Dota 2
385 ratings
Freecam in DOTA 2
By Moki
I'll tell you how to turn on a free camera with which you can take great shots from the game or use it when creating Dota 2 videos
Main command: dota_toggle_free_camera
Camera speed change: free camera_max_speed "500" (500 Max)
Changing the camera acceleration: reecamera_accel "5"
The end of the fog of war: freecamera_fog_end "2500"
The beginning of the fog of war: freecamera_fog_start "1800"
Mouse rotation speed: free camera_rotation_multiplier "10"
Fog of war range: freecamera_zfar "4500"
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masyajest 16 Sep @ 11:39am 
RUS: напишите мне недефолтный комментарий в профиле и я вам отвечу тем же😘
POL: napisz do mnie nie domyślny komentarz w moim profilu a odpowiem ci tym samym😘
TUR: Profilimde bana varsayılan olmayan bir yorum yazın, size aynı cevabı vereceğim😘
ENG: write me a non-default comment in my profile and I will do the same😘
megakillerganjubasa228 13 Sep @ 3:39pm 