Garry's Mod
468 人が評価
Omni Shield [SWEP]
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Weapon
257.097 KB
2014年10月5日 6時38分
2014年10月5日 7時41分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Omni Shield [SWEP]

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Omni Shield used by Cat6 Mercanaries, in the Mass Effect series.

I did not create the SHIELD model myself! Credits go to: kali and bioware/ea
Here is kalis facepunch post:

The lua code/script is from an addon called "Riotshield", which can be found at the workshop. There are a lot of reuploads of it.

You need this:
For the model to work!


When equipping the shield, make sure you are looking to the right direction. If you spawn it at a from angle or direction, it can spawn to a different place.
I am afraid I do not know how to fix this, since the basecode was from "Riotshield" swep which at least on the version I used, had the same problem.

Notice: This will give some weird model errors to your console, I am afraid I have no idea how to fix them.
I created this addon for testing, and mainly for my own server. I will try to fix any bugs as I can, but I am unsure will I fix / update this anymore.

56 件のコメント
shardinhand 2019年4月6日 19時40分 
this is great!, its just the kind a thing i was lookin for, thank you! is it possable to change its model to other shield types with your permission course.
Torin 2018年9月29日 17時49分 
blitz' shield in a nutshell
SofaLemming 2018年4月5日 5時33分 
its broken
Ikas 2017年7月29日 7時24分 
hi do you have any idea if the shield could be made bigger because for certain models i get hitted
Blagod 2016年8月29日 3時21分 
This shield works only with Cat6 Marines Addon
kake  [作成者] 2016年8月22日 1時40分 
Agreed, probably broken with gmods updates.
bananaoverninja 2016年8月21日 20時07分 
doesnt work at all trash dont get
Sam Bridges 2015年7月3日 3時57分 
This is awesome. Perfect for my server. Thanks!
kake  [作成者] 2015年5月20日 11時25分 
Mhhm. At least it has worked for me and others. I am not sure why it doesn't work. I suggest you to remove both of the addons, install the first addon pack and then install this one.
Hank Hill 2015年5月20日 10時17分 
i have that installed but it is still missing the texture