Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World

32 vurderinger
The Charge Blade Guide (Iceborne Edition)
Af Jazzy
Hi, my name is Jaz. You may also call me by Jazzy if you will.
I am a Charge Blade main back from Pre-Iceborne to the current Iceborne DLC we all know about.
I'm a MR 999 | HR 999. I'm pretty much stacked at the maximum at this point and I got nothing better to do from time to time.

Just a little heads up: I will NOT do any TL;DRs for any segments that I yap in.
You'll have to read them for your own personal gain and learn from someone like me with a years of personal experience playing only Charge Blade.
Yes, I also do all the other weapons for fun but Charge Blade has been within the area where it's never been played "properly" in MH:World only. It's been used in a fashion in which I despise and been holding it until now.

I have at least 5k plays of Charge Blade but now decided to expand my potential plays of 9999 Charge Blade plays all together as a more conclusive way to settle my retirement. (On the Guild card itself, the maximum highest of plays is 5,000, so that's what I'm obliged to go with n' I'm aware it can go beyond that, don't remind me.)
On that note, you will see me within the game but will retire and never show up again once my goal has been reached.
I got my business, you got your business, so let's keep it mutual between us and just play the game right and smart.
This will be updated when it does.

Anyone new reading this guide, I'm a fellow Veteran of Monster Hunter: World. I'm a player just like you but a longer experience.

Anyone else who is a veteran in this game and comes across this guide of mine, and potentially has seen me around in game before this guide was uploaded until now, how are you?
I am making this guide for you too due to my experience seeing how many of you don't even understand the concept of Charge Blade well at all or never attempted.

I will dive in straight to the point, I'll leave out my full educational guide on how to play Charge Blade. SAED | AED plays only.
If you're looking for a guide about how to run Savage Axe with Charge Blade instead, I will tell you to look somewhere else.
You're wasting your time thinking about how this Charge Blade guide I wrote here will share the same values to a play style that has been used over the years that Monster Hunter: World has delivered the Iceborne DLC when it was around and fresh.
Why should I bother to write anything about Savage Axe when it's damn too easy to handle?

Sure, it does big damage but gets old real soon, don't it? How about some actual spicy game play by playing Charge Blade the way it has been intended since?

SAED | AED Strategies is what I'll be showing through here for anybody new to Charge Blade, has interest in Charge Blade, or has been a Charge Blade main since but dropped out of it due to their struggles of facing the Iceborne's Endgame Monsters.
As said, I have been a main of Charge Blade and never dropped out of it. Not even with everyone's "favorite" monster, Fatalis.

Down below my introduction, I have a list that will show as it is in chronological order:

What is the Charge Blade? | Sensei Yapping
My Charge Blade Builds (Safi & Frostcraft gear only, No Fatalis gear use)
My Charge Blade Builds in-depth (Explanations | Ups & Downs)
Charge Blade Mechanics (The Full Rundown | Charge Blade Manual for Dummies!~)
Charge Blade Techs (How to further "enhance" your CB play)
Monster Overview (Volume 1)
Monster Overview (Volume 2)
Monster Overview (Volume 3 | Final Volume) (Will soon be released)
Iceborne Endgame Bosses v. Charge Blade (Volume 1) [REMASTERED] [Valor of 5k - 7k CB plays]
Iceborne Endgame Bosses v. Charge Blade (Volume 2) [Valor of 7k plays]
Iceborne Endgame Bosses v. Charge Blade (Volume 3 | Final Volume) [Valor of 8k plays] (Will soon be released)
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What is the Charge Blade? | Sensei Yapping

The Charge Blade is simple. It is one of the 14 weapons in the game that you've selected to be your weapon of choice.

"But what if it is NOT my favorite type of weapon to use?":

From all the yapping, complaints, and many other excuses that I have heard about for this weapon, I do NOT care about what those people have said from then to now about Charge Blade, it's made the way it's intended, and what many brainless people would say to you if you complain in game?
"Skill issue."
My advice is short and sweet. If you pick Charge Blade, good for you.
If you don't like it as a weapon? Find a different weapon, buddy. I am not gonna tell you again.

The Charge Blade runs with complexity, sure. Only good when you want to be "one with it."
Just like those Longsword users be creaming about when they pull off a simple parry and say: "I'm one with the blade."
The only true blade is Charge Blade, they use something that has been controversial even till now.
Of course, I don't slander just Longsword but many other weapons and even Charge Blade.
However, the one thing I hate the most?
Heavy and Light Bowguns.
(Yes, they are the same but different size variations. Silence your nerdy behavior.)

I don't mind them but Sticky Ammo users coming from those easy a s s damage generator is an unforgivable use.
Call yourselves "support" all you want, I call you hoes "The Walking Skill Issues."


Weapon Compatibility v. Imcompatibility.

Off from my slander to the weapons,
The design for Charge Blade is quite niche compared with other weapons:
You are NOT a Lance / Gunlance player that holds block 24/7. (Varies with situations but most of the damn time, you should Guard Point for more input damage and actually avoiding damage correctly.)
You are NOT an SNS playing "support." (Horrible a s s builds I saw with Charge Blade are ones who think they are an SNS or Hunting Horn player that can heal and damage at the same time. NO.
Absolutely NO.)
You are NOT a damn Heavy Bowgun that fires ammo out of its a s s. (Sure, they got shield but really they can't Guard Point like Charge Blade, can they?)

So overall?
Leave the roles of other weapons be, ignore them, and focus on letting Charge Blade be what it is. A stand alone shield weapon that can deliver more punishing blows in a more unique style than what Lance, Gunlance, SNS, and Heavy Bowgunners can do.

I say this with my own words and I got the right to say what I need to say for you to understand.
If you do not like it, the left arrow on the top of your Steam Page is right there to click, buddy.
That's my little digression at the moment. ;)

Additionally, There have been a TON of Charge Blade users who complain a LOT about the flinching mechanic within this game and I feel ya.
Been there, said my words there too, and overall? It's a stupid mechanic.
I do not believe there is any other weapon who can complain about Flinching at all besides Charge Blade.

So, I will make this a note of other weapon users that you should be aware of.
Users you come around with that will flinch you entirely if you do NOT have Flinch Free.

The Incompatibilities:

Long Sword, Dual Blades, Insect Glaive, Heavy Bowgun | Light Bowgun, Lance | Gunlance, Hammer, Switch Axe, and Sword n' Shield (SNS)


Bow (Only Pellets from their weapon can flinch you a lot, remember that.)

The Compatibilities:

Greatsword and Hunting Horn.

"Then, how do I solve about the Flinching problem, Mr. Jaz?"
Thanks for asking.
As a Charge Blade main, I'd highly suggest you get yourselves at least Flinch Free 1.
(IF you can, it is hard to when it comes to jeweling.)
The rest of your builds would just be simply SAED normalized fashion.

"Charge Blade got a Sword and Shield! I must be an SNS player! :DDDDD"
- Uneducated CB player. <- (Don't be like him, please.)

Enough of my "Sensei" yapping:

We will now move on forward, you can call me cringe all you like from what I said with my slandering but just know you prove my point correctly if you do.
You disliking this guide makes me aware that people are here disliking the way I typed this hoe before or simply mains a different weapon and are also problems to why Charge Blade is not being properly used.

I have died a hero long ago and became a whole Villain that lurks around still.
You either like me or you don't. I do NOT care.
I will still be out there humbling those who thinks Savage Axe is the best tech anybody can use.
It is NOT and I'll be damn sure to prove my point.
My Charge Blade Builds (Safi & Frostcraft gear only, no Fatalis gear)
My Charge Blade Builds (Physical DMG - Elemental DMG | Impact Phials - Elemental Phials)

There ya go, you understood the whole concept (sorta) and now we'll approach down to what I have for you specifically.
Yes, it's my builds! All of them are SAED | AED fashion.
I do NOT share any Savage Axe builds.
Search them up yourselves, they're everywhere with all the degenerates who think they're "Charge Blade mains" but are absolutely a walking uneducated people that you should NOT take advice from when it comes with Charge Blade.

Take the word from me and rely on me to deliver you what I cook.
The builds below are with Gamma Arch-Tempered Velkhana Gear and Safi'jiiva Gear.
I am NOT doing any Charge Blade builds with Fatalis gear. They are disgusting in my opinion.

I have tested these builds and they have delivered more than what Fatalis 4-Piece gear can do.
Any more builds that I have ready to set will be delivered onto here as an update.

Kjarr "Fire" CB: (Elemental Phials | Safi'jiiva Gear / Gamma AT Velkhana Gear)

Kjarr "Ice" CB: (Elemental Phials | Safi'jiiva Gear / Gamma AT Velkhana Gear)

Kjarr "Water" CB: (Elemental Phials | Safi'jiiva Gear / Gamma AT Velkhana Gear)

Kjarr "Thunder" CB: (Elemental Phials | Safi'jiiva Gear / Gamma AT Velkhana Gear)

Kjarr "Dragon" CB & Alatreon CB: (Elemental Phials | Safi'jiiva Gear / Gamma AT Velkhana Gear)

My Frostcraft Charge Blade Build: (My Main Build) (Gamma AT Velkhana Gear, Impact Phials / Physical Damage)

My Charge Blade Builds in-depth (Explanations | Ups & Downs)
So now let's begin with the following:

All Kjarr Charge Blade Builds with Safi'jiiva Gear; Their Ups and Downs:


- Main Elements in the weapon to prioritize with.
Fire and Ice are the only elements you need to have within the game.
  • Thunder and Water do NOT matter unless you want to.
  • Dragon can somewhat work okay, but you're mainly going to use Impact Phials for physical damage with Charge Blade anyway, so what's the point?

- No Debuffs/Aliments will be given to you
The given negation of ailments affected on you, "Blight Resistance" is big and can really help you run against monsters without having to use Nulberries.

- No need for WEX (Weakness Exploit) | Affinity (Critical Eye)
Did you know that you get 40% affinity for free from the 5-piece armor of Safi'jiiva by just drawin' out your Charge Blade in hand?
No? Do that now by drawing out your Charge Blade, press ESC, look at your stats tab to your right, and it'll show on your weapon status.

Besides, I will say this once: Your Elemental Phials are your big damage.
PLEASE stop wasting those jewels slots by inserting Weakness Exploit or Critical Eye on Elemental Charge Blade builds.
Weakness Exploit 3, in my opinion, is what kills most of the damage for Charge Blade and I have tested it on both ends of Impact and Elemental Phials.
However, if you pair WEX 2 onto an Evasion Mantle with Frostcraft Elemental Charge Blades, then you'll get pretty nice physical damage along with your Elemental phials.

Any Safi'jiiva gear with any use of Elemental Charge Blades require the following:
Focus, Critical Boost, Resentment.

Charge Blade Phial Facts:
Artillery = Impact Phials
No Artillery = Elemental Phials

- Comfort Build
It will instantly give you the Elemental Boost you need by drawing out the Charge Blade.
It is also a good gear use for comfort, so take it if you will.

- Vampiric
Part of the trait of 5-piece of gear for Safi'jiiva armor.
I don't want to explain further so read it for yourselves in game, okay?


- Slowness of Movement
People and yourself have always complained of slowness of movement for Charge Blade a lot, so I'll include it here due to how funny it is.
This is my quota:
You either become one with CB or you give up and become an LS main for all I care, you pathetic trash.

- Sharpness
"Man, Charge Blade I feel like needs more than Handicraft 5, I just can't stand the sharpness draining down so quickly!" - Every Savage Axe "Charge Blade Main User" out there.

- Health Drain
Apart of Safi'jiiva Armor traits (again)
Just read about it in game, okay?

- SAED-ish
Now, it depends on which of the endgame bosses you fight, you can SAED real smoothly without any problems or just have to hightail and shortcut all the way to deliver with AED.

Fun Charge Blade Fact!
Difference between Phials from Impact and Elemental is that Impact is more faster to deploy phials than Elemental would.
Would I say you have to go Savage Axe with Elemental Charge Blade? Depends.
This will be further explained in the "Monster Overview."

- Stun Probability
No Stun Resistance = Chance for your character to be stunned. Worst mechanic in game, imo.

Arch-Tempered Velkhana (ATV for short) Gamma Gear Builds with All Kjarr Charge Blades:

- Gain Coalescence (ATK Boost with Elemental DMG Boost) with Resuscitate (Extra Evade Window)
- Faster Pace than with Safi'jiiva Gear
- No need for WEX (Weakness Exploit) or Affinity (Critical Eye)
- No Health Drain

- Offensive Guard can be slotted for more ATK.
ATK is important to Phial damage, specifically for Elemental Phials. Think about it.
Additionally, you would only need 25% Affinity for it to be balanced out.

  • More Affinity than ATK = garbage damage
  • More ATK than Affinity = garbage damage
  • Balanced between both = great damage

    - You will take Aliments but with a twist mentioned in the "Ups" and would need Coalescence in order to hit big numbers for some good damage.
    - SAED-ish (again)
    - Stun Probability (again)
    - Sharpness (again)
    - No Vampiric
    You'd oughta heal manually that you know about already with Max Pots, etc. Duh.

    ATV Gamma 4-Piece Gear with Fatalis Charge Blade; Their Ups and Downs


    - Bigger Damage with the mechanism of Frostcraft.
    You want big damage against monsters? Use Frostcraft, everybody does it for Greatsword, Longsword, Sword and Shield, and all the talk of wanting to do big damage with those popular weapons.
    So my question is, why not the Charge Blade, hm?
    I'm the only one who figured out the formula for Frostcraft SAED|AED
    You guys are REALLY damn lucky that I made this guide just to share that build. It's the MVP.

    - ATK is given from the Frostcraft Meter, you can literally focus with Affinity only.
    Remember about 25% Affinity only for Fatalis Charge Blade?
    Yeah? Great! At best, leave your Fatalis Charge Blade with 3 things:

    • Health Regen
    • Affinity
    • Elemental Status/Ailment (Impact Phial stuns)
    Then you would simply jewel your Critical Eye to Level 5. Why?
    Above level 5 Critical Eye, your damage with Frostcraft Charge Blade is horrible.
    Below level 5 Critical Eye, your damage with Frostcraft Charge Blade is also horrible.
    So remember.
    Do NOT maximize everything like WEX, Crit Boost, Offensive Guard, and any other skills that has been shown for my Frostcraft Charge Blade.
    You will RUIN the damage and will never HIT 1k+ damage with an SAED or an AED.
    You can however do that by putting the remaining slot of jewels onto the mantles of your choice.

    I run with Evasion Mantle and Assassin Hood for my Frostcraft Charge Blade.
    It makes the whole experience of good whopping damage possible.

    - 1k or above damage possible.
    I've done several runs with Frostcraft Charge Blade and the best way to put it?
    Stronger than any other Fatalis geared weapons and it is literally Savage Axe user's wet dream of damage. Too bad so sad that you can't do that, huh? womp womp.

    For proof:
    I've hit 1k with both SAED and AEDs, the highest I've hit with an SAED was near 1.4k of damage.
    With used mantles like Assassin Hood, I have delivered a whopping total of 4.5k damage in total.
    It has been hybridized with the use of Savage Axe BUT with an SAED usage.
    (Again, Savage Axe cannot do this on its Axe performance alone.
    With SAED and that together? Yes.)
    With mounting the monster, I've hit 1.7k+ of mount damage. See where this is going?

    - Intended for "Aggressive" playstyle and literally way better than with Fatalis gear.
    Be like me and Frostcraft that Charge Blade, I dare you. ;)


    - Sharpness
    Just slap Protective Polish to the build like I showed. It's super important.
    Tenderizing monsters with the FC Charge Blade can drain sharpness a LOT.
    Only way you drain it faster is if you go Savage Axe, so don't do it.

    - Limited Jeweling
    Unlike Fatalis 4-piece gear, ATV's 4-piece gear is really something.
    Rewarding with the jewels that it gives from the gear, though you have to balance out CB in order to get the right damage and for other mechanisms like Focus, Artillery, Guard Up, etc.

    - Focus is already covered with Arch-Tempered Velkhana's Waist piece.
    - Artillery with Agitator at quarter half is covered with Raging Brachydios' Arm piece.

    - Poor against in terms of Defense against Fire Monsters
    Any monster with fire damage in endgame can definitely shred your health because of it.
    Play it safe.
Charge Blade Mechanics (The Full Rundown | Charge Blade Manual for Dummies!~)

You have made it past through reading and now you're onto the juicy bits.
This is an older show of Charge Blade Movements but will soon be updated with more "Advanced Gameplay" you can do with Charge Blade.

Anyway, Charge Blade's moveset in a nutshell will be listed below here, second part will have a video provided and "Woah, no way, we got gifs to show and including a keyboard with controls on how to play CB?!"
(Sorry but not sorry controller players, it is what it is.)

Quick drawing out your Charge Blade, it'd be Mouse 1 click.

With Focus levels, your phials can charge from the rates it can be.
STRONGLY SUGGEST you have it at Focus 3 at all times.
  • Focus 1: 4 Heavy Charge ATKs w/o Light ATKs = Red Phials
  • Focus 2: 3 Heavy Charge ATKs w/o Light ATKs = Red Phials
  • Focus 3: 2 Heavy Charge ATKs w/o Light ATKs = Red Phials

    The combo to build your phials and everything else goes as this with Focus 3, I will not explain further with the other two focuses beause they're out of the blue. Not important any longer but just fun little facts to know about.

    Light ATK (M1) < Heavy ATK (Hold M2 then release at the ding sound) < Light ATK (M1) = Red Phials.
    Charge it by holding SHIFT + Right Click = Phials Charged + M1 w/ M2 to do a "Guard Bash" and again to do a swirl animation that would give you two options.

    One of them is super significant for SAED play, you can literally do AED play only without it but either way, you need this damn effect in order to "Guard Point" or else you will be knocked back heavily w/o it.
    The other one is a bandwagon tech called: "Savage Axe" which you press C to enable.
    Ain't talking further about this one since it ain't a Savage Axe guide, remember?

    Now, you'll get somethin' called: "EMS" for short and in full length is: "Elemental Roundslash."
    When your animation hits the target, it's considered a Light ATK at the end of EMS' animation.
    You can do one Heavy Charge ATK to them with a Light ATK after that and you'll get red phials for the second time. Literally.
    Unless somehow you miss, you gotta repeat the combo again.

    To charge "CS" for short and in length: "Condensed Slash" Just simply do the charging phials animation and hold M1 until you hear the electric charge comin' from your Charge Blade.
    Then let go and you'll do a "slash" that will support your CB ATKs with the sword to do extra damage with stun ailment to the monster.

    To SAED once you've gained EMS, M1 + M1 with M2 (Click both together) + M1 with M2 (again) and let the animation of it play.
    Same with AED, except you cut it short with holding S key (Backstep key) + M1.
    AED can be used without EMS but highly suggest having EMS in order to Guard Point / Block.

    To Guard Point, Hold Shift and M1 at the same time which will bring your Axe out except time it at the moment when the Monster Boss attacks you.

    Works the same way if you throw your Axe before it comes out by Shift Key and switching back to Sword and Shield at its end animation provides a Guard point too.

    Doing a CB sword and shield performances on their last hit in their light attack combo can provide a guard point.

    Same with Sliding Maneuvers where if you press M1 and any key that involves movement for your character, you'll do a slide animation with the shield in front of your character.
    This also considers as a Guard Point.

    Lastly, Savage Axe Guard Point is a special tech with M1 + M1 with M2 + M1 with M2 + C key to "Enable Savage Axe" except you time it at the moment when the Monster boss attacks you.

    All of these Guard Point performances will need a maximum of Guard Point 5 at endgame.
    I do NOT care about if you have Guard 1 - 4, you'll literally get your shield snapped in half regardless with most endgame Iceborne monsters effortlessly kicking your ass because you don't have Guard 5.
    I am also aware that you get +2 Guard on your shield with EMS, but that doesn't matter.
    Do also take Guard Up, it's significant to SAED play and your Guard Points to all their attacks.

    Axe without the Savage Mode (This is different from Savage Axe because it's not enabled.):

    Right, so when you press shift, you basically throw your Axe out.
    Holding W while pressing M1 will have your character launch forward with your Axe.

    Furthermore, if you keep pressing M1 over and over with Axe without the Savage Mode or Savage Axe, you'll launch players in Multiplayer which is really damn annoying.

    With phials, if you press M2 with M2 again, you do a swirling of your Axe animation that sends phials to stun ailment the boss if it hits the head.
    So much so, after you've done little animation, you can press M1 to send the Axe back forward and repeat the M2 process. You can technically loop it.

    Entire Summary of what has been yapped about here in one video.

    Hope that video helps with my explanations beforehand, let's move onto the next category.
    P.S: I'm also aware of my little spelling error in the video. Rushed it, lol.
The Charge Blade Techs (How to further "enhance" your CB play)
"What is this now? How will I enhance my CB play, Mr. Jaz? :o"
Good question to ask, fellow visitor. Allow me to clarify in these details by the list here:
  • How to do Flash Openers on Monsters
  • Recommended Mantles for your CB playstyle
  • Smoke Bomb Usage
For starters, Charge Blade like I said has been complained a lot.
These "enhancements" will surely give you the knowledge about grand openers for your SAED | AED attacks and further give you a greater advantage in beating the monsters faster than just not giving yourself anything to benefit from.

Clutch Claw maneuvers with its Flinch Shot ability is Charge Blade's best friend.
No matter what, do NOT follow with the "Chinese Opener" or what I would like to call: "The TA Wiki styled opener" on any monster you are facing as a CB.
(Meaning, you would claw three times to the monster's head and then tenderize right after to start with the monster being agitated.)
You guys are CASUAL players, NOT Speedrunners.
If you are a Speedrunner with CB, that means you're a full on Savage Axe player for TA Wiki.
So do NOT torture yourselves with doing this dumb "Chinese" opener for monsters every time you join an SOS or do solo.
If you do so, you're an LS main and I highly suggest clicking off from my guide now.

I literally have no respect for anyone who does "TA Wiki styled opener" on casual match ups in SOS.
Why? You ruin the fun and I am not in mood for any of your BS.

Continuing on now from my ranting digression.

How to do Flash Openers on Monsters:
For Charge Blade, I would suggest you carry Flash pods.
Why do I suggest this you wanna ask? Simple.
Whenever at times you are pinned down, you'd need to stop the monster from continuing its attack on you.
It's your lifesaver and many players within SOS do NOT know how to save anyone from a pin attack.
I am speaking from experience and it's a brutal truth. You hate me for saying this but you'll figure it out. I promise you.

Anyway, whenever you're in the starting of a quest, you'll be head to toe with the monster who is going about their business.
When you flash them, you can simply grab Stones, Torchpods, Mosspods, and many more other variation of pods to use to shoot on the ground.
This will distract them by a good amount of time for you to claw and get your clutch clawing prepared.

Once so, you must remember this:
Angling with your flinch shots on the monster to have it topple down and face another wall is a must.
If it is NOT facing another wall nearby after it gets toppled, you will have to flash it again and have it randomly attack based on RNG alone to try and have it facing the wall again.
If it does so, repeat the process by shooting at the ground with a pod and have the chance again.

Another further reasoning to do Flash Openers:

Arch-Tempered Monsters will only give you one wall bang and they'll enrage.
However, you can simply ignore that with a flash opener and grant yourself two wall bangs at your stead.
Normal - Tempered Monsters will give you two wall bangs and they'll enrage.
However, you can simply that with a flash opener and grant yourself three wall bangs at your stead.

There are Monsters like Shara Ishvalda, Kulve Taroth, and Fatalis, however, they CANNOT be flashed. (Might be more, but these guys on my list are the ones that I'm aware of.)
So you need to be consistent with your wall bangs.

My Opinionated Recommendations of Mantles for your CB playstyle:

Alright, this segment here would be short and sweet.
You do not need any photos of what the mantles look like, you know them.
If you don't, then how in the world have you gone this far to not know about them?
  • Rocksteady Mantle: This mantle is an embodiment of: "You either kill yourself or get killed."
    You may have the attributes to being a full on Juggernaut but any continuous attacks deployed on you will shred your health like crazy.
    However, it's a comfort mantle. Play it safe.

  • Temporal Mantle: This mantle has its flaws with the amount of uses you can negate damage. I wouldn't really suggest this mantle unless you're in it for comfort or like me, hate being pinned.

  • Evasion Mantle: Top tier mantle for my Frostcraft Charge Blade play, nothing beats this.
    Every successful evasion grants you temporary boost in ATK. It's worth taking.

  • Glider Mantle: This mantle grants more jewels and can easily mount monsters.
    Lasts a long time and comes back very quickly. I highly recommend this mantle for your Elemental CB builds.

  • Assassin Hood: Another top tier mantle for Charge Blade. It runs well with the punishing counters that Charge Blade performs with SAED | AED. This plays a huge role into the next segment of "Smoke Bomb Usage"

Smoke Bomb Usage:

As said from the Assassin Hood category, this mantle pairs well with Smoke Bombs.
These bad boys can easily give you the highest amount of damage that SAED can do, it is something that Savage Axe CANNOT do.
However, if you're not onto this type of play style, don't worry. I will explain why every Charge Blade users should carry Smoke Bombs around in matches.

In some degree, you'd have to conceal yourself completely where the monster cannot pinpoint you.
This gives an advantage throwing in attacks but at the cost of being roared at when discovered.
Some monsters however do NOT need you to conceal yourself completely like Fatalis, Raging Brachydios, and Kulve Taroth from my knowledge.

I'll put a video here to fully explain the whole concept of this section soon.
Monster Overview (Volume 1)
"Woah there, Mr. Jaz is finally gonna talk about how I can whoop these monsters' ass?! FINALLY!!-"

..That was weird.
Anyway, I formatted these into gif bundles on Imgur, I named each of their moves from my personal taste and it'll be something you can at least remember.

That's really self-explanatory from what I was describing, so here goes from their orders:
  • Tempered Teostra
  • Tempered Lunastra
  • Tempered Ruiner Nergigante
  • Tempered Furious Rajang
  • Arch Tempered Namielle
  • Arch Tempered Velkhana
  • Alatreon
  • Fatalis
Additionally, though I may not have all of the moves of some bosses here as a gif but I will update these as days go by.
I will also describe underneath each of their categories of what is the best approach.

Tempered Teostra | The Emperor of Raging Flames:

I would suggest training your Charge Blade plays against Tempered Teostra.
For comfort, you can run with Fatalis 4-piece CB to avoid being stunned, he's quite a slugger.
He is great for practice on doing Guard Points, something you need to practice with always.

If you decide to bring Kjarr "Water" Charge Blade against Tempered Teostra, do note this:
He HATES it. You can easily trigger his "Dusted Carnage" effect real easily.
I suggest you bring Kjarr "Ice" since it'll keep him tame.

Tempered Teostra does not really need any One Shot Bindering or use of Dragonrazor.
He's a chiller variation unlike Tempered Lunastra.

I do NOT suggest you Savage Axe Tempered Teostra at all since it's a pathetic joke doing that to a full on SAED monster.

Tempered Lunastra | The Empress of Raging Flames:

Two ways to go about with Lunastra, your call.

1. Aggressive CB: Go straight forrward at her, topple her with a flinch shot or wallbang, and keep grounds with Lunastra to ensure she goes down most of the time and flinches.

2. Defensive CB: Play it Hybrid in way of your choice, playing it safe with Dragonrazor, One Shot Binder, and many other uses to help you.

I do NOT suggest you Savage Axe Tempered Lunstra at all since it's a pathetic joke doing that to a full on SAED monster.

Overall, people do prove my point time to time that...

Tempered Ruiner Nergigante | The Meathook:

I suggest you start strong with aggressive game play against Tempered Ruiner Nergigante.
He's really easy to cheese most of the time and another good monster for Guard Pointing practice.

Do remember this:
Under 30% of health for Tempered Ruiner Nergigante, this is his rampaging moment.
He will go ballistic with fast movement and attacks, forcing you down to play defensive.

Simply switch back to defensive play until he gives you an opening.

I do NOT suggest you Savage Axe Tempered Ruiner Nergigante at all since it's a pathetic joke doing that to a full on SAED monster.

Tempered Furious Rajang | The Fury Humbler:

Tempered Furious Rajang will be brutal with its speed at times.
Just play it in Hybrid fashion: Defensive and Offensive.

Do be wary when confronting Tempered Furious Rajang.
Staying near his face for too long after his moves have been performed which most of the time he does something I like to call: "The Lawnmower."
It is a move not really possible to counterattack at all since he does it a fast motion either taking time with it for a second warning or instantly performs it without a nudge.

He would also like to grab most of the time, beware of it. This is a fate that most CB users face.
I too personally hate getting pinned by Tempered Furious Rajang when it's SOS specifically.
Why? Nobody else in Multiplayer would even bother to save you because they do not know this monster well at all and they're too busy meatriding away at Fatalis.

What do you do to help yourself?
Have Scatternuts or a Flash Pod equipped and ready most of the time to save yourself.

If you wish to Savage Axe on Tempered Furious Rajang like many others or be like me to SAED when given, pick what you wish.
I wouldn't really care on your approach either way.

Arch Tempered Namielle | The Picturesque:

Arch-Tempered Namielle in a nutshell is a chip damage Monster, play it safe with defensive plays.
He can be quite a nightmare for CB but don't let it stop you.

One note to remember however if any of you brings Kjarr "Fire" Charge Blade against AT Namielle.
  • Like Alatreon, you will have to Savage Axe if he is present without any color to him.
    (Meaning Arch-Tempered Namielle has used the Supernova)
  • With water absorption and color, you can SAED/AED him for better Elemental Phial damage.
  • Without water absorption and color, you have to Savage Axe because the Elemental Phials become horrible damage.

This boss is a Hybrid usage boss for only Kjarr "Fire" Charge Blade users.
SAED | AED & Savage Axe all you need to.
For any Fatalis weapon of Charge Blade users against AT Namielle?
Up to you, you can be just like Kjarr "Fire" Charge Blade users too due to his fast recovering speed for his attacks and topples.

Arch Tempered Velkhana | The Rimed Ballet:

There are 2 ice coating phases and one without it.

If you plan to do Kjarr "Fire" Charge Blade against Arch-Tempered Velkhana.
  • No Ice Coating Velkhana will give you higher Elemental Phial Damage.
  • One Ice coating Velkhana will give you good Elemental Phial Damage.
  • Two Ice coating Velkhana will give you horrible Elemental Phial Damage, forcing you to go Savage Axe.

This boss has been controversial with Charge Blade and I will straight up say this since I have done AT Velkhana numerous times with Charge Blade.
She is full on SAED possible. I do NOT care about your complaints (besides from her bs of damage) and your ways to persuade me that I should Savage Axe AT Velkhana, no no.

Remember what I said, I make a point with what I do.
No point in going Savage Axe against Arch-Tempered Velkhana UNLESS you are using Kjarr "Fire" Charge Blade during her two coating of ice phase.

Alatreon | The Cataclysmic Composer:

Do note this: The atmosphere within Alatreon's Arena can be seen when you first start within your spawn area.
  • If the hue is seen fiery, that means you'll have to bring the Kjarr "Ice" Charge Blade.
  • If the hue is seen icy, that means you'll have to bring the Kjarr "Fire" Charge Blade.
  • If the hue is seen without any of those colors, it is then where Kjarr "Dragon" Charge Blade could be of use. However, who in the world brings that element anyway?

Alatreon, in my honest opinion, is my guilty pleasure in using Savage Axe.
Only reason being is because when he shifts into Dragon phase where the elements that he uses are in a juncture, the elemental phials become weakened and won't do as much damage if I bring Kjarr "Fire" or "Ice" Charge Blades.

Therefore, Hybrid play with SAED | AED and Savage Axe is recommended.

Fatalis | The Malignant Eradicator:

Another controversial boss regarding Charge Blade.
I make a joke out of these hoes complaining about it, so lemme make it short.

Fatalis is a full on SAED monster.
If you can't figure out the format of SAED play against him, then go ahead. Savage Axe.
I'll still humble you. :)
Monster Overview (Volume 2)
I don't love you.

..You're weird, but anyways I fulfilled yet another volume of monsters that is SAED | AED counter possible.
In chronological order, you'll find the variety of monsters that the Veterans know clearly about but never attempted them again after they fought Fatalis and started meatriding him.
It's disgusting.
  • Tempered Frostfang Barioth
  • Tempered Kushala
  • Gold Rathian
  • Sliver Rathalos
  • Shara Ishvalda
  • Kulve Taroth
  • Raging Brachydios
Don't be like those Fatalis meatriders and be a player that knows how to hunt every monster.
It's called: "Monster Hunter" for a reason, folks. Be one with aggression and intelligent.

Tempered Frostfang Barioth | The White Knight:

Frostfang Barioth was a classic for me during my early CB runs in Iceborne.
I used a lot of traps back then, but no longer now.

I suggest playing Offensive against this monster, he is always on his defensive play and would do a lot of tricks under his sleeve.

I would NOT bother to do any Savage Axe play against this monster whatsoever.
If you're early game, that's fine.
Late game players like myself and many other Veterans shouldn't bother with Savage Axe play.
Using Savage Axe against Frostfang Barioth is a joke.

Tempered Kushala | The Storm Empyrean; My Old Nemesis

I had a lot of mixed feelings about Kushala. I still do.
It's a somewhat of love and more of a hate monster that kept close with me since Pre-Iceborne.

You will have to be aggressive against this boss, ALWAYS.
I highly RECOMMEND you SOLO this boss for yourself or with a Palico that has Para or Sleep.
Doing this with players is not beneficial whatsoever.

I would NOT bother to do any Savage play against this monster whatsoever.
Using Savage Axe against Kushala when it's full SAED play specifically is a HUGE joke.

Gold Rathian | The Glided Sky Queen:

Gold Rathian is all about control.
SAED and AED is all you need to keep it under your hand.
Savage Axe will NOT help you keep it under your hand, you'll just be bullied instead of it.

Sliver Rathalos | The Slither Sky King:

Sliver Rathalos is all about control as well.
SAED and AED is all you need to keep it under your hand.
Savage Axe will NOT help you keep it under your hand, you'll just be bullied instead of it.

Shara Ishvalda | The Scorched Demiurge:

Shara is a slow monster, it's super good for SAED play only.
I would NOT bother to do any Savage Axe play against this monster whatsoever.
Using Savage Axe against Shara Ishvalda makes you a more than just a clown.
You'd be the entire circus.

Kulve Taroth | The Auriferous Mistress:

Kulve is a great boss for Charge Blade, specifically for MR.
I would NOT bother to do any Savage Axe play against this monster whatsoever.

A significant note to remember about Kulve Taroth is that when you mount her in Phase 2 which you SHOULD do all the time to start that phase off, you'll trigger her "Magmatic Aura"

For any Elemental CB users, remember this too:
Phase 2 is only great with Kjarr "Thunder" Charge Blade.
Phase 3 - 4 is only great with Kjarr "Ice" Charge Blade.

For any Impact Phial CB users:
Just SAED throughout Phase 2 - 4. lmao.

Raging Brachydios | The Lusus Naturae:

The True Humbler to beginning players to Iceborne's Endgame.
What people really overlook is how stupid he is when he gets certain debuffs.
Those causes his movements prolong more than wall banging him and trying to perform some damage.

If you plan to use Kjarr "Ice" Charge Blade throughout his phases, remember this from Phase 1.
His slime on his Head, Arms, and Tail need to be removed before you can SAED with your Elemental phials.
You can remove them with physical attacks, your phials, or using Green Moss pods.

He is by far my one of my favorite monster in Iceborne, SAED | AED play is significant to this monster.
You can Savage Axe, sure. He is faster than all the monsters combined on here and he'll still humble you. lmao.
Iceborne Endgame Bosses v. Charge Blade (Volume 1) [REMASTERED] [Valor of 5k - 7k CB plays]
Alright, you've made it down this far with reading and seeing visuals! That's epic.
Hope everything comes together for you to understand what I mean specifically about the Charge Blade's uses, mechanics, and its whole "complexity."

This category here will show off the Iceborne Monster bosses in the game as it is but with a little twist in mind.
Yep, if you were thinking about yourself and how you're gonna see some visual presentations of myself going against them with Charge Blade just for you to see how I play, then you got it.

I have remastered these videos and replaced the old ones.
I edit these with my personal taste of music that I think is fitting for each of the Iceborne Endgame Bosses.

Right, down below will be everything you want to check out and if you do:
Feel free to like, subscribe to my channel, and leave out a comment on any of the videos.
(Only if you want to, I also left the link to my guide there as well for shortcuts in case you want to revisit here.)

So yes, ending all of that digression. Feel free to view:
It's a 5k - 7k Proof of Valor Tribute to my girl, Iole | イオレ
She'll soon need rest until the 9999 CB plays but rest assured, she'll get it. #MHW:IoleTribute

"The Emperor of the Raging Flames" Tempered Teostra:

"The Empress of the Raging Flames" Tempered Lunastra:

"The Meathook" Tempered Ruiner Nergigante:

"The Fury Humbler" Tempered Furious Rajang:

"The Picturesque" Arch-Tempered Namielle:

"The Riming Ballet" Arch-Tempered Velkhana:

"The Cataclysmic Composer" Alatreon:

"The Malignant Eradicator" Fatalis:

Iceborne Endgame Bosses v. Charge Blade (Volume 2) [Valor to 7k CB plays]
Based on the title, you can already guess that I came by to deliver.
I apologize if it took long but before within my comments section in the CB Guide, I said I would released this within 9999 CB plays.
My impatience has grown already and I wouldn't want to push myself to a big number goal.

That being said, I'll introduce you to the newest monsters available I took time to research from SOSes that I kept seeing around in the end game of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne DLC.

I did fight each of these monsters within a one on one, so that you may observe my CB play.
Enjoy watching these, I only edited parts that felt unnecessary such as transitions to next area phase.

The Valor of 7k CB plays and following tributes to my girl.

Tempered Frostfang Barioth | The White Knight:

Tempered Kushala Daora | The Storm Empyrean; My Old Nemesis

Gold Rathian & Sliver Rathalos | The Glided Sky Queen & The Slither Sky King:

Shara Ishvalda | The Scorched Demiurge:

Kulve Taroth | The Auriferous Mistress:

Raging Brachydios | The Lusus Naturae:

And there ya go.
I do hope you have enjoyed my guide! I am still running about on Monster Hunter: World.
If you see me on there, feel free to ask questions! ^.^
Though I am not gonna be sweet talking as much as I do. I can be harsh but I still care.

Below will show my Proof of Valor of 5k plays, soon will be updated with 9999 CB Plays as my ticket way out to retirement from the game until Monster Hunter: Wilds is a thing existing.

Proof of 5k Plays of Charge Blade:

Jaz's Hall of Honor | For people who inspired me to work this guide out:
  • Noxial
  • Mr. K
  • guslayer
  • dvp
  • ashi

Jaz's Hall of Honor for Charge Blade Users | People who met with me in game that gained my respect:
  • Priya
  • Scorch

Ending Note:
So, on that note:
Just be glad that I came by to drop a bomb on education and my own slander to horrible excuses and complaints.
After all, I'm the only one you'll know who's a Charge Blade Legend for the moment of time right now and the whole outcome I have somewhat of expectations for is carrying the weapon's legacy if you wish to do so.

I do not want my precious weapon to be something disregarded in any other MH games that will be made in the current or future games.
It's great if you play it right and not just simply following the meta because they said so.
Do what you do and take my advice of Charge Blade, the lessons, and put it to good use.
Practice every day if you want to. It's gonna help you understand your approach in game play with Charge Blade. :)

Any other questions you wanna leave out to me down the comments more in depth of Charge Blade, I will respond.
(Since making each sections apparently has a limit to how much you can put in. -.-)

I hope you gentlemen and the women have yourselves a wonderful day and the best future of yourselves.

Sincerely, Jaz KB.

Jaz's Hall of MHMemes: Unique auto messages from SOSes/Monster Last Frame Pictures Dump:

11 kommentarer
ralueze 19. sep. kl. 20:14 
:steamhappy: Awesome Guide
DoopyOop13 13. sep. kl. 21:32 
here from the at velk fight, thanks for the guide :rinflipped:
Nixie 15. aug. kl. 14:55 
this guide is amazing dont listen to these bozos
Jazzy  [ophavsmand] 5. aug. kl. 8:46 
Congrats then, Dr. Freaky Juice.
I'd assume you went through during your first playthrough just to Savage Axe only, no?
That's literally what most players currently and even back in the past were doing.

Far as I can assure to you if you ever come back to my guide in the comments and fellow newcomers that I will be patching this guide up a LOT.

You'll get new monsters coming up soon that will be shown with CB Counters that are SAED | AED plays only, no Savage Axe because it's stupid easy.

I will also show more advanced game play soon enough until I reach 9999 plays of CB.
Do be patient. :)
WaterJuice 31. juli kl. 12:49 
I beat monster hunter world with the charge blade in my first play through of any monster hunter game. This can’t be that deep
Keveat 11. juli kl. 3:46 
Thanks for making this guide
BigScug 7. juli kl. 3:17 
The way you type makes it kind of hard for me to focus on the words since all the ' and , draw a lot of attention, although it's most likely because of my 'tism so not your fault at all. The rest of the guide is great though.:steamthumbsup:
Severave 30. juni kl. 1:47 
good guide :steamthumbsup: :mhwgood: :steamthis:
Jazzy  [ophavsmand] 27. juni kl. 17:14 
Never write a guide again? LMFAO.
You're givin' me more reasons to write even more about Charge Blade.
If you're sayin' it's unreadable, you're illiterate then. Like I said, no TL;DRs + If you don't wanna read, stop wastin' your damn time, n' move on with another guide.
This is a guide for actual people who want to learn n' you're not apart of it. womp womp
bear 27. juni kl. 13:21 
never write a guide again. this is unreadable