Magic Research 2

Magic Research 2

Challenge, Primary
由 Demonic Spoon 制作
Quick little guide to the Primary Challenge. tl;dr: Air/Poison Sage Dodge or Death/Space Sage Big Bang
So I struggled quite a bit with the Primary Challenge, so thought I'd show the builds I eventually managed it with.

The Logic:
The best way to survive an encounter with Satell, is to either stop him from hitting you (by petrifying him), blocking his damage (through energy shield and primary protection), or tanking his damage through large buckets of health, kill him before you can hit you (Empowered Maximized Heightened Big Bang) or just plain not getting hit in the first place (~1500 dodge).

I will be assuming all other storylines unlocked.

I actually tested this build after completing it with Air/Poison, but it felt much easier. Pretty hard to screw up. Focus on studying Space till big bang, then focus on studying death till Bountiful ritual, then Space until you get the Cosmic Wand and eventually reach level 80. Boost Space to max furniture.

Fill your pouch with mostly potions of revival (from the white dragon boss), and equip the robes of death, synchronizer and mithril/crusader shield for some extra defence. Use Wand of Doom + Soul Collapse for general mob item farming, use Cosmic Wand + Big Bang + Nova for Bosses and Plains of Peace Item Farming and Satell. Spellvat Death Jewel onto Big Bang, Boost using Holy and Mind to max, for Spell Damage and Accuracy, activate all spell catalysts.

Use this Syncro

Then you should have ~9 mil big bang damage and can kill Satell pretty easily.
This Air Poison build aims to raise your dodge as high as possible, through items and the blur spell.

Choose, Air, Poison, and the Sage class. Air has Blur, Poison has Sewage enchantment, so you have some essence income once storage expanders come online, and together they have some good dodge items. Sage boosts Blur.

Use this Syncro to boost Sewage once you have paradox so furniture takes less time.

You want something close to this lineup before taking on Satell
Shadow Blade +15, Ninja Master's Gear +8, Ethereal Footwear, Cloak of Darkness +15

Potion of Revival (from the dragon boss)
Clever Pumpkin
Revitalizer (from Plains of Peace)
Dispelling Salve (also from PoP, I'm not quite sure Satell gives debuffs, had it just in case, can possibly replace with Revival or Revitalizer)
Greater Potion of Toughness/Muscle ~+5 (from Chaotic Path)
Potion of Evasion (crafted from starting shard stockpile)
I also have a Potion of Alacrity, but in hindsight should have used those water shards to craft more Potions of Evasion. Hold off on crafting the potion of evasion until your Poison is relatively high level so you have a better chance of crafting high level potions. Replace with another Potion of Revival probably.

The Ninja Master's Gear will probably take the longest. It's just slow. Recommend putting it on autocrafting when you can. If you can get the Gear higher than +8 you can probably slack off in other areas, like studying, so it's helpful if that's easier for you.

Generally I use this synchro setup for item grinding, helps a lot.

The Synchro Setup I use for crafting.

A checklist:

I studied Air and Poison to 80 for the spell bonuses (mainly to blur). But this takes a long time. Possible level 70 is enough if you have higher level Ninja Master's Gear.


In retrospective hindsight, I might have switched out some attack for death and possibly put a second boost on Blur. My wizards were kind of tight. Can't remember if I tested this.

Satel Bashing Synchro

I thought I took a screenshot of my final stats but can't find it. From memory, you want about 1500 dodge for Satell to not be able to hit you.

And then you should be able to kill Satell. Yay!
Final Thoughts
There are probably several other ways to beat Satell. I'd say the chief bottleneck is actually essence production and elemental shard/prisms/jewel making. Or maybe I just play in a silly way.

Builds I have tested:
Mind/Space: I was doing this for the accuracy boosters. Don't recommend.
Holy/Space: Theoretically, this might work with various boosters on big bang, but essence gain was incredibly slow so I gave up.
Earth/Poison: Ol reliable boosted Petrification + Poison. But without access to most prisms and jewels for duration boosters or cooldown reducers, I couldn't get petrification to be permanently on and Satell kept turning me into a paste.

Theoretical builds that might work, maybe?:
Death/Holy: Death's bountiful ritual solves the essence gain problem, and then with Primary Protection, Potions of Revival and the Rainbow Mail you can possibly just tank Satell's attacks and kill him slowly?
Air/Life might work, with the Shapeshift Mouse and Druid's Robe. But essence gain would be very slow. Haven't tested at all.
24 条留言
Slepnair 2 月 26 日 下午 12:58 
if you have the Hypervault of Spellcrafting you can do other gems too for the Death/Space build, right now i'm using water to reduce the cost til I get everything upgraded...
Jeb 2 月 23 日 下午 10:20 
Thank you very much! It works well
Adam 1 月 15 日 下午 5:57 
Thanks for the guide. Holy/Death made it fairly easy.
Naught Real 2024 年 9 月 10 日 下午 2:42 
holy death works pretty well. I just boosted blood attack super high and manually casted it. +11 wand of doom and rainbow mail and a +5 mask of sly. Boosts were split evenly between holy, mind, and earth
RogueSeraph257 2024 年 8 月 13 日 下午 12:51 
I used speed, critical, and brute force with no dodge and little defense to beat both end bosses. Hadn't maxed out elements, and gear was around +12.
Wraith_Magus 2024 年 7 月 28 日 上午 11:15 
Doing it again, the gale staff is a lot easier than going for divine stiletto (not just because it's so much easier than farming divine crystals.) You can easily get 1600+ evasion just on the gale staff by boosting blur+, and that gives you room for other accessories since you don't need shadow cloak, like a wind blitzer's necklace since I was using wind slicer to do more damage to compensate for dropping the weapon power. I think air+space should also be pretty viable, using synergizer to boost the gale staff even more, and you wouldn't need the expert ninja gear, either. (Maybe toga of leadership to offset spellcrafting wizard costs?)
Wraith_Magus 2024 年 7 月 28 日 上午 4:53 
Oh, right, and something really important: Max out space boosts before doing major transmuting, but you want electric boosts to fight, because you need crits to do any real damage. You can reset boosts, and it's no big deal. You probably can't get 600 Mil air essence without storage expanders. The prismatic ring the dragonbones drops helps a lot, but whether I have space boosts maxed while transmuting is the difference between being able to run 2 ninja outfits at once or not. Leaving it on overnight, I got a +13 ninja master's gear. The divine stilettos were the truly painful part, needing those divine crystals.
Wraith_Magus 2024 年 7 月 27 日 下午 4:32 
Oh, another tricky way I've learned to deal with late-game enemies is to have multiple equipment sets. Start the battle (when all those pouch items get used) with an alchemist's cowl on and have a gale staff on where you manually cast your haste+ and blinding speed, then switch over immediately to your combat gear.
Wraith_Magus 2024 年 7 月 27 日 下午 4:26 
Remember that airborne (the condition from twister) drops accuracy by 20, which is basically like +80 dodge.

For air/poison, I'd recommend divine rippers for better damage, or if you want better dodge than damage for safety, go for divine stiletto. In general, I prefer killing Satell before he can get his spell off via powering up blinding speed and turbo-stabbing him with an attack delay of 0.03 seconds.

On grinding master ninja gear - the big problem is rare cloth, but most creatures in zeth fortress drop it, so you can set the +7 monster drops syncrho up, and idle there. That said, just setting 20 wizards to rare cloth manufacture and 2 to ninja gear seems faster.

You can get magic cloth by bullying alligator magus in cavern entrance, and make a ton of boots of agility, too. Pouch items are dropped by late-game enemies very rarely, but with the lucky ankh from the sphinx, you can up your odds a bit.
gg.nadrewod 2024 年 7 月 12 日 下午 9:45 
Torgar, the key things to know about how Dodge/Accuracy works are "If Accuracy is equal to or larger than Dodge, all attacks will hit. If Dodge is 4 times the value of Accuracy, attacks will never hit."

Satell's Accuracy is 450, so a Dodge at 1800 will ALWAYS dodge any attack he throws (Satell Transformed in Ending 3 has 480 Accuracy, so 1920 Dodge is needed for perfect dodging). Divine Barrage has -40% Accuracy, so you only need 1,080 Dodge to avoid it, but you definitely need something in the 1700s to be able to consistently avoid enough of his attacks to survive a long drawn-out boss fight.