The Wandering Village

The Wandering Village

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Monument Requirements (Village, Onbu, Survival)
By Jepp
After seeing a lot of hearsay online about what's needed, I looked closely at the requirements for the three ending monuments. Here's what I found!
At the end of about 100 days, you will receive one of three monument buildings based on your playthrough up to that point.

These are the Survival Monument, the Onbu Monument and the Village Monument.

Once you get one, simply build it to receive the associated hidden achievement:

Build the Survival Monument

Our Friend and Protector
Build the Onbu Monument

The Light of Human Intellect
Build the Village Monument
Exact Criteria
These are the precise requirements for each of the monuments. The requirements are checked when you pass the dead Onbu after reaching 100 days.
As long as these criteria are met, nothing else that happens throughout the playthrough is considered.

Village Monument
  • Onbu Trust: At or below 50%
  • Damaging Buildings: Two or more
  • Villager Happiness: At or above 18

Onbu Monument
  • Onbu Trust: At or above 95%
  • Damaging Buildings: Zero

Survivor Monument
Any stats outside of the above requirements will result in the survivor monument. There's a good chance you will get this without trying in your first playthrough.
What To Do
Hopefully the above criteria are enough to help you on your way, and knowing the exact breakpoints might be useful in knowing what to aim for.

I'd planned on adding some more info to this guide around how to raise and lower the appropriate stats, but there are plenty of guides around to assist with that aspect. In general, the endings are meant to represent favouring the villagers, favouring Onbu and finding a middle ground for the Village, Onbu and Survival monuments respectively.
Jepp  [author] 13 Jan @ 4:36pm 
Glad it was helpful - I definitely saw a lot of incorrect info elsewhere online. Appreciate your additional thoughts, too!
Goddamn Unicorn 13 Jan @ 4:03pm 
You don't really need to hurt Onbu, but you need to have those buildings built, and he cannot trust you. Pulling a few spikes and running the bile/blood extractor for just a moment seems to do the trick. Let him go where he wants, build your village so you can deal with whatever he walks through.
Goddamn Unicorn 13 Jan @ 4:01pm 
Thank you so much for the conditions for the Village Monument! I've played 2 different saves and tried various things and I was so tired of simply hurting Onbu and then not getting the Village Monument scenario.

This should have more thumbs up. Everyone else has old or vague info. I loaded a day 57 game to go back a bit, made sure to focus more on things that increased the happiness of my villagers while generally ignoring or annoying Onbu so he'd have low trust, and it finally worked.

People should keep in mind, there's always a -3 happiness event just before you find the dead Onbu, so get happiness up to at least 21 before you go through and time your festivals just right to counter, just in case.
ι3ξτ^н4ЖΣ0я 3 Sep, 2024 @ 12:06pm 
Thank you for the detailed conditions!
I think that I still won't be able to hurt Onbu after all.