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Mhozo's Vindicta Assassinate Build / Beginner Guide
Von Mhozo
New to Vindicta? Get started with this guide/build combo! An overview of her strengths, weaknesses, strategies, and stats relative to other heroes, and a persistent copy of the in-game build of the same name for Vindicta.
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Vindicta Overview
Vindicta has a high pick rate but low win rate overall. Most deaths tend to be a result of being dove by too many enemies, and most losses a result of not accumulating enough souls in the early game. In general, think about your movement, awareness, and opportunities:
  • Early Game - Prioritize farming souls and have minions or teammates in front of you, especially in the early game. Stay slippery and far away from your enemies - souls are more important until Assassinate is ready.
  • Mid Game - Poke enemy short-range heroes, but save stamina to escape their combos. Keep an eye on your minimap at all times (at least once every ten seconds) to track enemies so you can avoid being dove/ganked at a numbers disadvantage. Join nearby team fights wisely (even in other lanes) and finish off low-health enemies with Assassinate.
  • Late Game - Continue to use Assassinate to eliminate low health enemy heroes and look for team fights. With enough of a soul lead, and each Assassinate earning you another 850 bonus souls, your weapon and spirit damage can decimate objectives and most opponents and finish the game.

  • Range - Poking enemies from afar during the early game laning phase to get poke/chip damage, and range across the map to nearby lanes to Assassinate. Snare, Crow Familiar, and Assassinate all have LoS range, but note your gun still has fall-off damage.
  • Burst Damage - Your Assassinate can be a threat to any enemy below 50% HP, and with Spirit burst items and Snare, you can be a threat to lone enemy heroes, especially if you have good aim.
  • Soul Snowballing - Vindicta can snowball a lead with Assassinate granting 250 (850 at max) bonus souls per Assassination. Her Assassinate can feel oppressive and control entire regions of the map at higher Spirit power when it threatens kills AND soul leads.

  • Horizontal Mobility - Vindicta can use Flight vertically, but has bad horizontal mobility. To counter this, cancel Flight early for some horizontal movement, and use Snare to trap a player that got too close to you.
  • Close Range Survivability - Many heroes with close range weapons and abilities can decimate you when they get too close to you. Vindicta's abilities and playstyle are designed for range, and her low stamina and average health/regen don't help - so instead purchase stamina/health/regen items and active items (e.g. Warp Stone) to enable you to keep your distance and get out of sticky situations.
  • Difficult to Recover - Vindicta needs a strong start in laning/early mid game in souls to build her Assassinate snowball potential, or else she may not feel impactful later. While pressuring the enemy to play passively with damage is useful, be sure to focus on securing and denying souls in the first five minutes; kills are barely a boon that early!

Item Specialties
Vindicta does best with both Spirit and Weapon items, as her long range weapon reach can be extended with several Weapon items, and her Crow and Assassinate damage directly benefit from the increased Spirit power and Spirit Damage bonuses from many Spirit items. But don't neglect Vitality items - they can keep you alive and relevant in more games without being hard countered.

Ability Tips and Tricks
1 - Stake
Throw a stake that tethers enemies to the location where the stake lands. Enemy movement is restricted to the length of the tether

Use this ability to either trap a target and fire at them with bonus damage to secure a kill (especially with the item Alchemical Fire), or trap a target so you can break line-of-sight and get a head-start on getting away to your teammates!
  • The Stake must have Line of Sight with the enemy to connect at the moment it hits a surface. Takes time to land, so you will need to predict the enemy's movement.
  • Only does 60 Spirit Damage base and this damage does not scale with Spirit Power as much as your Crow and Assassinate, so do not rely on this ability to cause damage directly.

2 - Flight
Leap into the air and fly. While in flight your weapon deals bonus spirit damage

Flight also has multiple purposes - getting a better angle on your lane and nearby lanes to get picks on enemy heroes with Assassinate, and for mobility to get to higher ground or escape enemy line of sight.
  • Do NOT use the ability to hover in the enemy line of sight without any cover nearby; your horizontal mobility is still as slow as your movement speed.
  • If you need to escape, use the ability and cancel it while travelling upwards to launch yourself slightly faster without needing to descend as slowly.
  • Once you unlock it, it is not as important to upgrade fully, but with cooldown reduction and no interruptions/cancels, you can achieve near-permanent flight.

3 - Crow Familiar
Your crow familiar deals impact damage and applies a bleed that deals damage based on the target's current health

Crow is best to use at the beginning of fights when the enemy heroes are at their maximum hitpoints - since this ability does percentage damage of their current health, the more hitpoints they have, the more damage this ability does!
  • Good at countering healing, especially when fully upgraded.
  • Usually not a priority to upgrade early, unless you can hit your Crows on enemy players often. But if you can, its first upgrade to ricochet to nearby heroes, and last upgrade to double its bleed and reduce enemy healing can be very powerful.
  • You can use Crow Familiar while you are shooting with your gun without interrupting your bullets to maximize your DPS.

4 - Assassinate
Use your scoped rifle to fire a powerful shot over long distances. Deal only partial damage until fully charged after 1s of being scoped. Does bonus damage to enemies with less than 50% health remaining. Landing a killing blow on a player with Assassinate grants you bonus souls

Assassinate is an amazing ability to snowball and gain bonus souls with each execution (+850 when fully upgraded). This is best used to finish off an enemy hero for that reason, but the cooldown is short enough that you should also use occasionally to poke targets to get them below 50% health.
  • Headshots only deal 20% extra damage (guns are 50% extra damage), and headshot items do not apply to Assassinate, so it's usually not worth aiming for headshots with this ability.
  • The Extra Charge / Rapid Recharge items are fantastic for Assassinate, especially in team fights with many potential targets.
  • The damage is much greater after being scoped in for 1 second, and often it can be worth the wait especially if the enemy is distracted in a team fight. However if you are scoped in and aiming anywhere near an enemy, this gives the enemy a warning sound cue (try it with a Mimic Vindicta in Hero Sandbox), in addition to the 1 extra second for them to get away or focus you, so this may not be worth it. If they are already low health, consider 'quick-scoping' i.e. pre-aiming your crosshairs with your gun on the enemy, using the ability, and instantly shooting to finish them off.
  • When you are scoped in with Assassinate, targets that are below 50% health will glow with a white electricity effect like in the screenshot, to signify they will take the bonus damage from the ability. Depending on your ability/build and their maximum health, note this might not be enough for a killing blow, but that bonus damage is a significant boost to aim for.

Hero Relative Statistics
Vindicta's spread of statistics marks her as a hero focused on damaging with her gun (and abilities!) but with less sustain i.e. what you'd expect from a sniper character. Stay far away from enemy players that are able to CC (crowd control), out-damage, or out-number you, and consider some items to mitigate her lower stamina.
  • Vindicta has higher DPS and bullet damage than most heroes, and the highest bullet velocity, but a moderate amount of ammo with only 22 bullets, and a roughly 15% longer reload time than average. Almost every hero's gun is a projectile weapon including Vindicta, but Vindicta's high bullet velocity makes shooting with your gun much snappier/more 'hitscan' so you don't usually need a High-Velocity Mag item to shoot from a distance. Always spend time reloading behind cover so you don't take unnecessary damage, as most enemies can reload faster than you can.

  • While she moves slightly faster than average at 8 m/s (most heroes are around 7 m/s), she has average health and health regeneration. Unfortunately Vindicta is one of the only two heroes that start with only two stamina, and the only one that starts with a -10% Bullet Resist stat! Avoid bullet damage by keeping your distance from enemy heroes, and being aware of cover at all times, or purchase a Restorative Shot, or Bullet Armor item. For her stamina and health survivability, invest in Vitality items like Extra Stamina/Superior Stamina and Sprint Boots/Enduring Speed to bring her up to par.

  • Despite being a sniper with her gun Wallflower's Revenge, her melee damage and falloff range are the same as most heroes. Vindicta is just as capable as others of securing souls with melee attacks - or if an enemy player surprises you in close range, as a last resort, a strong melee attack can do a lot of damage in early game!

Damage Fall-Off for Snipers
For most heroes including Vindicta, damage scales down starting at about 22 meters, so despite Vindicta having a sniper rifle, her left clicks are less effective at maximum range; beyond 22 meters, you may want to Assassinate enemy heroes to chip their health down instead.

In the above screenshot, the first Infernus is 22 meters away where the damage fall-off range starts. From 0-22 meters, each headshot bullet does 26-28 damage at the start of game. Damage scales down the further away you are from your target. The second Infernus is 58 meters away where fall-off ends, and each headshot bullet does 2-4 damage at this range. Without items, most other heroes have the same damage fall-off range with their gun as Vindicta!

Aim from high ground or from the sky with Flight with cover where it is often easier to hit them than it is for them to hit you. However, that height is also additional distance from your target. The same Infernus at 22 meters away (26-28 damage) can become closer to about 30 meters away (23-24 damage) when you're in the same spot but 20 feet higher. You may need to fly horizontally closer to your target to maximize your damage if they're on the ground and you're above them, but most enemy players find it harder to aim upwards.

With items like Long Range / Sharpshooter, not only is the same Infernus 22 meters away being hit for 37-39 damage (40% Long Range bonus) or 46-48 damage (70% Sharpshooter bonus) with headshot bullets, but Sharpshooter's 15% weapon fall-off range gives you a few extra meters to snipe before damage fall-off kicks in! Note they must be farther than 15 meters to receive that bonus however. The 15 - 22 meter range is the ideal range for Vindicta with these items, and a few meters farther will not make as much of a difference.

Build Strategy
Note this is a static persistent copy of a public build hosted within the game in case in-game guides are reset. To access public guides, play as the hero (Vindicta) in a game or Hero Sandbox, press your Open Shop hotkey (B by default), and click on 'Browse Builds' in the upper right corner. Then in the upper left, click the 'Public' tab and search for my username or 'Guide', or the name of this Steam guide, and click the 🖤 heart icon to favorite this guide so you can find it later in the Favorites tab and try it in game - thank you for your support!

This build is intended for beginners. It is not optimal for high MMR, it is not tuned to the current meta, and it will not win you every game, but it will help you learn the impact of each item on Vindicta and perhaps inspire you to create your own favorite build. Try these items in Sandbox Mode, and experiment with the build in Private Bot Matches and Public Bot Matches to see what items you like the best.

This build uses Fly/Stake to keep your distance while weak and farming creeps in the early game until you can Assassinate to snowball souls and win!
  • First hit enemies with Crow Familiar - due to its percentage HP damage, enemies take more damage if they have more health, so it's better to use it earlier when they have more health, and 3% or 6% of their health can make a difference.
  • Use the item Alchemical Fire with your Stake ability as an essential combo to whittle down enemy hitpoints and trap them in place to make them easier targets for your gunfire.
  • When enemy heroes are under 50% HP, you can inflict bonus damage with your Assassinate - when the ability is maxed, you get a +850 total soul bonus to feed your Late Game item purchases.
  • Choose your Late Game items based on who you are facing, what items you prefer, what problems enemies are causing you, and whether you can mitigate their carry (highest performer) with the right item in your flex slots. The build outlines several common situations and what items may help you survive, regain souls, and buy what you need.

While playing, prioritize purchasing the non-Optional items in the first three rows, purchase the Optional items as needed, and sell the 500-soul tier 1 items to swap for more impactful late-game items. The build outlines which items are most likely best to sell first (below 'End Game').

Item Annotations - Early Game/Laning
Use Fly/Stake to keep your distance while farming. Pick up Healing Rite, Restorative Shot, and/or Sprint Boots for sustain if struggling.

Deadlock is in its Early Development Build stage and all item effects are subject to change.

Item Name
Effect Summary
Basic Magazine
Ammo, Weapon Damage
Vindicta has average ammo count and slightly longer reload time, so more ammo and weapon damage can help her keep up in a duel.
Sell later after buying Sharpshooter, a similar item.
Ammo Scavenger
Ammo, Bonus Health, Spirit Power
Best for laning with Vindicta's mediocre ammo count, average health, and amazing Spirit Power synergy.
Sell after acquiring mid/late game Spirit items.
Headshot Booster
Fire Rate, Bullet Shield Health, Weapon Damage
Only if you can consistently hit headshots. Otherwise pick High Velocity Mag early.
Sell later after acquiring Headhunter (HVM's upgrade).
Extra Stamina
Stamina, Stamina Recovery, Fire Rate, Base Health
Vindicta is one of only two heroes with only two stamina bars; use this item to catch up, and boost your overall low survivability.
Do not sell; upgrade later to Superior Stamina.
Mystic Burst
Spirit Shield Health, Weapon Damage, Spirit Power
Passive Cooldown Abilities deal bonus Spirit Damage if they deal 80 damage or more in a single hit.
Superb for Assassinate; extra damage can make a big difference early on. Affects other abilities later, but only once every 6.2 seconds.
Do not sell; ugrade to Improved Burst later.
Extra Charge
Bonus Ability Charges, Cooldown Reduction for Charged Abilities, Weapon Damage, Spirit Power
Essential to let you use Assassinate MUCH more often; no other hero can use this item on their ultimate. Only applies to Assassinate.
Do not sell; upgrade to Rapid Recharge later.
Healing Rite
Bonus Health, Spirit Power, Base Health
Active Cooldown Grant Regen and Sprint Speed to the target. Gets dispelled if you take damage from enemy players or objectives. Can be self-cast.
One of the highest healing output items, but you MUST avoid getting hit by players and objectives. Play passively while using it.
Sell later only if you need the space and have lots of regen or lifesteal.
Restorative Shot
Bullet Resist, Weapon Damage
Passive Cooldown Your next bullet will heal you based on what target you hit.
Useful to counter Vindicta's natural -10% bullet resist, and as a passive source of healing, but only activates every 6.2 seconds.
Sell later in mid-game after acquiring more regen or lifesteal.
Sprint Boots
Sprint Speed, Heatlh Regen, Weapon Damage, Base Health
Very useful item that can help sustain you in the laning phase, with health, regen, sprint speed, and weapon damage.
Do not sell; ugrade to Enduring Speed later.
Item Annotations - Early Mid Game (3k-15k souls)
Upgrade ultimate; dive other lanes for ult kills. Grab Warp Stone, Reactive Barrier, and/or Metal Skin for dive/gank protection optionally.

Item Name
Effect Summary
Alchemical Fire
Bullet Shield Health, Spirit Power, Weapon Damage
Active Cooldown Throw a flask that explodes on contact, creating an area that does increasing Spirit Damage per second and causes enemies to receive additional Weapon Damage from your team. Deals 40% less DPS vs non-heroes.
Essential. After you Snare an enemy, use Alchemical Fire and shoot them to deal +50% weapon damage. It also passively increases your damage, spirit power, and bullet shield!
Long Range
Ammo, Bullet Shield Health, Weapon Damage
Active Cooldown Deal additional Weapon Damage when beyond a minimum distance from your target.
Vindicta has the same fall-off range with her gun as other heroes, so this item gives you the upper hand at 15+ meters away. Shoot targets from high ground or from the air where it's difficult for them to hit you back.
Quicksilver Reload
Spirit Power
Passive Imbue imbue an ability with bonus Spirit Damage on the first hit. When the ability is used, your weapon is reloaded and has a Fire Rate bonus for that clip.
Imbue to Fly, Crow, or Assassinate for reloading nearly on-demand, your preference. Fly synergizes well with the increased fire rate, Crow has the lowest cooldown later on, and Assassinate lets you reload multiple times with more charges - but is wasted if you finish off a hero with it.
Enduring Speed
Move Speed, Sprint Speed, Bonus Health, Health Regen, Base Health
Passive Reduces the effect of enemy Movement Slow.
Same as Sprint Boots; with average health/regen and only slightly faster than average move speed, this item helps Vindicta escape fights.
Improved Burst
Spirit Shield Health, Weapon Damage, Spirit Power
Passive Abilities deal bonus Spirit Damage if they deal 125 damage or more in a single hit. Targets are immune to the effects of Improved Burst for 5s after taking damage from it.
Same as Mystic Burst (its component), but with better stats and shorter cooldown/higher bonus damage.
Ammo, Weapon Fall-Off Range, Weapon Zoom, Bullet Shield Health, Weapon Damage
Passive Deal additional Weapon Damage when beyond a minimum distance from your target.
Same as Long Range (its component), but with better stats including increased weapon fall-off range and higher weapon damage!
Warp Stone
Spirit Power, Weapon Damage
Active Cooldown Teleport straight ahead, gaining Bullet Resist.
Important for survivability against enemy abilities and ultimates, especially getting around corners or to dodge ability projectiles, or getting to higher ground for mobility. Highly recommended.
Reactive Barrier
Ammo, Bonus Health, Health Regen, Base Health
Passive Cooldown Automatically deploy temporary Bullet and Spirit Shields when you are movement locked, Stunned, Chained, Immobilized, or Slept.
Useful for survivability against enemy abilities and ultimates that rely on crowd control to finish you off. Buy in tough games.
Metal Skin
Bonus Health, Spirit Power, Fire Rate, Base Health
Active Cooldown Become immune to bullets and melee attacks.
Situationally useful for survivability against enemies that rely on bullets and melee - if they are strong and targeting you, purchase.
Replace with Unstoppable in End Game to upgrade if desired.
Item Annotations - Mid Game (15k-30k souls)
Item Name
Effect Summary
Rapid Recharge
Bonus Ability Charges, Faster Time Between Charges, Cooldown Reduction for Charged Abilities, Weapon Damage, Spirit Power
Same as Extra Charge, but the extra charge and faster time/cooldown is significant for having the freedom to Assassinate for chip damage AND killing blows.
Bullet Velocity, Bullet Shield Health, Weapon Damage
Passive Cooldown Landing a headshot deals bonus damage, heals you for a portion of your Max HP, and briefly grants you bonus move speed.
Vindicta already has very fast bullet projectile velocity compared to other heroes, but this helps it feel like a hitscan gun. If you can hit headshots with your gun, this item is a big boost in your damage and sustain for very cheap!
Improved Spirit
Health Regen, Sprint Speed, Bonus Health, Spirit Power
Improves your damage significantly (especially Assassinate) and helps your regeneration a lot.
Superior Stamina
Stamina, Stamina Recovery, Air Jump/Dash Distance, Fire Rate, Spirit Power, Base Health
Passive Increases the number of Air Dashes and Air Jumps that can be performed before landing from 1 to 2.
Same as Extra Stamina; helps her keep up with more nimble enemy heroes - and a Spirit Power bonus!

For the remaining items in the build, note they are labeled in sections with which situations you should consider purchasing them in the mid to late game for different situations. Use your best judgement, try something new, and have fun!

This guide was last updated on September 14, 2024, version 1.2, with item annotations and effects added (both to the in-game build and to this guide), and an expansion of the ability overview with more lesser-known tips.

Credit to Mobalytics, Doomdicta, Pixels and Games, More Mtashed, BrunoDGames, Dead Air, and various other content creators for their inspiration, guidance, and tips.

Best of luck in your games - you'll make the world a better place... one body at a time.

3 Kommentare
󠁳 14. Sep. um 12:40 
MrRoboTank 14. Sep. um 11:43 
Great Guide
⛧⛧⛧⛧⛧ 13. Sep. um 15:29 