CastleMiner Z

CastleMiner Z

62 ratings
Pap's CMZ Wiki
By PapiwA
A wiki for the hit game Castle Miner Z, a follow to Digital DNA's original Castle Miner release. This guide is designed to be as thorough as possible and is open to suggestions and feedback. Castle Miner is a sandbox mine and build game based within a block-shaped, completely destructive world of several biomes. Players must work their way up tiers of precious metals and rare materials in order to craft a list of several tools and weapons of different classes, including laser technology. (Updates Coming Soon!)
Game Modes


Dragon Endurance


Game Options


Host Options
Commands/Voice Chat

By right clicking on a stack you can split it in half. After you move it, but before you place it, you can then keep right clicking to choose by the quantity of 1. This may take practice, but it is possible to give a teammate 3, or 7, or any exact number of one particular item at once.

Mousepad users can go into "auto mine" mode by multi-clicking



Game Pad Controls

standard look and move thumbsticks

Left Trigger=Mine/ Use Device/ Aim

Right Trigger=Mine/ Set Device GPS/ Shoot/ Build

Left Bumper=Scroll Hotbar left Right Bumper=Scroll Hotbar Right

A(green)= Jump Y(yellow)= Open Inventory

Down D-Pad= drop current item

Select/Back= view gameroom player list Start= menu (does not pause game!!!)

4 steps to use voice chat

2-Community Hub
3-Join Group Chat
4-Enter Voice Chat


Foothills are basically the polar caps of the world. Steep green hillsides and tall stone hills offer easy access to Logs, Caves, and your basic Ores. These green landscapes are the only source of trees so grab all the wood you may need.


Deserts are....deserts. Sand dunes and Mobs dominate these areas. You won't find caves here but you might come across a Crater or two. Deserts are fairly safe to travel during day, but it is advised to dig down and hunker for the night. Archers are relentless and deadly accurate.


The frozen ice lands are desolate and slippery. Ice and snow will slow you down so "B Line" it if you are running from Mobs. Permafrost landscapes provide lots of caves, but Ice and Snow are more fragile than Stone so go deep enough to avoid surface Mobs. Other than these biomes, Ice can only be obtained by Ice Dragon attacks.


Mountains are an extremely good source of Ores and Caves. These areas offer the best view of your surroundings but one wrong step and your fall will not be pleasant. Mountains are a great place to fight Dragons as they offer height as well as deep cover.

The Descent(commonly known as OreLand)

If you can survive the distance through foothills, flatlands, and mountains, you will find Ore Land rewarding indeed. As far as the eye can see, any ore in total abundance, Ore Land is the last stop before your trip around the world.

Meteor Crash Site(Commonly known as Alien Craters)

Craters are speckled across the land. Although their origin remains a huge mystery, these massive meteors decimated the landscape and brought hostile Alien life-forms with them. Where craters are found you will notice that they've mineralize the surrounding material. If you can survive the waves of Mobs, these areas serve as perfect mining grounds. Not to mention Space Rock and Space Goo are unique crafting materials. Only these will get you Laser Tech.


Hell is a desert of Bloodstone and deadly lava full of Zombies, Bones, and Demons. Two ways to end up in Hell are Caves and Craters, but if run far enough distance you will find an excruciatingly thick suicidal ring of the Hell biome.


Caves are found anywhere under the ground and are easily accessible from the surface. These areas are pitch black in shallow depths but well lit around Lava. If you find Lava then you're near Gold and Diamonds.


Motherships do exist and they are incredibly massive. Highly abundant in Space Goo, beware, these Craters are hard to reach and crawling with Mobs.
Ores & Tiers

Coal is a core ingredient and is needed immediately, as well as generally, for ammunitions, ingots, and structures. This ore is also required for Devices and crafted light sources.

Tier 1 is Stone

Copper-Tier 2

Copper is an essential ore and is the second most abundant next to Coal. Use copper to craft Brass Casings and durable Copper tools.

Iron-Tier 3

Iron is third strongest on the list and most certainly needed to progress up the chain of tiers. Use Iron to mine Gold and craft weapons, storage, doors, tools, and ammuntion.

Gold-Tier 4

Gold is fourth up the tier ladder and found within the depths of the lands. It's strength does not match it's durability but it is required to move any further up.

Diamond-Tier 5

Diamonds are hard to come across outside of Ore Land but they can still be found near Gold and Lava. Search hard enough and you might manage to begin your journey with Diamond and Bloodstone gear.

Bloodstone is Tier 6

Moon Rock & Goo are Tier 7


  • Planks
  • Sticks
  • Casings
    • Brass
    • Iron
    • Gold
    • Diamond












Lava is abundant deep in caves and there are lethal lakes of it in Hell. It cannot be harvested so be careful not leave yourself in the dark.


The hardest material, next to Goo and Moon, Bloodstone is extremely strong and durable. Although it takes a bunch to craft weapons, this hard to reach material is essential for endurance.

Explosive Powder

This unique material can only be obtained by looting a dead Dragon. Use it to craft TNT, C4, Grenades and RPG's.

Space Rock

Space Rock, or Moon is what the Aliens crashed in on. Their materials can only be mined by Bloodstone but yield unparalled potential. Where there is Moon there are Aliens. Normal Iron weapons don't stand a chance against the long necked furrry critters.

Space Goo

Space Goo is only found in Alien Biomes. Use Bloodstone to harvest this rare material and harness the superior power of Laser Tech.


Although the Bedrock Tower can be utilized, touch it anywhere else and you will die. It is the final layer of material beneath Bloodstone and this invincible material cannot be mined.
1 Log=4 Planks

1 Plank=4 Sticks

  • Brass
    1 Copper Ingot = 200 Brass Casings
  • Iron
    1 Iron Ingot = 200 Iron Casings
  • Gold
    1 Gold Ingots = 200 Gold Casings
  • Diamond
    1 Diamond = 100 Diamond Casings

  • Copper
    2 Copper Ore + 1 Coal = 1 Copper Ingot
  • Iron
    2 Iron Ore + 1 Coal = 1 Iron Ingot
  • Gold
    2 Gold Ore + 1 Coal = 1 Gold Ingot
Tools are crafted using a variety of resources blah blah blah....
Tool abuse however should be taken note of. Using the wrong thing on the wrong thing will wear your tool out faster than a block sander! Be sure not to use a pickaxe to chop logs, it's (not stupid, but um...) not smart.

  • Stone

  • Copper

  • Iron

  • Gold

  • Diamond

  • Bloostone

  • Laser Swords(Sabers)
    • Copper, Iron, Gold, Bloodstone

  • Stone
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Gold
  • Diamond

  • Stone

  • Copper

  • Iron

  • Gold

  • Diamond

  • Torch

  • Devices
    • Compass

      Compasses supposedly are the source of many rumors and speculations. This device may just simply be a bipolar latitudinal bearing calibrator, a compass.

    • Clock

      Underground you never know whether it's day or night most of the time. This is where it's best to craft a Clock. These handy detailed devices tell you the time.

    • Locator

      Locators can be used to mark any given location on the map. Use these devices to keep track of your bases and caches.

    • Teleporter
    Teleporters serve as Locators as well as offer a 1-time use to teleport to it's set location. Make and stash plenty. Unlike Locators, once you use this device it is gone. Oh and don't get your buttons mixed up, accidentally resetting a teleporter can mean byebye for your precious location.

  • Crate

Advanced Mining Tools

Although they are located in the Weapons category Sabers are listed as Advanced Mining Tools. These Laser Tech tools are both superiorly strong as well as extremely fragile.
  • Iron
    1 Iron Ingot + 1 Wood Plank

  • Gold

    1 Iron Ingot + 1 Gold Ingot

  • Diamond

    1 Gold Ingot + 1 Diamond

  • Bloodstone
1 Diamond + 10 Bloodstone
By far the hardest Dagger to craft, a Bloodstone Dagger is more than worth the effort.

  • Iron
  • Gold
  • Diamond
  • Bloodstone
  • SSP
    • Green, Red, Yellow, Blue, Indigo

  • Iron
  • Gold
  • Diamond
  • Bloodstone
  • 600D
    • Green, Red, Yellow, Blue, Indigo


  • Iron
  • Gold
  • Diamond
  • Bloostone
  • T8
    • Green, Red, Yellow, Indigo

Assault Rifle
  • Iron
  • Gold
  • Diamond

  • Bloodstone
  • TR
    • Green, Red, Yellow, Blue, Indigo

  • Iron
  • Gold
  • Diamond
  • Bloodstone
  • SSR
    • Green, Red, Yellow, Blue, Indigo

  • Iron
  • Gold
  • Diamond

  • Bloodstone

Rocket Launcher
  • RPG
  • Dragon Guided Missle


1 Iron Ingot + 1 Explosive Powder



Laser Sword
  • Copper(Green)

  • Iron(Red)

  • Gold(Yellow)

  • Diamond(Blue)

  • Bloodstone(White)
  • Copper Wall
  • Iron Wall
  • Gold Wall

  • Diamond Wall


Undead, relentless, and merciless, these creatures will run you down in a heartbeat. With only two attacks a Zombie will ruin your day. They spawn from Bloodstone and just about anything on the Surface, including Moon.

  • Cave Dwellers

    In any cave you will find darkness. And Cave Dwellers. Some are empty handed, some run at you holding Great Swords, and some even dual wielding battle axes. Keep your dwelling well lit and as small as possible. Bones come from the dark but will spawn in large areas.

  • Archers

Archers are spawns of the night. These skeletal foes will stop at nothing to hunt you down. Always running to get the perfect shot on you, Archers aim with accuracy and intent to kill.


Nobody knows what planet they came from. Nobody knows how to make peace with them. Aliens have long necks and strong clawed appendages. Capable of outrunning you from any distance, it is highly advised to avoid these hostile creatures. They are territorial but they will chase you clear across the plains.


Demons are nearly impossible to subdue. Nearly. A team of well equipped allies can drop one within seconds. But if alone, RUN!!!!! This devil will chase you and welcome himself into your domicile.

  • Fire Dragon

  • Forest Dragon

  • Sand Dragon

  • Ice Dragon

  • Undead Dragon


Tips and Tactics
Unless you're playing Hardcore you will keep what is in your Hotbar if you die. The best advice is to keep your core items here. It's best to have a team of survivors each carrying essential materials. There are several combinations of gear. Here are a few.
  • Simple Rifleman Loadout

  • Mercenary

  • Traveler

  • Miners Loadout

  • Dagger
    It is wise to make a Bloodstone dagger as soon as possible.

  • Arms
    Bloodstone weapons and Laser Technology are a sure way to survive.

  • Traps
    Be sure that your foes cannot reach you!

Crafting Smarts
  • Initial Basics
    There is everything you need at the base of The Tower. Be sure to watch your footing.

  • Hotbar
    Keep your precious valuables in your hotbar. (Does not apply to Hardcore Mode)

  • Efficiency
    Work quickly up the tiers before you decide to travel, and stash a crate at The Tower to hold your old items. You never know.

  • Safety
    Weapons are a must! Fist fighting an enemy is suicide. Quickly work up to gold and diamond weapons before you do anything else.

  • Bunkers
    Bunkers are best underground to avoid destructive Dragons and digging Zombies.

  • Caves
    Survival depends on your environment. Although Zombies don't do caves, Bones love them. With the help of stone blocks, a deep cave is always a safe place to hide.

  • Forts & Bases

With enough resources, a fortified base is your best defense against anything but Dragons.
Underground bases are the only way to avoid Dragons.


Spawn Caves
Nobody likes to have to start over. To make this easier on yourself try enclosing your Start Spawn point. Add a crate and a few layers of ceiling, and BAM!!! Spawn Cave.

Geo Caches
Everybody hates a thieving raider. The best defense again a thief is to hide your crate and set a locator to it's global postion. For advanced navigators, geocaches are a great way to lead people astray as well as set them up for a dead end.

Laser Tech

If you ever plan of going the distance, Laser Tech is the only way to go. Drop enemies with one shot and shoot your way through stone with any laser weapon.

Tunneling is an effective way of avoid killer merciless zombies up top, as well as cover some distance, at a cost. Many a days will go by before you reach that ore filled oasis. Even one. This method is highly risky and can mean a certain death. Tunnels are dark, lonely, and scary. Teams are highly recommended for this option. Always be aware of your depth! Mine too deep and, well, you know the rest. ya might not die, then watcha gonna do?

Team positions recommended:
task: Dig,Dig,Dig

tasks: Mine, defend, illuminate

tasks: Mine, craft torches, scout

Dragon Towers

Bonus Section!
Click this section's title to view the full story!

Hitler's Left Testicle 14 Oct, 2020 @ 5:58am 
I've never heard anyone call it "Ore-Land" I've only ever called it Miner's Heaven. I think it's a more fitting name tbh
Dr. P H I L 7 Apr, 2017 @ 8:34pm 
is there anyway to stop zombies from spawing inside your base in hell?
Shr3dr06 28 Nov, 2016 @ 2:33pm 
i read nothing
PapiwA  [author] 15 May, 2016 @ 7:28am 
I plan to have all the updated info done this Summer. Been very busy. But the loot boxes vary depending on which game mode you're in.
M I S E R Y 13 May, 2016 @ 6:42pm 
anything about loot blocks in here yet? i kinda just want to know the rng percentage chance of them, sometimes i get dirt, sometimes i get diamond/bloodstone tools.
PapiwA  [author] 21 Jan, 2016 @ 10:50am 
Updates to the Wiki Coming Soon

New items include Laser Drills, Spawn Beacons and Windows!
PapiwA  [author] 18 Jan, 2016 @ 10:36am 
Ohh yea...
Greatswords, battle axes, no lie! The bones are ruthless, and in Dragon Endurance they are twice as hard to kill
Freeasabird🕊 31 Aug, 2015 @ 10:09am 

"Some are empty handed, some run at you holding Great Swords, and some even dual wielding battle axes"

Wait, What!? Since when? i've NEVER seen any of them with weapons of any kind?
IUSTINUS 8 May, 2015 @ 2:09pm

This is DDNA's official video. He called it the "Descent" (not Descend either lol). I understand though, like 90% if the community calls its Ore Land. Which I think sounds silly personaly.

PapiwA  [author] 8 May, 2015 @ 7:19am 
I suppose...
But I didn't make those up. Community did. I've never even heard "Descend" before. If there is official literature I'd like to see it plz. Bcuz I'm really curious to know what contractor manufactures the Laser Tech. I tried my best, and used the common community vernacular. As soon as get back to my console I will look into your inquiry, as I, too, like keeping things official. Thanks for your interest and feedback.