arenafront Wharf
Check in with the Elderly Entomophile and hand in all your Gold Beetles. If you've collected all the beetles as instructed, you'll receive his remaining rewards: Flameseal Corselet & Dragon's Fall. They'll come in handy when we tackle the dragon trials later.

After that, let's meet up with Alonzo and participate in his final act.
Angler's Inn Square
  • Alonzo Bond Rank 7

Watersday, October 2
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Head to where Basilio is, he'll need our help stopping Vinca.
  • Basilio Bond Rank 7
We receive the request "A Brother's Mercy".

Let's warp to Altabury Heights.

Opera House Square
It seems the Opera House has been repaired and is now open again. Let's check it out.
  • The Stripling and His Stewards
- Eloquence +7 Coins
Eloquence Rank 5 (Rhetorician)

Arboursday, October 3
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's depart for the Manor of the Ascendant.

Head over to the Lounge and harvest your plant. If you're lucky, you can find a Tail Bait too!

Eupha has something on her mind, so let's hear her out.
  • Eupha Bond Rank 8

Manor of the Ascendant (Dungeon)
There's a Gold Beetle here for you to collect. To find it, progress the dungeon as usual until you climb up the first set of ladder. From there, hug the left wall until you find a crawl space that leads to the room that is just next to the ladder you climbed up from. You'll find the beetle guarded by a Balmy Alento (Treant) and 2 Potolpo Brua (Explosive Octopus Pots).

The boss isn't anything difficult since it's weak to both Pierce and Ice. Should be able to clean it up as long as you maintain buffs and debuffs.

To the dismay of Hulkenberg, we can't actually bring the beast back and cook it.
Anyway, let's return to the city now.

Metalsday, October 4
Stop by the Recruitment Centre to let them know the Kokamordos at the Manor of the Ascendant has been slain.
- Courage +4 Coins

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Talk to Gallica and warp to where Basilio is. It's time for him to face reality and stop Vinca.

Vinca has no weaknesses and resists Slash, Pierce, Strike. I suggest swapping Basilio out since he's mainly Strike damage, and play around Junah (Persona Master) applying one-time weaknesses. Hulkenberg and Heismay are good sub-in because Paladin can maintain the Electric weakness with Magic Knight's Hammer Synthesis skill, and Ninja has high evasion to drain Vinca's action crystals.

Having stopped Vinca, we fulfilled Basilio's request.
- Tolerance +4 Coins
  • Basilio Bond Rank 8

Talk to Gallica and check Alonzo. It shouldn't be possible to hear his voice through Followers' Echoes, and yet... Let's warp over to Brilehaven.

Angler's Inn Square
We find the landowner Daturam standing where where Alonzo is usually at. Let's talk to him.
  • Alonzo Bond Rank 8
After this, we receive Alonzo's final request to us: "A Rake's Last Wish".

Idlesday, October 5
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

Let's chase after our stolen lost relics and depart for Jin's Runner.

Head to the Engine Room Corridor to do some laundry and increase our max MP.
  • Washing Machine - Do laundry.

Jin and his two mercenaries are pushovers, feel free to steal the Fortune God's Abacus (Merchant Lineage Weapon) from Jin while you're at it.
  • Neuras Bond Rank 8
With this, we've maxed out all of our Followers' Bonds!

Having returned to Grand Trad, head over to Gloamhall (the magic shop).

These accessories were unlocked earlier, but I wanted to wait for Idlesday sale.

I suggest buying at least 2 Utilitarian's Manual (preferably 4), and maybe 1 Dodger Ring.
  • Utilitarian's Manual is incredibly useful because it reduces the cost of Synthesis skills by 1 action crystal, meaning you can use 2 crystal cost Synthesis skills as if they're regular skills, so long as you have the MP to sustain it.
  • Dodger Ring is the same as Heismay's Royal Thief Archetype max rank passive, so it's nice to equip sometimes for immediately ending the enemy's turn when their attack misses (as if their attack was repelled or drained).

When you're done shopping, let's warp to Brilehaven.

Angler's Inn Square
We still have to deliver Alonzo's inheritance to his hometown, so head over to Daturam and take the carriage.

And thus, the conclusion to Alonzo's tale.

Since we've still got some time, head to the coliseum.

The Varmareno Coliseum
Talk to the Spirited Receptionist for the Ranked League.
  • Bronze II → Bronze I
- Courage +4 Coins
Schedule (October 6 - October 8)
Flamesday, October 6
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Depart for Abandoned Path.

We've done all the activities available on the Gauntlet Runner, so feel free to do what you want. I suggest passing the time with Basilio for the MAG and max HP boost.

To try and do as many different activities as possible, I went with sleeping in the Gauntlet Runner bed.

There's no real need to stop by Malva since we've been here before, but if you want to check the shop again, go ahead.

Check the Campfire.

I suggest heading to the Engine Room Corridor and reading the Journal hanging near the doorway. This is the final entry from Neuras decrypting the old man's notes.

I went to the Rear Deck and took a bath using the Bath Cask. Feel free to use a bath salt to increase your stats if you have any.

Watersday, October 7
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

I passed the time doing laundry.

Abandoned Path (Dungeon)
There's a Gold Beetle here, as long as you hug the left wall until you reach the central north part of the map, you should spot it pretty easily.

The enemies here should be easy to take care of, and the boss should be no different with Catherina chipping down half its HP.

Head back to town for dinner once you're done.

Arboursday, October 8
Drop by the Recruitment Centre to report the last bounty request.
- Courage +4 Coins

Head to the church after, as we've got something we need to purify if you haven't done it already.

St. Fermis Church
Talk to Gideux and check the purify equipment list for Crimson Split Shoes. It should require a Pure White Shoes, or if you already purified it in the past, it uses a Cobalt/Emerald/Aureolin Split Shoes. This'll come in handy as it repels Fire.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Might want to prepare the ingredients necessary to cook an Almighty Golden Stew (for Edeni later) if you don't have one, and check in with the Elderly Entomophile if you haven't received his final reward (Dragon's Fall weapon).

Next stop, the Forsaken Tower.

I went ahead and reread Literacy Workbook.

Forsaken Tower (Dungeon)
The monsters here have gotten stronger, so be careful.

At the top of the tower, we face the Devourer of Nations. My team was Lv 60 and was able to defeat him quite cleanly.

The Devourer of Nations has 25,000 HP, and here's a list of its skills:
  • Great Dragon's Wrath: Increases castor's Attack by three ranks for 3 turns
  • All Reset: Removes buffs from all enemies (basically Dekaja)
  • Great Dragon Shriek: Adds 8 half action crystals (there is an 8 action crystal cap, so if it has any leftover action crystals before using it, it will regain less)
  • Boneclaw Slash: Deals heavy physical Slash damage to one enemy
  • Puppeteer's Claw: Deals extreme physical Slash damage to one enemy, chance to inflict Paralysis
  • Infernal Breath: Deals heavy magic Fire damage to all enemies, chance to inflict Burn
  • Great Fireball: Deals extreme magic Fire damage to one enemy, chance to inflict Burn
  • Icy Breath: Deals medium magic Ice damage to all enemies, chance to inflict Frostbite

From my observation and testing, the boss always opens its turn with an attack buff, followed by usually dispelling your team's buffs. After that, it will use physical attacks on odd numbered turns, and magic attacks on even numbered turns. I believe it can only use Icy Breath once per turn, and only when you've dealt a certain amount of damage since its last use of the skill.

If you bought The Forsaken Tower Trial note from the Informant, you'll notice that it implies you shouldn't repel or nullify the dragon's attacks, because it'll unleash a powerful counterattack. To explain what that means, whenever its attacks are repelled/nullified, it will use Great Dragon Shriek and give itself more actions to attack you with.

I made it harder on myself because I wanted to use Hulkenberg, but it worked out because repelling an attack still instantly ends the turn. To make it easier on yourself, going for a dodge tank build with Heismay on Ninja inheriting Knight's Proclamation might be worth considering.

This is the party I used for the fight:
  • Protagonist - Prince Archetype
    • Weapon: Dragon's Fall (Increases Damage Against Dragons)
    • Armour & Gear: Anything (Ideally something to prevent Frostbite)
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual (Reduces Synthesis Skill Action Crystal Cost by 1)
  • Strohl - Warlord Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Frigid Fortress Tactic
    • Weapon, Armour, Gear, Accessory: Anything (Ideally Resist Fire)
  • Hulkenberg - Royal Knight Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Counter, Arcane Unity
    • Weapon, Armour: Anything
    • Gear: Crimson Split Shoes (Repel Fire)
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual (Reduces Synthesis Skill Action Crystal Cost by 1)
  • Junah - Persona Master Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Vidyartha, Sukunda, Dekaja
    • Weapon, Armour, Gear: Anything (Ideally Resist Fire)
    • Accessory: Saviour's Mask (Cleric's Mask should be fine, this is just for heal skill)

With Hulkenberg's Royal Knight at Rank 15 for Omni-Counter (and inheriting Counter because I'm not sure if they stack), she can use Holy Knight's Proclamation to draw aggro and roll for repel. Meanwhile, we have Junah and Strohl acting as support for the Protagonist to deal massive damage through his Royal Sword Synthesis skill.

Some things to note are that I have Junah open with Thunderhead Dance so Hulkenberg can help stack defence down at the start with Thunderstrike Thrust. After that, Junah will switch to a mix of Vidyartha and Dance of Purgelight for Hulkenberg's Peerless Sanctity Synthesis skill. As for Strohl, he uses Dynast Formation or Formation of Vigor, and occasionally throws out Frigid Fortress Tactic just to squeeze in some extra damage. The Protagonist exclusively uses Royal Sword Synthesis skill, and Hero's Cry can either be used on turn 1 to help with setting up or saved until you need the emergency actions for healing and cleansing ailments.

After defeating the Devourer of Nation, we receive an armour piece: Cardinal Dragon Raiment.

Head back to town when you're done.
Schedule (October 9)
Metalsday, October 9
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

You should consider preparing the ingredients necessary to cook a few Cursed Loved Ballad for the boss.

Set off for the Tower of Insolence.

I decided to go to the Engine Room Corridor and use the Upright Cleaning Tool.
  • Let's clean - Strategy room

You'll stop by the Decaying Estate.
- Wisdom +4 Coins

Tower of Insolence (Dungeon)
With Catherina here, clearing the tower should be a cinch.

A Gold Beetle is also found here. It's quite easy to spot as it's on the north part of the 2nd floor right next to the central railing.

Before fighting the dragon, you'll also have to fight the Ziocropos. It should be an easy unscathed triumph thanks to Catherina nuking half its HP already. As an extra bonus, she'll also help out during the dragon fight too.

I entered this fight with my party around Lv 62.

The Devourer of Stars has 20,000 HP, and uses these skills:
  • Miasma Whorl: Sets all enemies' max HP to 300, and makes their status ailments recovery time always take the max number of turns possible
  • Dekunda: Removes all debuff effects from allies
  • All Reset: Removes buffs from all enemies (basically Dekaja)
  • Roar: Decreases Attack/Defence/Hit/Evasion by two ranks for all enemies for 3 turns
  • Great Dragon's Wrath: Increases castor's Attack by three ranks for 3 turns
  • Great Dragon Shriek: Adds 8 half action crystals (there is an 8 action crystal cap, so if it has any leftover action crystals before using it, it will regain less)
  • Distant Black Howl: High chance of inflicting Hex on all enemies
  • Purple Toxiclaw: Deals extreme physical Slash damage to one enemy, high chance to inflict Poison
  • Loathsome Claw: Deals heavy physical Almighty damage to one enemy, always critical hit to enemies with status ailments
  • Poison Tail: Deals heavy physical Strike damage to all enemies, chance to inflict Poison
  • Toxin Breath: Deals extreme magic Dark damage to all enemies.

The boss will always open with Miasma Whorl and then use a mixture of dispels, buffs, and debuffs into attacks. It also prioritize Dekunda if it has any -3 stage debuff, and All Reset if any of your party member has a +3 stage buff. Be wary of how you manage your buffs and debuffs though - if it ever uses Dekunda and All Reset on the same turn (you have a +3 stage buff and it has a -3 stage debuff), the boss will use Great Dragon Shriek and probably kill the run because of its insane damage output with max attack buffs and your party having no def buffs.

In terms of general strategy, you'll want some means of dealing with Hex, and bring your own buffs and debuffs to waste the boss' action crystals. Other than that, keep in mind the boss is immune to all types of damage except Almighty, so either apply one-time weaknesses or use Almighty damage-type skills.

Here's the party I used to clear this fight:
  • Protagonist - Prince Archetype
    • Weapon: Dragon's Fall (Increases Damage Against Dragons)
    • Armour & Gear: Anything (Ideally something to prevent Hex)
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual (Reduces Synthesis Skill Action Crystal Cost by 1)
  • Strohl - Warlord Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Dekaja
    • Weapon, Armour, Gear, Accessory: Anything
  • Hulkenberg - Royal Knight Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Arcane Unity
    • Weapon, Armour, Gear: Anything
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual (Reduces Synthesis Skill Action Crystal Cost by 1)
  • Junah - Persona Master Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Vidyartha, Dekaja
    • Weapon, Armour, Gear: Anything
    • Accessory: Dark Knight's Mask (Instant Recovery passive to deal with Hex)

My approach to this fight is slightly different from how we dealt with the previous dragon. This dragon spams buffs and dispels much more often, so we need to stack more support abilities on Strohl to help Junah with keeping the boss in check.

Junah's main role is to maintain the one-time Light weakness with Dance of Purgelight, and Strohl's job is to make sure the party has at least one buff + the boss has no attack buffs. This allows Hulkenberg & the Protagonist to spam their respective Synthesis skills, and force the boss to waste turns on dispelling our buffs + buffing itself again. If Hulkenberg reached max rank Royal Knight, she can also use Proclamation when there's only 1 action crystal left to pass half an action crystal on to the next turn. You may need a few tries, but it shouldn't be impossible.

Having defeated the Devourer of Stars, we receive another armour piece: Cardinal Dragon Robe.

Head home after you're done.
Schedule (October 10 - October 11)
Idlesday, October 10
Sunshade Row
Talk to Maria just outside the Hushed Honeybee Inn and hand her your remaining drawings from Neuras to hang them inside the inn.

When you're done shopping, warp over to Eht Ria, Virga Island.

Home of the Dragon God, Eht Ria
Go to Dragon Statue Plaza and ask Edeni to change the weather at Spire of Blind Faith, Blight weather won't affect the dragon boss battle, but it does make the newly added strong mobs in the tower harder to deal with. Give him an Almighty Golden Stew, or go buy 20 Marbled Bluefin Tunas then come back.

Return to the Gauntlet Runner after.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

Might want to consider preparing the ingredients necessary to cook a few Coney Stew for the boss.

Time for the final tower - the Spiral of Blind Faith.

I decided to hone my weapon with Strohl.
- Courage +4 Coins

Spiral of Blind Faith (Dungeon)
I reached the top of the tower with my party around Lv 64.

The Devourer of Flames has 25,000 HP, and here's the list of skills it uses:
  • Great Dragon's Wrath: Increases castor's Attack by three ranks for 3 turns
  • Roar: Decreases Attack/Defence/Hit/Evasion by two ranks for all enemies for 3 turns
  • Infernal Breath: Deals heavy magic Fire damage to all enemies, chance to Burn
  • Flamespire of Ruin: Deals extreme magic Fire damage to one enemy row, high chance to Burn
  • Boneclaw Slash: Deals heavy physical Slash damage to one enemy
  • Crusher Tail: Deals extreme physical Strike damage to all enemies
  • Bewitching Blaze: High chance of inflicting Charm on all enemies
  • Burn Down: Deals 9999 magic Fire damage to all enemies

This can be a tricky fight if you're not prepared. The boss will always try to max out its attack buff, and then use a mix of other skills. While straightforward, Burn and Charm are quite deadly ailments. Not to mention it'll periodically use Burn Down, which if you don't nullify or repel Fire, spells guaranteed death.

Luckily, thanks to us taking care of the other two dragons first, we have an easy win for this last fight. Here's my party setup:
  • Protagonist - Prince Archetype
    • Weapon: Dragon's Fall (Increases Damage Against Dragons)
    • Armour: Cardinal Dragon Raiment (Null Fire)
    • Gear: Anything (Ideally something to prevent Charm)
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual (Reduces Synthesis Skill Action Crystal Cost by 1)
  • Strohl - Warlord Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Dekaja
    • Weapon, Armour, Gear, Accessory: Anything (Ideally something to prevent Charm)
  • Hulkenberg - Royal Knight Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Counter
    • Gear: Crimson Split Shoes (Repel Fire)
    • Weapon, Armour, Accessory: Anything
  • Junah - Persona Master Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Vidyartha, Dekaja, Makarakarn
    • Armour: Cardinal Dragon Robe (Null Fire)
    • Weapon, Gear: Anything
    • Accessory: Dark Knight's Mask (Instant Recovery passive to deal with Charm)

The approach to this fight is somewhat similar to how we dealt with the Devourer of Nations - Hulkenberg will draw aggro and repels all the attacks to deny action crystals. However, what makes this fight different is that the boss uses an insta-kill Fire attack every 4 turns, which we're going to use to our advantage. Damage will not be an issue, so Hulkenberg can keep passing until the final round of actions for Holy Knight's Proclamation, and the Protagonist can act as usual with spamming the Royal Sword Synthesis skill and saving Hero's Cry for emergencies. The stars of the show are Strohl and Junah: Strohl just needs to Dekaja and keep the team alive via buffs, while Junah sets up a couple Makarakarn and finish with Hellfire Dance Synthesis skill (one-time Fire weakness) right before the boss' 4th turn. When you reach that point, the boss will use Burn Down, which then gets repelled back for multiple 9999 damage hits.

Defeating the Devourer of Flames rewards us yet another armour piece: Cardinal Dragon Armour.

It seems the three dragons were acting as a seal. Now that we've defeated all of them, the barrier on the Dragon Temple has been lifted. We receive the final request: "Trial of the Dragon: Essence of Power".

Let's head back to town now.

Flamesday, October 11
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's head to Brilehaven to work on our coliseum rank.

The Varmareno Coliseum
Let the Spirited Receptionist know you want to take on the Ranked League.
  • Bronze I → Silver III
- Courage +4 Coins

We should finish the hot spring request, so head over to Altabury Heights.

Opera House Square
Stop by here to let the Obsessive Soldier know we slayed the Ziocropos, and we gain his support.
- Courage +4 Coins

Now head to Lower Blue Sky Bridge.

Blue Sky Bridge
Let's take a dip in the hot spring and collect some of the water into the empty vial.
  • I'd like to soak for a bit.
Schedule (October 12 - October 15)
Watersday, October 12
Warp to Altabury Heights.

Blue Sky Bridge
Let the Gentle Merchant know that we enjoyed the hot spring... and we get our final Gold Beetle.

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's depart for the Dragon Temple to face the last trial.

I went fishing using a Tail Bait for a Lord of the Lake + 2 Queen's Honey Jar

Dragon Temple (Dungeon)
Travel to the "Divine Altar Path" Magla Hollow, and enter the altar room.

This battle becomes more difficult the longer it takes, but it's very manageable with the right setup. I was able to go in with my party around Lv 64 and earn multiple unscathed triumphs during testing.

The Elegy of the Soul takes the form of our Protagonist, and has 30,000 HP. It cycles through our party's main Archetypes in a preset order, utilizing skills (Synthesis also) from their respective Lineages. When it's HP gets low, it also uses Hero's Cry once. There's also a 24 turn limit where, after cycling through every Archetypes 3 times, it will use Armageddon's Final Sire upon its third switch to the Prince Archetype.
  1. Seeker
    Adventurer's Curiosity, then prioritizes Heat Riser; usually doesn't attack unless it has at least +1 in buffs (Soul Hacker skills)

  2. Warrior
    Concentrate, sometimes Unwavering Blade, into mainly Slash attacks (Royal Warrior & Samurai skills)

  3. Knight
    Knight's Defence into chaining one-time Light/Dark weaknesses or regular skills (Paladin & Dark Knight skills)

  4. Thief
    Quick-Change Arts, then Agitator's Art into various skills (Assassin & Ninja skills)

  5. Masked Dancer
    Mainly apply one-time weaknesses, attacks with AoE Fire (Masked Dancer & Persona Master skills)

  6. Summoner
    Uses various summons: Dragon God, Fallen, Kishin, Deity, Night, etc. (Summoner & Devil Summoner skills)

  7. Berserker
    War Cry, Charge into physical Strike attacks (Berserker skills)

  8. Prince
    Hero's Proving, then other normal skills + Royal Sword Synthesis

Here's the party I ran:
*Don't equip gear with repel (null is ok), or you get insta-killed.
  • Protagonist - Prince Archetype
    • Weapon: Dragon's Fall (Increases Damage Against Dragons)
    • Armour, Gear: Anything
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual (Reduces Synthesis Skill Action Crystal Cost by 1)
  • Strohl - Royal Warrior Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Slash Boost, Heat Up
    • Weapon: Beloved Greatsword (Increase MP & Damage of Synthesis Skills)
    • Armour, Gear: Anything
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual (Reduces Synthesis Skill Action Crystal Cost by 1)
  • Hulkenberg - Royal Knight Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Counter, Magic Counter, Magic Link
    • Weapon, Armour, Gear: Anything
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual (Reduces Synthesis Skill Action Crystal Cost by 1)
  • Junah - Persona Master Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Vidyartha, Dekaja
    • Weapon, Armour, Gear: Anything
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual (Reduces Synthesis Skill Action Crystal Cost by 1)

Because the boss gets harder to deal with the more turns it get, the strategy here is to go all in and nuke it down before it can overwhelm us. Strohl will be our main damage dealer, and the Protagonist as secondary; Hulkenberg is here for protection, and Junah provides support utility.

We open our turn with all our buffs & debuffs - Junah uses Vidyartha, Strohl uses Concentrate, Hulkenberg uses Ultimate Guard Synthesis skill, and the Protagonist uses Hero's Cry to extend our action crystals. With the remaining actions, Junah uses Masquerade Charge Synthesis skill, Strohl throws out Peerless Stonecleaver Synthesis skill, Hulkenberg uses Holy Knight's Proclamation to pass half an action to next turn, and the Protagonist uses Hero's Proving.

For turn 2 and beyond, Junah will debuff or use Masquerade Charge depending on the enemy's buff condition, Hulkenberg will reapply Ultimate Guard when the barriers are consumed or use Proclamation otherwise, and both Strohl & the Protagonist will use Peerless Stonecleaver Synthesis skill & Royal Sword Synthesis skill respectively.

Defeating the boss reveals some significant lore, and we are given Dragon's Legacy as our reward.

Afterwards, we're automatically sent back to the entrance and we can head back home.

Arboursday, October 13
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

As a reminder, work on crafting the masks & vessels for the Masked Dancer & Summoner Lineage. You should be able to complete all the masks, and all except 1 vessel. The missing Talisman of the Divine will be collected when we head for Skybound Avatar.

All we have left is the coliseum, so let's warp to Brilehaven and grind that out over the next few days.

The Varmareno Coliseum
Head over to the Spirited Receptionist to take on the Ranked League.
  • Silver III → Silver II
- Courage +4 Coins

The Varmareno Coliseum
Head over to the Spirited Receptionist to take on the Ranked League.
  • Silver II → Silver I
- Courage +4 Coins

Metalsday, October 14
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Unfortunately, there's Blight weather at Brilehaven today, so we can't go to the coliseum.
You can choose to head to Skybound Avatar today to do a bit of exploring then come back if you wish to make some story progress.

I decided to do some activities that we haven't done before.
Warp to Martira.

Thoroughfare Square
Listen to the Nostalgic Elder tell the Thief King and the elda's bread tale.
- Imagination +3 Coins

I decided to do some activities we haven't done before.
Warp to Brilehaven.

Angler's Inn Square
Talk to the Masked Woman who only appears at night.
- Tolerance +4 Coins

Idlesday, October 15
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

The Varmareno Coliseum
Head over to the Spirited Receptionist to take on the Ranked League.

This challenge is not that difficult, but it's annoying that they make you run Brawler. Go with the Protagonist and Basilio, and make sure to bring Light and Strike skills.
  • Silver I → Gold III
- Courage +4 Coins

The Varmareno Coliseum
Make sure you reassign your party before continuing.

Head over to the Taciturn Receptionist to take on the Gauntlet Challenge. Make sure to clear all 30 rounds.
  • Gold: The Furthest Reach
- Courage +4 Coins

The fights are relatively easy, and you should have the tools to wipe every round on your first turn. Here's the party I steamrolled this challenge with:
  • Protagonist - Prince Archetype
    • Weapon: Dragon's Legacy
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual
  • Strohl - Royal Warrior Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Slash Boost, Heat Up
    • Weapon: Beloved Greatsword
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual
  • Hulkenberg - Royal Knight Archetype
    • Only Here for Synthesis Criteria
  • Eupha - Devil Summoner / Royal Summoner Archetype
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual
You pretty much rely on Eupha for AoE clear, with Hulkenberg there just to enable Synthesis skills. Strohl and the Protagonist are there for the stronger enemies that require more single-target damage. If you run low on MP, use a few Steamed Buns or Cursed Love Ballad.

Doing this probably earned you a bunch of Hero's Leaf of Light, so make sure to spend them as they cap out at 99x.
Schedule (October 16 - October 18)
Flamesday, October 16
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

We're heading to the Skybound Avatar today to stop Louis.

Skybound Avatar (Dungeon)
There's some incredibly strong equipment found in the treasure chests here, so make sure to explore the place thoroughly.

The Royal Garden zone is a merge of Drakongrace Shinjuku and Giant Sandworm's Belly in terms of level design. Just remember you can spam dodge roll when you're standing inside the flooded area to travel faster, and don't forget to be on the lookout for crawl spaces.

Once you've defeated the two minibosses, make sure to bring Dekaja or some form of buff removal and head inside the Garden Resevoir Hall to fight a Grotesque Chimenzahn. You can also steal a Magic Incense from it. After that, we break the King's Servant and restored the sanity of some of our followers.

When you reach the Royal Passage, you're blocked again by melancholisation. We've got two King's Servant to break this time. One in the Banquet Hall to the east, and the other in the Palace Corridor to the west.

Let's do the Banquet Hall first. When you enter, the door behind you will lock up and you're put on a 5 minute timer to take care of all the Trance Crystals in the room. As long as you ignore the enemies and loot, you should have enough time to take care of all 5 crystals - two on the 2nd floor up the flight of stairs to your left and right, two behind the north and south door in the middle of the room, and one at the end of the room. Once the room is clear, you can backtrack and pick up all the loot before proceeding. Just like last time, have something to deal with the guardian's buffs. The fight this time is against a Gupdetron, and you can steal a Strength Incense from it.

After breaking the 2nd King's Servant, we return to the Royal Passage. We haven't done enough to overcome the melancholia yet, so let's go take care of the Palace Corridor too.

Eupha will mention the magla in this area reminds her of the Dragon Temple's maze, and that's because the doors here teleport you to other locations. The trick to understanding where to go and which door leads to where is by using Fae Sight. Essentially, the door you enter will always lead to the nearest door the magla is pointing at. There's even a Trance Crystal you can use as a checkpoint for some A-EXP and MP farming. I suggest prioritizing getting to the King's Servant first, as some of the loot is inaccessible and you'll have to backtrack anyway.

When you get to the 3rd King's Servant, you'll find it protected by a Leogrophon. This one is a bit more difficult than the last two guardians, because on top of buffing itself, it will also use Soul Scream to gain 4 more action crystals. If you steal from it, you'll get a Speed Incense.

When you break the 3rd King's Servant, you'll hear Ex-Candidates Lina, Goddard, and surprisingly, even Roger eventually showing support for you. After another cutscene back at the Royal Passage, make sure to return to the Palace Corridor and collect the loot that was previously blocked off.

Proceed until you reach the second Magla Hollow. Given that there's dark mist coming from the door to the next area, you know something strong is waiting ahead.

Zorba has two forms which he can switch between: Offence Form and Defence Form. He starts in his Offence Form, and the attacks he use aren't too threatening as long as you keep up buffs & debuffs, but his ailments are quite difficult to deal with, so you'll want Hulkenberg to use Holy Knight's Proclamation to draw aggro and block them. When he switches to Defence Form, that's where the fight becomes annoying. Not only will he spam buffs and remove your buffs, he becomes resistant to everything except Almighty (he even gains a passive called Piercing Apostasy which repels Slash/Pierce/Strike and deals heavy Almighty damage back). This basically becomes a game of Red Light, Green Light - when he's in Offence Form, nuke him and have someone draw aggro; when he's in Defence Form, maintain your debuffs on him as best you can until he switches out. The last thing to note is that you can steal an Energy Incense from him, might be worth doing when he's in Defence Form.

After the battle, Zorba basically does the same thing he did at the Cathedral near the beginning of the game. Any bets on him still being alive? I mean he survived the last time he did that.

Continue on a bit further and you'll find the final King's Servant to destroy.

It's time to head to the throne room to confront Louis and learn the whole truth.

Save here!
Then proceed to the throne...

Louis offers you the choice to join hands with him. It certainly feels like a JRPG moment where the supposed "Demon King" is offering you half the world. You should refuse, but the option to accept is certainly there...

We receive the final operation request: "Save the Country"

Watersday, October 17
The decisive battle will take place in 10 days. We only have the coliseum left to complete, and after that, it's all free time. Feel free to tie up loose ends, have some fun, or just sleep through the remaining days. If you want to be efficient with preparing for the New Game+ Super Boss (the final achievement), you can go fishing for Lord of the Lake & Queen's Honey Jar so you can cook a bunch of Sublime Spoonful.

As a reminder, you should've earned enough materials to create all masks and vessels. If you're missing a few white masks, remember that the Wary Shopkeep at Brilehaven sells them.

One last side note, you can chat with all your followers and they'll have some final words to send you off with before we have to head to Tyrant's Star on 10/26 (those in your party will have different dialogues depending on the town and time of day too).

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

Let's work towards the remaining coliseum rewards over the next 2 days.

The Varmareno Coliseum
Head over to the Spirited Receptionist to take on the Ranked League.

It's kinda amusing we're facing Lina.
  • Gold III → Gold II
- Courage +4 Coins


The Varmareno Coliseum
Head over to the Spirited Receptionist to take on the Ranked League.
  • Gold II → Gold I
- Courage +4 Coins

Arboursday, October 18
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

The Varmareno Coliseum
Remember to reassign your party.

Head over to the Spirited Receptionist to take on our last opponent for the Ranked League...

It's a human! The Hómo Luano resists everything except Almighty, so you'll want to use the Prince Archetype's Royal Sword Synthesis skill and consider applying one-time weaknesses. The fight itself shouldn't be too difficult with those in mind.

- Courage +4 Coins

Looks like there's actually one more challenge left, as we receive the "Become Champion of the Coliseum" request.

The Varmareno Coliseum
Head over to the Spirited Receptionist to take on our actual final opponent - The Gupatauron.

We have to defeat this guy within 2 turns. It's weak to Pierce and Ice, so utilizing that in conjunction with the Prince Archetype's Hero's Cry skill and ♥♥♥♥♥ Archetype's ♥♥♥♥♥'s Roguery, you can cheese out quite a few action crystals to take it down.
Schedule (October 19 - October 25)
Metalsday, October 19
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

I decided to do some activities we haven't done before.
Warp to Brilehaven.

Merchants' Bazaar
Talk to the Bullish Youth at the west docks and take on his diving competition.
- Courage +4 Coins

I decided to do some activities that we haven't done before.
Warp to Martira.

Thoroughfare Square
Listen to the Nostalgic Elder finish her tale about the Thief King and the elda's bread.
- Imagination +3 Coins

Idlesday, October 20
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

I decided to do some activities we haven't done before.
Warp to Altabury Heights.

Opera House Square
There's a Clumsy Man just up the stairs who asks us to build him a snowman so he could show it to his daughter. Let's help him out.

His daughter requested a "cat-like snowman".
  • Round and paunchy.
  • A pointy headscarf.
  • Make it feel alive.
- Imagination +7 Coins


I decided to do some activities we haven't done before.
Warp to Brilehaven.

Angler's Inn Square
Head west of More's Phantom to find a Sanctor. Let's listen to him and see what folklore he wishes to recount.
- Imagination +4 Coins

Flamesday, October 21
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

I decided to do some activities we haven't done before.
Warp to Altabury Heights.

Blue Sky Bridge
There's an Activist Woman in Upper Blue Sky Bridge just west of the podium. Donate 250 reeve and spend some time listening to her.
- Tolerance +7 Coins
Receive Fruit Cordial

I decided to do some activities we haven't done before.
Warp to Altabury Heights.

Blue Sky Bridge
At night only, you can find a Maskless Mustari in Lower Blue Sky Bridge standing between the hot spring and magic shop. Let's talk to her and learn how the mustari survive in this city.
- Tolerance +6 Coins

Watersday, October 22
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

I decided to do some activities we haven't done before.
Warp to Brilehaven.

Angler's Inn Square
Let's return to the Sanctor and hear the rest of the tale.
- Imagination +4 Coins

I decided to do some activities we haven't done before.
Warp to Altabury Heights.

Dia Franco Streets
There's a Chipper Old Woman in front of the Skyward Tavern. It seems she knows of a tale about an old paripus and a fairy. Let's listen to her story.
- Imagination +6 Coins

Arboursday, October 23
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

I decided to do some activities we haven't done before.
Warp to Martira.

Thoroughfare Square
Let's chat with the Masked Woman again. She wishes to learn about why we took the mustari's precious relic, so let's take some time to explain things.
- Tolerance +3 Coins

I decided to do some activities we haven't done before.
Warp to Altabury Heights.

Dia Franco Streets
Let's return to the Chipper Old Woman and hear the rest of the story.
- Imagination +6 Coins

Metalsday, October 24
Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry & Washroom.

I decided to depart for the Lone Isle Camp, which is just north of Virga Island.
After some cooking, I joined Eupha for a bit of meditation.
  • Breathe deeply.
- Imagination +6 Coins

At the camp, I did a bit more cooking, and passed the time listening to Junah sing.
  • Your singing now. (+600 MAG)
- Eloquence +6 Coins

Idlesday, October 25
Today's the day before we depart for the Tyrant's Star.
It's also the last day we can get +1 Luck for using the toilet...

Gauntlet Runner
Check the Pantry, Washroom, and Toilet.

Since I camped out yesterday, I have to use the Round Table to warp back to Grand Trad and waste an afternoon time block.

Make sure you check the King's Rock one last time and finish your shopping today to gear up for tomorrow!

Today's the last day, so let's talk to all our Followers.
  • Strohl
    • I could handle more. (+600 MAG)
    • Any (+450 MAG)
    • I'm not giving up either way. (+1000 MAG)
      Receive Crested Shortsword
  • Hulkenberg
    • There was a surprise attack. (+450 MAG)
    • Learn to live with it. (+600 MAG)
    • Any (+450 MAG)
    • Any (+1000 MAG)
      Receive Knight's Memorandum
  • Heismay
    • I could use a drink... (+450 MAG)
    • Is it better now? (+1000 MAG)
    • Any
      Receive Ashen Meteorite Bracelet
  • Junah
    • Any
    • They loved more than that. (+600 MAG)
    • I accept you. (+600 MAG)
    • Any (+1000 MAG)
      Receive Erika Flower Bookmark
  • Eupha
    • Any (+1000 MAG)
    • Any
      Receive Rippling Shell
  • Basilio
    • That's normal. (+250 MAG)
    • Any (+1000 MAG)
      Receive Golden Perfume Cream
  • Neuras
    • It's for your luck, too. (+450 MAG)
    • Any (+250 MAG)
    • That's so cool. (+1000 MAG)
      Receive Dragon Crystal Specimen
  • Maria
    • Any (+250 MAG)
    • I'll take it one step at a time. (+450 MAG)
    • Any (+450 MAG)
    • Any (+1000 MAG)
      Receive Handmade Charm
  • Catherina
    • Congratulations. (+450 MAG)
    • You'll do something new? (+450 MAG)
    • Any (+450 MAG)
    • Any (+1000 MAG)
      Receive Wooden Doll Sculpture
  • Alonzo
    • You didn't think I'd make it? / Any plans for resurrection? (+450 MAG)
    • Bring it on. (+450 MAG)
    • That's reassuring. (+1000 MAG)
      Receive Mysterious Silver Coin
  • Bardon
    • What's worrying you? / You're tired. (+250 MAG)
    • You can do it, Bardon. (+450 MAG)
    • I'll just ask them. (+250 MAG)
    • Any (+1000 MAG)
      Receive Desertglass Lantern
  • Brigitta
    • Any
    • Sounds fun. (+450 MAG)
    • I think you're right. (+450 MAG)
    • Any (+1000 MAG)
      Receive Brigitta's Brooch
  • More
    • I know I'll win. (+250 MAG)
    • I'll expect compensation. (+450 MAG)
    • Any (+250 MAG)
    • Any (+1000 MAG)
      Receive White Raven Quill
When you're done talking to everyone, return to the Hushed Honeybee Inn and go to bed.
  • Gallica
    • Maybe I seem like a good person? (+450 MAG)
    • A real king? (+450 MAG)
      Receive Sachet of Calm
I love Gallica's line where she says "anxiety is just a hope combined with a fear".
Schedule (October 26 Afternoon)
Flamesday, October 26
Gauntlet Runner
Let's do our final Pantry & Washroom check.
When you're done chatting, have a seat at the Round Table and set off for the Tyrant's Star.

There's no turning back now.
If you wish to recover HP & MP, talk to Neuras and he'll let you rest inside our battered gauntlet runner.
Courtesy of the city folks, Neuras now sells some useful consumables (one of them being an infinite number of Magla Potions), so if you need anything, check his wares.

Tyrant's Star (Dungeon)
There will be some backtracking for this dungeon.

Start by exploring Melancholia Threshold, but make sure you don't step on any moving platforms to go towards any powerful presences. Gallica will let you know when you approach a platform, so there can't be any accidents. When you've filled out the map, take the moving platform highlighted by the mission marker.

You'll arrive at Melancholia Depths next, and as with the last area, explore but don't proceed towards the powerful presences. There's two Trance Crystals to the south which mainly spawn Platinum, Golden, Azure, Ochre, and standard Hómo Tentas. Keep this location in mind, and don't pick up the loot near that area; doing this will help you farm two accessories that are very handy to have (unlike Trance Crystals in other dungeons, you may kill the ones in this dungeon for A-EXP and they'll respawn when you leave and come back).

When you find Plateau Mirage, SAVE YOUR GAME!
Beyond this point is Louis.

So here's the deal: there's an achievement locked behind defeating Louis at his strongest, meaning we need to ignore the powerful presences and proceed as is. However, he's level 90 for that fight, has 8 action crystals per turn, can make you have less action crystals for a turn, and does a lot of other things, so it's incredibly difficult to tackle him right off the bat (my party is around level 74). What this schedule is going to suggest is a bit of a hassle, but I think it's the best way to enjoy the ending then prepare for the Super Boss.

On a separate save slot, we'll head back and defeat all the powerful presences, then take down Louis. This ensures you won't be over-leveled for the boss fight. After the ending, load the previous save and grind monsters (plus farm the two accessories briefly mentioned previously) until you've unlocked all the Archetypes on your Protagonist, then save and take on the strongest version of Louis. Once you've earned the achievement, load the save again and defeat all the powerful presences again for their loots, before taking down Louis a 3rd time to proceed to New Game+. If all that sounds like a hassle and you don't want to fight Louis 3x, here's a cheesy strategy you can use to try and defeat him right now so you'll only need to fight him 2x instead (likely still need to grind A-EXP to max all Archetypes for the Protagonist for an achievement).

SKIP this paragraph if you don't mind replaying the fights and would rather not ruin the final boss experience. The "Post-Game (Pre-New Game+)" section will discuss dealing with the powered up Louis in the normal fashion.
You're essentially doing something similar to what was suggested for the Elegy of the Soul. You have Junah use Vidyartha on your target, then spam Masquerade Charge to buff everyone else's damage. Meanwhile, the Protagonist, Strohl, and Basilio will buff up then use Royal Sword Synthesis, Peerless Stonecleaver Synthesis / Crimson Moon Sword Art Synthesis, and Wanton Destruction respectively. The only difference is that once you run low on action crystals, you add more via Hero's Cry and Sublime Spoonful (or roll the dice on ♥♥♥♥♥'s Roguery).
  • Protagonist - Prince Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Any Attack Boosting Passives
    • Weapon: Dragon's Legacy
    • Armour, Gear: Anything (Ideally +Strength / +Magic Stat, whichever is higher)
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual
  • Strohl - Royal Warrior Archetype
    • Inherited Skill: Formation of Vigor, Slash Boost, Heat Up
    • Weapon: Beloved Greatsword
    • Armour, Gear: Anything (Ideally +Strength Stat)
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual
  • Basilio - Royal Berserker Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Sense of Kinship, Diligent Discipline, Strike Boost
    • Weapon, Armour, Gear, Accessory: Anything
  • Junah - Persona Master Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Vidyartha, Dekaja, ♥♥♥♥♥'s Roguery
    • Weapon, Armour, Gear: Anything
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual

Starting with the run that involves defeating all the powerful presences, talk to Plateau and warp back to the entrance. At Melancholia Threshold, let's take the northwest-most platform first. This pits us against Diabolus Gorelo, and it has the same Wind weakness as the original variant, so it should be an easy battle. After breaking the giant Melancholia Crystal, we pick up Hero King's Sword.

Remember you can use an Ariadne's Thread at any time to quickly heal up at the runner. Next is the central north platform. The human guardian this time is Diabolus Avades, and like its predecessor, the Shell is weak to Strike, and the Hands are weak to Fire. Breaking this crystal rewards us 3 weapons: Mage King's Staff, War King's Claymore, and Hero King's Lance.

The final platform for this zone is to the southeast. Head over there to face Diabolus Butera, the human sandworm that's weak to Ice. Shatter the crystal and grab 3 more weapons: Brawler King's Fists, Hero King's Mace, Hero King's Abacus.

Onwards to Melancholia Depths, where we tackle the southwest platform first. And oh boy, that familiar laugh means a certain infant is next. Diabolus Jaluzo has no weaknesses, but you can aim for its eyes to weaken it before focusing the main body. Both eyes are weak to Pierce, resist Slash and Strike; the left eye nulls Fire and Ice, while the right eye nulls Electric and Wind. Once the baby is taken care of, you'll smash the crystal for another 3 weapons: Gunner King's Bow, Thief King's Katana, ♥♥♥♥♥ King's Daggers.

With two more platforms left, we head to the northwest one next. The human that greets us here is Diabolus Sabara, the sea monster we defeated before, and oddly enough it's fighting us on land. Anyway, the main body is weak to Electric, but you'll probably want to deal with its tentacles first. The tentacles take normal damage from Slash, Pierce, and Strike while also resisting every other element. Crack the crystal for a set of 2 weapons this time: Hero King's Banner, and Hero King's Fan.

The last crystal is at the platform to the southeast. The final guardian is Diabolus Margo, the parasite human that attacked Eupha's village. Honestly, with the tools we have now, Reversal Prayer is a joke and the boss should be an easy kill. Also, the AI still prioritizes dispelling your party's buffs, and then removing its own debuffs, so you can easily earn an unscathed triumph here as long as you make sure both are always maintained before your turn ends. Pop the crystal and your final prizes are: King's Crosier, and Annihilator King's Axe.

If you managed to master all the Royal Archetypes, feel free to pay More a visit and receive Chronicle of the End, which will allow you to use Armageddon's Final Sire (not that strong at this stage of the game when you can easily deal over 10k damage with just a bit of setup, but it looks cool).

When you're ready, let's end things with Louis (I entered with the party around level 77).
Archdemon Louis Charadrius shouldn't be too difficult, if not a bit slow. He does have 40,000 HP after all.

Louis then flees, and we have to chase after his Skyrunner.
Schedule (October 26 Night - December 35)
Flamesday, October 26
We are then brought to Akademeia...
More urges us to accept, but is that really the right choice to make?
No! Magic hasn't been lost.

This battle is more thematic than anything, since he only has 5,000 HP and deals pretty minimal damage. Also, if you were wondering, there's no special scene for losing here.

This is your last time in Akademeia, so take a good long look at everything. Especially check the Mystical Scrolls.

We're up against the final boss, Destroyer Charadrius. It has 3 parts we have to destroy: Mask of Ire has 20,000 HP, while Mask of Joy & Mask of Mirth have 28,000 HP. The more you defeat, the less actions crystals it'll have per turn. We're in the final stretch, so don't be stingy with your consumables. I suggest having at least Hulkenberg or Heismay in your party so that they can preemptively end the enemy's turn via their passive. The main thing to keep an eye out for is maintaining your buffs and dispelling enemy Heat Riser.

I hope you healed up and restored your HP & MP before finishing off the boss, because there's a phase 2 to this final battle! I have to say, the music here is incredible.

With the masks broken, we're targeting Destroyer Charadrius directly, and he has 40,000 HP. Thanks to breaking the crystals, his actions will sometimes be interrupted by "The link has been severed!"

After coming out victorious against Louis for the third and final time, you've done it!

Idlesday, December 35
A year after our journey, this is the epilogue to our story.

For the first time, we get some time to roam Grand Trad without any grand mission or objectives in mind. We're simply here to listen and take in the city.

Keep an eye out for all the NPCs, you'll find a lot of familiar faces around the city. Perhaps even a certain cat as well.

Don't forget that you can also board your Gauntlet Runner in Sunlumeo Street and reminisce about the days you spent traveling. I suggest checking the Journal hanging in the Engine Room doorway.

Feel free to give the Memorandum one last read to learn about the world.

Whenever you feel ready, head in to the Grand Cathedral to find Maria.

And I'm sure you had an inkling of this by now, but after the credits, it's made clear why our name appeared on the Mystical Scrolls.

Post-Game (Pre-New Game+)
When you return to the main menu, there's still a few things that need to be taken care of before moving on to New Game+. Load the pre-boss-rush save. It's time to prepare for the harder version of the Destroyer Charadrius fight.

Go back to the two Trance Crystals that spawn Hómo Tentas at Melancholia Depths, it's the best place to farm EXP & A-EXP. In addition, be on the look out for the rare spawning giant teeth named Or-Crown Hómo Tenta and Argent-Crown Hómo Tenta. These two always come in pairs during Squad Battle, and are extremely powerful. They also drop Mirror of Assiah and Mirror of Atziluth respectively, which grant Repel Slash/Pierce/Strike and Repel Fire/Ice/Electric/Wind/Light/Dark (consider inheriting Lucky Find from the Merchant Archetype). To make it as easy as possible to defeat them, I suggest having Heismay in your party before initiating Squad Battle in hopes of triggering Mortal Strike, and because you can steal Health Incense and Energy Incense from them. In addition, swap in Junah to apply one-time weaknesses, because those teeth are really tanky and have the same affinity repels as what their accessory drops are (or use Basilio to ignore resistance). Lastly, whenever you want to save your progress, simply use the loot item nearby. Whenever you pick up loot, the game always autosaves right before you acquire it, so you just have to load the autosave to retain the loot and use it again in the future.

While working on mastering all Archetypes for your Protagonist, you should have received some strong equipment for awakening 80%, 90%, and 100% of all Archetypes: Reverent Crown, Fortune Abacus, and King's Sovereignty.

Once you've mastered all the Archetypes available for your Protagonist, your party should be around level 80+, which means you're now ready to face the empowered Destroyer Charadrius.
Save before attempting the fight.

Here's what I ran with (5 characters because I swap Hulkenberg out for Basilio for earlier fights to end them quicker):
  • Protagonist - Prince Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Almighty Boost, Arcane Unity, Sense of Kinship, Heat Up
    • Weapon: King's Sovereignty
    • Armour: Anything (Ideally +Strength / +Magic, whichever stat is higher)
    • Gear: Reverent Crown
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual
  • Strohl - Royal Warrior Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Formation of Vigor, Slash Boost, Heat Up, Front Boost
    • Weapon: Beloved Greatsword
    • Armour: Anything (Ideally +Strength)
    • Gear: Anything (Ideally +Strength / Wind Evasion)
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual
  • Basilio - Royal Berserker Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Sense of Kinship, Diligent Discipline, Strike Boost, Heat Up
    • Weapon: Edge of Calamity
    • Armour: Anything (Ideally +Strength)
    • Gear: Anything (Ideally +Strength / Evasion)
    • Accessory: Herald's Banner
  • Hulkenberg - Royal Knight Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Ironclad Bond, Magic Link, Revitalise 3
    • Weapon: Lance of Judgement
    • Armour: Bishamon's Armour / Egis of the Vow
    • Gear: XXXX Split Shoes (Repel Element)
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual
  • Junah - Persona Master Archetype
    • Inherited Skills: Vidyartha, Dekaja, ♥♥♥♥♥'s Roguery
    • Weapon, Armour, Gear: Anything (Ideally Null / Evasion)
    • Accessory: Utilitarian's Manual

The first battle with Archdemon Louis Charadrius is the same as before. So there's not much to say. Once you return to Akademeia, you'll want to set up your party for the actual final battle.

I believe the fight against the three Masks are also the same, as they're still level 82 with 5 action crystals per turn. Defeating each one still lowers their action count by 1 as well.

His second phase is a different beast altogether. Destroyer Charadrius is level 90, has 80,000 HP (double his weakened form's HP), and starts each turn with 8 action crystals (3 more than his weakened form). On top of this, he seems to spam High Pressure more often (could be because he has more actions), with the skill draining 3 crystals from your next turn's actions as compared to 1 crystal previously. He also has higher stats across the board (hits harder, takes less damage, more evasive, etc.), and has access to skills from the bosses we skipped. My plan was to rely on Hulkenberg's Omni-Counter and Ultimate Guard to keep the party alive (also transfer an action crystal to next turn after using Proclamation), while Junah provides support (and gambles with ♥♥♥♥♥'s Roguery) for the rest of the team to deal damage. It'll be a difficult fight, but I'm confident you'll be able to succeed with the game mechanic knowledge you've honed up to this point.

Once you've won, reload your recent save one more time to clean up the boss rush, and re-defeat the final boss so you can carry over the weapons used by great heroes of old to New Game+.
Post-Game (New Game+ Content)
If you plan on playing NG+ on Regicide Difficulty, I suggest studying as many Archetypes as you can beforehand. Regicide Difficulty doubles the MAG cost of studying new Archetypes, meaning you'll need to earn 2x as much MAG to unlock them all if you only start doing them for your companions then.

The main objective of NG+ is to just play until you've reached near the final part of the game. This is because levels do not carry over, so you need the final dungeons in order for your party to be at a decent level to survive the Redscale Apocalypse Dragon's attacks. It's level 99 with 60,000 HP after all. Feel free to prioritize cleaning the storage room while traveling on the Gauntlet Runner to get Tail Baits, and go fishing for Lord of the Lakes and Queen's Honey Jars to cook enough Sublime Spoonful to trivialize the boss.

*Self note: Memorandum is at 98% completion, may need to revise schedule a bit depending on where the missing 2 to 5 entries are.
I believe one entry is "Pagan Faith" from spending time 2x with the Masked Man at Grand Trad before the final month.

There's a "Dragon Crystal" entry from sitting at the beach of Virga Island 2x? Afternoon only?

There's a Cigniter entry that requires waiting for a rainy day night? 6/15 near the execution site. Might require not clearing Cathedral.

7/27 "Forgiveness Day" for not infiltrating Charadrius before this date.

Missing "Water Merchant" which requires listening/talking to the water merchant in Grand Trad early on - June or so?

If you donate to Grand Trad activist multiples times (doesn't require spending time), the eloquence points you gain is boosted (not sure how many times it takes, maybe 4+ times?)
*seems to apply to activists in other cities/towns
End Notes
I would appreciate feedback on what you would like to see added to this guide, and comments on new tips you discover while playing through Metaphor: ReFantazio.

Check out a few other guides I've made for Metaphor: ReFantazio
187 comentário(s)
Grimm 15 de fev. às 13:34 
oh! exciting. thank you!!
HayateButler  [autor(a)] 15 de fev. às 11:16 
You don’t need to complete NG+, but you need to at least play through some of it to be able to fight the NG+ exclusive secret boss.
Grimm 15 de fev. às 10:45 
quick question do I need ng+ to get all the achievement ? I would love to finish them in 1 playthrough
HayateButler  [autor(a)] 9 de fev. às 7:19 
Thanks for pointing that out. That's done just so you can try out every activity on the Gauntlet Runner. It actually doesn't matter what seed you plant as far as I remember, so I'll update the text to just ask to plant a seed.
∞ Jizz 9 de fev. às 1:56 
Hey. Again, this is not important, but your guide doesn't mention buying Hero's Jewelled Root Seed anywhere. I'm on 9/30 Idlesday and all I got is the Hero's Fruit Seed that I received for free. Not a big deal. I guess I'll just do another activity that day.
HayateButler  [autor(a)] 7 de fev. às 16:42 
I didn't make any changes to the September 6 deadline gambling bet since it was added, but it's possible I made a mistake on my notes since I didn't go back and double check this specific action afterwards.
∞ Jizz 7 de fev. às 15:42 
I'm on 9/26 Night and it says I lost the gambling bet on my ranking. Can't remember if I chose Rank 5-1 or 10-6 by September 6, but I've been following your guide closely. I do remember on the start of the day on September 6 I didn't reach the rank but I did make it at the very end of the night, so perhaps that's why it didn't count. You didn't make any changes to the choices, right? It's not a big deal. I can just farm more money later. Just curious.
dragon-fire22 26 de jan. às 19:01 
I’m on 10/1 night and idk how but I’ve ended up missing 3 of the gold beetles. I always picked them up though I thought
VroZent 19 de jan. às 12:25 
Good guide, I would say a "level check" and "essential skill check"would be a nice addition for to the guide, I'm really the type ignore literally every single mob in a dungeon n just explore then beat the crap out of the boss, hence i always ended up fighting them while being underleveled and I enjoy the challenge a little malding sesh can't be avoided ofc

The only chokepoint where i had to stray off the guide is when fighting the last dragon trial boss, really can't do anything since i havent unlocked royal knight yet at that point
synx 18 de jan. às 16:08 
Yeah I was making it along fine until the infiltration, but also didn't spend as long re-running dungeons like I should have- thankyou for the guide! :needy_heart: