Return of the Obra Dinn

Return of the Obra Dinn

34 ratings
A Better Way To Track Your Observations
By BarbarianBunny
A complementary tool I made for noting your observations in the moment.
Why wait for the game when you could write it down right now?
Your Notes
Obra Dinn - Interactive Notes[]

Make a copy of the spreadsheet for yourself to use.

Do you know the face of the killer? You can use their portrait until you find out their name.
Do you know where they're from? Every detail narrows down the possibilities.
Copy information from the Manifest, or select from dropdowns until only 1 option is left.

It does not confirm the accuracy of your observations. It's merely a tool to make your observations more accessible to you.

There's a Help page to walk through each feature, and please use Ctrl+Shift+V to Paste (otherwise features break, it's nothing Ctrl+Z won't solve).

Here are your Tabs, so you know what you're getting into.

Notes: a fake example shows dynamic dropdowns, portraits, and marking your answers as solved

Portraits: copy any Portrait to your Notes

Manifest: search Ctrl+F for any information and copy directly to your Notes
BarbarianBunny  [author] 5 Mar @ 8:46pm 
@askelly35 It was made as a google sheet and I never tested it as an excel sheet. There are somethings that don't convert to excel from google sheets, usually formulas that are only implemented in 1 or the other. Unfortunately I have no idea what part of it fails to convert. I'm sorry I'm not able to help you with that.

If possible use it as a google sheet, that at least is known to work.

@tewi To the question before about comment size, apologies for the late response. If you add a column to the right it should be much easier to drag the edge of the second to last column (comments) to expand it.
askelly35 5 Mar @ 5:00pm 
None of the drop downs seem to work? I've saved this as Excel (.xlsx file) but it gives errors when opening. Says there is unreadable content and that it removed records.

Is this NOT an excel file?
tewi 11 Dec, 2024 @ 12:11am 
any way to leave longer comments without it clipping into the other fields?
Nusa 23 Aug, 2024 @ 12:50am 
thank you! hope this will help my progress with the game. it's frustrating enough I couldn't like flag the potential attacker or some sorts.
Ok. 2 Jun, 2024 @ 4:56pm 
Just made an excel myself yesterday and now you made this even better version. Thanks for wasting my time, saved to favs.