ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition

ENDLESS™ Space - Definitive Edition

86 oy
Those "Numbered" Achievements
Imperator tarafından
Fast methods of getting the numbered achievements. (Including some hidden ones.)

"Three Little Pigs" --- "Offensive Defense" --- "Valley Of Death"
Destroying 10 troops --- 50 troops --- 200 troops

"Swatting the Mosquitoes" --- "Stomping the Ants" --- "Pigeon Shoot"
Destroying 50 fighters/bombers --- 200 fighters/bombers --- 500 fighters/bombers

"Tired Feet" --- "Are We There Yet?" --- "That Took How Many Parsecs?"
Traveling 10,000 parsecs --- 100,000 parsecs --- 1,000,000 parsecs
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Greetings my fellow Endless Spacers!

Enjoyed playing this game muchly and decided to make guide for those people (like me) that like to go achievement hunting.

I had some good advice from other players on how to get some of the achievements and discovered a few ways on my own.

Decided to share because I enjoy helping and I know some people not want to "grind" for achievements that they will EVENTUALLY get... they just want process sped up!
Setup (or... How to maximize for success!)

I like to play on huge spiral galaxy with 8 arms and maximum rival civilizations but you may not be comfortable with this style of setup.

That OK!

Select the number of civilizations you are comfortable with competing against... (more on this soon.)

When grinding for these numbered achievements you may find it much easier playing the game on lowest difficulty setting to avoid aggravation.

But you will want spiral arms in order to better isolate rivals and set-up chokepoints against their eventual expansion.

You will want maximum resources available and as many star systems as possible. (Look in advanced settings to increase exploration events, increase resources, increase number of planets per system, etc...)

NO PIRATES! They just harass and annoy and slow down game. They OK if playing "normal" game for added challenge... but you want whose achievements, yes?

Optional: You may want to make the entire galaxy one gigantic constellation to increase the speed with which the different factions (including yourself!) can explore.

What faction should you select?

Reasons? (*Sigh* As if you need reasons to play as the Sheredyn...)
#1 They get ability to prevent ships from escaping fleet combat.
#2 Their Destroyer-class ships get bonuses when acting as fighter-carriers.
#3 They eventually get ability to build Dreadnought-class ships that only take 3 CP instead of 4 CP. (This will be VERY useful when you start building Dreadnought-sized Fighter-Carriers.)
#4 Humans are awesome and deserve to have supremacy over the galaxy. MANIFEST DESTINY!

Who to compete against?
Hissho and Horatio
Hissho have preference to build fighters and bombers.
Horatio have preference to build invasion troops.
NOTE: Some of the other factions also have similar preferences but I find it annoying to compete against the Cravers and Harmony... they tend to not build as many troops/fighters/bombers as the Hissho and Horatio.

So... select as many of those two factions as you feel comfortable competing against. (I played vs. 4 Hissho factions and 3 Horatio factions at once in order to speed up achievement process.)

Play on the most challenging difficulty you feel comfortable with! It will speed up the AI's production so they will build more fighters/bombers/troopers for you to destroy.


(Otherwise you may sit around waiting for a decent fleet to destroy using the method I will describe soon.)
Destroying Troopers

(Yes... I know I write that I not like competing against Cravers... but I like this ♥♥♥ for this section of guide!)

OK... Explore and expand into galaxy off your starting galactic-arm... Try to create choke-points at your opponent's arms. You want as many systems as you can get before war begins. Watch your happiness levels though!

Trade tech to make rivals friendly and create as many alliances/cooperative-agreements as you can. (The Hissho will eventually declare war on you no matter what you do... so try to get as much out of them as you can.)

Do not worry about building fleets of ships yet... this is to get the Anti-trooper achievement... you going to lose this game!

During this start-up phase you may want to create some save-games in case things go badly. (One of these save-games will function as the start-point for when you re-start to get the anti-fighter achievement.)

You want to research and build as many of the anti-invasion star-system technologies as you can for when war does come to you.

Essentially you are going to let the anti-invasion star-system weapons do all the work. If properly done you WILL lose star-systems... but each time you do you should be able to destroy some invasion troops and bombers... and thus eventually get the achievement even if you lose the game.

Destroying Fighters/Bombers

So... how many times did you have to reload before you destroyed 200 Troopers?

OK... Now to teach you how to destroy fighters and bombers faster and more effectively!

If you went for the anti-trooper achievement you probably also destroyed quite a few bombers when they invaded your star-systems... but you probably have many more to go to get the "Pigeon-Shoot" achievement.

It time to build some fleets!
The secret to getting this achievement is NOT TO DESTROY THE ENEMY FLEETS. You need to "tie" them in battle first. (You get no fighters/bombers added to your score if you destroy their carriers in battle... You need to get tie in order to have the fighters/bombers you shoot down "count". After you get the tie... THEN you can destroy them!)

So... I made completely defensive fleets = NO WEAPONS!
All ships in fleet had engines, repair, armour, deflection, shields, and flak.
Destroyers were outfitted with best fighters I could get.
Dreadnoughts were outfitted with best fighters I could get.
EVERYTHING else was created to repair those fighters!
All battle cards I played were defensive ONLY. (I usually went with nano-tech repair for all 3 stages of battle to heal ships even faster.)

It may take some time to get the balance correct so your fighters not destroying enemy ships too fast and thus robbing you of fighter/bomber kills.

EX: I used 1 of each class of ship with one extra Destroyer-Fighter carrier and one extra Dreadnought-Fighter carrier. (That 8 ships using 14 CP... with the Sheredyn Dreadnought bonus.)

I would go fighter-hunting every 10th turn against the Hissho and normally destroyed several dozen fighters/bombers each time.

Use those choke-points so fleets of ships not sneaking around behind you!
"I was born a traveling man!"

"Take us to ludicrous speed!" --- Spaceballs

You can get this achievement as you work on any of the others... although I would wait until AFTER you in control of galaxy as the method I will write about has been discovered to have a "glitch" in it.

"Glitch!?" I hear you say in alarm. "I not doing that then!"

*Sigh* OK, I explain...

The more fleets that are present and moving about the galaxy the more likely that the game will crash. (Too much info to keep track of... although this may partially be the age of my computer showing.) Which is one reason why I suggest you wait until there are not many enemy fleets left in galaxy. I waited until I isolated last rival to single galactic arm.

You going to want to create several DOZEN (if not HUNDREDS) of single-ship fleets. Find two systems that you control that are next to each other but somewhat farther apart than normal.

Send these hundreds of single-ship fleets back and forth between the two star-systems each turn.

NOTE: You get the count of parsecs added for the FLEET traveling... not for the ships within the fleet.. So 1 fleet with 10 ships in it = 1 fleet with 1 ship in it. Make many one-ship fleets... Corvette-class are ideal with their engine bonuses.

WARNING: Save your game every 5 turns so if you do encounter crash you can recover!

This achievement just going to take much time... but it something for your scout-ships to do while you conquering galaxy.
Hope you enjoyed reading guide!

I enjoyed playing this game muchly and have only one last achievement to get: "Endless Gamer" = Play for 10,000 turns.

Fortunately I like this game and have no problems with replayability... Customizing fleets and factions is quite fun sometimes! So I am sure I shall get this last achievement soon. ;)

Please leave comments and feedback notes!

Your Galactic Imperator commands!

31 Yorum
Pipinghot 3 Ara 2024 @ 13:25 
As of December 2024 I can confirm the following:

1) For these achievements you do get credit even if you reload a save and play the same turn multiple times. I uses this method to get both "Pigeon Shoot" and "Valley of Death".

I had a good turn in which I killed ~20 fighters/bombers then just reloaded and replayed that turn until I got the achievement.

Then I did the same thing with killing troops that were assaulting my planets. The AI assaulted 3 of my planets in a single turn, then I reloaded and replayed that turn multiple times until I got the achievement.

2) As the post just before mine says, yes auto-battle does count for destroying fighters/bombers, you do not need to run your battles in manual mode. I don't know if that is old information that has changed or if people have misdiagnosed their problems, but auto-battle will work just fine.
我才木有 31 Ağu 2023 @ 4:14 
Auto battle does counts, what you need is just to draw the battle,not destroy them all.
kovdaniel0615 16 Mar 2023 @ 10:52 
Those achievements are ridiculously stupid, especially the troopers. Thanks for the guide!
alan_buchbach 27 Haz 2022 @ 23:37 
@Dak The fighter/bomber kills only count in 'manual' battle mode. If you're just hitting auto to speed things up... no kill count.
Zarce 11 Kas 2021 @ 16:42 
Viashigaru 31 Ara 2020 @ 13:57 
Did someone figure out what the problem was? I'm killing a lot of enemy ships every turn but I can't seem to get the achievement either.
dak 11 Haz 2019 @ 15:32 
Loading worked fine for the other achievement, but even so, I also did over 70 turns of killing fighter/bombers in combat. I improved my draw rate over time, at the early end I was getting maybe 5-10 fighters/bombers per turn, and near the mid part I was up to 30-40 per turn. That's over 1000 fighters/bombers killed there alone.

Just a buggy achievement.
Imperator  [yaratıcı] 11 Haz 2019 @ 15:20 
Is it possible that loading old game do NOT count toward the kill-count total? I played multiple games to get those achieves so I am unsure if multiple loads of the same old game count.
dak 11 Haz 2019 @ 14:05 
Me killing their fleets was not the problem. As I said, I downgraded my fleets and drew pretty much every fight, but the kills still didn't count. The invasion kills didn't count either (I got upwards 60-70 fighter/bomber kills per load, did over 10 loads, still no 200+ pop achieve).
Imperator  [yaratıcı] 11 Haz 2019 @ 12:35 
Yep yep. Too advanced of tech can cause you to have such superiority that the other factions simply get overwhelmed... even if you basically fighting defensively. As stated in guide, you CANNOT win the first battle against fleets with fighters and bombers in order for the kills to count... you have to aim for a tie so the fighters are destroyed but NOT the enemies' capital ships. I was playing on more advanced level so I could keep my tech advances down and the enemies could build their fighters and bomber carriers faster. :spaceduck::spacemonster: