Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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ชุดสะสมเหล่าตัวละคร Genshin Impact ประจำเมือง Fontaine
Inhalte (27)
SmallProportionBase (anims for small survivor)
Erstellt von 猫猫拯救世界
!!This is a required mod for other mods, installing this mod alone will have no effect!! What's this? Provides several skeleton-sized third-person animations for each survivor What can it do Small survivors can avoid sinking into the ground when crouching....
Genshin Impact - Neuvillette - Bill
Erstellt von GabryTheSniper
Neuvillette into Left 4 Dead 2! Starring: GabryTheSniper: Ripping and Porting this model into Left 4 Dead 2 Hoyoverse/Mihoyo: Models & Textures Features: Survivor Replacement: Bill (Neuvillette) Viewmodel Arms. Face Flexes. VRD. Jigglebones. Custom VGUI. L...
原神 | Gensin Impact Furina (Zoey)
Erstellt von Gepard Landau
This time, Furina is already released as a playable Hydro sword character in Genshin Impact 4.2 update. She is the current human vessel of Focalors, who was executed by herself before Neuvillette before returning the power to the dragon's power of authorit...
Genshin Impact - Charlotte - Zoey
Erstellt von AndreaGTACJ
Charlotte from Genshin Impact replaces Zoey Features: Replaces Zoey, Viewmodel arms, Flexes and Jiggle Bones Model by Hoyoverse Enjoy ...
Genshin Impact - Clorinde - Zoey
Erstellt von GabryTheSniper
Clorinde into Left 4 Dead 2! Starring: GabryTheSniper: Ripping and Porting this model into Left 4 Dead 2 Hoyoverse/Mihoyo: Models & Textures Features: Survivor Replacement: Zoey (Clorinde) Viewmodel Arms. Face Flexes. Jigglebones. VRD. Upscaled Textures to...
Genshin Impact - Chevreuse - Zoey
Erstellt von GabryTheSniper
Chevreuse into Left 4 Dead 2! Starring: GabryTheSniper: Ripping and Porting this model into Left 4 Dead 2 Hoyoverse/Mihoyo: Models & Textures Features: Survivor Replacement: Zoey (Chevreuse) Viewmodel Arms. Face Flexes. Jigglebones. VRD. Upscaled Textures ...
芙芙来啦! ...
【原神/Genshin Impact】水神 芙卡洛斯 Focalors 替换Replace zoey
Erstellt von .恋恋.
模型来源:模之屋 模型提供:给你柠檬椰果养乐多你会跟我玩吗/moHoYo 模型解释权归属:miHoYo mod内容:夜光,第一人称手模,物理飘动 你 未曾向自己再次提起 因为她是你 所以你相信 水之魔神,正义之神,尘世七执政之一 芙卡洛斯这个模型衣服有点....难弄,避免不了穿模什么的,我尽力弄了呜呜呜 (芙卡洛斯.....呜呜呜.....我的芙卡洛斯.....) 萌新制作,制作不易,不喜勿喷,喜欢的话可以点个小小的赞吗~ ...
原神 | Gensin Impact Furina (Louis)
Erstellt von Gepard Landau
This time, Furina is already released as a playable Hydro sword character in Genshin Impact 4.2 update. She is the current human vessel of Focalors, who was executed by herself before Neuvillette before returning the power to the dragon's power of authorit...
【原神/Genshin Impact】琳妮特 替换 路易斯 Lynette Replace Louis
Erstellt von しぐれるか
◆模型来源:模之屋 ◆模型提供:miHoYo ◆模型改造:观海 ◆最终解释权归属:miHoYo 与那位自称「全提瓦特最棒的大魔术师」的兄长不同,琳妮特恐怕是全提瓦特最低调的魔术助手。 她从不追求鲜花与喝彩,甚至有意避开采访与关注。 外界对她或是好奇,或是招揽,都被她用「已进入待机模式」、「今日需要发呆」之类费解的话拒之门外。 即使有地位颇高的观众登门造访,琳妮特也总是往后一躲,让林尼出面接待。而她则会泡好一壶红茶,坐在一旁默默垂眸啜饮,似乎对会话漠不关心。 只有极少数的客人,能在与林尼畅谈的隙间,察觉到一丝...
原神 | Gensin Impact Furina (Francis)
Erstellt von Gepard Landau
This time, Furina is already released as a playable Hydro sword character in Genshin Impact 4.2 update. She is the current human vessel of Focalors, who was executed by herself before Neuvillette before returning the power to the dragon's power of authorit...
Genshin Impact - Wriothesley - Francis
Erstellt von GabryTheSniper
Wriothesley into Left 4 Dead 2! Starring: GabryTheSniper: Ripping and Porting this model into Left 4 Dead 2 Hoyoverse/Mihoyo: Models & Textures Features: Survivor Replacement: Francis (Wriothesley) Light model included. Viewmodel Arms. Face Flexes. VRD. Ji...
原神 | Gensin Impact Furina (Nick)
Erstellt von Gepard Landau
This time, Furina is already released as a playable Hydro sword character in Genshin Impact 4.2 update. She is the current human vessel of Focalors, who was executed by herself before Neuvillette before returning the power to the dragon's power of authorit...
原神 水神芙宁娜 替换 尼克nick
Erstellt von .恋恋.
◆模型提供:miHoYo/原神 ◆模型改造:观海 内容:第一人称,物理飘动,夜光效果,RNG 过关有概率切换形态:白芙(芒形态)/黑芙(荒形态) 萌新制作,制作不易,不喜勿喷~qwq ...
希格雯/Sigewinne replace Nick
Erstellt von 猫猫拯救世界
Features jiggle bones toon shader procedural bones(vrd) first person arms(viewmodel) flex animation(facial expression) self-luminous ...
COMM: Freminet [Nick]
Commissioned by Mad_Crucifer ___________________________________________________ Features: - Nick Survivor Model - Nick Viewmodel - Nick VGUI Materials - Jiggle Bones ___________________________________________________ Model from: Genshin Impact Model and ...
Lynette [Genshin Impact]
Erstellt von ATLAS
Replace Rochelle Credits Connor Razzmatazz117(Razz/Xav) SunflowerSP Hoshino Original ...
原神/Genshin Impact - Furina (Replaces Rochelle)
Erstellt von rodipoke
Replaces Rochelle Model and textures by miHoYo/Hoyoverse Compiled and Rigged by me Content: - Furina as Rochelle - First person arms - Jigglebones - HUD and Lobby icon - A reference to the goddess of water(? 💧 My first survival mod that I share. I created ...
【原神/Genshin Impact】芙宁娜 替换 教练 Furina Replace Coach
Erstellt von しぐれるか
◆模型来源:模之屋 ◆模型提供:miHoYo ◆模型改造:观海 ◆最终解释权归属:miHoYo 随着质疑的声音如沸水般升腾,她不得不拿出更高昂与强硬的姿态去回击。 如此同时她还必须专注于手中的职责,不能因为情绪的波动而露出破绽。 古老预言中记录的灾难正在逐步逼近,神明此时应该拿出怎样的对策,她比谁都更想知道。 旁人眼中的她心不在焉,神情憔悴,她却坚称只是没有睡好,作为受人敬仰与爱戴的女王,怎么会在意这些琐碎的杂音? 是啊,无论现状再怎么混乱与紧急,都不能自乱阵脚,让长年以来的努力付诸东流。 被大家所爱的,这...
原神 | Gensin Impact Furina (Ellis)
Erstellt von Gepard Landau
This time, Furina is already released as a playable Hydro sword character in Genshin Impact 4.2 update. She is the current human vessel of Focalors, who was executed by herself before Neuvillette before returning the power to the dragon's power of authorit...
【原神/Genshin Impact】明花蔓舵 · 娜维娅 替换 帽子 Navia Replace Ellis
Erstellt von しぐれるか
◆模型提供:miHoYo ◆模型改造:观海 ◆最终解释权归属:miHoYo 从外表来看,娜维娅小姐无疑是一位完美的枫丹淑女。 她习惯穿着设计繁复的裙装,戴精致的礼帽,手腕上挂一柄缀着宝石与蝴蝶结的伞。 然后,奔走在枫丹廷的街头巷尾、秋分山的原野上,和灰河那些不知名的角落里。 拖在身后的裙摆和那柄比看上去要重上许多的伞从未影响过她的行动,她如一只灵巧的鸟,为那些陷入困境的人们带来刺玫会送出的好消息。 也许正是因此,娜维娅成为了知名记者夏洛蒂最喜欢取材的对象之一。 蒸汽鸟报社的展厅里就挂着一幅与她有关的画片,其...
COMM: Neuvillette [Nick]
Commissioned by Sleepless Artist ___________________________________________________ Features: - Nick Survivor Model - Nick Viewmodel - Nick VGUI Materials - Facial Expressions - Jiggle Bones ___________________________________________________ Model from: ...
【Genshin Impact】Furina Replaces Coach「FIX」
Erstellt von Voersie
Mod is not my. I picked Ruka's mod and fixed it, so it doesn't glow in the dark places and have Vanilla accurate VGUI. Have fun! It was requested by ITHEUS All credits to: しぐれ るか(Shigure Ruka) https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/RukAS1gree Original mod: https://...
Replace Ellis with Lyney
Erstellt von Ash
Replaces Ellis with Lyney from Genshin Impact. This is my first mod ever so don't expect it to be perfect. I have not been able to make icons for Lyney in the menu, but I may do so in an update. Credits: - 8sianDude who made this GMOD model pack I got Lyne...
Navia [Genshin Impact] (Rochelle)
Erstellt von H.U.N.K
ALL Credits belongs to 流歌Ruka 流歌Ruka's Workshop: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/RukaOrz/myworkshopfiles/?appid=550 Original Mod: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3240892222 I just ported her to Rochelle I take 0 Credit for this! NOT RE...
Navia [Genshin Impact] (Zoey)
Erstellt von H.U.N.K
ALL Credits belongs to 流歌Ruka 流歌Ruka's Workshop: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/RukaOrz/myworkshopfiles/?appid=550 Original Mod: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3240892222 I just ported her to Zoey and added LightModels. I take 0 Cred...
Verknüpfte Kollektionen (5)
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Genshin 4 Dead Natlan Team
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In 5 Kollektionen von PS_FatCat
Genshin 4 Dead Sumeru Team
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Genshin 4 Dead Mondstadt Team
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Genshin 4 Dead Inazuma Team
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Genshin 4 Dead Liyue Team
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Genshin 4 Dead Natlan Team
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