Class of Heroes 2G: Remaster Edition

Class of Heroes 2G: Remaster Edition

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Class of Heroes 2G Basic Info Guide
By Sam Aconitum and 1 collaborators
a simple basic info guide for players who are new to Class of Heroes 2G
--Some of the names might not match because most of the data are obtained from the PSP version of Class of Heroes 2 which has a different English translation, this will be fixed later on--

The Purpose of this Guide
-To give new players some basic idea on what they will do to fully enjoy the game and suffer less from the hardships they will face in this game.

Note about Storage and Inventory
-Back in Class of Heroes 1, all of the character has their own small inventory so when they get lost, all of their belongings disappeared. In Class of Heroes 2, the character inventory is gone and the whole party has 1 big inventory that can store up to 100 items. Don't forget to put them in your storage in Crostini (the starting school). You still need to bring out items out of your storage once you need them for synthesizing, however.

Last Note
-Sorry in advance for the bad grammar. English is not my main language, and this guide may not update for a long while too. It might turn into a more proper guide when I feel like it.
BP and Stats
We first start by creating characters or enrolling students via the Office.
Here's what you need to know when creating characters.

Bonus points (BP)
-When you create a character, the game gives you a random BP from 1 (it can happen to you) to a staggering 60! You tend to get 10 most of the time and rarely get a 30. If you want to fish out more starting BP, just keep entering and exiting the Enroll section till you get the desired amount of BP. Since there is no limit to doing this, may the RNG goddess smile upon you.

Base Character Stats
  • Strength-STR
    -Increases the Physical Damage of your character and skills.
  • Wisdom-WIS
    -Increases the Magical Damage of your character and their debuff spell's success rate.
  • Faith-FTH
    -Increases the power of your character's Healing and Magic Resistance.
  • Vitality-VIT
    -Increases maximum HP gain on level up and chance of being revived.
  • Agility-AGI
    -Affects how fast your character takes action in combat(who will attack first) and success rate of fleeing and thievery skills.
  • Luck-LCK
    -Affects the success rate of thievery skills and increases the chance of dealing critical hit.

Additional Stats
  • Accuracy
    -Determines the success rate of landing attacks.
  • Evade
    -Determines the success rate of evading enemy attacks.
  • Defense
    -Reduces damage from enemy's physical attacks.
  • Number of Hits
    -This stat can only be seen in your weapons damage (the one with multiplier) and determines how many times they will attack with said weapons. Knuckles are the one with the highest number of hits but its downside is it lacks the immediate damage.

Race Exclusive Skills
  • Breath
    deals damage on enemies. number of hits depends on level.
  • Floating
    Allows the character to float: avoiding trap tiles, deep water tiles, and can't be dispelled by anti-magic tiles. Warp tile can still affect you, however.
  • Protection
    Negates instant-death attacks.

Note: I will list the stats in this layout.
  • Human
    Recommended Class: Any
    Stats: 8-8-8-9-8-9
    Race Skill: None
    Likes all races
    Author's note: They are the Jack of all Trades, Master of None type race. Until they get their specialty class Gunner. They can wield guns before that, though.

  • Elf
    Recommended class: Mage
    Stats: 7-10-10-7-9-8
    Race Skill: None
    Dislikes dwarves.
    Author's note: The blonde beauties of the forest. Highly intelligent race who are proficient at magic.

  • Dwarf
    Recommended class: Fighter
    Stats: 11-6-11-11-6-7
    Race Skill: None
    Dislikes elves
    Author's note: Short, kinda fluffy yet strong race. Will punch elves. Their exclusive class is Berserker.

  • Gnome
    Recommended class: Idol
    Stats: 5-14-11-5-5-9
    Race Skill: Protection, Floating
    Likes all races
    Author's note: A more kuudere-type race with blue hair and eyes except for the Idol Gnome variant who for some reason has red hair and eyes.

  • Khulaz
    Recommended class: Ranger
    Stats: 6-6-5-6-12-14
    Race Skill: None
    Dislikes Diabolos
    Author note:The halfling of Class of Heroes. Tiny and cute, speedy and inherently lucky race. Perhaps will steal your hearts and wallets.

  • Fairy
    Recommended class: Mage, Ranger
    Stats: 5-9-7-5-14-12
    Race Skill: Floating
    Likes humans
    Author note: No idea if they are tiny or human-sized.

  • Felpurr
    Recommended class: Any
    Stats: 9-7-8-10-12-6
    Race Skill: None
    Dislikes dwarves and is shy to all of the other races.
    Author's note: Hard race to raise affinities for. Their exclusive class is Beast.

  • Bahamoon
    Recommended class: Warrior
    Stats: 14-5-5-14-6-8
    Race Skill: Breath
    Likes gnomes.
    Author's note: Your go-to tanks and the only race that can use the Dragon Knight class.

  • Diabolos/Diablos
    Recommended class: Mage, Fighter
    Stats: 9-12-8-10-8-7
    Race skill: Breath
    Gnomes dislike them.
    Author's note: Your go-to tanky mage or even tanky fighter.

  • Celestia
    Recommended class: Mage
    Stats: 7-8-14-7-8-10
    Race Skill: Floating
    Dislikes Diablos.
    Author note: Your go-to healing mage. They are the only class that can take on the Fallen Angel class. foreshadowing foreshadowing

We are still testing each classes to provide more data on how good they are
Some of the names are based on the PSP version and may change later on.
Class skills will have this layout.

character can still inherit spells when changing class
ex. your mage turning into a fighter. she can still cast magic as a fighter

all of the class has soul circle class skill. this allows your character to return back to level 1 without losing their spells and stats. you can perform soul circle multiple times.(i only manage to do it 2-3 times in my characters in the PSP era)

  • Common
    Requirements: Any
    Race: All
    Class Skills
    99- Soul circle- passive- reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats
    Author note
    the Jack of all trades class that has access to wide variety of spells from healing, attack and to auxiliary spells. take this class when your character cant take certain class cuz of the lack of stats

  • Fighter/Warrior
    Race: All
    Class Skills
    13- Diablos Sword- active- Attacks 3 times.
    16- Dual Wield- passive- Allows to wield single handed weapon in each hand.
    26- Counter- passive- Chance to counter on each enemy attack taken.
    50- Dual Wield- passive- Allows to wield any melee weapons in both hands.
    99- Soul Circle- passive- Reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats
    Author note
    This is basically your basic warrior-esque type role that can suffice as a frontline tank or frontline melee damage dealer, may vary per race.

  • Monk
    STR:12 FTH:10 VIT:10
    Race: Human, Dwarf, Gnome, Felpur, Bahamoon
    Class Skills
    1- Closeout- passive- Evade stats increases. Goes down when armor is equipped.
    13- Rush- active- Attacks 1 enemy 3 times.
    20- Dual Wield- passive- Allows to wield single handed weapon in each hand.
    20- Counter- passive- Chance to counter on each enemy attack.
    50- Critical Up- passive- Deals more dmg with bare hands(no weapon equipped).
    60- True Dual-Wield- passive- Allows to wield any melee weapons in both hands.
    96- Soul Circle- passive- Reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats
    Author note
    a damage dealing class with good evasion.

  • Mage
    WIS:12 FTH:12
    Race: Human, Elf, fairy, Diablos, Celestia
    Class Skills
    1- power of evil- passive- more dmg against spirit and magical enemies.
    13- magic doubling- active- deals x2 magic dmg while consuming the double MP as well.
    98- soul circle- passive- reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats
    Author note
    This class has the healing, auxiliary, and offensive spells but that doesn't mean they can use them all of them efficiently. better get a character with high faith for the healer oriented Mage and a character with high wisdom for the offensive focused mage.

  • Ranger
    AGI:10 LCK:12
    Race: Human, Elf, GNOME, Khulaz, Fairy.
    Class Skills
    1- Thieves' pass- passive- increases effectiveness of lock picking, trap sensing, and trap deactivation.
    1- Hunting- passive- more dmg against beast enemies.
    7- Hide/Rob- active- hides then attacks enemies then tries to steal money form them.
    13- Lucky- passive- increases drop rate.
    28- Dual Wield- passive- allows to wield single handed weapon in each hand.
    94- Soul Circle- passive- reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats.
    Author note
    the combination of thief and archer class in Class of Heroes. each party should always have at least 1 ranger in your team for lock picking chests. and earning more money.

  • Puppeteer
    WIS:12 LCK:10
    Alignment: Neutral
    Race: Human, Khulaz, Diablos
    Class Skills
    1- Ghost Town- passive- more dmg against ghost and undead.
    7- Infinite Range ATK- passive- weapon range becomes unlimited.
    13- Summon Magic Wall- active- summons magic wall. use more to increase power.
    30- Dual Wield- passive- allows to wield single handed weapon in each hand.
    91- Soul Circle- passive- reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats.
    Author note
    good support type mage that uses debuffs to mess around with enemies.

  • Swordsman
    STR:12 WIS:13 FTH:9 VIT:12 AGI:11 LCK:9
    Alignment: Good
    Race: Human, Dwarf, Felpur, Celestian
    Class Skills
    7- Dual Wield- passive- allows to wield single handed weapon in each hand.
    13- Pimp Hand- active- attacks the entire front row of enemies.
    26- Hammer Time- passive- stops enemy attack and then counters. character level increases effectiveness.
    55- True Dual-Wield- passive- allows to wield any melee weapons in both hands.
    87- Soul Circle- passive- reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats.
    Author note
    a very good DPS class in Class of heroes 2 that also has access to good magic and has a few but good auxiliary spells that buffs allies accuracy.

  • Ninja
    STR:12 WIS:11 FTH: 11 VIT:12 AGI:14 LCK:15
    Alignment: Evil
    Race: Human, Khulaz, Diablos.
    Class Skills
    1- Closeout- passive- Evade stats increases. Goes down when armor is equipped.
    1- Thieves' Pass- passive- Increases effectiveness of lock picking, trap sensing, and trap
    1- Flowing Sword Master- passive- chance of knocking out enemy when bare handed.
    7- Hide/Assassination- active- Attacks enemies. Chance of inflicting instant death (affected by thievery).
    20- Dual Wield- passive- Allows to wield single handed weapon in each hand.
    26- Power of Evil- passive- More DMG against spirit and magical creatures.
    26- Ghost Town- passive- More DMG against ghost and undead
    55- True Dual-Wield- passive- Allows to wield any melee weapons in both hands.
    81- Soul Circle- passive- Reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats.
    Author note
    i consider this class as the advance version of the ranger focuses on close range combat.

  • Idol
    STR:6 WIS:6 FTH:12 VIT:12 AGI:6 LCK:16
    Race: all
    Class Skills
    1- Closeout- passive- Evade stats increases. Goes down when armor is equipped.
    13- Speaker- active- Song effects are doubled.
    20- MP Fakeout- passive- MP and HP are exchanged. no effects when MP is zero. ZERO EFFECTS when HP is ZERO.
    80- Soul Circle- passive- reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats.
    Author note
    in my opinion, idol is one of the best buffer support class in class of heroes.

  • Gunner
    STR:12 VIT:10 AGI:10 LCK:12
    Race: Human
    Class Skills
    1- Thieves' Pass- passive- Increases effectiveness of lock picking, trap sensing, and trap deactivation.
    1- Concentration- passive- Accuracy increase on fixed level. must equip gun to take effect.
    7- Headshot- passive- Chance of instant death on normal attacks.
    13- Sniper Shot- active- Instant death rate increases. concentration class skill increases effectiveness.
    33- Dual Wield- passive- Allows to wield single handed weapon in each hand.
    65- True Dual Wield- passive- allows to wield any melee weapons in both hands.
    91- Soul Circle- passive- reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats.
    Author note
    another advance version of Ranger but this time, they uses guns and in my opinion, has a better trigger rate of instant death unlike ninja.

  • Elementalist
    WIS:13 FTH:13 LCK:13
    Race: elf
    Class Skills
    1- Power of Evil- passive- more dmg against spirit and magical enemies.
    1- Ghost town- passive- more dmg against ghost and undead.
    13- Summon Up- active- empowers summoned spirit and recovers their hp.
    91- Soul Circle- passive- reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats.
    Author note
    do not immediately start as a summoner, start as a mage first and unlock all of the mage spells(final spell will unlock at level 22). male and female summoner has different summons. female gets its final(and stronger summon) at lvl 15 unlike the male one that has its final summon at lvl 17.
Class/Course/Major part 2
  • Berserker
    STR:18 VIT:18 AGI:12 LCK:10
    Race: Dwarf
    Class Skills
    1- Berserker- passive- allows to wield any melee weapons in both hands.
    1- Magic Block- passive- blocks spell casting
    13- Counter- passive- chance to counter on each enemy attack.
    42- Super Diablos Sword- active- attacks 1 enemies 6 times.
    80- Soul Circle- passive- reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats
    Author note
    the tankiest tank fueled with fiery rage.

  • Alchemist
    STR:10 WIS:15 FTH:13 VIT:10 AGI:8 LCK:13
    Class Skills
    1- Wrought of Gold- passive- can use alchemy in the field
    7- Power of Evil- passive- more dmg against spirit and magical enemies.
    13- Item Storm- active- allows item to be used multiple times in a row in 1 turn.
    29- Dual Wield- passive- allows to wield single handed weapon in each hand.
    45- True Dual-Wield- passive- allows to wield any melee weapons in both hands.
    80- Soul Circle- passive- reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats
    Author note
    an advance version of mage that can use alchemy on the get to.

  • Geomancer
    WIS:13 FTH:13 LCK:19
    Alignment: Neutral
    Race: Khulaz
    Class Skills
    1- Lucky- passive- increases drop rate.
    7- Ghost Town- passive- more dmg against ghost and undead.
    13- Ultra Geomancy- active- allows geomancer spells to be used in a group.
    45- Luck Bell- passive- increases exp and money gain in battle. lvl increaes effect.
    83- Soul Circle- passive- reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats
    Author note
    your end game money and item drops farming class.

  • Sage
    STR:6 WIS:19 FTH:17 VIT:6
    Race: Fairy
    Class Skills
    1- Power of Evil- passive- more dmg against spirit and magical enemies.
    1- Ghost Town- passive- more dmg against ghost and undead.
    13- Exchange MP- active- swaps your MP with an ally.
    40- Natural MP recovery- passive- MP recovers while walking.
    96- Soul Circle- passive- reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats
    Author note
    the advance version of Mage that has access to ancient spells. can recover MP while walking and can also steal MP from allies. recommend to party with class that barely uses MP.

  • Beast
    STR:15 VIT:13 AGI:18 LCK:10
    Race: Felpurr
    Class Skills
    1- Closeout- passive- Evade stats increases. Goes down when armor is equipped.
    1- Hunting- passive- More dmg against beast
    1- Flowing Sword Master- passive- Chance of knocking out enemy when bare handed.
    1- Magic Block- Blocks spell casting.
    7- Counter- passive- chance to counter on each enemy attack.
    13- Godly Assault- active- all out desperate attack on 1 enemy. def becomes 0.
    26- Dual Wield- passive- allows to wield single handed weapon in each hand.
    45- True Dual Wield- passive- allows to wield any melee weapons in both hands.
    87- Soul Circle- passive- reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats
    Author note
    as far as i can remember, it has the highest number of hit. i rarely used this class so i have not much info about it.

  • Dragoknight
    STR:15 WIS:10 FTH:13 VIT:15 AGI:10 LCK:13
    Alignment: good
    Race: Bahamoon
    Class Skills
    7- Dragon killing- passive- More dmg against dragon.
    13- Cover- active- Takes dmg from an ally who is about to get attacked.
    23- Dual Wield- Passive- Allows to wield single handed weapon in each hand.
    45- Max HP UP- passive- Max HP increases
    60- True Dual-Wield- passive- Allows to wield any melee weapons in both hands.
    83- Soul Circle- passive- Reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats
    Author note
    the most noble and the most tanky of all tanks. will becomes the shield for allies and its HP scales up to 9999. ITS OVER NINE THOUSAND!

  • Necromancer
    WIS:15 FTH:17 LCK:15
    Race: Diablos
    Class Skills
    1- Evil Deadly- passive- Big dmg against souls, undead, spirits, and demons.
    13- Hollow Requiem- active- Prays for refuge of the undead souls that are cleansed from the enemy.
    65- Soul wall- passive- Evades fatal dmg.
    91- Soul circle- passive- reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats
    Author note
    i have no idea what this class do cuz i never used it. i apologize.

  • Fallen Angel
    STR:15 WIS:14 VIT:15 AGI:15
    Alignment: Evil
    Race: Celestia
    Class Skills
    1- Corruption- passive- Add divine to attacks.
    4- Power of Evil- passive- More dmg against spirit and magical enemies.
    4- Ghost Town- passive- More dmg against ghost and undead.
    13- Raid- active- Attacks any enemy with Confusion. Accuracy and Evade +10.
    26- Dual Wield- Passive- Allows to wield single handed weapon in each hand.
    55- True Dual-Wield- passive- Allows to wield any melee weapons in both hands.
    85- Soul Circle- passive- Reverts back to lvl 1 without resetting stats
    Author note
    when your good hearted celestian healer got mad cuz your front row characters keeps dying so she decides to be in the front row to beat the enemies. a good frontliner that has access to offensive magic spells.

Class/Course/Major Availability per Academy
Crostini Academy
  • Common
  • Fighter
  • Monk
  • Mage
  • Ranger
  • Puppeteer
  • Swordsman
  • Ninja
  • Idol

Bruschetta Academy
  • Common
  • Mage
  • Puppeteer
  • Ninja
  • Idol
  • Elementalist
  • Sage
  • Alchemist
  • Geomancer
  • Dragoknight
  • Necromancer
  • Fallen Angel

|Panini Academy
  • Common
  • Fighter
  • Monk
  • Ranger
  • Swordsman
  • Ninja
  • Idol
  • Gunner
  • Berserker
  • Beast
  • Dragon Knight
  • Fallen Angel
  • Good-G
  • Neutral-N
  • Evil-E
Alignments can be change by consuming Fruit of Good or Fruit of Evil multiple times. A friendly encounter can also affect their alignment points. it takes a while for the alignment to update, and there are times when your neutral character is actually good/evil. it will only update your characters actual alignment when he/she is fed by their respective good or evil fruit AND have done their respective good or evil encounter.

Affinity of the characters in a party should be Good and Neutral or Neutral and Evil. it will increase above 100% every time you use party skills. Going for Good and Evil party will significantly drop the alignments below 50%!

Friendly Encounter
  • Attack
    All party member's alignment will slowly turn to Evil
  • Watch
    No alignment change
  • Leave
    All party member's alignment will slowly turn to Good
-Affinity is the overall conditions of your party liking each other. All of the party members starts at 100% and depending on the race and alignment, it can either increase or decrease. maximum alignment is 200%. Affects how much your Tension Gauge increases.
Tension/Morale Gauge and Party/Group Skills
Tension/Morale Gauge
Tension/Morale gauge is the bar in your upper right corner. It allows your party to perform party skills.

Party/Group skills
  • Blazing Fist
    Damages all enemies and ignores enemy defenses.
    Requirements: 2 Fighter-type characters
    Tension Bar Cost: 50

  • Dance Rapture
    Basically a strong version of Blazing Fist.
    Requirements: 1 Fighter + Berserker or Beast-type characters
    Tension Bar Cost: 75

  • The Great Escape
    100% chance escape except certain special battles.
    Requirements: 1 Thief-type characters
    Tension Bar Cost: 10

  • Wall Summon
    Physical and magic shield on a selected character only.
    Requirements 2 Mage-type characters
    Tension Bar Cost: 40

  • MP Doubling
    Doubles the magic effects of a selected character. Works well with certain spells.
    Requirements 2 Mage-type characters
    Tension Bar Cost: 50

  • Focus Fire
    Sure hit attacks on the first row of enemies.
    Requirements: 2 Fighter-type characters
    Tension Bar cost: 40

  • Magic Purify
    Heals debuffs and fully restore HP. Can't revive.
    Requirements: Any.
    Tension Bar Cost: 50

Recommended Optimal Party build
We first start by making an optimal party to survive early.
This is my recommended starting class set-up:

Front Row
  • Fighter
  • Fighter
  • Fighter
Back Row
  • Ranger
  • Mage
  • (another) Mage or Idol

Note: Characters in the Back Row can't attack if they have a weapon range of S (Short) but spellcasters (Sorcerers) can still cast offensive magics against enemies. Any Front Row party members that gets knocked out, paralyzed, sleep, or fear will be placed in the back row automatically and will come back to their original position when their debuffs expire
this recommended party also ignores the party affinity.

Recommended Races
  • I recommend getting the Bahamoon, and/or Daiblos as your fighter that will act as tank.
  • Bahamoon can be turned into a Dragoknight for a guardian tank.
  • Diablos can be turned into a Ninja so replace the ranger and can act as a dodge tank with lots of spells and utilities.
  • Khulaz can be a Ranger for Trap Disarming.

    Quick note: If you didn't know, chests have the probability to be trapped and can easily cause unwarranted deaths if you are not careful. Best be smart about it! Or in this case: Get Lucky. Literally. Chest disarming depends on the Luck stat and it just so happens that Khulaz has a high Luck Stat.

    Apart from that, Khulaz can later on be turned into a Geomancer for increased EXP, Money and drop rate.

Mage Section
My race recommendation by category will include:
  • Offensive-oriented Mage:
    Elf or Diablos since they have high Wisdom.
  • Healer-oriented Mage:
    Celestia since they have high Faith. Healing scales heavily on it.
  • Quick Caster Mage
    Due to Fairy's naturally high Agility stats, they tend to perform action first which is a big help if you need to open up a big magic spells or immediately heal allies who received huge damage from previous turn.
    Fairy can be turned into a Sage to access even more stronger spells.
  • Support/Buffer-oriented Mage
    Gnome works best as an idol due to its high Wisdom and Faith. The Idol class has access to some decent healing spells and a lot of good buffs.
    Alternatively, you can turn your Gnome into a Alchemist for the item crafting on the go.

-As a good memo to keep, do not spam offense spells with Mages in the early game. Save MP to heal your front liners and/or curing debuffs. Once you unlock the spells that can hit an entire row of enemies, you can consider using MP for their offense there.

You may be able to change classes at any point in the game, but do keep in mind their level resets to 1.
What to do next
You only have 1 dungeon accessible at the very beginning and its the Forest of Beginnings.

Your first goal at this stage is to raise their level to 3-4 and acquire decent equipment purely as drops.

Take the Mr. Galenus' Syringe quest which is a repeatable quest. This quest needs you to obtain and deliver an item called Sharp Needle. This quest will reward you with a random synthesis material at first, but the subsequent submissions will reward 3 Fire Hex. It comes with the added bonus of filling up your Tension Gauge by 20 per quest completion.

note! a lot of quest in Class of Heroes 2 has bad rewards and most of them makes you waste money without them returning said wasted money.

Forest of Beginnings doesn't give much EXP and money so only farm until levels 3-4 before aiming to unlock the next is the Witch's Forest and the Cassata Desert. These will unlock when you take the Crostini quest: Volone's Wish.

Witch's Forest gives a decent chunk of money and EXP but it has a lot of difficult enemies (watch out for Raadish and Tongueba-s) and the first map that'd throw in a lot of traps and mechanics to each area.

about story progression
after reaching a certain story quest, all of the side quest in crostini will disappear and can not be undone unless you restart from scratch.
quest located in the upper most section are the main quest while the quest in the lower section are the side quests.
Dungeons and Dangers
Dungeons are full of trap tiles and those traps could outright wipe your entire party so thread carefully!
Always buy maps before entering any new maps or dungeons.

Here are the known trap tiles.

Trap Tiles
  • Warp Tile
    warps your party to a predetermined location. it wont kill you but you most of the time but can lead to some nasty area filled with other trap tiles. you sometimes need to take warp tile to progress. cant be evaded by float.

  • Deep Tile
    The game will stop you to thread deep tiles but teleporting to a deep tile will result to killing your characters without any Float. Can be traversed with the Floatir spell or Float equipment/race passive safely. The Floatir spell can be cancelled by anti-magic tile.

  • Anti-magic Tile
    Prevents you to use magic and instantly removes persistent buffs. Some deep tiles has anti-magic tiles in it so you better get an equipment or race that has float in it because this wont be canceled by the anti magic spell.

  • Shock Tile
    Stepping on this tile will damage all of your characters and nay cause a party wipe if your characters are low level. Can be evaded by Float.

  • Turn Tile
    The nastiest of all the nastiest trap tile. It will confuse your orientation and force you to face a random direction when stepped on. Seems completely harmless? Well, it almost always comes with the combo of a Shock Wall or mechanics that require precision-based traversal.

  • Shock Wall
    The Shock Tile on walls. Bumping into this will damage your entire party. Cannot be evaded by Float.

  • Slide Tiles
    These tiles force you to slide to the direction you were originally moving to until you bumped to a wall or the tile outside the Slide Tile. Some maps utilize Slide Tiles as a form of puzzle. Cannot be evaded by Float

  • Push Tile
    These tiles will push your party to a more specific direction. mostly towards another push tile and rarely to any of aforementioned Trap Tiles. Most dungeons utilize push tiles as a form of puzzle. Cannot be evaded by Float.

  • Any items that cures specific or all debuffs/ailments.
  • Crystal Orb or Return Tickets for easy dungeon escape in case your healer/tank dies.
  • Respective area maps.
  • Some healing consumables for when your healers run out of mana.
BEWARE! Death has phases!
This game has perma-death so be careful!
Its stages include:
  • Death
    -The state your character will fall into when their HP reaches zero. At this stage, they can simply be revived via Clinic / Infirmary or by using a Revive spell / items. If reviving succeeds, they will come back to life with 1hp. Some spells will revive them with outright full HP. There's a chance to fail this and they move on to the Ash state.

  • Ash
    -Okay. It's as bad as it sounds. Characters in this state is in a dangerous spot of being outright deleted from the playthrough. But all hope isn't lost despite that. The Clinic / Infirmary and certain items still can bring them back to 1 HP as if revived from Death state as normal, but this time they'd have a chance to fail and they'd end up being Lost.

  • Lost
    -Gone. Reduced to atoms. Non-existence.
    Any character triggering this state will be gone forever alongside their items.

    As of writing this guide(and even back then in the PSP era of CoH2) i haven't found any way to fully recover lost characters. I like to believe there is a way to bring them back to life again that I just haven't stumbled upon yet.

As such, there is absolutely no need to brute force fights, FLEE from combat if an encounter is too hard.

Money and Leveling
Good areas to level farming
please comment down below where you are leveling

  • Witch's Forest - Signs Mark Your Trail
    hunt down the dragon enemies (Tongueba) and the turnip looking enemies (Raadish).
    Be careful as this area is filled to the brim with anti-magic tiles.
  • Just move there then move to x:19 y:12 then proceed to the "Where Everyone Stopped" warp then go back to "Signs Mark Your Trail" warp and to x:17 y:12 battle node. Just make sure that your party can take a hit when you do this method.

Alternatively, the Infirmary in Crostini (or the infirmaries of any of the other schools) has a Donate function. This will convert 1 gold into 1 exp. Farm that money, and bank it into the characters.
Class of Heroes 2 World Map [WIP]
Class of Heroes 2 Map WIP
Area and Dungeon names are based on the PSP version and will be updated later


i wont spoil much but you will return to Class of Heroes 1 world
class of heroes 1 and class of heroes 2 has a different world, i wont spoil how they will get connected

Known Bugs
  • Bruschetta Dormitory
    -The Dormitory's labels in Bruschetta are messed up in order but still working, respective to the other schools.
  • Can't change to Panini exclusive classes
    -Can't change the non-Panini student classes into Panini exclusive classes (needs further testing to limit test all that fit this category)
Final note from the author
Witch's Forest may be a steep difficulty curve, but if you survive all that--


You are now ready to tackle even harder upcoming dungeons. You can now explore the game on your own ways.

I do hope this guide has helped you lessen all the frustration that comes along with it being an old game. Most importantly, enjoy the game! and don't drop your Ash, friends

i actually made this guide for my dear friend who i invited to play the original class of heroes 2 in psp but didnt last due to how difficult it is and she has ZERO guides at all! she literally played it blindly. now, with the help of this guide, she has progress way far from me and has a more stronger characters and she can even solo level them all!
Sam Aconitum  [author] 14 May @ 9:55am 
nah, its fine.
Lestion Grey 14 May @ 8:48am 
oh sorry i can delete the comment if you want. I didnt realize, im sorry.
Do you want me to delete it?
Sam Aconitum  [author] 14 May @ 8:43am 
@Lestion Grey i did not put that map in the guide so people could explore the dungeon on their own like i did back then.
adventure academia was a bit horrible iirc so i never purchased that game.
Lestion Grey 14 May @ 8:34am 
If you save and then leave the game battle areas reset as soon as you return to the game. These areas sometimes drop chests. If youre grinding go to an area like this and rinse repeat.

Finnaly this game has sequels, one of them is on the switch under the name adventure academia. i think its also on steam. No idea if its good. Also theres a lot more to this game that i dont know as i dont speak japanese so if you do know please tell me.
Any questions feel free to annoy me as well. I wont promess to answer everytime but ill do so when possible. Have fun everyone XD
Lestion Grey 14 May @ 8:33am 
Speaking of mage, its is prob the best first pick overall. You have acess to teleport later at level 15 which will be the fastest method of transportation in early game, barring wyvern tickets.
- You dont need a high level party to complete the final boss. Also you dont need a full party.
- There are 3 types of chest. By pressing check repeatedly the rarity will change. Abuse this to you will. Every drop is random. Do tell me if you find a chest that always gives you the same items or that has an item list. If your item level isnt good sometimes this means you got shafted. Reroll away !
- To check how good an item is check its level in the description. also if you cant equip an item do check its species in the description as some races arent allowed to equip some items. In the end game there is an item that changes this.
Lestion Grey 14 May @ 8:32am 
Fallen angel is one if not the best class in the game but also one of the hardest to level up. This is due to the level at which certain magic spells are learned. Bomb and ragnarok being the most OP. Also Scythes are OP. If you get lucky (extremely so less than 1% chance by my playthroughs) they may drop in Kassata desert.
- Known bug/ weird feature: As far as i know stones to increase a characters stats dont work if youve already reached the stat cap which is annoying to say the least. In the psp game the stones also didnt work and the recipe for making them was wrong.
- Classes have certain types of magic they allow a character to learn. Do be carefull changing classes. Always drop a save when you do.
- On level up the game randomizes HP and MP given to the character. Try to save right before doing so, in order to not get destroyed. 20 -25 HP and 25 MP is generally considered very good. Specialy with an easy/basic class (like mage)
Lestion Grey 14 May @ 8:32am 
as someone who spent too much time on this game as a teenager:

You have the maps of every dungeon online since this is not a new game. I reccomend going to the Gaijinworks page -> game help-> class of heroes 2 -> maps
In case that i can post a link here:
-If your looking to play the game for the first time the game manual actually gives you the basics and also has the affinity table. Just in case you dont feel like reading a guide.
- Speaking of guides this google sheets will help prob ( credit to the person who made this (sorry i forgot)
- Recipes are the same but a lot of items names were changed. (
Sam Aconitum  [author] 7 May @ 5:38am 
thank you for reading our guide! hope it helps you greatly!
Sam Aconitum  [author] 7 May @ 5:36am 
@ScorpiusG most of the names came from the early translation of Class of Heroes 2 in PSP
ScorpiusG 6 May @ 2:53pm 
Necromancer's Wisdom requirement is 15, not 14.

Also "Tension Gauge" was called "Morale Gauge" in CoH1 AE, but I guess this wasn't covered in this one (at least very early on).

Thanks for the guide otherwise.