The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak

The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak

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Connect Events, Gifts & Movies Guide
By ZekeBel
The goal of this guide is to compile all the information related to the Connect system so you can make the most of it during your playthrough.
Much like in previous games, Kuro no Kiseki/Trails through Daybreak has a bonding system —called Connect system— to get to know more about its characters. The main components of this system are: Connect Events, gifts and movies.

The characters involved, and sometimes Van, will gain Connect Points after every activity. When these points exceed a certain value, the Connect Stage level of said character increases and various benefits will be received, like stat boosts or even rare accessories.

Two playthroughs are required to max out everyone's Connect Stages since you can't do so during your first playthrough, but your progress may carry over in New Game+. On the other hand, note that you don't obtain any additional Stock Time points during NG+.
Important! If you're using the English fan translation patch (not the official update the game received on July 5th), you have enough Stock Time points to watch all events in a single playthrough.

Lastly and like in my previous guides, I'm including the Japanese terms and their translation, which may differ once the game is localized.
Connect Events
You can use Stock Time points to watch special events between Van and certain characters to know more about them. These events are called Connect Events and they are only available in Edith.

By selecting your preferred character in the Connect tab of the 'To Do' List, you can spend one Stock Time point to view their Connect Event. An additional point can be earned after completing all available 4SPGs during daytime.

Choose a character in the Connect tab to spend time with

After completing a Connect Event, the selected character will always earn 100 Connect Points while Van gets 20.

These are all the Connect Events available throughout the game:

As you can see from the table above, there aren't enough Stock Time points to view all events available. However, it is still possible to max the Connect Stages for most characters without selecting all their events, thanks to sending gifts and watching movies.
Connect Stages
Each character, Van included, has their own Connect Stages that indicate how close their relationship is. Rewards for increasing these levels through Connect Points include: stat boosts for said character (or Van's if they are not playable), improved effectiveness of S.C.L.M. Chain and Support, and even unique accessories.

These are the stats of the exclusive accessories you can obtain after reaching the max level for certain Connect Stages:
  • Glass Fountain Pen (硝子の万年筆): Max HP +1000, Max EP +100, Hit Rate +100 & Critical Rate +10
  • Sylphid Feather (シルフィードフェザー): SPD +5, Critical Rate +5 & Evasion +30
  • Justice Badge (ジャスティスワッペン): Max HP +150 & DEF +150
  • White Glove (ホワイトグローブ): SPD +25 & MOV +5
  • Azure Flower Netsuke (蒼華の根付): Max EP +15 & ADF +150
  • Victory Dice (ヴィクトリーダイス): Hit Rate +40 & Critical Rate +40
  • Dancing Veil (ダンシングヴェール): Max EP +30, ADF +30 & Magic Evasion +30
  • Sun Lamp (太陽のランプ): ATS +50, SPD +5, Evasion +5 & Magic Evasion +5
  • Silver Inro (白銀の印籠): STR +50, SPD +5, Hit Rate +50 & Critical Rate +5
Gifts are items that can be purchased from several shops throughout the game and then sent to different characters using the Connect tab in the 'To Do' List. The Connect Points of said character will increase based on the price of the gift.

From Chapter 2 onwards, you can visit Cinema Esprit in Tyrell District to watch movies. Different events will happen depending on when you go to the cinema:
  • When watching a movie during the day, you can choose up to two members of the Solutions Office to watch it together. This will increase their Connect Points by 25.
  • On the other hand, Van can watch a movie alone at night and he will encounter different characters depending on the movie chosen. These characters will receive 50 Connect Points.

Watch a movie with other Solutions Office members to strengthen your bonds

There are 12 movies in total and 12 movie-viewing windows, as you can watch an additional movie during the Final Chapter (Dec 3rd).
It is recommended to only select each movie once, both to obtain their pamphlets and for other Achievements. Thankfully, the game warns you when a movie is being screened for the last time and Van also mentions that he has already seen a movie with a certain party member if you choose the same character again.

Characters whose name is in red do not give any Connect Points!

It is important to mention that if you plan to max the Connect Stages for Daswani, Fie and Nina in one playthrough, it is mandatory to select their movies, alongside all their Connect Events. However, it won't be possible to watch all movies since there's overlap with both Nina and Daswani.

Moreover, Nina is also a bit of a special case since the usual point tally screen for Connect Points doesn't appear after watching This Side of Heaven because, well, you don't know her at that point. But don't worry, those 50 Connect Points will be there once Nina is properly added to the Connect List.
Sample Template
With this template you will be able to max almost all Connect Stages, obtain all unique accessories but two, and watch all 12 movies. Note that all gifts are purchased and sent.

Connect Events



  • All Connect Stages are maxed, except for Kincaid (Lv 2/3), Fie (Lv 2/3) and Daswani (Lv 2/3). As a result, the only exclusive accessories that aren't obtained are the Sylphid Feather and Justice Badge
  • All 12 movies are watched and all 12 pamphlets are collected
There are several in-game achivements and rewards tied to completing certain tasks related to the Connect features. Likewise, you can also earn various Steam achivements by meeting specific conditions.

In-game Achievements
  • Raise the Connect Stage Level of 1/5/10/15/22 character to Max (1/5/10/15/22人のコネクトステージをMAXにしよう): Spirit Droplet x1/x2/x4/x10 / Accessory: Union Talisman (結びの護符 | STR & ATS +40)
  • Give 5/10/20/40 gifts (ギフトを5/10/20/40回贈ろう): Sepith Mass x200/x400/x600 / Lindbaum Quartz (リンドバウム | Earth x6 & Mirage x4 | Increases Arts damage by 50% but casting time is multiplied by 1.5)
  • Watch 3/6/9/12 movies (映画を3/6/9/12作品観よう): Teara Balm x2 / Tearal Balm x2 / Tear All Balm x2 / Accessory: Elegant Gown (エレガントガウン | Max HP +4000 & Max EP +400)
  • Get 2/4/12 movie pamphlets (2/4/12種類の映画パンフレットを入手しよう): Reviving Balm x2 / Celestial Balm x2 / Celestial Balm EX x2

Steam Achievements
  • An Unique Connection (無二の繋がり): Reach max Connect Stage Level for either Agnès, Feri, Aaron, Risette, Quatre, Judith, Bergard, Elaine or Yumé.
  • Connect Master (コネクトマスター): Reach max Connect Stage Level for all 22 characters.
  • Time Manager (タイムマネージャー): Gain additional Stock Time by finishing all 4SPGs available during any daytime section in Edith.
  • Gift Master (ギフトの達人): Send Gift items 20 or more times.
  • Unrivaled Cinema Connoisseur (無類のシネマ通): View all movies.
    Since you have to watch all 12 movies, and ideally buy all 12 pamphlets, this achievement is also linked to Book Master (ブックマスター).
Ending Words
If you have any suggestions on how to improve the guide or extra information that I may have missed, just let me know down below.

In any case, I hope this guide proves useful and thank you for reading!

  • 15/6/24: Initial publication of the guide.
  • 7/7/24: Clarified a line at the beginning of the guide, regarding the English fan translation patch.
Weasel 16 Sep, 2024 @ 3:11am 
Ah I see... thats cool I guess, but in the end you do need ng+ regardless for some things. besides if you decide to play on nightmare run first attempt
ZekeBel  [author] 15 Sep, 2024 @ 1:31pm 
The English fan translation patch included an additional mod that increased Stock Time by 1 for some daytime/nighttime sections. It's possible to create the same mod for the official English patch, but I don't know which files were changed to do so
Weasel 15 Sep, 2024 @ 3:16am 
Im confused how did the english translation patch manage to give you more free time for watching stuff etc compared to official patch for english?
Locke 7 Jul, 2024 @ 8:59am 
No worries! Thanks for clearing that up. This guide is looking really solid and I plan on using it for my own run through the game.
ZekeBel  [author] 7 Jul, 2024 @ 4:00am 
Sorry about that, I mean the fan translation patch, not the official update from July 5th. I'll update the beginning to make it clearer!
Locke 6 Jul, 2024 @ 3:50pm 
I was hoping you could clarify a bit, but the beginning of your guide mentioned that the English translation patch gives you enough points to watch get everything in a single playthrough rather than two. Do you mean the official one that just dropped recently on July 5th or is this the fan one or something?