WRATH: Aeon of Ruin

WRATH: Aeon of Ruin

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WRATH Aeon of Ruin: Save Files for All Secrets, Coffers, Scrolls & Outlander Difficulty
By Lord Of War
Searching for secrets in Wrath is unpleasant. Use my saves to pick up the last ones on a level to trigger the achievements
Links and Locations
Back up your own save files first!
1) They can be found at:

2) Download my files (different profile for different achievements):

3) Turn off Steam sync!

4) In the game, choose profile Lord for secrets and collectibles, or blahblahblah for Outlander difficulty. Each time load up Soul Tether.

What, How and Where
This is what you can get:
The Scribe
Collect all the Notes in WRATH

Treasure Hoarder
Open all the coffers in WRATH

The Gamut
Find all secrets in WRATH

Beat WRATH on Outlander difficulty

Detailed instructions
I. Collectibles.
You should spawn before the portal leading to the last level. It's completely untouched. Jump in and activate the power up Mark of Revelation. Now you can see the yellow and green marks.

Pick them up!

The keys to the coffers are in upper sections. Two in plain sight, third in a tiny corner.

Kill the boss and gather the last items in peace. Orrr... collect them during the fight!

II. Outlander.
This time the game was saved after the boss. Just jump into the portal.