Space Engineers

Space Engineers

434 次評價
Type: Mod
Mod category: Planet
標籤: NoScripts
741.058 MB
2024 年 8 月 15 日 下午 12:21
2024 年 10 月 27 日 上午 6:56
4 項更新註記 (檢視)


在 Major Jon 的 1 個收藏中
Major Jons Planets
13 個項目
A once lush world being overtaken by deserts and a mysterious toxic jungle.

v1.2: Now with Encounters
v1.1: Reduced extent of red pillar fungi
v1.0: Initial Release

-Recommended size: 45 km (30-90 works fairly well)
-Gravity: 1.14 g
-Atmosphere: 1.12 atm (breathable, mostly)
-Ores: All (not evenly distributed, look at the image above to find stuff)

Long ago, Komorebi was a vibrant world, much like Earth. However, a devastating catastrophe drained the oceans, leaving behind vast, barren salt flats, and transforming the once lush and fertile lands into deserts. Now, only regions nourished by underground aquifers still sustain any vegetation. As the world continues to dry out, a toxic jungle of strange alien organisms has begun to consume the planet's soil, spreading across vast areas. Despite its dangers, this jungle harbors vegetation that offers a wealth of valuable resources.

Gameplay tips:
This planet is designed with progression in mind. The toxic jungle is intended as an endgame location with good ores and dangerous weather. If you spawn there or on the large salt flats, you might want to just respawn somewhere else. Normal ores are easy to find in deserts and lush biomes, these are ideal for building a base. The entire salt flats are made of cobalt, so it's easy to find, but very low density, so you will likely need to build a quarry there. Same goes for silver. Pretty much all the voxels in the toxic jungle don't drop any stone, that's intended. Weather will make the air in the toxic jungle unbreathable. The planet will spawn spiders at night, if you have that turned on in world options. Let me know if you think any of the ore drop rates are too high/low or weather is too common/rare, that stuff is hard to get just right, but easy to change.

How to Use:
-Subscribe on this page
-During loading/ creating a new world, go to options->mods
-Add this mod to the list of active mods
-Ingame: shift+f10, select planets, select this one, spawn it in
-If shift+f10 doesn't work, alt+f10->tick creative tools

You want economy stations on this planet?
-Create new world or load world with economy disabled
-Paste in this planet
-Reload world with economy enabled
-Trader station spawn points will then be created around and on this planet

For planet modders:
The definition files for this planet are very extensively commented. If you want to use them as a
reference you can find them here: ...\steamapps\workshop\content\244850\3309805284
Feel free to also use all the assets for your own planets, just give some credit, thanks.
113 則留言
Usstan 1 月 31 日 下午 11:49 
I second @Vas' request :)
Vas 1 月 31 日 下午 7:59 
Small request, think you could add the word "Planet" to the start of the mod name so that it shows up in mod lists in game as "Planet Komorebi"? :P Makes it easier to see which mods are planets so I can simply type planet to add all at once.
diddlydoso 1 月 18 日 下午 11:36 
weathers tweaking out but it might just be a mod conflict idk
Chrisbitz 1 月 10 日 上午 8:08 
I think I found the fungal forest with the blue grey mushrooms, but they have no collision, so I don't see how to get Gold out of them? The ore detector doesn't say gold though - what am I doing wrong?
pryde64 1 月 3 日 下午 8:08 
i just came across this in a scenario world game by sareketh awesome world
AdlerssonSeinRechterNasenPopel 2024 年 11 月 29 日 上午 8:09 
I have many planet mods but this one is by far my favorite one.
Fascist Pig Bank 2024 年 11 月 22 日 上午 3:33 
Major Jon = God.
QuikQuestion 2024 年 11 月 19 日 上午 2:52 
By far one of the best planets i have ever seen. Good work
kirbcake 2024 年 11 月 16 日 下午 6:12 
The mushroom forest is the only other thing I've seen. No dunes or deserts or acid lakes or "lush" areas.
kirbcake 2024 年 11 月 16 日 下午 6:02 
Where in the world are all these exotic looking locations from the screenshots? I've been circumnavigating the planet in freecam and have seen nothing but salt flats interspersed with the occasional few hundred meter stretch of slightly green terrain and a few trees.