Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

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help pls pls help it not work i spent 4 howers on it
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Vehicles: Vehicle, Rescue, Sea, Wip, Advanced
Nhãn: v1.11.8
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3 Thg08 @ 1:15pm
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help pls pls help it not work i spent 4 howers on it

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This vehicle does not have a description yet.
3 bình luận
aaroncann  [tác giả] 3 Thg08 @ 7:21pm 
Ok add me
Thermite 3 Thg08 @ 6:47pm 
Let me know if you need anything else.
Thermite 3 Thg08 @ 6:47pm


1. Exhaust connected to "fluid exhaust" while inside and then has a port after the "fluid exhaust."
2. Fuel tank is vented but has no valve/filter to keep the fuel in. The result is all your fuel falls out.
3. Air vent is too low. In calm water it sits barely above water level. Any waves will cause water intake into the engine and maybe hydro-lock it.

1. Connected exhaust to outside with "fluid port."
2. Added "Gas Relief Valve" to tank vent to let gasses out and keep liquids in.
3. Moved air intake higher on hull.


1. Re-did the piping to make it shorter.
2. Added gearbox for reverse.
3. Centered the engine in the hull.
4. Added RPS and Speed dials for testing.
5. Added reverse gear.