Tiny Glade
78 évaluations
How to create a simple bush.
De wp-julio.php
Talking about nature, you only have flowers and tress. What about a bush?? Here is my way.
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The steps
  • Create a hill or play on a hill so you can add a bush later. If you're playing at sea level, this won't work.
  • Add a small amount of water, tight but deep.

  • Add a tree down the hole, into the water.

  • If needed, erase the water to there is no gap betwen the tree leaves and the grass.
  • Tadaaa
10 commentaires
supercatnova 8 mars à 11h22 
you can also put two layers of flowers for a smaller bush
Atarikidd 8 mars à 2h12 
Hello wp-julio.php, just encase you did not know, in the Autumn glade there
are bushes you can use already there. But this is a great idea for other glades!
Once again thanks for sharing your idea!
Atarikidd 7 mars à 1h46 
Excellent!!!! Thanks for sharing this!
PawPatrollin 19 janv. à 11h51 
Colorandom1 22 nov. 2024 à 14h18 
can't you also put flowers on flowers for a bush?
Leinad 21 nov. 2024 à 19h38 
This is amazing, big brain AF
jaxon.dean 19 nov. 2024 à 9h45 
thats smart
Master Execuson 10 nov. 2024 à 9h07 
hahahahaha loved it
banaanshooter15 12 oct. 2024 à 16h47 
That's some big brain shit right there, LOL
ay_nyam_nyan 9 oct. 2024 à 7h20 
this is genius! thank you so much for the trick!!