Company of Heroes 2

Company of Heroes 2

42 vurderinger
(2 - 4) Summerschlucht
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Item Type: map
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11.676 MB
15. sep. kl. 7.11
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(2 - 4) Summerschlucht

Allied forces take up a battle in a forest, bombarded by German forces. Beyond the dense woodland lies a small enclave, a strategic outpost, buildings, and a vital bridge. Map by MisterUrik

Map size 288x288

This is a summer version of my previous map >

A few things were improved compared to the winter version: more cover, added impass, details

I'll be glad for your feedback.

4 kommentarer
MisterUrik  [skaper] 3. okt. kl. 3.50 
Thank you!
FunnyFruit 2. okt. kl. 22.51 
You are one of the few CoH2 mappers who still make maps with preview images and are properly decorated. Thank you for the effort
Modisc 15. sep. kl. 7.14 
Skvěla mapa, nahrál jsem na ní 88 hodin
MisterUrik  [skaper] 15. sep. kl. 7.13 
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