Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

(Servono più voti)
Cleos Kraken Fodder
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Type: Game
Complexity: Medium Complexity
Number of Players: 1, 2
Play Time: 10 minutes, 30 minutes
Assets: Sounds, Cards, Tables, Rules
Language: English, German
Mostra gli oggetti etichettati con tutti i termini selezionati: Card, Ger, Music, ENG, Pirat, de, Kraken Fodder, Cleo
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82.749 KB
11 giu 2024, ore 13:15
11 giu 2024, ore 13:17
2 note di rilascio ( visualizza )

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Cleos Kraken Fodder

In 1 collezione di 🅽🅸🅴🅼🅰🅽🅳
Tabletop Simulator Free Games - Game Kollektion
12 elementi
Card Game from the Game Cleos Pirate Tales.
With Snap Points Rule Bock Counters and Cubes.

Karten Spiel vom Spiel Cleos Pirate Tales.
Mit Magnet-Punkten Regelwerk Zähler und Würfeln.
1 commenti
Anaxagoras83 24 gen, ore 12:51 
Maybe I am too dumb, but i cannot select a color only black or gray. What am I doing wrong?