Rebel Inc: Escalation
Soviet Invasion
Category: Real World
Language: English
171.511 KB
23 เม.ย. 2024 @ 8: 08pm
9 ม.ค. @ 11: 51pm
8 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )
In this scenario the USSR invades you you can choose which region you will defend difficulty will vary depending on how lucky or unlucky you get on the start changed initiatives are yellow good luck (sorry for lazy description cant think of a longer one but please leave your opinions on this scenario in the comments on the steam workshop so i know what is bad and what is good also on my other scenarios)

update 29th of april 2024: fixed elections not being free due to inflation sensitivity

update 10th of january 2025: reduced reputation gain from destroying camps, reduced base support level and hostility level, reduced starting funds, made peace negotiation very slightly easier, slightly increased effectiveness of the soviet airforce (insurgent strength) camps can now take more airstrikes, reduced starting reputation, adjusted the prices of many initiatives (for the sake of keeping this scenario playable with all governors i couldnt adjust the prices and functions of governor intiatiatives) overall harder than before
1 ความเห็น
Evgenij 11 มิ.ย. 2024 @ 3: 48pm 
Sorry i dont play against my self