Deathwatch Intercession Kill Team
"Kill Team is probably my favourite GW game right now and I wanted to make a Deathwatch Kill Team for a long time. And now I finally got to it!

One thing that I pursued with this team was complete and absolute WYSIWYG. That even extends to items I equipped the operatives with.
I have build my team as follows (4 Marines are extra to allow me some variety):
- Intercessor Sergeant with Bolt Rifle and Power Sword
- Assault Intercessor Sergeant with Power Fist
- Intercessor gunner with Bolt Rifle (and grenade launcher)
- Intercessor with Auto Bolt Rifle and Combat Blade
- Intercessor with Stalker Bolt Rifle
- Intercessor with Bolt Rifle
- Assault Intercessor with Auspex Scanner
- 3x Assault Intercessor
It is a shame that right after I finished these guys a new edition was announced...

To make this Kill Team really my own I used parts sourced from many kits and I even did some sculpting. First I modified the Stalker Bolt Rifle by extending its barrel. Then I used some green stuff (a first time for me!) to make the Intercessor Sergeants bolter sling and under armor for his sword arm. To finish things up I sculpted lots of scratches and bullet holes to make my Marines more "realistic".

The bulk of the paint job was achieved with drybrushing. Starting with black primer I drybrushed the models using multiple shades of gray and then brush on painted final highlights using pure white. Basically finishing the models in grayscale. I than added color by tinting the parts with Vallejo Xpress Colors.

I also did a ton of freehanding (the most I have ever done to be precise). I painted the Company and Squad markings and also did some lettering on one of the Sergeants and also did some lightning style effects on his power sword.

Overall I really like how they turned out. And after I finished this Kill Team the Deathwatch grew on me so much that I might extend them to a full army one day.

Finished on 8. 9. 2024"