Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

182 ratings
How to be a Proper Officer
By Kenough
This guide will show even the most incompetent peasant how to be a proper officer in Napoleonic Wars
Congratulations, you have been born into a higher class than those below you. This gives you the right to play as an officer. If you dont know, an officer wears a cooler hat than infantrymen, carries a sword, pistol, and spyglass.
Basic Behaviour
You are an officer. Upon selecting this class, you should immediately feel a false sense of power and control over your fellow soldiers. This is because they are simple peasants and you, you have a better hat. An officer should never risk his own life for others. If you are on the front lines, and your position is about to be overrun by those barbarous enemy soldiers, you must never fight alonside your men, as you risk dying with the commoners. You must retreat back to a safer position where you can continue to be next to useless. Remember, the other soldiers are basically animals in people clothes, and deserve to be slaughtered for your entertanment.

With your higher status also comes responsibility. You, as a gentleman, must conduct yourself properly on the field of battle. This so called "tea-baggery" of the plebs is not to be used by a man of your stature, as your testicles must never toutch an inferior being's face. Doing things such as physical labour, helping teammates, and doing anything that may be considered "unclean", is also out of the question. You must also treat other officers with respect. This includes saluting them, rapidly crouching to show your loyalty, and politely complimenting their hat and facial hair (An officer MUST have facial hair).

This must NEVER be you. This is an inferior being.
Commander Battles
This is a very important part of being an officer, as this is your chance to lead men into a proper battle. You are forced to be an officer in this mode, so you must know how to be a good one.

First, look at your men. These men are nothing. Nobodys. The only reason they are alive is to be killed in the name of your honour and glory. Feel free to abuse them by punching, kicking, or touching them innapropriately.

Next, you will need a weapon to replace your godawful pistol. If there are no corpses to loot, you must inspect your men and determine which one has the worst facial hair. Proceed to shoot this man in the face, as his sacrifice will allow you to pick up his musket. Your comfort and safety are more important than his pathetic life. This will also allow you to be more effective on the battlefield, as you must always assume your men are completely incompetent

You shall require a weapon

Now that you are armed and ready to fight, you must march your men into glorious battle. You may use whatever tactics you like in this case. Once you encounter the enemy, things get tricky. If you are even with them or have an advantage, you shall lead your men in the battle and bring glory and honour to your name. However, if things start going badly, you are outnumbered and have no chance to win, or you get scared of the evil cavalrymen charging towards your men, you must take action. You must order your men to charge or hold their position, and you must flee. Run back to where it is safe, either joining an allied unit or finding a suitable place to hide.

Keep in mind that surrendering is always an option, but some enemies have no honour and will kill you anyway. If an enemy surrenders to you, order your troops to hold fire and do not harm him. Here, you have 3 options.

1. Let him live and have him join another enemy unit. This brings you much honour.

2. Sentence him to death by firing squad, ordering your soldiers to fire at the same moment. If they miss, they must be punished. This includes a minor decrease to your honour.

3. Give him a fair and unreasonable trial. Use evidence against him and judge his hat and facial hair to determine him guilty. Once guilty, he must be executed by firing squad or be made to jump off a cliff. This brings you honour.
You must NEVER harm a musician, friend or foe, unless they have attacked you. Musicians are gods of the battlefield and are the only unit that has athourity over officers. Dying in order to save a musician is the most honourable thing to do, and you shall be worshipped as a hero of your country. You are able to jam out and dance to their glorious music, and allowing an enemy musician into your ranks is a great honour indeed.

Respecting these men is 100% necessary
Now you have much of the knowledge required to become an officer. You must remember that you are better than everyone else and that the peasants only job is to die while you stroke your moustache and laugh at their demise.

You may now enter the battlefield and bring glory to your name. Just dont ♥♥♥♥ it all up.
Review Sheet 28 Jul, 2018 @ 5:02pm 
Z. Pearce [1WR] 24 Nov, 2017 @ 10:09am 
I'm afraid I slept in!
UnknownVariable 1 Sep, 2017 @ 11:51pm 
Chopper 23 Jul, 2017 @ 7:09pm 
lostinnepal 12 Nov, 2016 @ 8:56am 
hhahaha I laughed so much hahahah xD
The Prophet 6 Nov, 2016 @ 5:57pm 
Newton you MUST have facial hair... Did you read it?
Aperson54 9 Sep, 2016 @ 12:45pm 
This is more like the Honor spectrum of a bad/good gentleman. Shit on the plebs (bad,well depends) or fight alongside the holy mucisians (good, even if hes an enemy)
Chicken 30 Jul, 2016 @ 4:23pm 
Screw you and your facial hair! My Fancy pipes and Monocles will win the day!
DanDaManatee 12 May, 2016 @ 8:06am 
This guide works for regiments too, right? (Also, what if all my men have the same facial hair, do i kill them all)
Tactician 2 Dec, 2015 @ 10:23am 
PCGamer- 11/10, we'll read anything
Bobsuruncle- wot/10, wot is thes agin?

Love musicians, never kill a musician.