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Mastering EX and OP Actions for use on ANY Gunpla
Da Totsugeki Love Heart
This guide seeks to answer the question a lot of people have regarding Gunpla EX/OP skill customization in Gundam Breaker 4, while providing tips on how to efficiently reach the point that you can customize these things.
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Hope You're All Enjoying Gundam Breaker 4
Building, Breaking, Battling, Customizing. Whatever you're doing in GB4, I hope you're enjoying yourself. We've all been waiting patiently for this game to come out, and now that its arrived, I imagine you might have some questions about the customization, specifically of EX and OP Skills.

You've likely been playing the game and mashing some Frankenstein together in order to keep pace with the ever increasing difficulty of the enemies and lamenting that maybe your envisioned build will be sub-optimal at best, and borderline unplayable at worst.

Fear not fellow Breaker, I am here to alleviate your concerns! Well...partially anyway.
Unlocking Synthesis and using Plastics
The road to using the EX/OP Skills starts with unlocking the ability to increase your Gunpla's level and Rarity.

To begin, you must reach Chapter 3 in the Main Story. Unlocking Chapter 3 unlocks the Synthesis function. The first mission of Chapter 3 will begin dropping Parts Enhance Plastics, and the mission after that will start dropping Parts Evolve Plastics.

Parts Enhance plastic goes from rank I to VI. This Plastic will enhance the Level of your selected Gunpla part. Higher ranks of Plastic give you more towards maxing out your part. The level cap of your parts will increase as you progress through the story, and caps out at 50 once you complete all Story Missions. (Quests are not necessary for cap increases, only the story missions.)

Parts Evolve Plastic goes from rank 1 to IV. This plastic will increase the rarity stars of a chosen Gunpla part. This cap also increases as you progress in the Main Story Quest. The maximum number of Rarity Stars a part can have is 5 Gold. Gunpla Parts currently only drop at 5 Purple Stars or Below so you will have to push it to Gold rank manually.

It is also important to note that Plastic drops are affected by the Difficulty of the mission you are playing. Plastic WILL NOT DROP from Hardcore Difficulty Missions BEFORE Chapter 3 Mission 1. If you want Plastic from those missions, you must do them on Extreme Difficulty or Higher.
The Plastic Grindset (You Need A Lot Of It)
While Plastic drops with frequency as you simply play the game after Chapter 3 Mission 1, there are a few tips to help maximize your potential plastics in a given mission.

The first is, obviously, use a Breaker Booster. This nearly doubles the Plastic you get during a mission.

Secondly is being sure to break your opponents. Another no brainer, and you're probably doing this anyway. What you may not know is that every enemy that appears in a mission has a cap on how much plastic you can obtain from it. Once it hits that limit, it will not drop any more Plastic, but it will continue to drop parts if you allow it to reform before breaking it again.

Third is to make us of the Survival Mode.

Survival Mode unlocks later in the game, but can be a veritable wellspring of Plastic. Wave after Wave of enemies coming at you, up to 50 (if you live long enough), all waiting to give you their Plastic. Using a Breaker Booster further increases this.

Example: Running Survival and making it up to Wave 9 with a booster nets you almost as much Plastic as THREE missions in a fraction of the time.

Use these tips to help you in your grind for plastic, and max out your parts!
Mastering EX/OP Actions
Increasing the Rarity of any Gunpla Part with an EX/OP Action that has this symbol next to it:

Will allow you to Master that skill, allowing for the equipping of it REGARDLESS of what parts you have equipped. With these Gundam AGE-FX legs, I have mastered the C Funnels EX Action. I am now free to use it on any suit I wish!

From the EX Actions Menu, simply choose a slot you want to equip the EX Skill into, choose the EX Skill, and then select the parts you wish to pull that skill from.

Using Mastered EX/OP Actions
Simply Equip and Enjoy!

Well, there is one more thing.

A caveat, at least from a visual standpoint. You see, using the abilities of other suits does something visually that you may not be a fan of.

When activating an EX/OP skill in this manner, the parts with the skill take shape on your Gunpla in the form of a wire frame. This effect occurs regardless of whether you have the actual part equipped.

In this image, I have the Gundam MK-II AEUG backpack equipped. In the EX Skill menu, I can choose to equip either the Mastered Skill from my Gundam MK-II AEUG, or the EX Skill from the parts I am currently wearing. Using the Mastered Skill causes the Wire Frame to appear, regardless of the fact I have the parts currently equipped.

That's really all there is to it. You are now armed with this knowledge, and I can't wait to see what exciting things you all come up with. Enjoy the game, and build your ultimate Gunpla!

A special thank you to my custom build, the Gundam MK-II Z Test Type, for carrying me through the main story quests. Hopefully one day, you'll adorn my Gunpla shelf.

-Mistakenly referred to Mastered Parts as 6 star rarity. They are still 5 star rarity, but just gold stars instead of purple. They still do not drop already Mastered as far as I know.
12 commenti
BattleGround Sage 20 gen, ore 7:33 
You can change the parts readjustments in the options menu?
Also I miss the GB3 skill mastery system. It was Proficiency based. Also the skills were more satisfying to use.
Za Kurosu 29 ott 2024, ore 0:48 
want to ask regarding AGE-FX mastered skill
I have 4 parts from AGE FX that already max Rarity (body, legs, both arms)

when using normal skill all funnel will deploy normally, but when using Mastered skill, the 1st animation normal, after the animation, only funnel from part that I set as mastered skill deploy, the rest of the funnel is back to my MS immediately, is this normal? or did I do something wrong?
Misaki 9 set 2024, ore 19:13 
its sad that using mastered skill resets your part(s) size scaling for the rest of the mission. wish this get fixed
Vadenveil 4 set 2024, ore 15:25 
side note some EX/OP setups can actually synergise in really potent ways. An example i'm using rn is the exia legs with double anti-ship swords, you can use a sword OP into a legs EX and then to the other OP, when you start the repeat of the sequence, the 2 OPs will generate enough to use the EX again letting you infinite the combo while being able to exit out during either OP. this is actually super good against bosses.
Skivin 3 set 2024, ore 11:14 
@projectknk This also happens with using any skills from builders parts, whenever you activate them they snap back to whatever position they would be in if all adjustment sliders were at 0 for the duration of the skill. It's real lame, hope they change it, but iirc it was like that in GB3 as well so idk if they care.
projectknk 2 set 2024, ore 8:50 
Somehow, using Mastered Skills from other parts resulting the adjusted part on our Gunpla resets back into it's default position. I hope dev fix this
NotTayBot 1 set 2024, ore 20:35 
That wire frame is so lame :bummer:
MacrossMX 1 set 2024, ore 6:47 
So, if I master Trans Am, I can use the skill freely with the 00 Gundam backpack?
LeakedMilk 1 set 2024, ore 3:13 
hope they changes this somehow, just make it not change a parts when using the mastered skill, so far ive only seen EX skills of Xi gundam arm laser and missile legs, those two doesnt change your legs or arms.
Corthlan Soval 31 ago 2024, ore 21:50 
The lockout of other skills is the worst part. anything with a channel or longer duration simply turns off other skills.