Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2

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George Droyd lore dump
Vytvořil: [FENT] George Droyd
From his origins to where he is now...
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George Droyd Origins
The end of George Floyd was the beggining of George Droyd. Floyd's passing happened in perfect time for Bill Gates and Elon Musk secret project. They put his corpse into the FENT reactor and started altering his body with robotic parts so he could withstand huge surge in fent levels. Microsoft was very happy with the results as they searched for a link between their 3 crucial technologies:
-ni99a link
-negro tech interface
-FENT reactor.
Where is he now?
George Droyd first mission was to help the hebrew jews build a New York tunnel with the help of Elon Musk. It was called the New York Loop.. After world discovered the tunnel, operation turned out to be a massive failure and Droyd went into hiding. As a sleeper agent he lived a peacfull 2 years but then the "Pregnant Woman Incident" happened. Droyd was running low on fent fuel and was tweaking. In the desperate need for fent he killed a pregnant woman named Jane. Hiding was over.. He was captured by u.s. military during Sleepy Joes presidency and he would obey him for the fent infusions. Current Droyd status is unknown but new legends are circulating around Israel about a machine with a chest that glows bright blue and cybernetic eye...
Počet komentářů: 4
ℌ𝔄𝔚𝔎 𝔗𝔘𝔄ℌ před 17 hodinami 
I can't compute
[FENT] George Droyd  [autor] 24. říj. v 7.48 
listen, my ni99a, i need more fent, then it will be longer
AwesomeSause 24. říj. v 6.26 
-rep not long enough needs more paragraphs and images
Francisco Franco 11. říj. v 15.27 
I gotta be tripping on fentanyl.....