Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

I'm not a cheater sticker collection
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Haluaisitko nähdä tämän esinekokoelman virallisessa käytössä ja tuettuna pelissä Counter-Strike 2?

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"I'am not a cheater" is a sticker collection inspired by the new anti-cheat system in Deadlock, which sparked a lot of discussion among players. The collection was also inspired by a post from one of the developers, joking that such an anti-cheat system could have existed in Counter-Strike.

The collection includes two variations of stickers in paper, holographic, and shiny finishes. It’s the perfect way to highlight your honest play!

Each sticker features an alpha channel with a hidden Easter egg that directly references the joke about the anti-cheat system that could have been implemented in Counter-Strike. Players can scratch the sticker to reveal the other side of the joke xD.

Don’t give cheats a chance! With the "I'am not a cheater" collection, you're always on the side of fair play.
Luomukset (8)
1 kokoelmassa, tekijä Rappey
Rappey stickers collection
24 luomusta