Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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VSH Degroot Keep With Guns
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1 aug @ 3:42
1 aug @ 4:56
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VSH Degroot Keep With Guns

I 2 samlingar av Gigachad Gaming
TF2 Trash and Good maps
95 artiklar
More Versions Of The Same Map
105 artiklar
Why are we honoring old traditions? They belong to HELL! Grab those guns and fight!

LizardOfOz - Programming, game design, promotional material and overall development. The original VSH Plugin from 2010.
Maxxy - Saxton Hale's model imitating Jungle Inferno SFM; Custom animations and promotional material.
Velly - VFX, animations scripting, technical assistance.
JPRAS - Saxton model development assistance and feedback.
MegapiemanPHD - Saxton Hale and Gray Mann voice acting.
James McGuinn - Mercenaries voice acting for custom lines.
Yakibomb - give_tf_weapon script (used for Hale's first-person hands).
1 kommentarer
bluem0nkey 20 nov @ 17:40 
engineers + pyros ruining your day
rocket jumpers fucking you over
demo sticky trapping points