Left 4 Dead 2
Оцінок: 39
[Blue Archive] Abydos High School
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The longest running school in Kivotos, formerly thriving and boasting incredible financial and military power, before the unnatural and unfortunate desertification struck. Nowadays, most of its buildings have been covered in sand and ruins, leaving behind only an annex which seems to be the very last remains of the school.

Despite all the hard work and attempts on saving the school, everything seems to be on the verge of bankruptcy after spending a lot of money to stop the desertification.
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【碧蓝档案】黑见芹香替换佐伊【Blue archive】Serika Replace Zoey [Fixed]
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阿比多斯高中所属,阿比多斯对策委员会的难相处会计。 时常碎碎念,是会毫不犹豫地表露自己感情的类型。 虽然时常把「这种学园最好快点完蛋!」当成口头禅,但其实是个能为了偿还学园的债务而瞒着大家打工的、深爱着学校的孩子。 —— 我是对策委员会的黑见芹香 Abydos High School belongs, difficult accountant of the Abydos Countermeasures Committee. It's the type that doesn't hesitate to exp...
【碧蓝档案】临战星野替换比尔【Blue archive】Hoshino Replace Bill armed ver
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阿比多斯高中所属,阿比多斯学生会的前副会长,现在担任对策委员会委员长的懒虫少女。 装备上平时保管起来的武器,变成了更适合战斗的风格。虽然在其他方面都和平时的星野一样,但武装状态下的她,眼神中多了一分专注。 “大叔我,得稍微认真一点了哦~ 唉呀,有点不好意思呢” —— 午睡中。急事请打电话~ Belonging to Abydos High School, she is a former vice president of the Abydos Student Council and a lazy perso...
【碧蓝档案】十六夜野宫替换路易斯【Blue archive】Nonomi Replace Louis [Fixed]
Автор Humour
阿比多斯高中所属,阿比多斯对策委员会的一员。 感情丰富且品性善良,是让极端性格成员众多的对策委员会成员们团结一致的精神支柱。 虽然没有表露出来,但她是富裕人家的千金。对策委员会的零食费几乎都由她的零用钱支付。 Member of the Abydos Countermeasures Committee, which belongs to Abydos High School. Affectionate and kind-hearted, it is the spiritual pillar that uni...
【碧蓝档案】奥空绫音替换飞行员/飞行员尸体【Blue archive】Ayane Replace Pilot/Dead Pilot [Fixed]
Автор Humour
阿比多斯高中所属,阿比多斯对策委员会认真的书记。 是重视原则与规定的类型,正为了复兴阿比多斯高中而一心一意地努力着。 —— 尊重常识的社团——对策委员会 Abydos High School belongs, serious secretary of Abydos Countermeasures Committee. It is the type that values principles and rules and is working hard wholeheartedly to revive Aby...
【碧蓝档案】小鸟游星野替换比尔【Blue archive】Hoshino Replace Bill [Fixed]
Автор Humour
阿比多斯高中所属,阿比多斯学生会的前副会长,现在担任对策委员会委员长的懒惰虫少女。 特征是像大叔一样的口气,比起工作更喜欢玩乐。 因此她平常老是被委员会的成员们骂,不过一旦任务开始,她就会为了保护其他成员在最前线奋战。 “完全没睡到午觉耶,嘛,也没办法吧” —— 午睡时禁止打扰 Abydos High School belongs.,Former vice president of the Abydos Student Council.,The lazy bug girl who now serves as...
【碧蓝档案】小鸟游星野*恐怖替换比尔【Blue archive】Hoshino_terror Replace Bill
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受地下生活者的诱导,在痛苦之下反转为「恐怖」,失去理智的小鸟游星野。 Hoshino, the strongest Mystic in Kivotos, whose identity has now been reversed due to intense trauma of the past, completely blaming herself for the death of her beloved student council president, Kuchinashi Yume. Factore...
【碧蓝档案】砂狼白子替换弗朗西斯/【Blue archive】Shiroko Replace Francis[Remake]
Автор Humour
阿比多斯高中所属,喜欢运动的阿比多斯对策委员会的突击队长。 虽然给人沉默寡言且几乎没有表情变化的冷淡印象,但其实是个说她比任何人都珍惜阿比多斯高中也不为过的少女。 为了复兴学园会不择手段,因此偶尔会提出令人意想不到的想法。 “需要我的帮助?” Abydos High School belongs.,Commando captain of the Abydos Countermeasures Committee who likes sports.。 Although she gives a cold impr...
【碧蓝档案】砂狼白子*恐怖替换弗朗西斯【Blue archive】Shiroko Replace Francis (terror ver)
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与普雷那帕特斯一同从另一条世界线到来的白子。 虽然与这个世界的白子本质上是相同的存在,但外貌上稍微成长了一些。非常珍视阿比多斯,能为了学校与自治区的复兴不择手段,偶尔也有不按常理出牌的一面。 “嗯,现在还……没问题” —— 正在招募骑行伙伴……(2/5) A mysterious student(?) whose appearance is unmistakably Sunaookami Shiroko's, but is not quite the same. A Nameless Goddess who...
【碧蓝档案】泳装星野替换比尔【Blue archive】Hoshino swimsuit ver Replace Bill
Автор Humour
阿比多斯高级中学所属,为了追求悠闲夏日,而来到无人岛的对策委员会委员长。 跟她怕麻烦的态度相反,各项准备都非常确实。而她本人并没有发现自己比平常还要积极。 “来这边呀老师~还挺凉快的唷?” —— 午睡中~随时欢迎伙伴哦 Abydos High School belongs , In pursuit of a leisurely summer,The chairman of the countermeasures committee who came to the uninhabited island。 Co...
【碧蓝档案】泳装白子替换弗朗西斯【Blue archive】Shiroko swimsuit ver Replace Francis
Автор Humour
到达盛夏无人岛度假村的阿比多斯对策委员会突击队长。 带头进行度假区重建和食物采集等活动。倒不如求生的感觉让她兴奋,即使换上泳装,她那我行我素的样子也没有改变。 “嗯,准备完成。” Assault Captain of the Abydos Countermeasures Committee who arrives at the Midsummer Uninhabited Island Resort. Take the lead in activities such as resort redevelopme...
【碧蓝档案】泳装芹香替换佐伊【Blue archive】Serika swimsuit ver Replace Zoey
Автор Humour
为了度过最棒的假期而来到度假地的,隶属于阿比多斯高中的阿比多斯对策委员会的会计。 面对多次失败毫不退缩,把度假视作打工一般认真对待。虽然一眼看上去是在被麻烦事追着跑,不过还是和对策委员会的大家一起度过了快乐的时光。 —— 度假中!!!!!!! The accountant of the Abydos Countermeasures Committee, who is affiliated with Abydos High School, came to the resort for the best vac...
【碧蓝档案】泳装野宫替换路易斯【Blue archive】Nonomi swimsuit ver Replace Louis
Автор Humour
阿比多斯高级中学所属,来到夏天海边非常开心的阿比多斯对策委员会成员。 即使来到度假胜地,依然会温柔地照顾大家。 顺带一提,因为太过期待这次的旅行,听说她买了比平常更多东西做准备。 “说到夏天的话,果然是大家一起去海边呢☆” —— 是大海呢,大海~! Abydos High School, a member of the Abydos Countermeasures Committee, who is very happy to come to the beach in the summer. Even wh...