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Basic Guide for Carribean! [Outdated, check official guide]
Por Miku
See the official guide for explanations of basically everything...

This should be a basic guide to this game, for people who never played this kind of game.
This game uses the Mount and Blade Engine, but varies greatly in many aspects. I made this guide to give most people an idea how to deal with this all new game.

If you find anything you want to add, just leave a comment

Everytime a new patch is out, i will rework the guide if nesseccary.
Guide is basically pointless...
This is the official guide for the game, made by Snowbird, which includes ultra detailed descriptions and official words on everything important in the game.
You may be able to find some interesting stuff, so i will keep this guide up.
This game is not mod for Mount&Blade. Its an eniterly new game, using the M&B engine. There are some similiarties , which are easily recognised by M&B players.

The guide is currently under heavy reconstruction. You may miss a few things that were present a few mins before.

I want to cover:
-world map
-land battles
-sea battles
-city management
-nation differnces

I dont mention a few things, because players should explore the game on their own, rather than having their hand held all the time. You can figure out many things on your own, this guide is just a help or reminder for a few basic things.

I write this guide while i play this game, some information can be faulty, incomplete or not found yet.
In this case i ask for corrections or suggestions.
The controls are well known:
WASD to move, mouse to look around
all controls can be viewed in the ESC-menu screens controls section and can be rebound there

The army commands vary depending on the Battle.
See each Section for a closer description

The Naval controls are displayed as soon as you enetr the first naval battle:
move your mouse over a symbol and wait a few seconds to get a description for them.
They can also be seen in:
World map->Quests->Game Concepts
World Map
This is what you see once you enter the game after Character creation.
Depending on your faction choice, the cities can be friendly, hostile or neutral.

There isnt much to say, you move around with a left click.
Right click opens a dropdown menu, this works on armies and locations.
At the bottom, you can find a few buttons:

Camp->Wait at your spot
Reports->You can see stuff like Weekly Budget and your realtions to the Factions
Quests->Your quests -.- and more reports, especially about people and Factions and events
Inventory->Guess what it does
Character->Same question
Party->Manage your gang and your fleet

Traveling on the world map consumes food, make sure you got enough or your party mutineers.
Cities are the only place that allows you to walk on an island, you dont need to enter the city, you can just pass through it, no matter is it is hostile or friendly.
Land Battles
I found 2 types of Land Battles:

Open field Battles:
-good old Army vs Army
-you can use purchased field cannons to your advantage
---> real killers, get a gunner or do it yourself
-you have a horse and a gun, use it to harrass the enemy and draw their attention from your approaching army

the controls are displayed on the right side of your screen

backspace -> opens a battlemap
---> click on a unit and drop it at the desired location, if the picture greys out the unit will charge the enemy
---> rest the mouse on a unit to set one of 3 modes (charge, follow me, hold position)
---> general orders can be given, charge, follow me and hold position
---> you can always move your troops around
---> once given the chrage command, you can regain the formation/unit by clicking on the corresponding picture on the right side of the map

-you attack or defend a fortification
-attacker approach using multiple climbing spots. they are on all sides of the fort, except the back
-the defenders occasionally fall from the wall, there are broken pallisade pieces. the attacking AI somtimes wont follow them and ignores them even if they attack them

There are none


You can claim your loot after battle.
You will get weapons and armor.
Sea Fights
-Sink your enemy or board them simple as that
-3 types of ammo:
------just damage the enemy ship
------damage the crew
------destroy the sail, slows the enemy down
-4 sail types:
---full,2/3,1/3 and no sails
-you can speed up the time x2,x3 and reduce the time to half
-wind is important it determines your speed

-like land battles just kill all enemies, no extra commands
-be careful on the enemy ship, your allies need a while to get there
-a boarding allows you to capture a ship and empty its cargohold
-both sides get frequent reinforcements, there are never more than 40 soldiers of each side present, no matter how large the army is
-->infirmary upgrade is a must have if you board, otherwise your crew will die like f


You can claim your loot after the battle and pick up goods from sunken ships


For a complete list of all available ships + stats, see this guide:

Peoples Additions:
[SNP]Rancor: The accuracy of cannons is reduced A LOT if you shoot while turning your ship.
Giving sailors some time of stabilise the course before shooting cannons results in very good accuary.
Your character
Your own Character is a pretty complex topic and i dont see any reason to compete Dunnykins guide:
If you want to know more about starting bonuses and such stuff, have a look at it.

You can choose a few backgrounds just like old M&B
Then proceed to give your char some nice stats.
At last, his face.

You will get trait points everytime you level up. You can use them for traits, provided you have the nesseccary skills for them.

Here is an official explanation of the reputation system:
Town Management
this is a city:
the city doesnt look any different if you rule it

The buildings:
-market place: you can buy weapons, armor and horse for your character
-fort: add/remove soldiers to the garrison, cant remove soldiers if you dont own the city
-garrison: hire regular infantry/cavalry soldiers, accessible if part of the nation that owns the city
-mansion: the home of officers and yours (if you own the city)
-town hall: you can add/remove manufacturies here
-shipyard: buy/sell/upgrade ships
-tavern: stay overnight or walk around in it in order to buy upgraded weapons or hire officers, you can also ransom your prisoners here (the npcs for these actions are not always present)
here they are: master weponsmith, master armorer and ransom broker (right to left)
you can sell your prisoners to the ransom broker. otherwise you can only execute them.
one of the 12 officers waiting for you

the basic commerce/armory features are always present and you can always add/remove commercial buildings to/from a city

You can access the storage eith your wares, provided it was built already, by clicking on the icon between the trading window and the message board icon. It worls like the trading window.

The message board:
-hire low tier soldiers
-get trading and fighting quests
-get letter of marques and join a nation

you can filter the messages by clicking on the headline "All Messages"
filters: All Messages->Messages for Mercenaries->Messages from the town->Messages from the Nation->All Messages->repeat

How to get a city:

Besiege a city->construct ladders->start an assault->annex the town->you can ask to govern the city or just leave it as it is->your admiral(if you serve a nation) will appoint you as governor, keep in mind that you need a positive relation to the admirals nation

If you are in charge of a city, you can add urban buildings:
these are crucial for soldier recruitment as well as prosperity and income of the city.
They are kinda expensive, make sure you have enough money before you take over a city.
Just click on the buildings image, an explanation of it will be shown to the right of the window.
Keep in mind these buildings have requirements like preceeding buildings or a min. prosperity.
Its worth noticing that you can hire Veteran soldiers right away if you have the "Training Camp" in your city.
You can aquire cannons if a city has the "Casting Works" building. It requires a high prosperity though. It will also lower the cost for naval artillery in this city.

You can now visit the garrison, this will open a menu:
it works like the trading window. select a unit and drag them towards your side.

---garrisoning troops---
-you can assign your troops to the local garrison, just visit the fort to do so
-keep in mind that your units are lost if you dont get control over the town
-the menu is pretty simple:
-any freed prisoner after a successful defense against invaders can be added to your army

-Someone besieges your town

How to loose a town:
-loose a siege
-leave the parent countries service

Troop recruitment (for people cant figure it out on their own)

Message board:
-You can hire colonial soldiers, cheap but kinda weak
-just click on their offer and close the board, you will hire as many as possible

Via the Garrsion:
-join a faction
-select the soldier you want (regular or sometimes elite)
-drag the amount of soldiers you want to the right (your side), release soldiers by dragging the mouse to the left
-you can see your max amount of soldiers in the top right corner, you cant confirm the changes if you hire too many soldiers or cant pay for them


-you need to have the Captain military rank, then go and assault a nation. capture a city afterwards.
-leave the faction you're currently in, having one or more towns under your control before that.
-choose the "This shall not stand!" option in the dialogue about towns ownership with the lord of your current faction. You'll need to have one or or more towns under your control prior to that as well.

->no port taxes in your own nations ports<-
Recent patches introduced "Rich" versions of many weapons and armor.
They are more expensive, have better stats and a more polished look than the regular versions.

-short range
-fast reload
-low bullet damage
-lowest gun precision
-usable on horseback
-optional axe or mace barrel

-medium range
-medium reload
-average bullet damage
-average precision
-usable on horseback
->just a weaker musket

-long range
-slow reload
-high bulletdamage, even officers can drop with a single shot
-cant be used on horseback
-optional bayonet

-all around weapons
-more swing damage than rapier

two handed swords:
-long range
-cant be used on horseback

-piercing weapon

partisan/pike/hellbard/boarding pike/etc
-longer range melee weapons
-stab horsemen or enemies climbing siege ladders or stab the defenders from the ladder
-most damage dealt with the tip, keep the enemy away from you or you need to stab the enemy twice or more
-can break through enemy blocks

-blunt weapons

-bonus against shields

-cant block
-low damage
-short range

-throwable explosives
-dangerous to you and your soldiers

-ammo for your guns
-available in 12 and 14 packs
-avialable in light, normal and heavy versions increasing the damage
The 12 Captains
You can hire 12 Captains during your travels. They can be found randomly in the various taverns.
Each one of them will give you a treasure hunting side quest. Ask the tavern keeper if he knows any suitable person for the postion of a captain.

1. Hire Captain
2. When you approach different cities, one of them may leave your army for a few days
3. The captain will return with a treasure location
4. Get to the treasure location and dig it out
5. Aquire a piece of a Special map and a few letters of a sentence

This will happen for all Captains, be wary some have a broken dialogue
You can view your Special map progress in the camp

Apart of that, you can set these Captains as captains for your fleet.

Below you can see the names of the officers and the cities involved in their quest
(i found these so far):
Name - City:
Alonso Incosa - San Augustin (found by Flatcaps)
John Kirk - Tortuga
Juba - Baracoa
Vanhouten - Puerto Plata, Espiritu Santo (found by mateuszguzik1110)
Father Gober - Saint Vincent
Jose de Alba - Campeche (found by Wou)
Chibchan - Santiago (found by Flatcaps)
Frogling - Montego Bay (found by Wou)
Lamore - Penascola (found by mateuszguzik1110)
Patrick Gordon - Cayman Islands (found by The Duke)
Bodgan - Fort St. Louis (found by Wou)
Francois Tributore - Nombre de Dios (found and named by Wou)
Final Words
Like i said, its Wok in Progress.
Feel free to contribute, it wont hurt.

I hope some folks found some enlightment and thanks to anyone who contributes to this guide.
80 comentarios
firgael1 1 MAY 2015 a las 11:24 a. m. 
This helps ALOT! Thank You! Also, I just read the other comments -they help. On sea battles, I generally board as I keep enough men (marines, etc). When approaching a ship, I always shoot a bow cannon with grapeshot right befor boarding. This reduces their crew to my advantage.
Miku  [autor] 1 MAY 2015 a las 6:38 a. m. 
you can only build in slots that have an arrow next to them. grey arrows mean that you can build more or any buildings.
your taxes will be given to you every week on payday, no need to visit each city.
same goes for any revenues from your investments.

as far as i know, the numer of free slots is fixed at game start
firgael1 30 ABR 2015 a las 7:18 p. m. 
I figured part of this out but what about the greyed-out buttons. Is it not possible to build in such a slot with a zero in it? Can I only collect money (taxes?) in a city where I am governer or can I get money from any city where I invest? How long does it take in my city to produce another free slot? I have only had this game for about a week.
firgael1 30 ABR 2015 a las 7:00 p. m. 
I can't seem to get my resource button to work in Town Management. It says there is a free slot but when I click mon a slot it bleeps but does nothing else. How do I do this? I have tried it in several cities ( am with the Spanish faction) and am governer of Tortuga.
Miku  [autor] 28 ABR 2015 a las 5:18 a. m. 
board enemies or increase your army/trading rank.
the traders may need some ingame days to refresh
russian_kiIIer 28 ABR 2015 a las 1:31 a. m. 
But then. how do you get ships bigger than the Sloop of War?
russian_kiIIer 28 ABR 2015 a las 12:57 a. m. 
Nvm, I know how now.
russian_kiIIer 28 ABR 2015 a las 12:56 a. m. 
Question, how do you join a nation?
Miku  [autor] 11 ABR 2015 a las 11:34 a. m. 
check the message board in the cities, they offer joining them there
reputation = or > 0
Perses 11 ABR 2015 a las 11:18 a. m. 
How can i get into a faction and how much they have to like me there for?

--Very nice guide rlly enjoy this