Indigo Park

Indigo Park

【日本語カバー】"Rambley Review" Japanese cover / Indigo Park
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5 comentário(s)
Tori  [autor(a)] 11/nov./2024 às 6:02 
That sounds like fun to think about!
Her innocent and adorable role is just perfect XD
Kentaro The Fox 9/nov./2024 às 10:44 
Really nice work!
I've been wondering if Japanese version of Indigo Park had a dub, who'd be a good fit for Rambley? Tony Chopper's voice actress was often crossing my mind
Armz 23/set./2024 às 13:46 
Tori  [autor(a)] 15/set./2024 às 7:46 
Thank you~~:UltimateRaccoon:
indominus 13/set./2024 às 20:19 
ur voice is heavenly, really good work here