Rivals of Aether

Rivals of Aether

108 人が評価
2.059 MB
5月4日 17時35分
8月25日 19時23分
10 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )


George Seinfeld 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Seinfeld's Slammers
23 アイテム
Victory theme is victroy theme from Pokken tournament

Sableye, the gem loving goblin, is here to cause mischief and mayhem in rivals of aether. Sableye is a mobile, floaty trickster who utilizes chaos and dirty tricks to win battles. Make use of Sableye's random items to keep the battle hectic and unpredictable!


Nspecial: Fling
Fling has Sableye reach into a trainers bag and toss one of 5 possible items.

Spiritomb core: a bouncing rock that deals OK damage and knockback.

Iron ball: An exceptionally heavy ball of metal that knocks opponents up while rising and spikes them down while falling. Also has a hitbox upon landing.

Leftovers: A small scrap of fruit that heals 6% to who ever touches it first.

Toxic orb: A glass sphere filled with poisonous fluids. Breaks upon contact with an enemy or terrain. An opponent hit by the orb will be poisoned for a short period; taking damage over time. If the orb hits the ground, it will create a puddle of poison, poisoning anyone who touches it. Sableye is unaffected by the poison.

Voltorb: An electric pokemon with a hair trigger. Voltorb bounces along the ground and explodes after either touching an opponent or a random duration, hurting everyone nearby (even Sableye). Sableye can also trigger Voltorb to detonate early by hitting it with any of his attacks (except with other items from Nspecial).

*Sableye can hold the special button to delay when he throws an item, and can press shield to cancel this attack*

Fspecial: Will o Wisp

Sableye fires a ghostly ball of fire from his finger that ignites opponent on hit.

Dspecial: Foul Play

Sableye focuses dark energy and then unleashes it in a close range blast. This attack gains more power and knockback the higher Sableye's damage percentage is at. Can be aimed left and right during startup.

Uspecial: Trick

Sableye tosses a jewel straight into the air. This jewel bounces along the ground up to 5 times before it breaks. Pressing Uspecial while the jewel is out will have Sableye teleport to its location instantly.
28 件のコメント
SixPathScout342 7月18日 23時45分 
cool but crashes the game
25 Damage Pounce 7月9日 22時02分 
Please redesign Foul Play. This move either unreasonably kills at 20% when Sableye is at 100%, or doesn't send them near the blastzone when Sableye is at 170%. It is just a bad move by design.
Robba 6月8日 6時57分 
It crashes when using theToxic Orb
rafapgtu81 5月24日 19時26分 
We've got only one sky
Blue, red, and black paranoia
What is it like to you?
No one can see the colors but you
TheVeryMidGamer 5月21日 19時09分 
add mawile you won't (im in denial)
Zadamouse #FixTF2 5月17日 13時19分 
well made, but definitely needs to be tweaked and slowed down, far too fast
HallowCrystal 5月14日 9時33分 
Oh my god I have wanted this since the beginning of time, he's my favorite Pokémon by far, now in one of my favorite games. This is awesome!
myceliamocha 5月8日 17時31分 
Neat character, but down special, when sableye is around 90% or higher, kills pretty much anyone at center stage, when the opponent is at 0%. Would love to see this addressed but besides that neat character.
LongBeing 5月8日 9時14分 
Faust in Rivals, no way
Yiggly 5月7日 20時53分 
character crashes on my pc sometimes when loading attacks (at 19/19) or when changing palettes... some issue with loading the thumbnail maybe?