Dead Island 2

Dead Island 2

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Dead Island 2 Achievement Guide
Af SilverFox
A guide to earning all the achievements in DI2
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There are 59 achievements in DI2, broken out as follows:

Story Related (12) – These achievements cannot be missed as long as you play the game all the way through.
Quests (9) – These achievements are related to completing the 3 types of side quests.
Challenges (6) – These achievements are related to completing the first (or only tier) of the 6 challenge trees.
Collectibles (5) – These achievements are related to collecting various items or doing repetitive tasks.
Combat (8) – These achievements are related to how you choose to fight zombies in the game.
General Gameplay (3) – These achievements can’t be easily categorized.
Co-op (2) – These are related to multi-player content.
Haus (6) – These are the achievements from the Haus DLC.
SoLA (6) – These are the achievements from the SoLA DLC.
Patch 6 (2) - These 2 achievements were added with the sixth patch.

Appendix A lists all skill cards and how they are obtained.
Appendix B lists all weapon perk blueprints and where to find them.
Appendix C lists all weapon mod blueprints and where to find them.
Appendix D lists all consumable blue prints and where to find them.
Story Related (12 Achievements)
Main Story – Unmissable (12)

Welcome To Hell-A - Survive a plane crash, get bitten, and create your first Zombie-Free Zone.
Complete “Bel-Air Brawl” (Main Quest #3).

Hotel California - Fight through the Halperin Hotel to make contact with the authorities.
Complete “Call the Cavalry” (Main Quest #4)

Personal Assistant Personally Assisted - Track down Michael and rescue him from the Terror at Monarch Studios.
Complete “Michael Anders and the Holy Grail” (Main Quest #9)

Git Gutte! - Join forces with Sam B and get your hands on some firepower.
Complete "Serengeti Siren" aka “Justifiable Zombicide” (Main Quest #10)

Friends Like These - Encounter a mysterious... benefactor? Well, that's what she'd call herself, anyway.
Complete “The Red Mist” (Main Quest #14)

Dr. Reed, I Presume? - Survive the many perils of Venice Beach and meet Dr. Reed at the Serling Hotel.
Complete “The Final Gauntlet” (Main Quest #17)

But Doctor, I am Butcho - Slay a killer clown and get your blood sample back to Dr. Reed.
Complete “Boardwalking Dead” (Main Quest #19)

Can't Handle the Truth - Learn the truth about what you are as dark secrets are revealed.
Complete “The Search for Truth” (Main Quest #21)

Humanity Distilled - Equip your first Numen Skill Card.
Complete “The Search for Truth” (Main Quest #21) and the card will be automatically applied

Like Riding a Bike - Find Patton and convince him to fly you out of Hell-A.
Complete “Rage Quit” (Main Quest #22)

A Patton Emerges - Survive the Metro system and get to Hollywood Boulevard.
Complete “The End of the Line” (Main Quest #23)

Our True Nature - Give up your chance to be human again.
Complete “Hollywood Ending” (Main Quest #24)

List of Main Missions (Bolded missions are associated with story achievements)
1. Flight of the Damned
2. Desperately Seeking Emma
3. Bel-Air Brawl
4. Call the Cavalry
5. Room Service for Major Booker
6. The Chosen One
7. O Michael, Where Art Thou?
8. Kwon With The Wind
9. Michael Anders and the Holy Grail
10. Serengeti Siren (Justifiable Zombicide)
11. Saddle Up for Santa Monica
12. Flushed
13. The Heart of Darkness
14. The Red Mist
15. The Giant Slayer
16. Beach Offensive
17. The Final Gauntlet
18. Blood Drive
19. Boardwalking Dead
20. Plumbing the Depths
21. The Search for Truth
22. Rage Quit
23. The End of the Line
24. Hollywood Ending
Quests (9 Achievements)
Making Your Mark - Complete 10 non-Story Quests.

Rising Star - Complete 20 non-Story Quests.

LA Influential - Complete 40 non-Story Quests.

There are 33 Non-Story Quests, 6 Lost and Found Weapons Quests and 9 Lost and Found Missing Persons Quests for a total of 48 qualifying quests in the main game for these achievements.

List of Non-Story Quests (33 Total)

Bel-Air (4 side quests)
-The Death of the Party - given by Curtis after leaving Emma’s mansion at an intercom.
-#Clickbait – given by Amanda on the roof in Bel-Air after visiting the Halperin Hotel (Call the Cavalry Main Quest #4) – Note this quest is needed for the “Internet Famous” achievement.
-Creature Comforts – must complete “The Death of the Party” first, by Curtis in the basement.
-It’s Not Your Fault – given by Luciana at Emma’s mansion

Beverly Hills (9 side quests)
-Resurrect the Rex – speak to Rikky after “Kwon with the Wind”, Main Quest #8
-The Ballad of Rikky Rex – also from Rikky but must do “Resurrect the Rex” first.
-Body Art: The Visionary – Francesca in the garage of the red roof
-Body Art: Heft – collect the journal off the notice board beside Francesca.
-Body Art: Moist– collect the journal off the notice board beside Francesca.
-Body Art: Uproar– collect the journal off the notice board beside Francesca.
-Body Art: Vigor– collect the journal off the notice board beside Francesca.
-Body Art: Dread– collect the journal off the notice board beside Francesca.
-Body Art: The Unveiling – go back and speak to Francesca after a short time – Note this will earn you the “Gore Horse” achievement.

Halperin Hotel (2 side quests)
-The Rav-Ages of Caustic X – Answer the distress call from Rav after leaving the gas station and just before leaving Monarch studios– Note this quest is needed for the “Go, Bobcats!” achievement.
-Boz Makes a Bang – When starting the main quest “Blood Drive” (Main Quest #18) use the radio in the Serling Hotel lobby – Note this quest is needed for the “Go, Bobcats!” achievement.

Monarch Studios (1 side quests)
-The Terror of Sound Stage 7 – given by the radio in Monarch Studios after “It Came From Monarch Studios” which is a side quest given at “The Pier” – Note this quest is needed for the “Make it So” achievement.

Brentwood Sewer (0 side quests)

Venice Beach (5 side quests)
-Cold Pork – from Trent at the Blue Carb Seafood Bar and Grill
-Cremains of the Day – W.O. Rodriguez at the Lifeguard HQ
-Organ Donor - from Trent at the Blue Carb Seafood Bar and Grill.
-Coast Guardian - Must do “Cold Pork” first.
-Diaries of the Dead - W.O. Rodriguez at the Lifeguard HQ

Ocean Avenue (4 side quests)
-Scooped! – distress call from a van on Stoker Place.
-The Art of War – Rosa in the Serling Hotel (bar)
-More Than the Badge – Jimmy Serling Hotel (corridor to bar)
-Lending a Hand – Luther in Serling Hotel (bedrooms)

The Pier (6 side quests)
-Message in a Bottle – After “Boardwalking Dead” (Main Quest #19, look for a message in a bottle
-Like and Follow – Must do “Click Bait” first, look for Amanda Styles at the Ferris Wheel (daytime) – Note this quest is needed for the “Internet Famous” achievement.
-The Hero’s Journey – Must do “Coast Guardian First”, under the pier near the shoreline listen for someone calling out.
-Red Tide – Carmen at the Lifeguard HQ.
-It Came from Monarch Studios – interact with the radio receiver to get this from Sarah – Note this quest is needed for the “Make it So” achievement.
-Dez and the Mother of ♥♥♥♥♥ – Hana on the radio receiver near the CDC area– Note this quest is needed for the “Go, Bobcats!” achievement.

Metro (0 side quests)

Hollywood Boulevard (2 side quests)
-Going Viral – Activates after completing the game, enter the Re-Aging Clinic and find Amanda’s Phone - Note this quest is needed for the “Internet Famous” achievement.
-Beacon of Hope – Simon in the Re-Aging Clinic - Note this quest is needed for the “Make it So” achievement.

Lost and Found Weapon Quests (6 total)
See “Sharpest Tool in the Box” Achievement below.

Lost and Found Missing Persons Quests (9 total) found in the Serling Hotel job board.
See “Sole Survivor” achievement below.

Sharpest Tool in the Box - Complete 5 Lost and Found Weapon Quests.

There are 6 total so you can miss one to get the achievement:
1) Bel-Air – My Mailman was a Zombie Guide – starts after you return to Bel-Air from Monarch Studios; approach the delivery truck and pick up the journal called “Special Delivery” to trigger the quest.
2) Beverly Hills – The Clean and Snatch – During the main quest (#8) “Kwon with the Wind” go to the back where the pool is and look for the journal called “A Parting Gift” on the crate in the pool.
3) Venice Beach - Jo’s Rainy Day Stash – Jo’s Rentals, find journal “Jo’s Secret Stash” in the back of the store
4) Venice Beach – Redacted – Must have completed the side quests “Cremains of the Day and Diaries of the Dead” then go to the Military base you visited during “Beach Offensive” (Main Quest #16). Kill Lt Ford to collect the journal called “[Redacted]” to trigger the quest.
5) The Pier – Fool’s Gold – Must complete “Blood Drive” (Main Quest #18) first, then kill the Crusher called “Dante” near the Lifeguard HQ. Collect the journal he drops called “A Totally Legit Letter” to trigger the quest.
6) Ocean Avenue – Drunk and Disorderly – Lotusville mall washrooms on ground floor, collect the journal “Dudes Who Chug” to trigger the quest.

Sole Survivor - Complete 9 Lost and Found Missing Person Quests.

There are 9 total so you will have to get all of them for the achievement. These are given at the Serling Hotel job board.
Laura – Venice Beach police station
Jamal – Halperin hotel
Davis – Once the “Blood Drive” (Main Quest #18) is finished this will be available, go to Venice Beach to a bus east of Blue Crab Grill
Pablo – Muscle Beach shop and Rose’s Tattoo Parlour
Shane – Venice Beach, most southerly lifeguard hut
Steve – Monarch Studios
Greg – Parking garage behind LA 24 News
Nadia (multi-parts) – Metro; collect the 4 code fragments to open the door
Rainer – After “Search for Truth” (Main Quest #21) go to Dr. Reed’s lab
Zahra - This is connected to the "Haus" DLC but found on the same board as the others.

Go, Bobcats! - Reunite all the VCLA Bobcats.
Do the 3 side quests:
The Rav-ages of Caustic X, Boz makes a Bang and Dez and the Mother of Stan

Make it So - Help Sarah and Sebastian light a beacon of hope.
Do the 3 side quests It Came from Monarch Studios, The Terror of Sound Stage 7, Beacon of Hope

Gore Horse - Help an artist to complete their greatest (and grisliest) piece of art.
Do the 7 "Body of Art" Side quests issued by Francesca

Internet Famous - Complete Amanda's Clickbait quests. You won't believe what happens next!
Do the 3 side quests #Clickbait, Like and Follow and Going Viral
Challenges (6 Achievements)
Most of the requirements for these challenges are self-explanatory, I've added a few notes for those that require more attention and may not come naturally.

On Safari - Complete the first tier of every Zombie Challenge.

There are 24 challenges with 1-4 tiers each. You must do the first tier of each of the 24 challenges to earn the achievement.

Variety is the Spice of Death - Complete the first tier of every Weapon Challenge.

There are 10 challenges with 1-4 tiers each. You must do the first tier of each of the 10 challenges to earn the achievement.

Bucket List - Complete the first tier of every Combat Challenge.

There are 28 challenges with 1-4 tiers each. You must do the first tier of each of the 28 challenges to earn the achievement.

-Impressive Aim Challenge - This is covered by the "Donk!" achievement.

-Ninja Challenge - Use the same idea as the "Top That Tisha!" achievement description in the Haus DLC section below except after throwing the flashbang, jump the fence, crouch and throw the shurikens at the zombies legs.

-Tick Kick Challenge - This requires the "Drop Kick" card which is obtained during "Bel-Air Brawl" (Main Quest #3). You will need to line up several standing zombies, then take a running leap and press "E" in mid-air to kick. You need to knock 4 over with one kick so getting several packed together in a narrow hallway or doorway will work best.

Survival Skills - Complete the first tier of every Survivor Challenge.

There are 10 challenges with 1-4 tiers each. You must do the first tier of each of the 10 challenges to earn the achievement.

-Hollywood Rich List - You need to earn $1,000.000 from collecting cash and selling weapons or other items, not have $1,000,000 all at once. Be sure to sell excess items regularly so you don't leave items behind due to full inventory that you could sell.

Smorgasbord - Complete the first tier of every Exploration Challenge.

There are 7 challenges with 1-4 tiers each. You must do the first tier of each of the 7 challenges to earn the achievement.

Perks of the Job - Complete 5 Blueprint Challenges.

The ability to do this will unlock after "The Giant Slayer" (Main Quest #15), until that time these challenges cannot be progressed. There are 7 challenges to complete for a perk reward.
Collectibles (5 Achievements)
Jumbo Keyring - Unlock 10 Lockboxes.

Interact with the locked safe or lockbox to get a clue as to where the key is and then collect the key to open the box. Many lockboxes can be found early in the game, but the key will not be available until much later.

Bookworm - Collect 50 Journals.

This one is essentially automatic as you will collect 100 while doing the main quest and required side quests to earn other achievements. There are a total of 349 including DLC, however 1 journal in "Haus" is bugged for some people and 2 in the regular game are also bugged so if you are at 346 you probably have everything.

Stacking the Deck - Collect 30 Skill Cards.

You earn a skill card every time you level up so just by reaching level 30 you can earn this achievement. They can also be found on Apex variants. See Appendix A: Complete List of Skill Cards.

Zombologist - Unlock every zombie type in the Zompedia.

You will need to kill 1 of each zombie type (20 common and 11 Apex Variant) to earn this achievement.

Common Zombies:
Burning Walkers
Burning Runners
Shocking Walkers
Shocking Runners
Spiky Walkers
Spiky Runners
Riot Gear Walkers
Insect Swarm Walkers
Caustic-X Walker
Hydration Walkers
Incendiary Walkers
Grenadier Walkers
Hazmat Runners
Hazmat Walkers
Firefighter Walker
Firefighter Runner
EAT Couriers

Apex Variant Zombies:
Crushers (first seen at Halperin Hotel as part of a main quest)
Inferno Crushers
Bursters (first seen in the Brentwood Sewer)
Slobbers (first seen in Monarch Studios as part of a main quest)
Putrified Slobber (first seen in Brentwood Sewer)
Firestorm Slobber
Screamers (first seen in Beverly Hills as part of a main quest)
Voltaic Screamers
Butchers (first seen at The Pier as part of a main quest)
Vicious Butcher (first seen in Metro as part of a main quest)
Mutators (first seen in Ocean Avenue as part of a main quest)
Whippers (from DLC SoLa but not required for the achievement)
Clotters (from DLC SoLa but not required for the achievement)

Down with the Sickness - Reach the highest tier of Autophage infection by equipping Autophage Skills.

Equip 3 Autophage cards, first obtained during "The Giant Slayer" (Main Quest #15). Below is an example of multiple Autophage cards equipped.
Combat (8 Achievements)
Not Even My Final Form - Slay a Mutator before it transforms.

A Mutator first appears during the quest "The Search for Truth" (Main Quest #21) on Ocean Avenue. After this quest you will see them walking around or sometimes lying down around all the maps in their pre-transformed state. You can sneak up and attack one before it transforms in Fury mode or use a rifle (ie Peggy) to take them out with a couple of head shots.

A Mutator looks like the picture below and will appear as a typical Walker before transformation.

Hazardous Materials - Slay 100 Zombies using Caustic, Fire, or Shock damage.

Always have a weapon with each mod and cycle through them to earn this quickly.

Break a Leg - Maim 100 limbs.

This is almost impossible to miss since maiming is a natural part of combat. You’ll see the word “MAIMED” appear every time you swing a weapon at a zombie and maim it.

Coup de Grâce - Slay 25 zombies using finishing moves.

Block or dodge an attack then grab a stunned enemy by pressing "F" to apply the finisher, sometimes it takes 2 hits. This is best done on weaker enemies such as Shamblers. This can be combined with “I Got a Zombie Army and You Can't Harm Me”

Donk! - Throw a melee weapon and hit a zombie 35+ meters away.

You only need to hit (not kill) a zombie. The trick to this one is to go to the Blue Crab in Venice Beach, equip shurikens and a rifle, exit the restaurant and go to the right. Hop the fence and clear out any zombies on the other side so you won't be interrupted. Take out your rifle and point it at the zombies at the far end of the street. If you are lucky there will be a stationary Crusher or Slobber at the end which is a bigger target and a bit easier to hit, when the reticle turns red on a zombie press "Q" to launch the shurikens.

Apex Predator - Knock down 10 Apex Variants.

Target the legs of a screamer or Crusher until balance bar is drained and then they will fall down

I Got a Zombie Army and You Can't Harm Me - Perform 25 perfect defensive moves.

Wait for an easier zombie (ie Walker or Shambler) to lunge at you, press left ALT to backup, if you did it right you will see "F" on the zombie. Step forward and tap "F" for the finisher.

Anger Management - Slay 50 zombies with Fury Attacks.

During “The Red Mist” (Main Quest #14), you will obtain the “Fury” ability. Once you have charged the red skull gauge (by killing zombies and drinking energy drinks), activate Fury by pressing "G" and kill as many zombies as you can. Rinse and repeat. Alternatively in the DLC "Haus" there is an opportunity to get a couple dozen easy kills as part of the DLC story line.
General Gameplay (3 Achievements)
Ooh, Shiny! - Find your first Legendary Weapon.

Complete a Lost and Found weapon quest to earn a Legendary weapon. You will get this automatically as you work toward the “Sharpest Tool in the Box” achievement. You can also obtain one in the SoLa DLC by purchasing the Ripper from the vending machine in Grace's basement.

Legendary weapons are orange and have unique names, they cannot be sold or scrapped and you can only assign 2 attributes to them, the rest are automatic and locked.

Max Headroom - Reach level 30.

Self-explanatory, be sure to do all the side quests and expect to grind out kills to reach 30.

This is My Weapon - Fully upgrade a Superior weapon and customize it with a mod or perk in every slot.

Superior Weapons are purple - apply a Mod (Impact, Puncture, Shock, Fire or Caustic) and any 3 perks.

Fully modded Superior Weapon; the "High Impact" perk is automatic.
Co-op (2 Achievements)
You won't be able to play in multi-player mode until you get to "Call the Cavalry" (Main Quest #4)

Slayer Squad - Complete any 5 quests in co-op.

Get a group of 3 players together and complete any 5 quests as a group to earn this achievement. Any quest will work for this; main quest, side quest or lost and found.

I Am the Resurrection - Revive other Slayers 5 times.

When in multi-player revive your fallen comrades by pressing and holding "F".
DLC Haus (6 Achievements)
Whatever It Takes - Complete the Rites of Passage in Haus.
Story related, cannot be missed. This is the first achievement you will earn in this DLC.

Wilhelm - Send 15 zombies to their doom in the bottomless pits.

This is done in the area of the map called “The Deeper” during the mission of the same name. Bait zombies close to the edge and kick them into the pits. Best done on the way in, as it is much harder to do on the way out. Any zombies you encounter before finding Veronique, lead them to the pits and kick them in by hitting "E". You can revisit and kick in re-spawned zombies if you don't complete on your first pass.

Top That, Tisha! - Get five headshots with the Crossbow in quick succession.

This is a DLC achievement but is best done in the main game outside the Blue Crab in Venice Beach. Get 5 (preferably 8-10) zombies up against the chain link fence outside the Crab. Use a flashbang to stun the zombies so they will be easier to shoot, then pick them off with the crossbow. Additionally modifying your crossbow will make this much easier with improved reload speed mods and accuracy mods as shown below. The flashbang curveball can be purchased from Melissa Rodriguez at "The Tower" in Venice Beach for $2500.

Lawn and Order - Maim 10 zombies with gardening equipment in the Cul-De-Sac's tall grass.

Look for a shovel in the grass behind the second house on the left. Attack zombies that are in the grass with the shovel to maim them. This is on the way to look for Veronique, best done before you meet Veronique, so do it on the way to her house.

Pork Chopped - Defeat Long Piglet.
Story related, cannot be missed.

One of Us - Received Konstantin's gift.
Story related, cannot be missed, you earn this for completing the DLC
DLC SoLA (6 Achievements)
You can access SoLA from the fast travel map after the Beach Offensive (Main Quest #16). Not all of the map is available at this time with the rest opening up after Rage Quit (Main Quest #22). Achievements are shown in the approximate order you can earn them.

Three's a Crowd - Survive your first Clotter encounter

Story related, cannot be missed. Clotters rise up out of and sink back into, the ground, they can be tough to kill so keep your Fury level charged for use in your encounters with them. The first encounter is outside the VIP lounge.

The Direct Approach - Ram into 5 zombies in a single charge.

Collect the card from the back left area of the pool near the "Oasis" building after exiting the EcoLounge on the way to the main stage to obtain the ram skill. Throw a meat bomb to attract zombies in the open area near the main stage, then tap "V" to charge through them after equipping the card.

The card is on the small round table shown below (I collected it before the pic was taken).

Festival Clean Up Simulator - Clean up the large Caustic-X spillage in Utopia

Head to Utopia where there is text “Wake up People” in the lower right area.
1) Look for a caustic-X green barrel in front of a white fence, blow up the barrel and open up the gate.
2) Kill the hazmat zombies that come out.
3) Turn off the valve leaking the caustic-X in front of you.
4) Use water containers (around the corner of the building to the left of the fence) to clean up the caustic-X.
This can be done anytime after you have access to the Utopia area in SoLa.

Map location:

No Encores - Help calm Grace by suppressing the Beat
Story related, cannot be missed

Drop The Beat - Defeat The Dirge and silence the Beat
Story related, cannot be missed

Rip 'n' Tear - Slay 5 zombies with a supercharged Ripper, and bisect 5 more with a Sawblade Launcher

The Ripper is a legendary weapon melee weapon that can be obtained from vending machine in Grace's basement for $34,000. Once it gets spinning at maximum level (all 10 lights on), then kill 5 zombies. The lights come on as you strike zombies, the strikes don't have to kill the zombie just contact it. For instance you can hit a Crusher 10 times to get all the lights lit up. You can tell the ripper is charging by the sound it makes and the sparks flying off the wheel.

The small lights around the red button indicate charge level.

Sawblade Launcher is a legendary weapon received from Grace in the safehouse after the SoLA main quest line is complete. Lower a zombie’s health as far as possible before attempting to cut in half just above the waist of the zombie (halfway between the waist and nipples seems to work best). You charge the launcher as well to fire 3 blades for maximum effectiveness. Hold the right mouse button, the hold the left mouse button for 3 seconds and then release the left mouse button to fire the launcher. The blueprint for ammo is available in the vending machine where The Ripper is bought.

How the launcher looks with only the right mouse button pressed.

How the launcher looks with the right mouse button pressed and the left mouse button held for 3 seconds.

Patch 6 Additions (2 Achievements)
These 2 achievements are associated with the New Game+ mode which is only available after completing the game once.

Groundhog Slay
Complete all Story Quests in NG+. No actual groundhogs were harmed in the completion of this.

Simply complete the game in New Game+ mode to earn this. If the achievement doesn't pop after the final mission, fast travel to SoLA to make it pop.

Shoulda Stayed Dead
Slay all 10 Revenants in NG+.

This is missable, but you should encounter most of these revenants as you progress through the game a 2nd time. Details on the revenants are below:

Appendix A: Complete List of Skill Cards
Appendix B: Weapon Perks
Perk Charts below are the same but sorted by :
1) Alphabetical
2) Location
3) Location Type

Appendix C: Weapon Mods
Weapon Mods sorted by:
1) Type
2) Location

Appendix D: Consumable Blueprints
2 kommentarer
Domix 13. feb. kl. 14:11 
i hate when dlc achivements are together with the regular ones
ͼ།ͽ「 Amika 」 13. maj 2024 kl. 10:18 
Hi, How can I tell them about the "I Am the Resurrection" achievement?