Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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France: How to Conquer Germany in 1936
By Nokhal
How to conquer Germany as Early as 1936 while playing as France. Up to date guide as of 23/09/2024 (Bolivar Patch).
A lots of the tutorial are straight up outdated on how toconquer germany in 1936 as France, so here is the latest steps-by-steps.

NB: In multiplayer, it potentially completely ♥♥♥♥ germany over, to the point they ragequit/you get kicked out of the game merely for contesting the remilitarization.

Once you get things done, you can reliably beat germany by October 1936 as long as the RNG allows you to start the war.

Things to know :
At the end of the 70th day, Historical germany will remitlitarize rhineland. pick => This is an act of war
Roughly half the time, the british will back you up and you'll join the allies (restart the run).
If France stand alone, pick up "Germany must be dealt with". Roughly half the time, germany back down (restart the run).
The RNG depend of two things :
>A seed, backed into the save (cannot be modified)
>The hour at which the AI make the decision (can be manipulated by delaying click your own buttons)
We are not cheesing anything outside of maaaaybe the 7 days naval invasion planning, and you could totally plan two 35 days one instead and only lose a few days. All of the features we use feel very "game as intended".

Start: 1936
Technology : Irrelevant, you can start with normal engineering/Industry stuff
Focus : Irrelevant, but very strong start for any direction. Nonetheless, fix Disjointed govt ASAP -you'll have a massive PP debt-.
Construction : Irrelevant. Your garbage stability and starting debuff makes it doubly so.
Production : Mostly irrelevant. The current one is fine really, assign any extra factory to more guns.
  • Release Algeria [Optional][Cheese?]
    You'll get it back automatically trough focus, and it will have built more factories as a bonus. Moreover, once the war is over, you won't need to garrison it.
  • Garrison
    Change rule to No Garrison. You'll need the Manpower and equipment.
  • Army
    Shift click all your unassigned divsions. Separate them by type. Assign Orly to a mountainer army with a fallback line from Strasbourg To Mulhouse.Assign all your motorized division to Leclerc. Also give him the cavalry. Frontline on the west province and south province of Saarbrucken, then offensive order to the rhine, all the way up to north of Köln.Give de Gaulle all the tanks. Give him your best infantry divisions (not the colonial one) until he is at 24/24. Draw him a fallback that do Dieppe/the forest tile north of Paris/The tile west of Reims/The tile north of Reims. With your leftover infantry, assign them to two infantry generals.Give Leclerc and De Gaulle the Field Marshall with the most Attack/Logistic, And any other one to your other infantry armies.
  • Navy
    Bring it all to le Havre. Park it there, and all the subs in Dieppe. It won't do anything until you've beaten the commie traitors
  • Aviation
    Bring it all (but the Aeronavale on Béarn) next to paris.
  • Trade
    Import 8 factory worth of oil from the US. Increase it trough the war if needed. Do not let oil go missing.
  • Spy agency
    Start it, and develop in this order Naval => Army => Airforce => Whatever. Place the spy on Frankfurt. You won't be able to naval invade or hold the line without those steps. The Intel network both increase naval intel for supremacy and negate the g*rman army planning bonuses.

Don't forget to assign the spy to frankfurt and to develop the agencies Naval ASAP.

First focus finishes
Praise the RNGsus for a war with germany outcome. If it doesn't happen, you severly gimped yourself of PP and stability, but are now potentially part of the allies. If Germany is controlled by the AI, it weaken them a bit but doesn't significantly delay their entry into WW2. You will not be able to conquer germany by youself anymore without a long war of attrition first as the stability/PP is a massive growth hit, and hence you'll need to find allies against germany. This is a very different playtrough than if war start right now.

As second focus, (if going Napoléon), I recommend to Ban Communism now before the Stability hit is greater when banning it later. A very reasonable pseufo-historical course of action too as a consequence/trigger for their uprising. Also a very reasonable real life course of action.
Rush to the Rhine & Crush the Commies
>Micro Management Start

*Commie crushing
Your objective is to Capture Lille and Calai ASAP (Dunkerque is not necessary to capitulate them).
Make sure your Airforce is Air superiority/Close Air Support over northern France, in range of any battle against the commies. Make sure your navy is docked in port doing nothing.
Let the commie come to De Gaulle (let them walk to your first). As soon as they are next to you, right click into them with adjacent armies. make sure that >every< tile you are in contact to stay busy. The goal is to prevent the good infantry of the traitors from moving back to Lille/Calai or to recover. Once all of your frontline is on the offensive, you can convert the fallback line to a battleplan+offensive operation for some >very< marginal planning bonus. You should micromanage them all anyway. If you somehow let the communist turtle up, you have pretty much lost the war. And early penetration is absolutely vital. It usually happen in the plains north of Reims, and then a quick capture of Reims => Calais.

**Rush to the Rhine**
Simultaneously to correcting the anti-national socialist scums, you need to correct the national socialist scums. (See a pattern there ?) As soon as the war start, use Leclerc. Micro management only, RUSH to the rhine. Assign at least two motorised and several cavalry/infantry (shift+right click the path) north of Koln in the fastest possible path. A motorised too just south of Frankfurt. Crush any low org units on the way to the rhine, but once you hold the western bank of the rhine, do not try to cross it. You'll uselessly burn equipment and would open yourself to counter attacks. The german will try to push back, hard, especially in areas like the tile south of Frankfurt where they can attack from three tiles at once.
Naval Supremacy Buildup
Once all the commies are dead (and the world is a better place as a result), it's time to prepare the invasion of the HRE Nazi Germany.
Move your CAS/Fighters to Alsace/Lorraine, with order on Western Germany. Order your heavy bomber to port strike North-West Germany. Order your Naval patrol (not the Aeronavale one) to patrol the channel from northern france.
Once the commie are out of the picture, prepare naval invasion with de gaulle best units (Tanks, full strenght trained infantry). Either 10 invasions of 1 unit each or 2 of 5 units if you feel icky about it. Make them start from le Havre and Dieppe, and landing from Wilhelmshaven to the port south of Hamburg.
You will lack naval supremacy to launch the invasions. To build naval supremacy, merge back the recaptured ships into your main fleets (using the same northern france ports as in the setup, do not use the recaptured commie one). The Battle fleet need to be then split in two fleet, with strike force order on the channel and the eastern north sea. The submarine fleet is divided in four, with patrol order on the channel and eastern north sea.

Make sure you have enough oil, increase trade with the US if needed.
War of movement
Keep your eyes on the naval supremacy. One your spy have accumulated enough network or after 1-2 naval battles, you will be able to finally launch the invasions. As soon as a harbour is captured, assign the entirety of De Gaulle's army to the new front line. From this point, Germany has lost as long as you don't ♥♥♥♥ up. As before, DO NOT ATTACK any tiles on which there is a german unit. Instead, focus on extending the frontline as much as you can. Let the germans do the attacking and expense themselves. You should still create "Macro" order frontline and offensive operations, but only because of the planning bonus they bring and the automatic repositioning helping a bit, NOT because you want to execute them. Germany has less but better units than you. You need to extend the frontline enough so that they create gaps trough which you insert your units. Micro manage it so that your own unit dont't get encircled. Do not try to immediately reduce german pockets either. Leave as many units on those frontline as the german units you have encircled inside, not more, and just walk in any territory they leave behind when they move. They'll eventually run out of supply later in the war, and only then you can attack/destroy them.
Keep at it until you win (Circa October 1936)
Once you have destroyed enough pocket of resistance that ran out of supply/extended the frontline enough, germany should surrender with you barely ever attacking directly outside of to prevent enemy units from leaving their tiles. It should be ballpark October 1936. Disband any units you won't need for future wars (eg: Conquering benelux and the UK if going Napoleon). This should be every infantry units without a medal, all cavalry units. Reform your leftover tank brigades into Division Mécaniques Légères. Disband them if they don't have a medal and lack equipment. You now have resistance flaring up everywhere in the empire, no PP to spend, and a massive equipment deficit. Fix those before going to war again, and use the XP to build proper divisions (9/2/1 Med Tank mountaineers for example, or more lore accurate 7 Motorized/2 Trucked Arty/2xFast Armoured Light Tanks Division Mécaniques Légères).
Nonetheless, you will have gained a massive amount of Army XP + Some Air/Naval one. You are occupying the entirety of germany. This is completely independent of any Focus/Research you decide to focus on.
With the main villain of the game gone, here are a few wars that will happen nonetheless : Soviet X Finland, Uk x Iraq, Japan x Usa, Soviet x Barbarossa, etc...