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Cygni: All Guns Blazing | Content, Review, Cheat, Save Dump, and more
Από Rens Agatha ⁧【レンス】
Guide for those who want to learn about the game content and some helpful information etc.
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★󠁧󠁳 Description
 This is my review for Cygni: All Guns Blazing, played the game on easy difficulty since I’m a casual player (I’m not using gamer terms because I’m too humble to claim myself as one). Before diving into the content, it's important to note that this guide is not intended for any illegal activities or pirate file sharing. It serves as a small guide for my review of Cygni: All Guns Blazing and includes information on how to get save files, cheats, or any etc.

 I’ll include my in-depth review since steam had 8K character limit, and the game will also receive a performance review based on my low settings (yes, I’m a low-spec user), and I’ll include that as a separate part of my Steam game review (not here). Additionally, it’s important to note that this guide is purely based on personal opinions as a casual player reviewing the game and remains focused on the Cygni: All Guns Blazing experience. So, it is not an off-topic guide.
󠁧󠁳  Note
 This isn’t a walkthrough or achievement guide. There will be others who create better guides in English than I can. As you can see, English is not my native language.

 Well, I just use this guide for writing as a hobby, so yeah, welcome to My Stupid Review of content.
★󠁧󠁳 Content
 For those wondering what the game offers, here's a list of the entire content of Cygni: All Guns Blazing.

Main Menu
  • Arcade Mode
    An Arcade mode, which unlocks after you complete the main story. It's like an endless mode so don't died and to fast if you wanted your name on the leaderboards
  • Continue
    The "Continue" option takes you back to the main story menu (stage selection).
  • New Game
  • Profile
    Select your save slot. every time you load, it'll automatically pick the first save slot.
  • Option
    The usual options/settings menu.
  • Credits
    Credits, showcasing the names of the creators behind this game.
  • Exit

In the gameplay options, you'll find:
  • Leaderboard Setting: Can be turned on/off. I guess you won’t upload your score when this setting is off.
  • Camera Shake: Adjustable from 0%, 50%, to 100%.
  • Energy HUD Setting: Always set to "On" in my case.
  • Player HUD: Can be enabled or disabled.
  • HUD Size: Adjustable from smaller to bigger, with support for Steam Deck sizes.
  • Player Ship HUD: Same options as above.
  • Ship Movement: You can try settings from 1-6, but none of them seem to give any noticeable advantage.

In the sound settings, you have:
  • Master Volume
  • Music Volume
  • SFX Volume
  • Ambient Volume
  • Ambient Auto Balance: Disabling this option means you won't be able to adjust the Ambient Volume above it.
  • The equalizer offers multiple settings, including Flat, TV, Headphone, and Crushed. Personally, I prefer the TV setting since I don’t use headphones to play games.


 In the control settings, you'll find the standard options for binding keys, including both keyboard and gamepad configurations.


 This game doesn’t have advanced PC port settings like turning off shadows or bloom, or any options to make the game look worse for lower specs. So, my verdict: it’s not low spec-friendly.

In the graphics settings, we have:
  • Gamma and Brightness: No contrast adjustment found.
  • Resolution: Includes 1280x768. Many modern games don’t offer lower resolutions, which I dislike, and I usually avoid buying games that don’t support them, even if I have a larger screen than 720p.
  • Screen Percentage: You can set this from 45% to 110%.
  • Frame Rate Lock: The maximum is 60 FPS. I played with it set to 30% and still experienced frame drops, even with all settings on low. You can judge based on my spec in the review.
  • Anti-Aliasing: Options from MSAA x2 up to MSAA x4.
  • V-Sync: On/Off.
  • Subtitles: Enable/Disable.
  • Subtitle Size: Small, Medium, Large.


 The language options are shown in the image, and I think they’ve already included that on the store page, so I don’t need to go over it.
★󠁧󠁳 Review
Been a while, I’ve never felt so satisfied with a space shooter game.
 Setting aside the current drama about this game, where it literally opened for pre-order on steam, and then a few days after release, it was free on Epic, which is kind of a bummer. I have to agree between both devs and the players on this, so yeah keep reading, If you're wonder the reason for the recent mixed reviews on Steam.

 Though I'm kinda on the dev's side because, clearly, the people who are complaining didn't even preorder the game, so why bother? If people really wanted to support this game, they'd have done so from the start. so-play this on epic as you like, if you don't claim it yet when it free. then let people who bought it on steam having fun.
󠁧󠁳  Gameplay
 I have mixed feelings about the gameplay. It’s a classic space shooter with a modern approach. Like many screenshots and YouTube videos, you know what you're getting with this game. If you love the old challenge of NES or old Konami games, think again. Those who grew up with arcade and now have three kids might find this game nostalgic, Yep. I know your player base. Forgot to mention, this game is a bullet hell, and it’s completely impossible to avoid bullets, even with the devs advertising it as strategic with shield use. Even Touhou players are gonna take a shower for the first time after playing this game. I mean, they really need t to touch water.


 The easy setting gives you three lives, but the game requires a lot of grinding for casual players who dislike high difficulty. You need to collect credits to upgrade parts of your spaceship. I have to mention that the tutorial is pretty useless. I learned more through trial and error. That said, the real challenge is on medium or higher difficulties, where you get only one life. If you die, you're done. On easy mode, dying resets your score, which means you get fewer credits, making the grind even harder (keep dying on boss stage). Overall, finishing the game on easy didn’t really make me want to go back and try higher difficulties, but if you’re a fan of challenging games, you might enjoy it.

Other Screenshot You may like:

 For future reference, you have three difficulty levels. Easy, Medium, and Hard. Easy gives you three lives, while Medium and Hard don’t give you any lives. I’ve noticed that bullets behave differently across difficulties, making it easier to lose your shield on higher settings. The game is quite short, with only seven stages. On Medium and Hard, if you lose once or die, you'll be forced to restart the stage without any progress.

 I don’t have an issue with "soul" games, but it feels like many developers are reducing content to make games more "replayable", similar to what we see in MOBAs or Vampire Survivors. It’s not my cup of tea. Luckily, this game has an Easy mode. However, getting killed by the last boss and losing lives or scores can be quite frustrating.

 I’m not sure why we have a high score on Story mode since scores only upload to Arcade mode. Additionally, the game doesn’t offer a wide variety of weapon upgrades. it’s limited to basic upgrades like auto-fire or a “super” that uses up your entire shield. On the arcade side, it’s fun, but I don’t like that Medium difficulty has no lives. For the price and content, you might want to check the section below.
󠁧󠁳  Graphic
 The graphics of this game are so insane, even Konami cannot came with the idea, despite firing their best employees like Kojima and Igarashi who are now creating their own studios, suddenly published a game made by indies. Honestly, if Cygni wasn’t with Konami and went straight to Epic, they’d get paid without giving any money to Konami. Quite impressive for KeelWorks. I know they got some funding from Konami, but come on, Konami, your time is over. I only give my appreciation to KeelWorks.

Some beautifull shot even on steam deck preset:
󠁧󠁳  Multiplayer
 The game has a leaderboard, which is a bit of a bummer because there’s no friend only leaderboard. The leaderboard is for arcade mode, which you can access after finishing the main story mode. There’s nothing wrong with that. Also, I haven’t tested the local co-op multiplayer because I didn’t have anyone to play with. Please be my friend :")

󠁧󠁳  Control
 The controls in this game are chaotic. it's literally hard to avoid all the bullets regardless of sensitivity settings. Although I have quick reflexes, this game is not recommended for people with motor disabilities or similar issues. Overall, playing with a D-input gamepad works fine.

 You have at least three buttons to focus on, aside from the normal D-pad movement. You have the shooting button, R1, and R2 to switch your energy between shields or "rockets." There are about 12 energy types you can assign, which you get as drops from enemies. In certain stages, they spam you with these item drops, which you need to pick up. Honestly, playing this game feels so satisfying, especially when you hit an enemy and hear the sound effects. I removed the music/sound review because I'm not into it and to respect those with hearing issues, but the sound design in this game deserves recognition.

 There’s a super move that causes a big explosion but costs your entire shield, and you have a rocket button mapped to "A" if you’re using D-input (Xbox controller, for those who might not be familiar or completly stupid calling button layout from their console name). I don’t use the rocket often, only during boss fights. Overall, the controls feel a bit weird, so I had to do some custom binding to make them easier to use.
󠁧󠁳  Playtime
 I finished the game in under 2h on easy difficulty. If you’re one of those people who keep complaining on the Steam forums, I don’t even know if you preordered or not—you can literally refund it after playing. Since the game was free on Epic when this review was released, why not just use and play it there? Ah, yes, Steam award trolls. Welcome to Steam. BTW, finishing the game in under 2 hours on easy. if you’re not struggling. You might need more time if you want to complete everything, especially since it has that one-life soul-like aspect.
󠁧󠁳  Story
 The story was okay. Kinda epic but not too deep. I noticed they used a lot of cuts and short cutscenes to keep the budget in check, but it makes sense during a full playthrough. I appreciate the rendered cutscenes, especially since they gave us those necessary butt shots—10/10.

Screenshot of rendered cutscene you may wanted to jerk off with:

󠁧󠁳  PC Port & accessibility
If you want to see the PC port and accessibility details, check out my main review.
󠁧󠁳  Bug / Complain
- Simple story
 If you’re looking for an in-depth story, this game doesn’t have one. It’s basically just fighting alien stuff—probably cliché but not bad, especially since the visuals help it.
- Bullet hell
 The game is basically a bullet hell genre, so if you’re a Touhou player who hasn’t had a bath in a millio years, this game is definitely for you.
- Medium difficult has no "Live".
 Playing on easy seems like an insult after finding out that only easy mode has lives, while medium and higher difficulties don’t have any lives. Why isn’t there a life point system in the other modes?
- Technically soul game
 Since medium or higher difficulties are the "intended" levels, calling it a "soul" game makes sense, as many MODERN people understand hard games as "soul" games. Clearly they are not grown up with arcade or old NES games. igonrant generation
- Custom binding control keep resetting whenever i open the game after close it.
 Title of the bug.

 ⓘ Build ID 14976496

If don't understand how to see what your Build ID is. here:
󠁧󠁳  DLC / In game currency
 If the game had new stages or a new story mode as DLC, I’d definitely be interested in checking it out. The game is quite short for the price.
󠁧󠁳  Extra
[VALVᴱ] Suggested Region Price
25 (+2 Point)
0 (+3 Point)
13 (+1 Point)
Since I'm an asian here a likert scale score:
 N=Number of Region×Maximum points per valve recommendation
 P=55.26% so :
Overal score : 5.5/10
(+100% overprice in my region. I would not recommend friend to buy this.)

Community Health
 ✗ Toxic
 ✗ Moderator/Developer Problem

Note :
 So far, the devs have been avoiding getting directly involved in the Epic drama, and I get it—Epic is funding them more than Steam users, who were complaining without even preordering. I mean, yeah, one person’s complaints won’t fund the entire development. Still, I was hoping for something extra or a reward for buying/preordering the game on steam, especially since we didn’t claim it for free on Epic.

If you're wondering how to see region prices for all available countries,
check out:
󠁧󠁳  Oppinion
 Honestly, I don't care if the game is free on Epic—I have it on Steam, and I claimed it on Epic too, so it's a win-win situation. People who keep spamming posts on the forum are just Epic Games fanboys, and Epic doesn't even have a forum, so why bother? If you want to support the devs, buy the game on Steam. I'm having fun with the game, but I'm not really into the "Dark Souls" gameplay on medium or higher difficulties, so yeah, that's all.
󠁧󠁳  Recommended?
 Yes, only buy it when it’s on sale. Given that Epic has made the game free and the content is limited, since you can beat it in under 2 hours on easy, it’s better to wait for a sale. The game is fun and well-made, but despite Epic’s free offer, I’m not interested in requesting a refund. I might come back to it eventually, but not soon. Still, $20 (or $40 if US without regional pricing) is a bold price. While it’s made by indie developers, Konami deserves the blame for the price.

 Thanks to Konami, I now realize Epic is a great tool for publishers to recoup their money after funding an indie game. If a publisher funds an indie game at a lower cost and then sells it on Epic, the developer doesn’t need to repay the investor, and the publisher can get their money back. It’s a win-win situation.
󠁧󠁳  Other
Playtime source :
Suggested price source :

Previous reviews have been posted :

★󠁧󠁳 Cheat
 Is the game's value editable? Well, I tried to edit the "value" used to upgrade your ship parts, and it works perfectly with Cheat Engine. Although I'm not recommending you use it for anything other than that—I just hate grinding. Yes, this is a new save file, and I tried it on my second playthrough, so don't think I didn't experience the game firsthand.

 By starting the game over, you can easily find the value for the points used to upgrade your ship parts if you don't die on the first stage, regardless of the difficulty level. You can search for this value in Cheat Engine. I suggest upgrading the part that needs 25 points so you can easily locate the value. I won’t tell you how to do it—take it at your own risk. If they ever update the game to prevent changing the value with Cheat Engine, I’ll share my file dump in the next section. Don't worry, ALL of my Achievment were taked by my own not after i'm editing the Value with CE.

As you wonder you can look above for what the build ID i use for this files.

 If you're expecting a how to use cheat engine guide, I wont include it since everybody know how to use it. And also anticipation If the devs patch it someday, simple as that.
★󠁧󠁳 Save Dump
 Here's how to access the save files, which I've already used with Cheat Engine. I'll drop the file in this section. Of course, I didn't want you to overwrite the first save slot, so the edited save is in the second slot (the game has three save slots). I believe most people use the first slot, so you're good to go with the second one. Both the game save files and configuration files are located in the same folder. If you're interested in knowing where to find them including configuration location which so far, im looking for a way to tweak the graphic setting and may edited this someday, here's the location:

Save game data location
Configuration file(s) location

If you're wondering how to access %LOCALAPPDATA%, just press Windows+R, then paste %LOCALAPPDATA% and search for "cygni" Folder.

Save Dump Files

 Remove the "Weird same symbol" between "the link" to access the files or just copy paste one by one. Since steam hate mediafire so much. Once you've downloaded them, place them in the Save game data location which i've included above. I would love to use other platform, if you're intrested.

For easier link :

Turn ( ▪ ) symbol to dot ( . ), theres three of them.

And yes this is for windows Only, No MAC, no Linux. who the hell use those?
★󠁧󠁳 Free Fanart
I'm currently on vacation, and I'm planning to create fan art for this, but my current hardware won't support making a 4K fan art—so maybe someday.
ⓘ  This guide, review, save dump, and any other content related to Cygni, the website, and all associated entities are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by KeelWorks or Konami. 'Cygni' and all related names, graphics, and concepts are the property of KeelWorks. Some resources in this guide are used under fair use for transformative work and commentary purposes. No copyright-infringing material is distributed through this website. If you believe any content infringes on your intellectual property rights, please contact me.
End Of the page
 Well, that's all for now, I guess. If you like this guide, give it a thumbs up and favorite it. If you don't, just downvote it.

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1 σχόλια
RZR-FGC(lincs) 27 Δεκ 2024, 7:08 
Thanks Rens, your tips on weapon use + ship upgrades were very helpful!
PS. I grew up playing R-Type + Thunder Force games... "Souls" just means 80's-09's difficuly haha
Thanks man