Dragon's Dogma 2

Dragon's Dogma 2

26 oy
The Sphinx - A Game of Wits
ElCid tarafından
A detailed guide to complete all of the Sphinx riddles.
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Introduction and Disclaimer

The Sphinx is a "secret" boss & sidequest combo featured in Dragon's Dogma 2. I say "secret" because she was heavily promoted in trailers and other digital material, so pretty much everyone knows about her.

She is unique compared to other bosses, as you don't fight the Sphinx in a traditional way (until the very end). Instead, she tasks the player to solve her many riddles (11 in total), granting rewards for each one. Except for one, all her riddle quests have no duration, meaning the player can take their time to solve them.

A vital information is that it is possible to FAIL the Sphinx riddles, which will ultimately prevent the player from obtaining the related achievement until the next playthrough. However, even if the player fails some of her riddles, they're still able to acquire her final reward.

If the player attacks the Sphinx repeatedly or try to climb on her too many times, she will retaliate and initiate the boss fight, regardless of how many riddles were solved. This will prevent the player from acquiring all her other rewards.

One thing I should note is that answering riddles won't always auto-save your game. So make sure to save the game right outside the area where the Sphinx is so in case you mess up, just reload the save file after finishing talking to her, or if you want to be safe, force-quit the game before the Sphinx's dialogue boxes closes. If you want to add an extra layer of safety, teleport back to any town and rest at the Inn (or your personal house) to have a backup save.

Preparation for the Mountain Shrine Riddles #3 and #5
If you want to start with an edge before going to the first place where the Sphinx resides, there are two things you can do to speed up the process of these two Riddles:
  • The third riddle of the Mountain Shrine tasks you to bring a pawn with a special Sphinx moniker. These can be found at the Rifts of Fellowship. The easiest one to find is at Harve Village. You can just grab a Sphinx Pawn before going to the Mountain Shrine.
  • The fifth riddle of the Mountain Shrine tasks you to go to the place where you found your first Seeker's Token; if you remember it, place a Portcrystal next to it.
Riddle List

The player can find the Sphinx in two separate locations:
  • The Mountain Shrine (located northeast of the Ancient Battleground).
  • The Frontier Shrine (located southwest of the Checkpoint Rest Town).

She is first met at the Mountain Shrine, and will move to the Frontier Shrine once the player answers the first five riddles.

Mountain Shrine Riddles:
In the first set of riddles, the player can choose from a list at any order they want, and can even listen to all riddles at once before solving them (which I don't really recommend).
  • Riddle of Eyes
  • Riddle of Madness
  • Riddle of Wisdom
  • Riddle of Conviction
  • Riddle of Rumination

Frontier Shrine Riddles:
In the second set of riddles, they are chosen at random and only one at time. The first one will always be the Riddle of Reunion, though.

I'll list the riddles as I got them, so make sure to jump to a different section depending on which one you got.
  • Riddle of Reunion
  • Riddle of Recollection
  • Riddle of Futility
  • Riddle of Differentiation
  • Riddle of Contest

The Last Riddle
After successfully completing all the riddles, the player's final challenge will be the Sphinx itself, should they want so, as a boss battle. However, there is a catch to win the battle (more on that later).
How to find the Sphinx at the Mountain Shrine

At first, the Sphinx will be found in at the Mountain Shrine, located far in the northern part in the map, northwest of the Misty Marshes.

The path to her can be dangerous at the start of the game as it requires the player to cross through the Ancient Battleground. But as long as you're careful, you should be fine.

Here is a step-by-step of how to reach the Mountain Shrine.

World Map

Crossing the Ancient Battleground
Once you arrive at the deserted battlefield, follow the path up to reach the keep. Ignore the large area at the left as there'll be a Drake and and a Cyclops fighting each other.

Optional Sidequest: Tolled to Rest
If this is your first time here you'll find a NPC along the way called Oskar, who asks the Arisen to escort him through the keep in the Ancient Battleground so he can conduct a ritual.

The route he takes you through is part of the path to reach the Sphinx, and completing his quest gives pretty good rewards (including a book required to unlock the Mage and Sorcerer Meister Skills), so I strongly recommend taking it.

I won't cover the details here but it's a pretty straightforward quest.

Venturing through the keep
Once you enter the keep, there'll be skeleton warriors and mages. Dispose of them and continue through the left side (the right door is locked).

Go through the spiral stairs and eventually you'll find a ladder leading outside. Follow the path until you find another ladder, leading down back into the keep.

Once you get down you'll be ambushed by more skeletons. Dispose of them and make sure to break the wood holding the door, which is a shortcut back to the main hall of the keep where you originally came from. Proceed through the other door, however.

Follow the long corridor (if you got the and climb another spiral staircase, followed by yet another ladder leading up. You'll be outside again.

Walk a bit forward and ignore the staircase to the left. Drop the ladder down for yet another shortcut in case you need to come back here later.

Go back to the staircase and proceed up. There'll be an armored Cyclops here sleeping.

After killing the Cyclops (or not), climb the ladder on the left side, then proceed forward to find the entrance to the Worldsend Cavern.

The Worldsend Cavern
This is a very short and straightforward "dungeon". There'll be some bandits near a camp (good place to gather your energies in case the Cyclops gave you trouble).

Follow the path until you reach a portion of the map with a breakable wall. Your Pawns will most likely point that out.

The rest of the path is very straightforward. There'll be a Golem boss on the way, but once he's taken care of just continue through the corridor and you'll be outside again, then climb the staircases until you reach the Sphinx's Mountain Shrine.

I strongly recommend placing a Portcrystal right before the staircases that lead to the Sphinx. This becomes a point of easy access as some riddles will have you leave this place and come back later.

If you don't have a Portcrystal, however, don't worry. One of the Sphinx's riddles will reward you with one.
Mountain Shrine #1 🔹 Riddle of Eyes

Our eyes are our allies, yet oft do they betray, for eyes tell lies, so I advise, and thence do lead astray.

Yet how will your eyes advise you? Venture through yonder door, and retrive that which is of greatest value.

The Riddle:
The Sphinx tasks you to retrieve an item in the dungeon right next to the entrance, which was previously locked.

The Solution:
Right after entering the dungeon, turn behind and you'll see a treasure chest hidden right above the door. This chest contains the item the Sphinx requires.

The rest of the dungeon has goblins, hobgoblins and an Ogre residing at the bottom area. There is no need to explore unless you want the experience. By fully exploring the area the player can find an altar at the end with a treasure chest containing... Rotten Apple. This item is a decoy that can be presented to the Sphinx, but doing so will result in failing the riddle.

The Reward:
After presenting the Sealing Phial to the Sphinx, the riddle will be complete.
The reward is a Wakestone, and the player also gets to keep the Sealing Phial.

The Sealing Phial is a one-time-use item that allows players to "store" pretty much any NPC in the game inside it. This essentially allows players to transport NPCs anywhere as they see fit. For example, players can use to phial on a powerful NPC and release them during a boss battle.

This item cannot be duplicated at Ibrahim's Scrap Store.
Mountain Shrine #2 🔹 Riddle of Madness

Love is as twin to madness, they say. They are bound fast, as night is to day.

So bring forth your most beloved to me, that I might gauge the depth of your insanity.

The Riddle:
The Sphinx tasks you to bring an NPC with maxed affinity (which is when they blush when talked to). NPCs that the player has romanced also work (i.e. Ulrika).

The Solution:
While this riddle is a way to make the player use the Sealing Phial to bring the NPC to the Sphinx, there is an easier and much faster method, which is to present the Sphinx with your Main Pawn.

Regardless of the choice, place the NPC or the Main Pawn on the altar in front of the Sphinx, and
then talk to her.

Hilariously, if you have multiple NPCs with max affinity and you bring them both to the Sphinx, she will comment on it.

The Reward:
The player will obtain a Portcrystal.

If you're on New Game Plus, you'll get a Partcrystal instead, which is forgery that doesn't work.

If you didn't have a Portcrystal yet, this one is great to place right at the entrance of the Mountain Shrine as I've mentioned before. However, don't use it yet as we'll be able to get a new one soon.
Mountain Shrine #3 🔹 Riddle of Wisdom

The parent knows the child, yet the reverse is far from true. The child knows not the parent: such is the parent's due.

I am a lost child; for kinship do I yearn.

So bring to me my "Parent," that I might better learn.

I strongly recommend doing the 4th riddle before this one, since the 3rd and 5th riddles will task the player to leave the Mountain Shrine.

I personally prefer doing the 4th riddle first, and tackle on the 3rd and 5th riddles together.

The choice is yours.

The Riddle:
The Sphinx tasks the player to bring a Pawn with a special Sphinx-moniker, which there are three:
  • SphinxParent
  • SphinxMother
  • SphinxFather

The Solution:
You can find Pawns with this moniker anywhere, however, they're guaranteed to show up at the Riftstones of Fellowship, which there are four:

🔹The easiest one is located at Harve Village.

🔹But there is also one south of the Sacred Arbor.

🔹And two directly north of the Checkpoint Rest Town.

If you want to be certain, look for the official Capcom Pawns, who bear both the Sphinx name and the moniker. It's important to note that the moniker is what counts; even if the Pawn has a different name, it'll work as long their moniker is one of the three Sphinx.

In addition, if your own Main Pawn already has any of these monikers, you can just present them.

My own Main Pawn has the "SphinxFather" moniker. Feel free to hire him.


The Reward:
The player will obtain 1200 Rift Coins.
Mountain Shrine #4 🔹 Riddle of Conviction

Life is an enigma - a lender of moral debt. Yet lighter pack makes fleeter foot and challenge nimbly met.

So grant me what you most prize, and thence elude your ponderous demise.

The Riddle:
The Sphinx tasks you to bring her any item, with the premise that the player might never see that item again.

The Solution:
Her speech is just a bait. Whatever item the player gives to the Sphinx will actually be perfectly duplicated (unlike certain Ibrahim's forgeries). This can essentially be used to make a copy of ANY item in the game.

To me, the most valuable items in the game are Portcrystals, since they are limited, as even if you start a New Game Plus, previously bought Portcrystal will not replenish at the shops.

And since we got a free Portcrystal as a reward for completing the second riddle, it's a perfect opportunity to get another one for free. This even works on multiple New Game Plus playthroughs, being the only way to get more Portcrystals since they're limited in the game.

If you select an item but say "No" to the Sphinx when she asks if you're certain, she'll get angry and you'll fail the riddle.

The Reward:
The player will obtain a duplicate of the item granted to the Sphinx, as well retrieve the original.
Mountain Shrine #5 🔹 Riddle of Rumination

It's ever the first we keep fond in our breast, and ever the first that eclipses the rest.

You know of the Seeker's Tokens, I trust? Those keepsakes of a fondly remembered journey?

Yet where was it that you found your first? Retrace your steps, if you can - you might make a new discovery.

Seven days, shall we say, ere you return? May your journey be a pleasant one.

The Riddle:
The Sphinx tasks you to return back to the location where you found your very first Seeker's Token in that playthrough, and fetch the Finder's Token, which will be located in the same spot.

The Finder's Token location will reset on a New Game Plus and will instead be at the first place you find a new Seeker's Token in the New Game Plus playthrough.

I heard that if you find all Seeker's Tokens and reach this riddle in the New Game Plus you auto-complete it, but I'm not sure.

The Solution:
This is the HARDEST Riddle of all. Remembering where you found their first Seeker's Token, of all the +200 possible locations, can be very problematic. To make things harder, you have only ONE WEEK in-game to find it; if you don't you fail the riddle.

Luckily, most players tend to find their first Seeker's Token at the initial area of the game between Melve and the Borderwatch's Outpost, which shouldn't be too hard.

Fextralife's interactive map[dragonsdogma2.wiki.fextralife.com] is a very useful online tool to easily find all the Seeker's Tokens, which can make searching for your first one significantly easier.

Once you reach the place, you'll find "Finder's Token", which you're required to present to the Sphinx. The Finder's Token is affected by the Trickster's Detection Augment just like regular Seeker's Tokens.

One thing that is notable about the Finder's Token is that it can be duplicated at Ibrahim's Scrap Store in the Checkpoint Rest Town. The forgery works as a legit one and can be presented to the Sphinx. If you do find yours, I strongly suggest making a forgery for future playthroughs. It's incredibly cheap (only 1200 gold).

Many players have been replicating the Finder's Token to help other players that can't remember their first Seeker's Token by setting it as a Pawn Quest Reward. You can find threads in Reddit where they give their Pawn's ID.

I often have it set on my own Pawn. Here's his ID: I8NHSPGA9V6I

The Reward:
The player will obtain three Ferrystones.
How to find the Sphinx at the Frontier Shrine

Five riddles have I posed, and five answers have you given.

Perhaps you expected more, but I'm afraid that's that. Our next game shall take a different tack.

Though constant this world may seem, in truth, all is in flux.

And so the time has come for me to fly. If you are not yet satisfied, seek me at my new abode.

But for now, I bid you farewell, dogged adventurer.

After answering the fifth riddle at the Mountain Shrine, whether you succeeded or failed at them, the Sphinx will take off and fly to a different location, which is the Frontier Shrine, located southwest of the Checkpoint Rest Town. She'll take the large chest with her and call the player to find her.

If you want to cut the middleman, jump on the Sphinx before she takes off from the Mountain Shrine and climb on her back. You'll be able to travel alongside her and reach the location easily.

Make sure to have at least one Ferrystone and one Portcrystal with you (which you should if you followed my earlier advise to duplicate one in the Trial of Conviction).

Make sure to bring stamina recovery items. You can occasionally let go of the Sphinx when she's flying steadily to regain some stamina back without falling off.

However, you'll have to leave the reward from the fifth riddle behind. Sadly you can't open the chest before the Sphinx takes off. You can leave the first Portcrystal you put there and come back later to claim the final chest.

In case you want to actually walk, here is a step-by-step of how to reach the Frontier Shrine. Be very careful as you'll fight some dangerous enemies here, so make sure you're not underleveled / undergeared.

World Map

Under the bridge
Start on the Checkpoint Rest Town, from it, proceed through the bridge and take a right on the small path leading down. Then take another right before the smaller wooden bridge.

Go through the river and under the stone bridge that connects to the Checkpoint Rest Town. Continue through the river until you find a small cave entrance.

Through the cave and up to the hills
Once you reach the small cave, there'll be a couple of those very annoying Geo Saurians. Regardless, stay on the right upper area of the cave. Eventually you'll see a path that leads connects the rock formations of the cave with a hill that goes upwards.

Walk through the large tree trunk and follow the path upwards, then cross the small wooden bridge to continue through until you find another small passage between rock formations.

The rainy passage and the path to the Shrine
You'll eventually reach a dark rocky passage that's under a perpetual rain. Be very careful because this area holds two bosses in very close proximity to each other: a Minotaur and a Chimera.

Pay attention when crossing the passage because the Minotaur here has a terrible habit of attacking from behind. The Chimera is often found near a ruined house in the path (I think it's a one-time only encounter and will not respawn later).

You'll find a small passage to the left side, hidden underneath a large stone pillar. Continue through and you'll finally reach the Frontier Shrine.

Much like with the Mountain Shrine, I strongly recommend placing a Portcrystal right before the staircases that lead to the Sphinx. This becomes a point of easy access as some riddles will have you leave this place and come back later.

You should have at least two Portcrystals if you followed my recommendation of duplicating the Portcrystal you earned in the Riddle of Madness through the Riddle of Conviction
Frontier Shrine #1 🔹 Riddle of Reunion

Well! So dearly did you love our game that you have sought me out again.

Let us resume at once - I have grown rather engrossed.

The Riddle:
The "riddle" itself is finding the Sphinx's again at the Frontier Shrine.

The Solution:
Whether you hop on the Sphinx's back when she takes off at the Mountain Shrine or find her manually by walking all the way, she'll welcome you.

The Reward:
The player will obtain 10.000 gold. The chest will be unlocked once the player arrives.
Frontier Shrine #2 🔹 Riddle of Recollection

Now, question begets questions, and I have one for you: How many riddles have you solved thus far?

My memory fails me, you see. Remind me, and make it plain.

Let yonder statues by your means. For every question aptly answered, bring one here before me.

The Riddle:
The player is tasked to carry statues next to the Sphinx respective to the number of riddles you successfully solved (including finding the second shrine).

The Solution:
There is no proper right answer because it depends on the order you get the second set of riddles. In my case, I answered six riddles, so I brought six statues. You can just toss them towards the Sphinx instead of lining them perfectly; just be careful to not hit the Sphinx with them.

The Reward:
The player will obtain one Unmaking Arrow, which is a special arrow that can only be used by archers; it kills ANY enemy in the game with a single shot. We'll be using it later so keep it on your for now.
Frontier Shrine #3 🔹 Riddle of Futility

How easily the mind unravels! Some say it's pain that does it best, others darkness - but I say neither.

Rather, I say a mind cannot be more soundly broken that when it beholds its earnest efforts laid low in a single stroke.

Could you survive such despair? We shall see.

Here I have an amphora destined for Ser Maurits in Battahl. Deliver to him, but beware; it's rather fragile.

I do hope your struggle will amuse.

The Riddle:
The player is tasked to carry the amphora to Maurits, who resides in Bakbattahl. The vase is incredibly frail and will break with a single strike, which in result in the quest's failure.

The Solution:
It's quite hard, if not impossible, to actually take the amphora to Maurits without it breaking. So how do we solve this? It's simple. We take Maurits to the amphora.

If you put the Portcrystal at the shrine's entrance like I advised, simply go to Bakbattahl (if you haven't been there before you can actually reach it by foot from the shrine).

Once you reach Maurits, simply grab him and use a Ferrystone to the Portcrystal at the Frontier Shrine, and then place him before near the vase.

The Reward:
The player will obtain the Eternal Bond, a special ring which by itself has no special effects when equipped, but when gifted to an NPC it'll instantly max the affinity with them.
Frontier Shrine #4 🔹 Riddle of Differentiation

So vast is this world, and full of life; you are but one of many.

Indeed, in the grand scheme, we are as distinct from one another as pebbles on a beach - yet we do so love to extol our differences.

But are these differences so great? If you believe so, this next task should prove exceedingly simple.

I seek this man. If men are so distinct, I'm sure you'll find him in a trice.

The Riddle:
The player is tasked to find the man the Sphinx shows, and bring him to her.

The Solution:
The player must first identify which NPC she wants, because there are two of them who have similar appearance. They are Dante and Vergil (yes, Devil May Cry reference).

Luckily they both reside very close to each other.
  • Dante is found at the Checkpoint Rest Town.
  • Vergil is found at the the border between Vermund and Battahl, which is right across the Checkpoint Rest Town.

If the NPC she wants Vergil, it can be a bit problematic as you can only cross the border in the Checkpoint Rest Town by advancing in the main story quests. Otherwise, you have to go all the way around from the Frontier Shrine and reach the other side from behind.

Alternatively, you can board the carriage that crosses the Checkpoint Rest Town's border. This is the only way to cross it without the Border Entry. You'll even unlock an achievement. Just enter the carriage as it enters the town and stay inside until it crosses the border.

Be wary that Battahl guards WILL attack you on sight since you illegally crossed the border. So grab Vergil and run away until you're out of combat, then use a Ferrystone to get back to the Frontier Shrine.

The Reward:
The player will obtain the Whimsical Daydream, a weapon for the Trickster. It's unique as it gives money to the player each time they directly hit an enemy with it.

The value is completely random, usually between 10 gold and 1.000 gold, but it has a very low chance to grant whopping 50.000 gold.
Frontier Shrine #4 🔹 Riddle of Contest

Though ours is a battle of wits, tests of mettle are more to your strength. Is that not so? Come, try your arm - though he shall be your opponent, not I.

However, I am not one to be amused by a simple duel. Bear this ring into battle, that I might gauge your true strength.

The Riddle:
The player must fight a Vermundian soldier, but the Arisen is automatically equipped Ring of Derision, which reduces all damage dealt to 1. Removing the ring results in failing the challenge.

The Solution:
Depending on your vocation, this fight might be problematic. The soldier is very aggressive and will attack relentlessly. However, you're free to call your Pawns to help in the fight; doing so will not result in failure.

Alternatively, you can stagger the soldier, grab him, and then proceed to throw him off the cliff, which will instantly kill him.

The Reward:
The player will obtain the Ring of Ambition, which increases experience gained by 50% (even though it says "slightly). You also get to keep the Ring of Derision.
Fighting the Sphinx 🔹 The Last Riddle

If you want to completely this in less than a second, change your vocation to Archer and make sure you have the Unmaking Arrow you got from the Riddle of Recollection. Do it before talking to the Sphinx after completing the 10th riddle.

And with that our game comes to an end, as amusing as it has been.

I shall now take my leave of you, to await the next courageous soul who would test their wits against mine.

The Riddle:
The player must attack and defeat the Sphinx before she takes off and disappears forever.

The Solution:
Upon attacking the Sphinx, she'll halt her departure and retaliate, which will initiate the boss fight. In order to successfully defeat the Sphinx, the player must only deal damage to her animal parts; attacking her face and chest during certain portions of the fight will result in her abandoning the fight and take off (she'll disappear in thin air).

Because of that it's highly recommend to fight alone without Pawns, which makes it significantly more challenging. Or at least command the Pawns to hold back when she's vulnerable (with the Wait Command).

Well, you are a persistent one. Did my prizes fail to satisfy?

Truly your greed is boundless, but soon you will learn: those live by their greed tend to die by it.
Though it is a pity... I had taken rather a liking of you.

It will bring me no pleasure to spill your blood, but nor can I ignore so bold a challenge.

The Sphinx is a very aggressive boss. She has four healthbars, is surprisingly agile, and can cast Magick at an alarming fast rate, as well being able to phase in and out to avoid attacks. Her arsenal of moves is vast:

🔰 Dark Shroud: The Sphinx will vanish in a black cloud and reappear somewhere else in the battlefield. She's immune to damage while doing so. She may combine this with the casting of her Magick, by disappearing and then reappearing while attacking.

🔰 Divebomb: The Sphinx will fly high in the air and quickly descend with her paws enveloped in flames while hitting the ground, causing an explosion in front of her. She'll usually open the fight with this attack.

🔰 Energy Salvo: the Sphinx will fly high in the air and raise her wings, launching homing bolts of energy. It can deal severe damage if multiple bolts hit the player. She'll sometimes follow-up with Divebomb after using Energy Salvo.

🔰 Levin Rain: the Sphinx casts various lightning bolts in quick succession around her.

🔰 Levin Sword: The Sphinx casts three lightning bolts that cascade in front of her.

🔰 Flame Pillar: The Sphinx will slam her pawn on the ground, which will cause fire to erupt from the ground around a second later. She may do this twice in succession.

🔰 Eruption: The Sphinx will slam her pawn on the ground, which will cause multiple explosions around her.

🔰 High Maelstrom: The Sphinx will flap her wing and casts two tornadoes that envelop most of the battlefield.

🔰 Aura of Sagacity: The Sphinx will cover herself with her wings, and then the key on her chest will emit a purple aura around her. Attacking her human parts (head, chest) while she's like this will instantly result in her abandoning the fight and leaving.

Managing to deplete the Sphinx's healthbar without triggering her to leave will complete the final riddle.

Alternatively, the player may instantly win the fight before it even begins by shooting the Sphinx with the Unmaking Arrow after talking to her and she prepares to take off. This will instantly defeat her if not aiming at her human parts.

The Reward:
Upon defeated, regardless of the method, the Sphinx will fade while congratulating the Arisen.

She'll drop pouches of money which sums to 8.000 gold, as well the Key of Sagacity, used to open the giant chest, which contains the Eternal Wakestone, capable of mass resurrecting multiple NPCs.

The Eternal Wakestone can be perfectly duplicated by Ibrahim, but at a high cost of 30.000 gold.
While there are many videos out there describing the Sphinx's riddles, I feel there aren't many written guides that go into the details. I made this guide with this intention, to create a very digested step-by-step of each riddle to help more players who may not have the time to watch +30 minute videos.

I hope this was useful! Special thanks to the many content creators who gathered together to create fantastic guides for this game.

4 Yorum
torque 10 Tem @ 19:01 
good job
torque 10 Tem @ 18:54 
good job
Doomkittens 10 May @ 0:56 
yes good yep
0/10 guide, no info on how to romance the Sphinx.