Apex Legends

Apex Legends

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Everything beginner and intermediate players need to know to get a great head start or improve in Apex Legends
By Eskra
This guide is for new and intermediate players of Apex Legends. It is made to help players get a huge head start or improve as fast as possible.
Everything you need to know part 1 (It's too long so I split it in 2 parts)
Part 1
This is the first part of "Everything beginner and intermediate players need to know to get a great head start or improve in Apex Legends". It was too long so I had to make 2 sections.

Alright new player. I'm going to tell you everything you need to know that helped me become a better player in this game. I am not talking much about aiming and how to fight players as it's for you to decide if you want to play up close or from far (please play up close I can't see players far away). Well anyway, here are some tips that will help you get a great head start in the game that I've learned after many hours just so you don't waste as much time as I did. (This is mouse player's perspective so if you are on a controller test what I'm saying (if you are doubting me) since I don't know if they work the same way on a controller.)

I have split the guide into different parts just so if you want to skip some of the tips

Let's start with the settings.

#1 - Gameplay settings
#1 and most important one is to turn off "Taking Damage Closes Deathbox or Crafting Menu" (Settings > Gameplay > Taking Damage Closes Deathbox or Crafting Menu). It will save you tons of games when you are trying to shieldswap (I'll go over what this means later)

#2 is something a lot of players don't do for some reason. It is turning on "Always sprint" setting (Settings > Gameplay > Always sprint). Turn it on. There is almost no reason to have walking on in this game. If you are one of the players that like sneaking up on players just use crouch. Walking still makes a sound that is just not worth the risk.

#2 - General Video Settings
With #3 we move to general video settings. We are starting from the top and going down.
Don't be ashamed to put the brightness up a little bit if you have trouble seeing players in the dark. At first, it looks a little bit weird but you will get used to it and it's totally worth it. I personally recommend about 65% as that's what I like and I have been using it for a while already (Settings > Video > Brightness)

If your pc lets you do it and you want a fluid, fast-paced gameplay (very good if you are trying to become a movement crackhead) turn up your field of view to 110. It's going to make your movement fluid and satisfying to pull off. (Expect a minor fps drop as you do it. It's totally worth it though) (Settings > Video > Field of View (FOV))

Disable FOV scaling. It will mess up your aim (Settings > Video > FOV ability Scaling)

Make "Sprint View Shake" minimal (Settings > Video > Sprint View Shake)

#3 - Advanced video settings
Gonna go over this asap
Turn V-sync off (Settings > Video > V-sync)
Set adaptive resolution FPS target to 0(Settings > Video > Adaptive Resolution FPS Target)
Put texture streaming budget around High (4GB VRAM). You really don't need more than that.
The rest is a personal preference. If you want to have the best fps possible just set everything else to disabled/off/low/0 and so on, including texture streaming budget (Your game will look like dogdoodoo tho)

#4 - Controls
Not much to go over here. Make sure that your aim down sights is set on hold and not on toggle. The same goes for crouch.

Moving onto the skins.

Let's say you got lucky and you got 1200 crafting materials out of your apex packs! Time to buy yourself a nice skin. If you are unsure of what to buy, hold your horses, and don't buy first Mirage or Crypto skin as soon as you see it 🥶🥶🥶.
It is much better if you get weapon skins as some of them literally have pay-to-win iron sights. Let me tell you about some of my favorites as they will make your early (and sometimes even late game) much easier. (Speaking from personal experience I stopped using 1x/2x and even digital sights on peacekeeper since I got so used to pay to win skin)
Here is a small list of skins I recommend you get for your weapons that will make your games a little bit easier.
1. R99 - Outlands Avalanche or (its ugly brother) The Kill Switch (just kidding it's also fine)
2. Prowler - The Dark Realm or The Light Worker (Gotta come clean with you, some people say it is better but I don't see a big difference on this one)
3. Wingman - Merciless Wing (You can get its much prettier recolor when it comes to the shop later) or (another ugly brother) The Death Ray
4. Peacekeeper - The Lonestar or The Superstar
Those 4 are some of the pay-to-win skins. I haven't named them all since I think those are some of the most important weapons to have them on as on other weapons you probably will need some kind of sight (I also didn't include event, battle pass, or store skins)
Here are examples of skins you should NOT buy
1. Devotion - The Lead Farmer or The Tidal Wave - They are so chunky they are gonna cover half of your screen especially when aiming down.
2. Eva 8 - The firebreather or The Guardian of Atlantis - They have the same issue as devotion ones

Next we got have a small talk on aiming

I'm not going to go over things such as how to aim and stuff like that. I'll give you just 1 most important tip. Once you have played the game for about 100-200 hours download "r5 reloaded" and play a lot on 1v1 servers. R5 Reloaded is a modded client for Apex that is run by a talented community. Here is the link[r5reloaded.com] to download/find out more about them. I can't stress enough to explain how good it is to use their servers to improve. I am pretty sure I've improved my playstyle and aiming there in like.. 1-2 months more than the whole time I've played Apex (It's about 5 years or something like that)
Everything you need to know part 2 (It's too long so I split it in 2 parts)
Part 2
This is the second part of "Everything a beginner needs to do for a great head start in Apex Legends". It was too long so I had to make 2 sections.

My favorite part now. Movement
Do you want to look cool and outplay your opponents? Yes, you do. Do you want to not feel the touch of a woman? Of course not but that's the aftereffect of learning smooth, polished, and satisfying movement in Apex.
Here is the list of MUST KNOW movement techs. I'm going to sort them by difficulty from easiest to hardest ones too. I'm going to go over where to learn those at the end of the list (Some of those don't work on the controller, although some of them are easier on it too)

#1 - Using Pathfinder's grapple to cover long distances
#2 - Bunnyhopping - Very easy but quite hard to use at the fight. It's at the same time easiest thing to learn but the hardest thing to master. Very good for keeping momentum between shots
#3 - Tapstrafing - This one is a MUST know movement as it's the base of every advanced movement
#4 - Superjumping - MUST know also. Going to help you in a lot of situations but it's a little hard to master
#5 - Walljumping - Somewhat important but really good in some situations. Still, a must know (You can later combine it with Tapstrafes)
#6 - Tapstrafing off of Octane's jumppad - Very important. Will help you in every way (It can be done on green octane jump pads too. You might still want to look into getting the red one though. Why? Look at #7)
#7 - Jumppad dashing - Semi-important movement tech. Very fun to use though. (This one was just discovered in Season 21 and might be patched at some point if Respawn finds it too op.)
#8 - Elite Jumping - Somewhat hard but VERY important to know
#9 - Lurches - Very important base for advanced movement (Might be easy but was quite hard for me to learn)
#10 - Fatigue Jumping - Easy at first but quite hard to implement and master
#11 - Mantle Jumping - Seriously, not as hard as people make it seem. But it's also not very important.
#12 - Supergliding - Very important. Easy concept but hard to learn and even harder to master (It's easier on a controller) If you want to learn timing for this one you can use superglide trainder online. Here's the link[apexmovement.tech]
#13 - RAS & backward RAS strafing - here you are stepping in the harder side of the movement tree. If you master this one, you will be very hard to kill.
#14 - Pito strafing - I don't know man. If you learn this you will be better than 80% of diamond players
There are both harder and easier movement techs that you can find out but if you learn like.. anything above #8, you will discover the rest of them yourself.
Those are a lot of fancy words. I know. But you might want to also know where to learn all this? Well my friend, it's obvious.. learn it all on YouTube. Might not be the answer you were waiting for but listen. It's as simple as that. Look up "How to [movement tech name] in apex legends" and you'll find it. If you really want to watch someone specific start with MokeySniper. You can find link to his channel here

Now lets talk about playstyle
It's completely up to you how you want to play the game. If you want to be playing snipers and a passive game then you can do so but if you want to go kamikaze into every enemy squad you see you need to learn a lot about how to do so. If you have seen streamers pull off crazy 1v3s and so on keep in mind that most of those plays look aggressive only at the surface level. In fact, they are passive. As a solo player, your #1 goal is to isolate squad members by outplaying them and then winning your 1v1s against them. This can be done with correct legend ability use, positioning, and aiming. To learn all this you need to SoloQ a lot or play nofill. Lucky for you there is a solos mode event going in Apex right now that is very good to learn how to play and win your 1v1s. Yes, you are going to die a lot and yes, some players are better than you but consider it as a good thing since you have something to improve towards. I haven't heard a lot of people say this but playing SoloQ is not enough to become a good 1v3 Apex player. You should also absolutely watch other people do it. It can be on YouTube, twitch, etc. It doesn't matter. If I were to recommend anyone it would be Gruic. A really good player with insane movement and aim. You can learn a lot from his both tutorials and no-fill games. Here is his channel link

And for the last let's talk about general rules when playing
#1 - Don't loot too much. Or to say it correctly, don't loot for too long. You have to loot fast to be ready for any possible squad push if 1 or more teams have landed near you. The same goes for when you want to reposition.
#2 - When your teammate needs help and you are low don't start healing both shield and health. Quickly use your shields and jump head in if it's a 2v1 fight. 2 somewhat low hp players will definitely beat 1 full hp one in an open spot where a full hp enemy can't hide.
#3 - Don't heal when you don't have to. If you just killed a player and they broke your shield, instead of healing it, quickly shield swap. Shield swapping is also something you need to learn to do fast and efficiently. Open the dead player's deathbox and take his shield instead of using a battery and wasting precious time.
#4 - DO NOT give the Jumpmaster to other players unless you are in ranked and you are sure that your teammate can jump better than you. Learn how to jump correctly and how to land first. You can also learn it on YouTube or through experience.
#5 - When landing if you are about to fight, don't take 2 weapons. Leave one for your teammate so they can assist you in a fight. (This one is very simple but a lot of people don't do it for some reason)
#6 - Don't shoot at the enemy you are not sure you will kill. Picture this. You are about to push a squad that is not looking at you. If you shoot at them before you are certain that you can beam them to death or do significant damage they will be alerted and have enough time to reposition. What you should do is run up closer while they are distracted and shoot at them when you are certain that they will not escape you.
#7 - Do not separate from your team unless you know what you are doing and you are a really good player. Pushing alone or staying back will always result in your team taking a fight with a smaller advantage than the one that enemies have, resulting in dying.
#8 - Do not practice legends you've never played in somewhat high ranks. This applies to players who are ranked platinum 2 and above. Not knowing the legend will result in you dying.
#9 - Do not start fighting the enemy team until you are sure that your team is there to back you up. (Unless you know what you are doing but again, this guide is for beginner and intermediate players)

For the end..
I want to thank you if you've read all or some parts of this guide. I have worked hard on it to bring you a quality "tip book" so you can get a good head start or improve in apex as fast as possible. See you on the playground~ :)
zDonr 25 May @ 11:09am 
personally coming from someone with over 1K hrs this guide was actually really well made didnt even know about r5 reloaded thanks!
lion pizza chicken 21 May @ 4:46am 
Everything beginner and intermediate players need to know to get a great head
агент_000 12 May @ 2:31am 
RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!
ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same!

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