

213 ratings
BlacKy's High-tier bot-building guide
By BlacKy #SlavaIsraelini and 1 collaborators
A guide which shows some of my own bot designs which stood well on the battlefield on high tier games.
Hello. My name is BlacKy, or Ori128 in Robocraft.

In this guide i will be showing you how to make some of my own designs which have yet to fail me on the battlefield.
I will mostly be focusing on land vehicles rather than aircrafts.
Most of my crafts can be used for a wide veriety of tiers (altho using mostly high tier electro plates), and because of that, I will be building everything from white blocks just to demonstrate how all the pieces fit together.
I'll keep updating this guide as long as i have new creations in mind.
Feel free to tweak any examples to fit in your current tiers.

Some of my designs would require to use a core. The core is the heart of the craft which the pilot is sitting above, and its the most armored part of the craft compared to its small size. A good core is built by not having the damage being sent up to the pilot, but instead, forcing the damage to go through as many blocks as possible before touching the block beneath the pilot seat. This is a tutorial which teaches how to make a good core (credits for that goes to the owner of that video, not to me):
Core building starts at 0:40 and ends at 1:43 .

I will make each small progress with its own screenshot, while showing the new added armor as brown armor blocks, compared to the white armor blocks which were already there from past steps.
I will build my bot with parts which mostly fit a T10 battle. Feel free to tweak that to your own tier.
'Utilities' means Flipper + Radar + Jammer at your desired tier. I almost never use a reciever since it takes up too much CPU, while also being pretty big and bulky for my craft's designs.

I hope you will enjoy reading and following this guide, as i have put much work in it. I will gladly take any positive and negative criticism of my designs but up to a certain point. If i feel there is a debate going on with something that you feel i did wrong, i will eventually, but respectfully, ignore your comments. I do not wish to start an argument of 'why is this wrong?' and 'why not this way?'. It is what it is, and hopefully you could deal with it :D.

Short info: The UFO is a hover bot specifically designed for healing, and not for combat. It contains a big amount of hovers and is shielded from all sides, while keeping the pilot in the center.
Size: Small
Weapon type: Medic
Availability: Tier 7+
Total amount of CPU: 925 - 1004, depending on the wanted tier.
98 Cubes
20 Prisms
8 T2 hovers
2 T8 hovers
8 T7 electroplates (4 'left' + 4 'right')
2 T4 thrusters
1 T5/T9 radar
1 T5 flipper
8/9 T6-T10 nano disruptors

Building process:

Build a 5x15 frame (the cube in the middle is where you put the pilot seat later)

To plant the pilot seat, count 9 blocks from the front, or 7 blocks from the back (basically 1 block behind the 'middle', and make this shape:

Add 12 more cubes in 4 sets of 3's: 1 at the top, 2 at the middle and 1 at the bottom:

Do the same thing at the back, meaning adding 12 cubes in total:

Add 4 T2 hovers per side (8 in total), while at each side, place 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom:

Add 1 T8 hover for each side (2 in total)+ 4 prisms around each hover for extra protection (8 in total):

Remove the 2 cubes beneath the pilot seat (but not directly beneat it), which are shown as glass cubes + add 2 cubes as shown above:

Make half a pyramid upside-down directly under the middle of the rectangle frame (1 block in front of the pilot seat) using 8 cubes and 2 prisms:

Fit 4 T7 shields at the bottom of the craft (2 per each side):

Fill in the hole with 3 blocks, 2 spaces in front of the pilot seat (pic only shows 2 blocks, the 3rd is below them), then add another 4 T7 shields just like at the bottom (pic only shows 2):

Add a total of 8 cubes and 6 prisms as the pics suggest:

Add 7 cubes and 2 prisms per each side of the craft:

Time to add the cool stuff! Circle around your craft and add up to 9 Nano Disruptors, 2 T4 thrusters at the top (facing forward) and a radar between them:

The bottom could be either used with an extra 9th nano, or can be used for utilities like jammer and reciever, or extra boost from thrusters. Whatever the case is, dont forget to place a flipper:

Compact Power

Short info: The Compact Power is a medium sized tank which packs dealy firepower, has fast speed to get going wherever is needed, and is overall very reliable and an easy-to-make design.
Size: Medium
Weapon type: SMG / Nano Disruptor
Availability: T7+
Total amount of CPU: 847 - 926

146 Cubes
8 Prisms
7 SMG's / Nano Disruptors
2 T6 shields (1 'left' + 1 'right')
2 T7 shields (1 'left' + 1 'right')
8 Wheels (up to T8)
8 T2 thrusters

Building process:

Make a filled rectangle of 5x11 size

Add a pilot seat at the back of the rectangle + make another filled rectangle on top of the first surface + add a 3rd layer of blocks like the pic suggests:

Add 28 cubes 8 prisms and make the following pattern:

At the back, add 17 cubes and make the following pattern:

At the bottom, remove the cubes which are identified as glass cubes, to make the following pattern:

Depending on the desired tier, stack up to 7 SMG's / Nano's at the following pattern:

Place 1 pair of T6 electroplates + 1 pair of T7 electroplates as shown here:

Place 8 T2 thrusters beneath the bot + 1 T5 flipper at the 'bridge', as shown here:

Place 8 wheels, up to T8, as shown here:

Place the rest of the utilities at the back of the bot:

Short info: The Gridbot is the heavy duty tank which could easily go first into the battlefield without worrying about getting blown off, as it exploits having a strong core + having the 'under the hood' section built almost only from prisms. This is a massive, multipurpose tank which can be equipped with SMG's / Plasmas / Nano disruptors.
Size: Large
Weapon type: SMG / Plasma / Healer
Availability: T10
Total amount of CPU: ~1300

246 Cubes
261 Prisms
6 tetras
8 SMG's / 7 Plasma cannons / 7 Nano disruptors (possible to equip even more but you may have to give up some armor if lacking CPU)
2 T10 shields (1 'left' + 1 'right')
2 T8 shields (1 'left' + 1 'right')
Optional: 2 T9 shields (1 'left' + 1 'right', or 2 of the same side - doesnt matter which side)
6 T10 wheels
2 T8 thrusters (can be used with other optional thrusters from different tiers, but i find that using T10 thrusters making it a bit unstable)
T9 Utilities (Flipper / Radar / Reciever / Jammer)

Building process

Make a rectangle of 11x19 in size, with a beam of 9 blocks passing in the middle:

Make a temporary 'scaffolding' surface below the main structure (showed as green blocks, doesnt matter which kind of blocks since you will be removing it later):

On top of the green surface, make a pattern of prisms and cubes which will look like this:

Do the same thing, symetrically on the other side:

Make a core, starting with the 2 cubes one level above the white pattern:

Leaving the core towards the front, make an 11 blocks beam and then border your craft with it:

Make a spaced prism grid which turns the opposite way compared to the grid below it, and contains only 2 cubes at the back like this:

Same for other side:

Add 8 cubes at the front of the core like this:

Add 23 cubes + 2 prisms like this:

Re-enforce the core with a beam circling around it + add 7 cubes + 8 prisms to act as 2 support bridges:

Add 18 prisms + 2 cubes to form this pattern at the back:

Add the third bridge which crosses the core from above. This section contains a total of 3 cubes, 12 prisms and 2 tetras, as shown here:

Add the pilot seat at the core.
Add a total of 8 prisms + 4 tetras as shown here:

Remove the entire green surface and use 8 cubes to make 6 wheel mounts at the bottom of the craft:

Attach the pairs of T10 shields and T8 shields as the pic suggests:

Add 7 prisms + 4 cubes per each side to make additional armor + weapon mounts:

To increase durability, replace the first bottom row of the front from cubes to prisms pointing forward:

Create a defense buff + 2 weapon mounts by adding a total of 9 cubes + 10 prisms at the back:

Add a total of 11 cubes and 8 prisms at the front to serve as additional armor + 2 weapon mounts:

Add 2 prisms at each side at the back of the T10 shield:

Add SMG's / Plasma cannons / Nano's at the pre-made mounts + 6 wheels in total + 2 T8 thrusters at the back:

OPTIONAL: Add a pair of T9 shields at either the front, at the sides protecting the front wheels, or at the sides protecting the rear wheels:

Now just add the radar anywhere at the top, and the flipper anywhere at the bottom, as well as a jammer.

Thats it :D

Light Choppercraft

Short info: The Light Choppercraft is a sneaky little hover which can go in and out of combat very fast. Its exceptionally good at healing wounded allies or flanking with plasma cannons. Being light weght while also having a decent core structure, making it an ideal support hover craft.
Size: Medium
Weapon type: SMG / Plasma / Nano Disruptor
Availability: T6+
Total amount of CPU: 781 - 928, depending on the desired tier

85 Cubes
93 Prisms
8 T10 hovers (varies with the tier)
2 T8 thrusters (varies with the tier)
7 SMG's / Plasma cannons / Nano disruptors
2 pairs of shields (Their tier varies depending on your tier. As an T10 hover, i use one pair of T9 and one pair of T7 shields).

Building process

Make a core with a frame around it:

Add 2 beams of 10 cubes each at the core's frame, facing backwards:

Add a total of 20 cubes, 10 at each side, at the following formation:

Add a total of 6 cubes (3 at each side) and 16 prisms (8 at each side) at this formation:

At the back, add 7 cubes and 3 prisms at this formation:

Add 2 cubes and 12 prisms like this:

At the bottom, add 4 cubes and 2 prisms like this:

Add 19 prisms in total, at the front and at the main deck, like this:

Add 13 prisms at the front like this:

*It is time to add some parts *

Add 8 T10 hovers at this pattern:

Remove the prism which is showed as glass and put T8 thruster instead (Do the same thing on the other side):

Put a pair of T9 shields at the front and a pair of T7 shields at the back (you can put other types if these aint obtainable) like this:

Add 7 SMG's / Plasma cannons / Nano disruptors at their proper weapon mounts like this:

Finally, put the utilities like this:
Heavy Choppercraft

Short info: The 'Big brother' of the Light Choppercraft. Having many shields to protect its essentials, the Heavy Choppercraft can enter any sort of battlefield and cause extreme damage without worrying much to its health.
Size: Large
Weapon type: SMG / Plasma / Nano Disruptor
Availability: T10
Total amount of CPU: ~1400 to maximize its purpose

242 Cubes
27 Prisms
8 T10 hovers
8 T7 shields (4 'left' + 4 'right')
2 T9 shields (1 'left' + 1 'right')
2 T10 shields (1 'left' + 1 'right')
2 T10 thrusters
2 T6 thrusters
7 T10 SMG's / Nano Disruptors or 6 T10 Plasma Cannons

Building process

Make a core, but with 4 cubes instead of 4 prisms at the corners:

At the back, add 14 cubes on 2 layers like this:

Add 20 cubes like this:

At the bottom, add 24 cubes + 2 prisms, like this:

At each side, add 11 cubes and 3 prisms (22 cubes and 6 prisms in total) like this:

Add 2 prisms at the lower-front area of the core like this:

Add 5 cubes and 5 prisms at the front like this:

Add 30 cubes at the front at a 5x3x2 formation like this:

Add 10 cubes and 3 prisms at the front like this:

Add 36 cubes in a form of 2 wide beams like this:

Add 8 cubes and 3 prisms at the back, like this:

* Note that there is nothing below these cubes so you will need to add an additional support cube and then remove it.

Add 4 cubes at the back, like this:

Add a frame, made from 51 cubes and 2 prisms, like this:

At the back, add 2 prisms and a cube, per each side (4 prisms + 2 cubes in total), like this:

At the front, add 3 cubes, per each side (6 cubes in total), to serve as weapon mounts, like this:

At the back, add 9 cubes to serve as weapon mounts, like this:

At the front, add 1 cube to serve as a weapon mount, like this:

* Now for adding parts *

Add 8 T10 hovers like this:

Add 4 pairs of T7 shields like this:

Add a pair of T10 shields at the sides, like this:

Add a pair of T9 shields at the front, like this:

At the bottom, add 2 T10 thrusters for main thrust + 2 T6 thrusters for easier steering, like this:

Add either 6 T10 plasma cannons or 7 T10 SMG's / Nano Disruptors at their proper mounts.
Please note that having 7 SMG's / Nano's exceeds the total amount of CPU which i use (1401), which means you will have to cut back a few blocks.
Example of where to put plasma cannons:

The horizontal beam at the back is for SMG's / Nano's to be mounted on the craft. Feel free to remove it if its not being used.

Add utilities as you wish:


Short info: The Fly is a special craft, used only upon unlocking T9/T10 plasma cannon. The purpose of this aircraft is to have a very strong weapon for its tier, while being a bit fragile but very deadly. Its also an easy to control craft, very fast, very stable, and easy to flank with.
You should only use it when you have unlocked your high tier plasma cannon and with that you should go back to previous tiers to deal high damage compared to the other crafts.

Size: Small
Weapon type: Plasma
Availability: T6 (after unlocking T9 plasma cannon) / T7 (after unlocking T10 plasma cannon)
Total amount of CPU: 683 (for the T7 version)

* Since this is a special craft which should only be used in special situations, i will demonstrate how to build a T7 Fly by using the T10 plasma cannon. Consider using T9 armor blocks for this craft, but even still, im using white blocks as usual demonstration. *

32 T9 cubes
27 T4 thrusters
4 pairs of T5 shields (2 'left' + 2 'right')
1 T10 plasma cannon
1 T5 flipper

Building process:

Build the following formation using 19 blocks:

Add 11 blocks like this:

Add 2 more blocks like this:

Around the main deck, add 11 T4 thrusters, 5 facing downwards, 4 facing upwards and 2 facing backwards, like this:

At the back, add 8 T4 thrusters, 6 facing forward and 2 facing backwards, like this:

At the bottom, add 4 T4 thrusters, which at the back area, 3 thrusters are all facing their exhausts towards eachother, and the 4th thruster is facing forward at the front, like this:

At the front deck, add the pilot seat and the last 4 T4 thrusters, while 3 of them are sorrounding the pilot, and the 4th thruster is at the front (all 4 thrusters are facing forward), like this:

Add 5 T6 rudders like this:

Add a pair of T5 shields at the top like this:

Add a pair of T5 shields at the bottom like this:

Finally, add the T10 plasma at the bottom, plus a flipper somewhere close to the pilot, like this:

If you have used T9 armor like i mentioned, you wouldnt be able to add anything else without advancing to T8, which is why you should stick with this layout, exactly as is.

Short info: The DeRailer is a bot with the role of a sneaky railgunner. It uses its walker legs and thrusters to make big jumps and has wheels as backups. Its deliberatedly light weight to keep it easy to repair while performing big acrobatic jumps.
Size: Medium
Weapon type: Railgun
Availability: T7+
Total amount of CPU: ~890

74 Cubes
36 Prisms
6 T10 railguns
3 T10 walker legs
2 T8 thrusters
4 T10 thrusters
2 T7 shields (1 'left' + 1 'right')
6 T10 wheels

Building process

Put 52 cubes to make an 11x12 frame + a beam in the middle, like this:

Build a core right above the back-middle cube, starting 2 cubes above the surface, like this:

Add 16 blocks to make this pattern at the back, like this:

Add 2 blocks at the front as weapon mounts, like this:

Add 6 prisms at the bottom as wheel mounts, like this:

Add 2 T8 thrusters facing up, on the 6th cube from the back, like this:

Add 4 T10 thrusters as shown here:

Add 3 walker legs, 2 at the back, and 1 at the front, like this:

Add 6 railguns at their proper mounts like this:

Add 6 wheels at their mounts like this (keep in mind that the wheels are just for backup, in case the legs are shot off):

Add 2 T7 shields at the back, like this:

Add utilities. A jammer is very important to have in any walker / rail bot, since your attack style is staying in safe spots and kill from afar, so the higher tier the jammer, the better.
Trojan Terror

Short info: The Trojan Terror is a plasma hovercraft which takes big advantage of shields instead of armor blocks, Making it much easier to conserve health if damaged, while also being relatively easy to repair in case shields arent fully destroyed during the battle.

Size: Medium
Weapon type: Plasma
Availability: T10
Total amount of CPU: ~1420

244 Cubes
28 Prisms
4 T10 hovers
4 T8 hovers
12 T10 shields (6 'left' + 6 'right')
1 T10 thruster
5 T10 plasma cannons
An optional single shield at the back (T8/T9 is recommended, doesnt matters which side)
Utilities (no flipper is needed)

Building process:

Make a 5x15 surface of cubes like this:

Add 80 blocks in total to form 2 8x5 'walls' at the front and at the back, like this:

* Now i will show you how to build my own core. Its what i could make within that confined area. *

In the middle of the surface, place 2 cubes at the 7th and 8th row from the back, then place a total of 8 prisms to form this shape:

Add 2 cubes and 4 prisms to make this shape:

Add another 2 cubes and 4 prisms to make this shape:

Add another 4 cubes and 4 prisms to make this shape:

Add another 2 cubes and 6 prisms (1 cube and 3 prisms at each side) to make this shape:

Add 6 cubes at the sides like this:

Add 5 cubes, 2 at the front and 3 at the back, like this:

Make a roof by adding 65 cubes:

Add 4 T8 hovers at the bottom, like this:

Add 4 T10 hovers at the top, like this:

At the right side, add 5 T10 'left' shields. Make sure they are all mounted at the same height, on their proper mounts, like this:

At the left side, add 5 T10 'right' shields. Make sure they are all mounted at the same height, on their proper mounts, like this:

At the top, add 3 T10 plasma cannons:

At the bottom, add 2 T10 plasma cannons:

Add a final pair of T10 shields at the front, like this:

Add a pilot seat inside the core + a radar inside the craft, at the back:

Add 1 more prism at the back of the core right near the radar, like this:

Add 1 more prism at the front of the core, like this:

At the front, add another cube near the 2 hovers and place a T10 thruster on it, like this:

Depending on your remaining cpu, add a shield at the back. I would choose a single T8 or T9, like this:

* You can give up the back shield and add a 6th T10 plasma cannon at the bottom. Its your call, but i find an extra shield to be more valuable.

* As for utilities, a flipper is neglible since this craft is auto flippable. Its always going to be in a normal position and not upside down. Add a jammer if you want.
Le Gran Carpetantor

Short info: The Le Gran Carpetantor is a massive plasma bomber which sends devastating blows to the enemy using plasma attacks. It has many reserve thrusters, aerofoils and rudders to keep itself airborne long enough to get the next kill, while preserving low center of mass to get extra stability.

Size: Medium
Weapon type: Plasma
Availability: Theoretically T5+ since no shields are needed. But it takes quite alot of CPU to build so its more popular to be built in the highest tiers.
Total amount of CPU: T10 for ~1420

231 cubes
165 prisms
8 T10 aerofoils
5 T10 rudders
21 T10 thrusters
3 T8 thrusters
6 T10 plasma cannons

Building process

Make a surface of cubes which is made of 17x9 cubes (153 cubes in total):

Add 26 cubes in total as a beam which crosses the flat surface in the middle, and another beam of cubes on top of it, at the front, like this:

Make an additional, but temporary, surface of cubes above the middle beam (temporary is shown as green cubes), like this:

Start removing the first green cubes from the back and place a prism after each cube removed, like this:

Keep going towards the middle and complete 4 rows but with keeping the front row of blocks as cubes, like this:

Do the same thing on the other side, making 4 rows with prisms and leaving the main middle beam intact, like this:

Replace the main beam with the cubes you would like to use:

At the back, add 2 cubes, with 1 space between them and the upper deck of the craft, like this:

Sorround it with a core:

Add 8 cubes at the back, like this:

Add 4 cubes and 2 prisms in total, at the back, to make these thruster mounts, like this:

Add 7 cubes and 3 prisms in the middle to make the following pattern, like this:

Add a little bridge made of 13 cubes and 2 prisms at the front, like this:

Add 5 T10 thrusters, 3 of them are facing forwards, and 2 of them are facing backwards, like this:

Add another 4 T10 thrusters, all facing forward, like this:

At each side of the bridge, add 2 T10 thrusters, while one is facing upward and the other is facing downward, like this:

Add 3 T8 thrusters facing upward at the back of the bridge, like this:

Add 2 T10 thrusters facing forward at the top of the bridge, like this:

Add the final 4 T10 thrusters, 2 at each side, at the back of the craft like this:

Add 8 T10 aerofoils at the sides, like this:

Add a pilot seat inside the core and 5 T10 rudders at the back, like this:

Add 6 T10 plasma cannons at the lower deck:

Add a flipper at the core's front, like this:

* If you have capped your cpu limit, you can remove the middle T8 thruster facing upwards and place a radar at the back instead. *

Short info: The Stretch is built symmetrically with a narrow middle area to be more stable. Its an easy and reliable craft to build for its size, making it a superb choice for T10 battles.
Size: Large
Weapon type: SMG / Plasma cannon / Nano Disruptor
Availability: T10
Total amount of CPU: ~1420

153 cubes
133 prisms
4 T10 shields (2 'left' + 'right')
4 T9 shields (2 'left' + 'right')
8 T10 wheels
4 T8 thrusters
10 SMG's / Nano's or 8 Plasma cannons

Make a core:

Add 16 cubes and 2 prisms to form this pattern:

Add 1 cube and 8 prisms to form this pattern:

Add 5 cubes and 6 prisms to form this pattern:

Add 7 cubes and 6 prisms to form this pattern:

Add 10 cubes and 4 prisms to form this pattern:

Add 10 cubes, 5 at each side, to form this pattern:

Add 19 cubes and 6 prisms to form this pattern:

Add 5 cubes and 8 prisms to form this pattern:

Add 15 cubes and 2 prisms to form this pattern:

Add 10 cubes and 7 prisms to form this pattern:

* Front part is done *

At the back, add 8 cubes to form this pattern:

Add 6 prisms to form this pattern:

Add 13 prisms to form this pattern:

Add 17 cubes and 2 prisms to form this pattern:

Add 12 cubes and 4 prisms to form this pattern:

Add 6 cubes and 6 prisms to form this pattern:

Add 10 prisms to form this pattern:

Add 6 cubes and 5 prisms to form this pattern:

Add 3 cubes and 6 prisms to form this pattern:

Finally, add 2 prisms to form this pattern:

* Now for adding parts *

Add 8 T10 wheels like this (be aware that the middle 4 wheels are 1 block closer to the center of the craft):

Add 2 T8 thrusters, one facing forward at the back, and one facing backwards at the front, like this:

Add 2 T8 thrusters facing forward at the back, like this:

Add 4 T10 shields, 2 'left' and 2 'right', like this:

At the back, add 2 T9 shields from the same side, doesnt matter which, like this:

At the front, add 2 T9 shields from the same side, doesnt matter which, like this:

Add up to 10 T10 SMG's / Plasma cannons (up to 8) / Nano's like this (you will have to remove the weapon mount at the front if using Plasma / Nano):

Add the pilot seat inside the core + utilities:
Sky Warp

Short info: The Sky Warp is a shield-based bomber which is great on the high tier matches. It can take many repeated hits from smg's and still being airborne. Its essentials are covered in shields so it can last long in battles, while performing maneuvers and staying stable even after getting severely damaged.
Size: Medium
Weapon type: Plasma cannon
Availability: T7+. The T10 and T8 shields could be replaced with smaller shields to be played at lower tiers.
Total amount of CPU: 1225 - 1427, depending at which tier played and if adding the optional items

183 cubes
76 prisms
4 (or 6 - optional) T10 aerofoils
2 T10 rudders
8 T8 thrusters
6 T10 thrusers
2 pairs of T10 shields
1 pair of T8 shields
1 (or 2 - optional) pairs of T7 shields
4 T10 plasma cannons

Building process:

Put 37 cubes in a 12-13-12 formation, like this:

Add 4 cubes and 20 prisms to form this shape:

Add a core at the back, like this:

Add 9 cubes, 8 at the front, and 1 at the back, like this:

Add 39 cubes like this:

Add 10 cubes at the back, like this:

Add 2 cubes and 2 prisms at each side, like this:

Working at the bottom area, add 10 cubes, 2 at the back, and 8 at the front, like this:

Add 17 cubes and 2 prisms, like this:

Add 5 cubes and 6 prisms to form this shape:

Add 8 cubes and 4 prisms to form this shape:

Add 8 cubes and 4 prisms to form this shape:

Add 12 cubes and 4 prisms to form this shape:

At the top, add 6 cubes and 2 prisms like this:

Finally, at the bottom, add 10 cubes at the back, like this:

* Now for adding parts *

Add 2 T8 thrusters + 3 T10 thrusters at the front, like this:

Add 4 T8 thrusters, while the 2 at the outside face backwards and the 2 at the inside face forward, like this:

Add 2 T10 thrusters at the back, facing backwards, like this:

At the cube marked as brown, add 2 T10 shields at both sides, meaning a pair of 2 'right' shields at the right side, and a pair of 2 'left' shields at the left side, like this:

Add utilities now, while you can reach that area, inside the middle deck, like this:

Add a pilot seat, radar, and 2 T10 rudders at the back, like this:

Add 6 T10 aerofoils at the specified locations, like this (the bottom 2 aerofoils are optional for backup):

Add a pair of T8 shields at the front, like this:

At the front, add 1 T10 thruster, facing forward + 2 T8 thrusters, each facing up and down, like this:

At the bottom, add a pair of T7 shields + 4 T10 plasma cannons, like this:

OPTIONAL: At the back, add a pair of T7 shields, like this:

Mars' Outlander

Short info: The Mars' Outlander is a heavy duty railgun craft which can go anywhere on the battlefield. Unlike most railgun crafts, the Outlander is very resistant to damage from any direction by any weapon. It has enough wheels to keep driving and doesnt depend on a medic to assist with healing.
Size: Large
Weapon type: Railgun
Availability: T9+
Total amount of CPU: 1015 - 1437, depending on the desired tier, if using wheels of walker legs, and if using shields.

203 cubes
214 prisms
6 T10 railguns
12 T10 wheels / 6 T10 walker legs
4 T10 thrusters
2 pairs of T9 shields (optional)
1 pair of T10 shields (optional)

Building process:

Make a frame of 23x11 cubes, and add a beam in the middle, like this:

Add 10 cubes in the middle-front of the frame, like this:

Add 40 prisms to make this pattern:

Do the same thing at the other side, using another 40 prisms, like this:

At the back, make a tree-shaped pattern using 10 cubes and 54 prisms, like this:

Just above it, add a frame and the same tree-shaped pattern, in the opposite way, using a total of 52 cubes and 54 prisms, like this:

At the lower back area, add 22 cubes between all the prism beams, like this:

Add another 22 cubes at the top area like this:

Add 22 prisms in total, 11 at the lower front and 11 at the lower back, like this:

Add 12 cubes as wheel mounts, like this:

Add 8 cubes as weapon mounts + remove the 2 cubes marked as glass cubes, like this:

* Now for adding parts *

Add 12 T10 wheels at their proper mounts, like this:

Add 6 T10 railguns, 3 T10 thrusters facing forward, 1 T10 thruster facing backwards, and utilities, like this:

* From here, everything i suggest is only optional *

Add 2 pairs of T9 shields, with 2 cubes and 4 prisms for their mounts, like this:

Add 2 T10 shields, a 'left' at the front, and either a 'left' or a 'right' at the back, like this:

Reagrdless of the extra armor provided at the last step, its possible to use walker legs instead of wheels, but it will clash with the side T9 shields from before, so you should remove the shields or replace them somewhere else.

To use walker legs and keeping the shields, add 5 cubes and 2 prisms at each side, like this:

... And the same for the other side.
Mr. Plow

Short info: Mr. Plow is a craft with a secret 'weaving' armor layout inside its main body, which can sustain a heavy amount of damage, while making sharp turns and dodging incoming fire. Its ideal for ambushing purposes while lasting long on its own.
Size: Medium
Weapon type: SMG / Plasma / Nano Disruptor
Availability: T8+
Total amount of CPU: 1334 - 1418, depending on the tier

207 cubes
255 prisms
2 T8 thrusters
2 T10 thrusters
1 pair of T8 shields
2 T8 shields of the same side (doesnt matter which)
1 pair of T10 shields
1 T10 'left' shield
7 SMG's / Plasma cannons / Nano's

Building process:

Make a 9x11 surface:

Add 1 cube and 17 prisms like this:

Add another 18 prisms like this:

Add 7 prisms like this:

Add 3 prisms to complete one pattern, like this:

Add 21 prisms and complete the first row of the pattern, like this:

Add 12 prisms to make these 3 identical shapes:

Add another 16 prisms at the other 4 rows to make the initial pattern, like this:

Add 9 prisms at the side in a zig-zag form, while they aint touching each other, like this:

Do it again on the other side:

Add 2 cubes using 3 temporary (green colored) support cubes, like this:

Remove the green cubes and make a core with the remaining cubes from the last step:

Add 45 cubes in a 5x9 surface at the back, like this:

Add 7 prisms at each side, like this:

Keep the zig-zag pattern on the edges with 7 more prisms at each side (14 prisms in total), like this:

Add 2 cubes and 1 prism in the middle, like this:

Add a frame for the top layer using 40 cubes and 4 prisms, like this:

Add 72 prisms in total to make this pattern:

Rotate the 2 prisms shown as glass prisms upside down, like this:

Add 6 cubes and 10 prisms in total to make the middle weapon mounts, like this:

Add 6 cubes and 6 prisms at the back, like this:

Add 8 prisms at the bottom, like this:

At the back, rotate the 2 prisms shown as glass prisms so their flat areas will be connected upwards-backwards, like this:

Add 2 cubes for each side, like this:

Add 2 T8 shields, from one side (doesnt matter which),at the back, to look like this:

Add a pair of T8 shields and a pair of T10 shields at the sides, like this:

Add a pilot seat, a radar, 2 T10 thrusters facing forward, and 2 T8 thrusters facing backwards (at the sides), like this:

Add 8 T10 wheels, a jammer, and a flipper at the bottom, like this:

Add 7 SMG's / Plasma cannons / Nano's + a single 'left' T10 shield at the front, like this:

* Perhaps you have figured out by now that the presentation bot is slightly different than what is mentioned here, as i have implemented a few armor upgrades while rebuilding this craft for the guide. *
I must say that i feel the sense of accomplishment of helping the Robocraft's community with showing some of the good designs my mind has stumbled upon. While you may find some ideas to be not as efficient as others, bare in mind that i kept writing this guide while learning new key features like the use of a core and triforcing.
As i said at the start, i will keep updating this guide whenever i'll have new (and good) designs in mind. Please rate up and favorite this guide for future purposes as i promise to keep adding more fruitful designs in the near future.
I hope you will embrace a few ideas to put in the battlefield with perhaps a few tweaks to meet your specific condition with tier, cpu and available resources..

I would want you, the guide readers, to help me further test my bots and to give me a proper feedback on the bots you have tested. It should look like this (an example):

Bot's name: Gridbot
Type of weapons used: SMG, Nano
Played at: T10
A distinct upside of this bot: Lasts very long inside the battlefield.
A distinct downside of this bot: Takes too much resources and money to build.
Overall quality, in my opinion and personal experience: 9 out of 10
Further criticism of how i have experienced this bot: (optional, in your own words)
Screenies to share: (also optional, if u wanna show your design in case u have modded it to your needs)

Thanks for taking the time for reading, rating, and commenting on this guide.
Yours truly,
The empire did nothing wrong! 29 Aug, 2021 @ 6:19pm 
I miss the old Robocraft
8 Bit Pyro 24 Nov, 2020 @ 1:44pm 
I miss the old Robocraft
TO1 23 Oct, 2020 @ 6:52pm 
BlacKy #SlavaIsraelini  [author] 24 Oct, 2019 @ 12:42am 
Dang, i wasnt expecting to see that comment the first thing i woke up.
thank you kind sir.
zupiter 24 Oct, 2019 @ 12:01am 
I just wanted to thank you, BlacKy, for your designs. I used these and cherished them for a long time. They were always the basis of all of my robots and your guide helped teach me design concepts that I use in other games even now. I will always remember how I built my own tier 6 version of Sky Warp with plasma and wing shields, and how much fun I had using it. I appreciate your commitment to this guide, responding to the 100+ comments that you have received for over 5 years. I will always be thankful for you and others like you for being so commited to helping and teaching people. I cannot express how much I truly thank you for creating and being dedicated to this guide.
-IceFyre, originally known as Hyslayer
BlacKy #SlavaIsraelini  [author] 30 May, 2019 @ 1:28pm 
Enjoy, and lemme know some of your feedback :D I would like to know if they're still viable even 5 years after they were created.
Hotklou 30 May, 2019 @ 9:52am 
Okay never mind, must've been a problem with Steam. All of them load perfectly now. Gonna test them out for real now! X-D
BlacKy #SlavaIsraelini  [author] 30 May, 2019 @ 9:14am 
Which ones are missing?
Hotklou 30 May, 2019 @ 3:15am 
Many of the pictures don't show anymore. I really want to try and build the bots to see if any of them still work, but too many steps are missing (the pictures).
Agnocastus 7 May, 2017 @ 10:07am 
Bot's name: Gridbot
Type of weapons used: SMG
Played at: After update tiers removed
A distinct upside of this bot: Fast, High-health, Nice electroplating
A distinct downside of this bot: Wheels tur REALLY SLOW
Overall quality, in my opinion and personal experience: 8 out of 10
Further criticism of how i have experienced this bot: Not criticism, but if you remove a few blocks in the "core" it fits a module.