102 평점
How to play honorably in Dark Souls II PVP
Göddi 님이 작성
Have you ever thought of playing with a little bit of honor in Dark Souls II PVP? In the following guide you will learn how to do it!
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How to do it
Just follow these 5 simple rules and maybe you learn how to play a little bit more honorably in Dark Souls II PVP.
Rule No. 1: Bowing
Just give the player you'll fight against a quick bow. It takes about 2 seconds. Everybody has time for that, right?
(Only exception: You're the Legend; then just do "Well! What is it!" and smash your opponent to the ground with your zweihander!)

Rule No. 2: Being different
Ever thought of doing a unique build? Just facing katanas, rapiers, shortswords or magic spam gets boring very quickly after some time in PVP.

Luckily, this build doesn't exist anymore.
Rule No. 3: Don't heal
Just don't heal during fights! If it is an invasion, it might be okay if you're not interested in PVP or the invader is using cheap tactics, but especially in the arena or as a dragonbro it is just annoying.
Or would you like to fight a player who is constantly healing?

Rule No. 4: Don't disconnect
Disconnects are the worst! When you're losing, just accept it like a man and try to do better next time!

Rule No. 5: Don't be a hacker
If you're a hacker: You are destroying the game. Just don't be one.

The End
Just follow these rules and maybe PVP in Dark Souls II becomes a little bit more enjoyable for everyone in this amzaing community of Souls Gamers.
I hope you liked my guide. Sorry for possible mistakes, but english is not my native language.

A potato for you at the end!

댓글 56
Hyperversum 2015년 8월 26일 오후 4시 06분 
I always bow, play my paladin/knight with Heide knight sword and spear and the armor for the moment.

Guys, Honorable fighters do exist, so don't be fuckers <3
Bereth Nocta 2015년 7월 14일 오전 7시 21분 
How to deny healing: Lloyd Talisman
How to deny Katana Running R1: Parry Baiting
How I torture people who don't bow: Constantly prostrate infront of them, non stop, not attacking them for around 3 minutes striaght, it drives them fucking crazy.
dnk 2015년 6월 16일 오전 6시 37분 
"How to play honorably in Dark Souls II PVP"
Just don't
Lionbug 2015년 3월 10일 오전 9시 00분 
no one. is honourable. fuck this community so hard.
SO hard.
affairs most succubussian 2015년 2월 18일 오후 3시 22분 
zarse 2015년 1월 15일 오전 4시 24분 
Fucking terrible guide for being invaded. You're gonna die 9 out of 10 times and have a bad time half of them.

Etiquette rules only apply if you're pvping in the arena, never invading.
Jeemie 2014년 12월 28일 오전 10시 36분 
I followed all of there before reading this ^-^
I hope we can get more this kind of PvPers in dark souls 2
Sir Harlz 2014년 11월 16일 오후 9시 31분 
I don't gesture if I have my buff on. I just do a backstep to let them know I am ready.
Crip 2014년 11월 16일 오후 3시 17분 
For some reason I hate the bow gesture. I've never used it. I summon a guy, he buffs twice or thrice and still tries a gesture, I'm like, dude fight already ffs. That said, I've never hit someone during a bow.

I usually just do the Praise the Sun gesture if I'm in a good mood, or quickly run in circles. You know, just to show I acknowledge your bow.
Zoga 2014년 11월 16일 오후 2시 41분 
I do not understand the "do not heal" and the "Bowing" rules. I think be a good player in Dark Souls is able to adapt each combat, each enemy's strategy. Run and heal can work the first time, but you can counter it by healing yourself or spaming bow / spells, or harass the player. I like long battles / invades, it's a real challenge and it has diversity. Using the environment at his best is a great skill. If you loose, well, bad luck or you just were bad. I think be honorable player is to greet the players you fight against when and after you invaded, REALY help the players you fight for, leave REALY helpfull messages and of course, not disconnect or hack.