281 hodnocení
How to be a man
Vytvořil: John Dogma
Are you tired of crap @$$ scrub hexers running in Drangleic? Are you tired of trying to grow a moustache but failing at the end because your mom tells you to shave it? And finally, are you tired of havin to peel a banana before eating it? This guide will light you the path of righteousness. Learn to use Ultra Greatswords in these not-so-few, not-so-simple steps.
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Welcome feeble cursed ones!
In this guide I will show you how to become the one and only edgemaster in Dark Souls 2. Before you continue on reading, you need to do some preparation. Steps:
1. Unequip everything you have on your DS2 character
2. I said everything.
3. Now that you are completely naked, make sure your character's gender is male.
4. After a short trip to Things Betwixt ( you ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ), go to Frigid Outskirts area.
5. Try to survive for an hour.
6. Die after 2 minutes.
7. Go back to Majula.
8. Equip some armor Ruin Helm.
9. Make sure your intelligence is at its minimum.

Power up the bass cannon filthy casul, you are ready to start your exhilarating journey of love.

Quick look on all Ultra Greatswords
Alright, first thing you need to know is how to choose your weapon. You need a weapon. Need a weapon. A weapon. Weapon. I decided to put them into tiers, but don't take them too strict, it can be completely different for you. It all really depends on what you are used to. Right here I tried to do a tier list which is least biased as possible. Without further ado, here is the overlook on all ultra greatswords:

God Tier:
Ivory King Ultra Greatsword
Fume Ultra Greatsword

(On top of 180 degree vertical swings, Ivory King's Ultra Greatsword's two handed R1s deal the most damage of all Ultra Greatswords, pared with relatively low stamina cost. Fume Ultra Greatswords gets its place for insane physical damage, mixed moveset allowing for elusive combos, as well as for its L2 two handed attack. Note that 1 handed strong attack's first input also does that move, albeit with lower stability. It's also the only Ultra Greatsword with 80% physical blocking, so it can be used as a decent shield during a fight. Due to its size, the backswing on two handed R1 can easily hit an enemy going for backstab.)

Top Tier:
Crypt Blacksword
Lost Sinner's Sword

(Greatsword's ability to be buffed and infused, paired with insane scaling and a mixed moveset,(more about movesets later in this guide) make its way to the top tier. Crypt Blacksword although nerfed, still remains on the top of UGS Tiers, for its sick Dark damage and the option to be both infused and buffed, easily resulting in over 800 damage on swing. Lost Sinner's Sword may be a bit confusing, but its AR doesn't reflect its damage output at all. It has basically the same damage as Pursuer's Ultra Greatsword, deals bonus damage against sinners (checked) and weighs the least of all Ultras.)

Pretty Good Tier:
Pursuer's Ultra Greatsword
King's Ultra Greatsword
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Ultra Greatsword

(Pusuer's is a basically worse version of the LSS, however possessing slightly longer reach. Zweihander has very solid damage, stamina consumption, range, and weight. It's overall versatility places it in the pretty good tier. The downsides of it are, being too much a jack of all trades. It just lacks that oomph that makes UGS. King's Ultra Greatsword has the highest damage of all Ultra Greatswords, but its monstrous stamina consumption and not so good reach, make a solid disadvantage. It also does bonus damage to enemy equipment, useful for breaking third dragon ring. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is an interesting one, being more of a quality build UGS, but its damage doesn't shine. Good thing about it is, you can catch some enemies off guard with that two handed R2. As much as it is difficult, landing both the projectile and physical strike on strong attack, will result in over 1000 damage to normally armored enemies.)

Middle Tier:
Drakekeeper's Ultra Greatsword
Black Knight Ultra Greatsword
Smelter Sword

( Again, in comparison to Zweihander, the Drakekeeper's UGS falls short in raw damage, but makes it up with a decent scaling. Unfortunately its a lot shorter and the stamina consumption isn's really that low. Black Knight one = mixed damage Zweihander, and mixed damage rarely ever pays off in heavy armor pvp metagame. Smelter Sword would normally gain a higher place, but its abysmal range really can't allow it to.)

Low Tier:
Old Knight Greatsword

(This one's for the real mlgs. The only Ultra Greatsword which is basically a worse version of all the basic ones, without having any bonuses or advantages.)


Closer Look
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Now that you are familiar with what you will be using for the rest of your life, it's time for a closer look ( you ♥♥♥♥ scrubl0rd )
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Zweihander: B - C scaling, better leave it normal when going for strenght/quality build, unless you want to cosplay the legend, which, as we know, never dies. Better off with elemental infusion if only having minimal stats required to wield it

Greatsword: S - D scaling, sick bonuses from strenght, even when having only minimal stats to wield it. Only exception I see here is having 50/50 intelligence/faith and infusing it with dark. Even then, split damage doesn't always pay off.

Old Knight Ultra Greatsword: B - E scaling, if you really want to use it that badly, infuse it with elemental damage and make sure your int/faith is high enough. Just kidding, if you use the OKUGS, it means you try to be mlg. And mlgs don't infuse weapons. All your enemies will be like : OK - UGS.

Drakekeepr's Ultra Greatsword: S - D scaling, one of the best scalings in UGS class. Lower base damage than Zweihander, but superior bonuses. Leave it uninfused, unless going for an elemental build with just enough stats to wield this sword, which is highly unlikely, since its strenght requirement is 38. Just leave it be.

Black Knight Ultra Greatsword: B - C - 0 - C scaling, mixed physical damage with fire. on 40/40 str/dex and 50/50 int/faith, the difference between fire and normal infusion is miniscule. Basically a matter of preference.

Lost Sinner's Sword: B - D scaling, but oh my can you ignore it. The damage from this sword comes from raw numbers + bonus against sinners. Raw infusion is always your best choice, always.

Smelter Sword: C - D - 0 - C scaling, mixed physical with fire, don't bother infusing it with fire, you will lose a lot of damage, and if you want a lot of elemental, just use strong attacks.

Pursuer's Ultra Greatsword: A - C scaling, pretty much a quality weapon, moveset and damage same as Lost Sinner's Sword but longer range and more stamina consumption. Don't infuse it.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Ultra Greatsword: D - B scaling, another quality UGS. Best left without infusion.

King's Ultra Greatsword: S - E scaling, the most damaging UGS in the game. Also note, all of its attacks deal Strike damage. Don't infuse it, just smash your enemies into the ground.

Crypt Blacksword: D - D - 0 - 0 - 0 - S scaling when infused with Dark, and trust me, it should always be infused with Dark. Dark Dark Dark. Did I already mention to infuse it with Dark?

Fume Ultra Greatsword: S - D scaling, far too good to be wasted with some crappy infusion. Don't infuse it, or Raime will get angry.

Ivory King Ultra Greatsword: B - B scaling, two handed attacks apply bonus damage and range. Normal infusion is your way to go, unless you want to infuse it with bleed and insta proc people on backstab.
Note: If you infuse this weapon with bleed bonus, backstabs and ripostes will instantenously bleed people. The damage will suffer a lot though, so don't do it unless your strategy is to apply bleed with IKUGS and switch to another weapon while your enemy has only 50% stamina.
How to fight with Ultra Greatswords
Ok, before I move on to movesets and techniques, I want to tell you one VERY important thing. Ultra Greatswords require patience. You need to search for your opponent mistake, and punish him, without giving him a chance to retaliate. If you are using an UGS, an aggressive opponent is the best one. He is predictable, and can easily be defeated. Don't underestimate your opponent though. Be unpredictable, switch playstyles during a fight, and you will see the results. Be smart, play tactically, and remove your adversaries to mere ashes.

In this part I will make a throughout revision of each and every Ultra Greatsword moveset class. But first, let's talk about how they can be grouped into categories.

First moveset category: The Horizontal $lice - weapons that belong:
- Zweihander
- Greatsword ( one handed moveset )
- Old Knight Ultra Greatsword
- Drakekeeper's Ultra Greatsword
- Smelter Sword
- ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Ultra Greatsword
- Ivory Dank King Ultra Greatsword

Second moveset category: The Vertical Ch0p - weapons that belong:
- Greatsword ( two handed moveset )
- Lost Sinner's Sword
- Pursuer's Ultra Greatsword
- Fume Ultra Greatsword

Third moveset category: The Great@xe - weapons that belong:
- Crypt Blacksword
- King's Ultra Greatsword

With some minor exceptions, that is the general division of UGS movesets.

Ok, we are getting closer and closer to the path of light and justice. Now you will learn how to fight with each class of Ultra Greatswords.
============( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ======================================( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ======

+++++++++++++++++++++++FIRST MOVESET CLASS++++++++++++++++++++++++
One handed:

To begin with, there is absolutely no reason for you to use one handed moveset unless 2 things happen.
1. Your opponent is low on health.
2. Your opponent tries to backstab you.

The one handed R2 attack is perfect to counter backstab fishing behaviour, but other than that 1h moveset is pretty much inferior. You can try surprising people by rolling to your left and using one handed roll attack, but it's pretty much only once during a fight. It's also worth mentioning that the 1 handed running/backstep attack has quite a delay before it hits, which can confuse enemies who roll to quickly.
Edit: There is one good combo I forgot to mention, and it works in both First and Second moveset classes. It goes like this: Roll towards your opponent, immidiately after roll use backstep, and use the backstep attack with your camera unlocked. It should look like you move closer to your enemy using roll, then get back suddenly with a backstep, and use the backstep attack with your camera unlocked, preferably aiming it behind you.


Two handed:

The right way to use first moveset class UGS. The R1s are wide arc horizontal sweeps, which, when unlocked camera, can be redirected for as much as 180 degrees. Good to punish roll towards you, backstab attempts, and cocky katana users. 99.9% of time, your enemy will be stunlocked after first swing, allowing for a second one, but not third. My advice would be, after you manage to hit your enemy twice in a stunlock series, go for R2. It's a delayed thrust which knocks opponents on the ground. Roll attacks are a bit too delayed for me, but it can also be a good thing if you manage to get your enemy used to rolling quickly after you start attack animation. This is really confusing for the other guy, trust me. My favourite technique though, is probably the R2 bait. Use the two handed strong attack when in a middle distance from your opponent, and when you see him coming for a counter attack, unleash R2 second input upon his face. Remember to always try jump attacking your enemy when he stands up from the ground after being hit by R2.

It's worth saying that Ivory King Ultra Greatsword allows for more elusive combos, like switching between one handing and two handing, which can confuse an unexpecting enemy. Remember that two handed attacks give you bonus damage as well as bonus range, but eat up the weapon durability quickly. Bracking Knuckle Ring +2 strongly recommended.

+++++++++++++++++++++++SECOND MOVESET CLASS++++++++++++++++++++++++
One handed:

Probably the most complicated moveset class to use, and the hardest to use effectively. One handed R1 is a vertical chop to the ground, followed by a 90 degree horizontal swing. Remember, the second input can be redirected when having camera unlocked. The R2 bait technique can be used in this class as well. Remember that if you manage to hit your enemy with R2 first input, you can easily hit him with the next. He will be stunlocked long enough to chain these two attacks. As far as rolling and running attacks go, it's the same as first class. Now, when to use the R1s. Use them when your opponent is just a bit out of your range, if you miss the first input, use the second if he comes near.


Two handing:

The R1 attacks are the same with an exception that the second input is also a chop, but upwards. This one is harder to pull off, so try to bait your enemy into coming near after missing the first attack, and hit them with the upwards swing. The roll attack, dude, the roll attack. It's so awesome I can't even explain it. It's basically a forward delayed thrust, which ( when having unlocked camera ) can be redirected ANYWHERE. Perfect for keeping distance and for starting or finishing a combo. The running attack is the same golf swing as with the first class weapons. The R2 bait technique can be used, but it's much harder to pull off this time. Yes it is most lethal, but hitting an experienced player with it is really difficult. My top advice when using this technique would be: Use unlocked camera. The first input is a delayed 360 slice, VERY easy to dodge by the enemy, so don't expect too much. The second input though, is a diagonal slice which has short range, eats a lot of stamina, but has 180 degree redirection capability and when it hits an enemy it knocks him away quite a distance. Good for throwing enemy off the ledge with no benches. Also the damage is insane, so this is basically your "tables turn" card.

NOTE: The second input ( upperslash ) of two handed R1, can hit enemy behind you, but it doesn't proc always.

+++++++++++++++++++++++THIRD MOVESET CLASS++++++++++++++++++++++++

No need to divide into one handed and two handed really. All attacks are vertical chops to the ground except: Two handed R1, Two handed rolling attack, One handed rolling and running attacks. Your general rule is: use the same strategy as with first class weapons, but try to surprise your enemy with some strong attacks. If he is good, your only option will be to spam two handed roll attack, which is a thrust to the ground.
Edit: Ok, ok, I was lazy and didn't want to say a lot about this class, so right now about more advanced combos. Good one is using the two handed R2 after swinging R1 once, it has a medium delay and can fool enemy into rolling to early. Probably the best thing about this class is the two handed roll attack, which is a quick smash into the ground; very good for fighting in tight spaces.

Don't get dicouraged by the amount of information in this section, just try out those combos one by one and see what suits you most. Also, be creative and try to make your own combos!

Fume Ultra Greatsword
It's so unique it deserves a separate category. Mastering this sword is a lot more difficult than any other UGS, and probably any other weapon in the game. Here is the specified moveset for this sword:

two handed:
R1 - Second class
Roll attack - Second class
Running Attack - Second Class
Strong Attack - First Class (sic!)
L2(Parry Button) - Special move, which raises the sword making it possible to block for a second or so, and smashes it into the ground afterwards making enemies fly a short distance when hit. The same applies to first input of one handed R2 attack. One handed allowes for using this special move, and if you miss, you can follow with a quick, greataxe-like smash to the ground, which catches A LOT of enemies off guard, even the experienced ones. The two handed L2 is spammable, but remember not to get too predictable.

one handed:
R1 - Second class
Roll attack - Second class
Running Attack - Second Class
Strong Attack - special move followed by a Greataxe smash

Super-Duper Combos:

1.Rolling Two handed attack - Strong Two handed attack ----> it's basically a double thrust: one quick, second one delayed, very good confusion potential.

2. R1 Two handed - L2 ----> First try to get your enemy used to spamming R1, and then use L2 instead of R1 second input. They will get rekt and disrespected.

3. R1 One handed - R2 ----> Basically same as the previous one, but less damaging and less stamina consuming. Also allows for R2 second input if you miss.

3. Rolling One handed attack - R2 first input - R2 second input with camera unlocked -----> Longest combo, eats up a lot of stamina, but will almost always get those unexperienced with FUGS.
Dual Wielding
That's right, dual wielding Ultra Greatswords. In this section I will tell you how to fight using not 1, not 3, but 2 Ultra Greatswords at the same time.

First of all, only attempt to master this skill if you are on an advanced level with using 1 Ultra Greatsword. Seriously, learn the easier things first.

Assuming you followed my advice and already know what you are getting into, prepare your body and mind for this nuke.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++FIGHTING TECHNIQUE++++++++++++++++++++++++
Before getting into techniques, let's talk about pros and cons of dual wielding.

- more damage
- bigger variety of moveset
- 2 possible angles of attacks

- bigger equip load (make sure you stay under 70%)
- a lot higher stamina consumption
- some attacks are slower
- harder to learn

If you are not discouraged just yet, let's talk about possible weapon combinations. If you ( for some reason ) haven't read my previous section in which I explained the classes of UGS movesets, do it now.
For now, I will ignore the 3rd moveset class weapons, because of strenght requirements and weight of overall equipment. Those are Crypt Blacksword and King's Ultra Greatsword, which, when dual wielding, require you to have at least 60 or 75 strenght respectively.

My general advice is, the lighter the UGS, the better. This way you will avoid running out of stamina after two swings, which will allow you to pull of sick combos. For simplicity sake, I will present dual wielding sets with 2 exact same weapons.

L1 - horizontal swing with both swords from left to right
L2 - delayed smash with both swords to the ground
names of attacks - abbreviations:
R1 - normal attack
Ro - roll attack
Ru / Ba - running/backstep attack
R2 - strong attack

Same for left hand, just replaced R with L.
1. Dual Zweihander.

The Zweihander, belonging to moveset class 1, is a light (12 units), long ranged, reliable UGS. It lacks the oomph of Crypt/FUGS/IKUGS but will be perfect for those beginning with UGS Dual Wielding.

As far as one handed moveset is concerned, all rules aforementioned still apply.

2. Dual Greatsword

Basically Dual Zweihander but more hardcore. Watch your stamina bar, it will go down really fast. Recommended for experienced Ultra Greatfencers.

3. Dual Lost Sinner's Sword

Requires 30 Petrified Dragon Bones and 2 Lost Sinner's Sword, more suitable for advanced players, especially in the combos with R2.

4. Dual Smelter Sword

Again, you need those bones, and 2 boss souls. Good thing about this one is the L2 attack; it will trigger a bigger explosion. Just don't use it too often, the durability will go down fast.



R1 - L1 ( standard dual wielding combo, solid damage, your bread and butter move when dual wielding)

R1 - L1 - Ro (extended combo above, ends with roll and roll attack)

R1 - L1 - Roll - Ba ( same as above, but more confusing to your enemy. WARNING: eats up pretty much all stamina, only use when it is the killing combo or when backed against a wall.)

R1 - R1 - L1 ( Perfect against shield turtles and not only. When he is circling you with his shield raised up, slice two times with R1, after which he will probably drop his shield down to counter attack. That's the moment he gets L1 to the face.)

L1 - L1 ( two hits with both swords, providing you can connect the first one )

L1 - L2 ( the enemy will be able to roll away after L1, so immidiately unlock your camera and try to catch your opponent with L2 right after he finishes rolling. Doesn't work all the times, depends on where your opponent will roll. Highly damaging.)

Ro - L2 ( same as above but easier to perform. Less damaging though.)

Roll - L2 ( pretend to use roll attack, but after finishing rolling use L2. Remember about unlocking camera.)

R2 - R2 - L1 ( useful in tight corridors or when enemy is rolling around you, not away from you.)
Will add something more to this section later on.
A proof that Dual Wielding is Legit.
That's a typical Jester Minotaur Helm Chaos Blade Shadow Dagger User. In other words, a scr00b. Take notice of my posture on this picture. It says "dude look at yourself, do you even lift?" ( I have no idea how I entered this position tbh.)
Look at his face. It says "WTF why is my Jester Armor not protecting me and making me the best?"
And that's the only way it could have ended. Him screaming for absolution while I'm tanning in the Outcry. He was reduced to a mere shade in the blinding flash of my fabulous armor.
Stamina Management

Just to wrap up, some things about stamina and Ultra Greatswords. You need to be aware of the fact that using UGS results in running out of stamina fairly quickly, so the point is, you need to learn how to manage it properly. Usually, don't allow yourself for more than 4 swings in a row, because that typically results in using up ALL of your stamina. And I really can't stress it enough, never, NEVER, should you run out of stamina. Always leave that little bit for a roll or backstep. Ultra Greatswords recovery time is big, and if you won't learn how to properly manage your stamina, you will get punished a lot. My advice would be:
- Don't play too aggressively, patient opponents will use that against you
- Do anywhere between 1-3 swings at a combo. Anything more is too risky.
- Use all your stamina only when you are 100% sure you will hit your enemy.

I hope you learned something you ♥♥♥♥ casul, now go and discard all your katanas and straight swords. Git Gud or Git Rekt.

Dis wus my furst gudie so dont h8 m8 pls r8 me 8/8 cuz this guide is gr8.


(all pics from g00gl)
Manly Man Adventures


====================THE END================================
Special thanks to Sn0x


That's me ( on the left ) with a gentleman called Cerret ( on the right ), who helped me test the bleed damage on Ivory King Ultra Greatsword, as well as with preparing Dual Wielding section.


That's me with Dragonrider's Dragon's Head, who helped me with Dragonrider's Dragon's Head. Don't ask.


That's me with Keine, the best testing subject and sparring partner there is. He helped me test a lot of UGS stuff before this guide was even created.
I will keep track here of all my updates.

- Released the guide - 17 Oct @ 6:00pm
- Added "Fume Ultra Greatsword" section - 17 Oct @ 7:45pm
- Added "Stamina Management" section - 17 Oct @ 9:05pm
- Added some relevant pictures - 17 Oct @ 9:53pm
- Updated Tier List - 18 Oct @ 11:16pm
- Added "Contributors" section - 19 Oct @ 2:29pm
- Added more techniques in "How to fight with Ultra Greatswords" section - 19 Oct @ 3:32pm
- Added "Dual Wielding" section - 19 Oct 6:27pm
- Added picture story to "Dual Wielding" section - 19 Oct @ 10:02pm
- Added Changelog - 19 Oct @ 10:22pm
- Updated "Contributors" section - 19 Oct @ 10:50pm
- Added "Manly Man Adventures" section - 21 Oct @ 9:10pm
It's good to be back.
Počet komentářů: 120
Möönless🌙 10. pro. 2017 v 10.13 
Man, I lov that guide
John Dogma  [autor] 6. pro. 2016 v 1.29 
Stork: "How to be a man: Use a greatsword???

Katana is more like it.
Hexes too."

panvich 5. pro. 2016 v 1.46 
this so needs to be ported to scholar of the first sin's guides
trenbolone 18. lis. 2016 v 23.00 
Yes, katanas are for real men, ultra greatswords are for losers and pussies. Disliked, flagged, reported.
Knight Silver 20. zář. 2016 v 15.31 
How to be a man: Use a greatsword???

Katana is more like it.
Hexes too.
John Dogma  [autor] 3. kvě. 2016 v 11.22 
U don't get it scrub. Zweihander is by definition B tier, only true Chaos Zweihander +5 is god tier.
Foshi 21. bře. 2016 v 6.48 
Zweihander not godtier...
what r u fukin casul? Giantdad not amused.
Twink_GenshinPlayer 10. pro. 2015 v 21.28 
Sir, you deserve a meat platter
Drugs and Happiness 1. pro. 2015 v 4.41 
Just read through this, heh. Old Knight Ultra Greatsword for life, man.
John Dogma  [autor] 9. srp. 2015 v 2.38 
Glad to hear that Rob, if you have any questions, feel free to ask.