System Shock

System Shock

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Don't Forget To Salt The Fries
Av nekov4ego
Tip: Do it right after you take them out of the oil otherwise the salt won't stick.
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Don't Forget To Salt The Fries (TLDR)

1. Gain access to the first lift
  • Medical - 0:00

2. Save Earth from a deadly laser
  • Research Lab - 33:30
  • Reactor - 56:40
  • Research Lab - 1:06:50

3. Preparation & Maintenance
  • Maintenance - 1:10:20
  • Flight Deck - 1:22:10
  • Storage - 1:34:00

4. Save Earth from Shodan’s virus
  • Executive - 1:48:50
    - Alpha Grove - 1:48:50
    - Delta Grove - 2:00:40
    - Beta Grove - 2:16:10
    - Diego Boss Fight - 2:25:30
  • Maintenance - 2:29:10
  • Executive - 2:43:20

5. Destroy the station
  • Systems Engineering - 2:46:20
  • Reactor - 3:20:40
  • Flight Deck (Optional) - 3:30:00
    - Diego Boss Fight - 3:35:30
  • Systems Engineering (Detour) - 3:39:10
  • Security - 3:43:50
  • - Diego Boss Fight - 3:55:50

6. Defeat Shodan
  • Bridge - 3:57:40
    - Final Boss Fight (Cyberspace) - 4:22:20
Hi, I'm ... never mind, no one cares.

This is a written accompaniment to a video! It is not self-sufficient. You can't skip the video unless you are already prepared from your own experience and simply want to use it as a checklist.

It is a relatively efficient way to complete the System Shock remake on the hardest difficulties (3/3/3/3) to unlock the "Don't Forget To Salt The Fries" achievement. I had initially planned to make it far more efficient but the only real "difficulty" comes from the 10-hour time limit.

If we were to extrapolate the video into that limit, you would have at least 1 hour on each main objective and 2-3 hours on the more lengthy ones (4 & 5) - with 1 more hour to spare!

The video is only 4:30 hours so 10 hours is far more than what you need. No rush...

Some tips:
  • Use Quick Save/Quick Load a lot and you won't need the Med Bay at all
  • Use Quick Save/Quick Load before a puzzle or a level you think may sink too much time
  • Use Manual Saves at least once per level ... or as often as you like, there is no rule for it
  • The enemies are slow and brainwashed so they won't follow you very far
  • Skip any optional cyberspace interactions - I only did one (I think)
  • Don't stress and enjoy the run - it's pretty easy
Gain access to the first lift
Medical - 0:00
  • Unlock access to Alpha by solving the puzzle under the centre area
  • Unlock access to the CPU nodes in cyberspace (Alpha) and destroy them - note down the digit on the screen!
I did a little detour, but I missed a camera or two and couldn’t open the secret room anyway, so you can skip the whole part from 28:00 to 32:00 if you are short on time somehow.

Optional objectives:
  • Collect as much junk as you can - get as much as you will need while there aren’t any strong enemies around
  • Use “vaporise all” by holding V/RT/R2 to clear your inventory quickly
  • Collect the Mag-Pulse, Minipistol, Sparqbeam and the wrench
Save Earth from a deadly laser
Research Lab - 33:30
  1. Unlock access to Beta by switching on the power in Alpha
  2. Obtain the Laser Safety Override Code in cyberspace (Beta) and note down the code on the screens as you exit
  3. Pick up the data stick in Delta with the code to shut down the robot production
  4. Pick up Isotope X-22 from Gamma
  5. Shut down robot production in Gamma using the code from the data stick
  6. Destroy the CPU nodes in Gamma and note down the digit on the screen!
Optional objectives:
  • Collect the SK-27 Shotgun
  • Collect the Energy/Projectile Shield
Reactor - 56:40
  1. Install Isotope X-22 and activate the radiation shields (two separate actions!)
  2. Override the laser safety lock by putting in the code you found in Research Labs’ Library and pull the lever (two separate actions!)
Research Lab - 1:06:50
  1. Deactivate the laser in Central Control and save Earth
Preparation & Maintenance
You can do the next several objectives in different order, but in the video I prepare to destroy the station and gather some useful equipment in Maintenance, Storage and the Flight Deck and then move on to Executive.

Maintenance - 1:10:20
  1. Destroy as many cameras as you can on your first visit
  2. Get an Interface Demodulator from Beta
  3. Get Abe Ghiran’s head from Delta
  4. Use the boxes near the cargo lift in Central Maintenance to store the two items above as well as anything else you don’t think you will need to free up space in your inventory
Optional objectives:
  • Collect the Magnum and discard your Minipistol at this point
  • Get the Laser Rapier
Flight Deck - 1:22:10
  1. Destroy the CPU nodes in the irradiated area (South) and note down the digit on the screen!
Optional objectives:
  • Collect the Turbo-Motion Boots V1
  • Solve the platform bridge puzzle - you only need enough platforms to jump across but not all of them
  • Collect Mark III Assault Rifle
  • Jump across the bridge to collect Turbo-Motion Boots V2
Storage - 1:34:00
  1. Destroy the CPU nodes in Central and note down the digit on the screen!
  2. Pick up at least 4x Plastique from Storage Room #1
Optional objectives:
  • Destroy as many cameras as you can so Security Level drops below 20% and use code 838 to obtain the Environmental Protection Pack V1 from Storage Room #9*
  • Collect your Mag-Pulse from the cargo lift as it will make killing the bots in Storage Room #1 easier
* The code is revealed in two separate audio logs (Storage Room #6 at 1:38:25 and Storage Room #2 at 1:40:05). You have to guess the last digit, but this code is always the same.
Save Earth from Shodan’s virus
Executive - 1:48:50
  1. Drop the Security Level to 0% in Alpha Grove and disable the Safety Interlocks (1:49:50)
  2. Note down the codes near the elevator when you come back from Alpha Grove
  3. Drop the Security Level to less than 30% in Delta Grove and disable the Safety Interlocks (2:00:40)
  4. Get access to Beta Grove with the switch in Diego’s office
  5. Disable the Safety Interlocks in Beta Grove (2:16:10)
  6. Get access to the CPU nodes and Diego by trying the codes you saw on the lobby screens on the keypad end of the hall (Beta)
  7. Destroy the CPU nodes and note down the digit on the screen!
  8. Defeat Diego and interact with the Jettison Enable system in his second office (2:25:30)
  9. Use the secret door in his office as this shortcut makes navigating Executive much quicker
Optional objectives:
  • Pick up the Ion Pulse rifle from Alpha Grove
  • Pick up the Energy/Projectile Shield V2 from Delta Grove
  • Pick up the Mag-Pulse upgrade from Beta Grove - I didn’t do this in the video, but it is in the same room with the Safety Interlocks
  • Pick up the Mark III Assault Rifle upgrade from the room with the CPU nodes
  • Pick up the MK-84 Accelerator Railgun from Delta and Gamma
Maintenance - 2:29:10
  1. Get the demodulator and the head from the storage boxes if you stored them here earlier
  2. Get the diagnostic report from the repair bay (Central) and note down the error code
  3. Destroy additional cameras in the newly available Maintenance areas to drop to Security Level below 45%
  4. Put the diagnostic code in the Relay Analyzer
  5. Replace the broken demodulator
  6. Use Abe’s head on the retinal scanner
  7. Unlock the CPU Room in cyberspace then destroy the CPU nodes and note down the number on the screen! (I forgot, but luckily it was a quick guess for me as it was 0)
Optional objectives:
  • Pick up the KF-18 Skorpion from the room you open with Abe’s head
  • Pick up the Environmental Protection Pack V2 from the storage in the room you open with Abe’s head
Executive - 2:43:20
  1. Return to Diego’s second office and use the Jettison Enable System
  2. Eject Beta Grove
Destroy the station
You have done most of the steps for this objective by now but you still have Systems Engineering left and this one can be a bit of a trip.

Systems Engineering - 2:46:20
  1. Get the Turbo-Motion Boots V3 from Alpha at the start to make navigating the rest of the game much quicker (technically this is optional, but not in this video)
  2. Go to the Core and solve the junction box puzzle for Gamma then use the switch at the end of the hall to unlock the all other main sections of Engineering without having to solve all puzzles
  3. Go to Beta Quadrant (not Antenna) and reach the CPU room then unlock access to the four antennae in cyberspace
  4. Pick up the access card on the body and destroy the CPU nodes
  5. Blow up the four antennae using the plastique explosives in any order - mine was Gamma, Beta, Alpha and Delta, which is not reached from the core
Optional objectives:
  • Get the Logic Probe next to the boots and keep it for the Gamma antenna escape
  • Pick up the Energy/Projectile Shield V3 from Beta in the irradiated area
  • Visit the armoury and pick up some useful explosives and ammo - and actually pick up any Railgun ammo you find, unlike me who had to come back later for it …
Reactor - 3:20:40
  1. Go to the Reactor Core room and disable the force field
  2. Run to the gravity field which is now accessible and put the 6-digit override code at the top - the position of each digit you saw on the screens corresponds to the level it was on, i.e. 1. Medical, 2. Research Lab, etc.
  3. Start the Reactor destruct countdown and run for your life! No, not from the self-destruct sequence but from all the enemies Shodan will send after you now.
Flight Deck - 3:30:00 (Optional)
Note that you can skip this part and proceed to Security.
  1. Defeat the robots and then Diego in Flight Bay 2 then use code 001 on the escape pods and try to escape
  2. It was never going to work, so make your way to Security all the way through Systems Engineering to the lift in Gamma
Security - 3:43:50
  1. Go to the CPU room and destroy the nodes
  2. Jump off the third floor with your V3 Boots and climb up to the bridge with the energy-draining spheres - careful not to touch them
  3. Defeat Diego for real this time, take the card off him and quickly run out of the room towards the lift to skip the next fight (3:55:50)
  4. Escape the station as it self-destructs
Optional objectives:
  • Upgrade your railgun on the third floor where the CPU room is
Defeat Shodan
Bridge - 3:57:40
  1. Disable the radiation from the lever in the room behind where you started the level
  2. Disable the barriers to the computer room in the north-west, north-east and south-east rooms of the map by solving the puzzles on the junction boxes
  3. Defeat the Cortex Reaver in the south room and get the Isolinear Chipset from it
  4. Go to the computer room (west) and insert the Isolinear Chipset
  5. Survive the final battles in the central room - they are three waves of enemies as you pull each lever followed by another Cortex Reaver in the Throne Room after
  6. Defeat Shodan in Cyberspace (4:22:20)
5 kommentarer
MemZ 23. aug. kl. 20.52 
FatJoe 12. juli kl. 22.39 
Great guide
Hahli 7. juli kl. 12.14 
This is great I'm way too slow to do this the leggit way without save scumming :winter2019joyfultearsyul:
I'm doing a break at engineering though, this part is still a chore even with a guide
nekov4ego  [skaper] 21. juni kl. 15.09 
Indeed, it is optional. I should have mentioned that, so I will add it now. Thank you!
Emmerich 21. juni kl. 10.24 
Could I skip the flight deck second Diego Boss fight and go to Security once after reactor self-destruction is initialed?Seems gain nothing from this fight.