Disgaea 4 Complete+

Disgaea 4 Complete+

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How to be OP~khm.. Sardine Warrior
By デミフィーンド♡
Some lil exploit and useful things
Remember! While you beat story, All items like shield, comon armor and etc. useless

Hospital abuse

1. When you equip then unequip an item that gives hp or sp, you get the hp/sp added to max hp/sp but not current. Thus, by repeatedly reequipping a muscle/orb and healing in between, you can get the higher level muscles/orbs without going into battle.

2. When you revive a character, a large amount of the cost is to recharge that character's hp to full. Thus, a L1 character with low hp costs little to revive. The lowest cost is a good for nothing mage or skull with hp decreased by 5 at the start. Repeatedly kill this/these characters for the consumables and seal type items.

3. Open rewards page and keep rerolling until you get a rare items
Prize Heal HP Regain S Heal&Revive
Brawny Muscle 100 - -
Kung-Fu Muscle 800 - -
Spirit Muscle 4,000 - -
Fight Muscle 20,000 - -
Ace Muscle 60,000 - -
Victory Muscle 120,000 - -
Dream Muscle 240,000 - -
World Muscle 480,000 - -
Star Muscle [1] 980,000 - -
Common Orb - 50 -
Psycho Orb - 400 -
Dark Orb - 2,000 -
Bloody Orb - 10,000 -
Astral Orb - 30,000 -
Lunar Orb - 60,000 -
Royal Orb - 120,000 -
Holy Orb - 240,000 -
Chaos Orb [1] - 480,000 -
Caterpillar Egg - - 5
Charred Newt - - 10
Chicken Blood - - 25
Snake Kidney - - 50
Yummy Kimchee - - 80
Frog Sweat - - 120
Immortal Pill - - 170
Imperial Seal 800 400 5
Dark Rosary 4,000 2,000 15
Devil Ring 20,000 10,000 40
Feather Token 60,000 30,000 70
Sophia's Mirror 120,000 60,000 110
Pravda Pendant 240,000 120,000 160
Royal Ring 480,000 240,000 220
Testament 980,000 480,000 300

Star Muscle and Chaos Orb can only be claimed in Land of Carnage
Go to dark assembly and Get a cheat shop for ez leveling [exp/hl/mana]
It's a facility at the main hub that allows the player to modify multiple attributes of the game(such as EXP gain and enemy level) or add benefitial/detrimental effects.

The multipliers to resource gain(like EXP and Mana) are determined by the Cheat Points put into it. All resources start with 100 points each(meaning 100% multiplier), but points can be removed from one to increase another. There is however a minimum and maximum value that each resource can be set to, and these limits are expanded as one progresses through the story. Furthermore, the total amount of Cheat Points is expanded as the player completes the story and beats post-game stages/episodes.

Best EXP gringing maps for now 1-1

About classes. They're all good, but the most important one is Thief! Cas POG! She plundering enemies and grabbing treasure. Tbh that's all.. yeah. but thief's levelling is inconvenient and she herself is weak, so first create a skull mage [not witch] skull has a better evilities like - Magic Bundle Add 30% to the Base Power of attack skills, but increase all SP costs by 50%. . So unlock at least terra skills and only after that be reincarnate by him -> magic knight for her evilities - Spirit Benediction Increase elemental damage dealt by 20%. and then -> Thief with mage skills and evilities. [although in fact all you need that just give her 9999 LVL]

Evil symbolsEvil Symbols are buildings that you can place on the Cam-Pain HQ map. Each symbol takes up one tile on the map for itself and has its own predefined "Evil Area" shape which provides a Leader tile and zero or more member tiles. Characters placed inside the Evil Area tiles have special traits applied to them.

Units on a Leader tile get 2 bonuses from the other members:

They gain a stat boost, working under the same principle as the boost from the Extra Gain system.
They are able to use the spells of members standing next to them in battle(at level 0 and boost 0). Unlike with Extra Gain, the Leader can't learn the spells.

Best evil sybols are aure pyramid - 50% of the kill Mana gained by a member is also gained by other members.
and training ground - 10% of the kill EXP gained by a member is also gained by other members.
With this evils, it will be easier for you to leveling weaker classes and give them free mana from your leader [Even ша they are not on battlefield]
Mid Game~near final
• Item world - All you need to know about it is that in item world you~Increasing the item's level by clearing floors(and other random events)
Defeating Item Bosses
Subduing Innocents

About innocents - Usage: Any item in the game -- Weapons, Accessories, consumable Items, and others -- can be inhabited by 'residents' that increase its statistics or grant bonus effects.

Population: Each item has a limit to the number of residents that may inhabit it, depending on its rarity.

Level and Fusion: All innocents have a level, determining the strength of their effect. Those of the same type can be combined together, adding their levels and freeing up population slots.

Best runner class for item world is masked hero, he can fly through enemies and also have good mobility [Don't forget to give him some boots]
*Also you can yous monsters like mothman and Succubus*

For unloacked Masked Hero - you need to have a Thief lvl25 and Warrior lvl25

It's best to have two or three masked heroes, cas if gatekeeper stay on froor gate you can just kick him by one off your masked hero and finished floor by another one.

Times to time run through the world of objects and complete it to get Mr. Gency's Exit. it's sooo needed in the future.
Mr. Gency's Exit is an item that allows the player to escape from the Item World at any level.


• Best map for leveling in mid-game is 5-2Also there you must catch two Nekomata [Make them stronger through the cheat shop, so as not to waste time for their leveling]
*To capture enemies one must simply throw them into the Base Panel. This will cause the enemy to start fighting the units that are still inside. If the enemy wins the fight, the Base Panel will be destroyed, preventing you from dispatching more units or returning units to it.

and you need evil symbol The Discipline Room - [unlocked by throwing enemies 3 times]*

Btw - you can also unlock the professor's class. She gives the team very useful buffs but the most important thing is her evilities -Teaching License Increase EXP gain of your allies by 20%. (Added to Statisticians)
For Professor unloacked you need Onmyo Monk 20 lvl and Cleric 20 lvl

**After that, you need "Big Bang" skill. There are two ways: Get Fenrich 500 lvl or get Bouncer tier 4 (is more ez)
When one of these classes has a Big Bang skill, you need to go into the chara world and transfer this skill to your DD (like Valvatorez)

-Chara world-
It's unlocked by having a character reach 100 stored levels through Reincarnation, then passing the associated bill. The Chara World consists of a random dungeon, much like the Item World, but instead of entering items you enter a unit's body in order to enhance them in various ways.

**Also for now you can up your mobility for your chars through chara world.

Also you need unock one evil symbol - fusion weapon lab for giant magichange *for unlocked just kill 100 enemy with a fused monster*

• Near to final *or even in mid game* you must unlocked MT. Order 4. map.
This is the best map for leveling all your classes.
All that ya need is - Fuse two your Nekomata into one giant one and after magichange on your DD
Now Big Band have bigger aoe and you can kill all enemy with one shot.
*At the moment you even can get 9999 LVL in this way* if ya wish ofc...
Just use evil symbols pyramid - 50% of the kill Mana gained by a member is also gained by other members.
and training ground - 10% of the kill EXP gained by a member is also gained by other members.
For passively leveling your weaker characters
After all, complete the story.
Post Game
Well... it's post-game time!!Time for grind, beat 9999lvl for your chars (if still not)
- Get best weapon and equipment
- Stack max innocets
- Unlock LoC
- Get new chars
- Grind chara world for good evilities
- Break Baal's neck.

Well complete ALL available post-game chapters and unlock new characters

*When you beat post-game chapter, you get more % for cheat shop *
But! Don't rush to beat Zetta and Pringer x!!

You need to steal legendary Yoshitsuna from Zetta


You need to steal legendary Arcadia from Pringer X

Just rerol fight until you get it.
[Remember! Your Thief must be 9999 lvl for 90~100% chance of stealing from back]

*also at this time, you can steal all their equip like legendary crowbar for monster class*

Chara World and best runner
It's time to return to the chara world...
Well (¬_¬;) that boring and sucks, but there you can find rly good evilities.

- According to the previous point, you should already have old Asagi and Priere.
Priere is the best runner for item world if you give her the right evilities.

You need to find two evilities in the chara world:
One for your DD is Violence - Increase stats by 50%, but multiply EXP gained by 0.5; you can find it in Prier chara world


One for Prier is Saintly Aggression - Increase damage dealt with normal attacks by 100%.

So how to find them?
- You must go in Prier chara world and just go through all floors [start destroying the terrain and you might get an Evilty Sphere. destroy it and it may contain the Evility which will be added when you finish the Chara World.]
It's VERY random, so save/load until ya get it(ノ_<。)

When you get them..
- Pass Violence to your DD [Increase stats by 50%]

- Give Prier Saintly Aggression [Increase damage dealt with normal attacks by 100%]
Sky Hight [Movement type becomes Flying.] from old Asagi.

*Also i hope ya stole L.Crowbar from Pringer x. Give it to Prier [This is one of the best weapons for monsters]
and also you can UP her movement in chara world*

Now you have BEST runner
With all this, Prier with big movement and evilities can In one move, get to the gate of the item world floor, one shot gatekeeper and finish floor
It's time to break the game!
For this we need two things:Battle Suit class and a PPS (Puppy Paw Stick)

- For inlocked Battle Suit you need Warrior LVL30 and Armor Knight LVL30.
- For PPS you need to capture a Level 1000+ Nekomata of any tier and then discipline it. Save before asking for the Chest location since the chest type (i.e., Ship Parts/"Unique" Pool or garbage Bonus Rank chest) is created upon selection. Once you've been shown where the treasure is, go there and open it. If it's a Bonus Rank chest, reload; if it's a Ship Part, just keep it and then get another Nekomata.

*if u cant find the map for the X-dimension1, use strongest eneimes and throw together the nekos at 5-2*

*How to get X-dimension map?
The X-Dimensions Promotional Tickets are used to obtain the X-Dimensions Stages. A Cu Saith (wolf monster) sells them. There's two separate ones but they look exactly the same. One sells the first half Ep1 to 5 which can be found on floor 1~50 and the other sells the other half, Ep6 to Final which can be found on floor 51~100 of the Item World. They're not cheap, at least not in the beginning, and there is a Ticket for every stage.*

Ok! You have Battle suit and PPS so LETS DUPING!

- Create a battle suit, equip it with the item you want to dupe, have it learn "Run wild" (learned naturally at a low level, unsure exactly when), use it to make the character a neutral (yellow HP bar) unit, then kill it using the puppy paw stick. Can be done on any map. And as soon as you have a few copies of the item, you can do this trick with multiple battle suits and an AoE skill. That way, you have a chance of duping the item, or even doing so multiple times!
*This way you get as many copies of weapons and equips as you want*

*ALSO! all the innocents in the items also copied, thanks to this you can, no! YOU SHOULD during maximum amount of each necessary innocent*
Land of Carnage (LoC)
Next, we need to perfect leveling our equip, but first we need to unlock LoC... (×_×)

You need a few things, first to collect all the P Flonzor pieces, you get most of them from disciplining certain characters;
Rear: Rifle Demon in Normal 9-6
Left: Thanatos in X-Dim 7-3
Right: Prinny King in X-Dim 7-6
Top: Force Knight in X-Dim Final Episode-1
Head: Alchemist in X-Dim Final Episode-1

Once you get treasure info from them, assuming it's in the X-Dimension maps, there's a fair chance it's the P Flonzor piece, if not, reset back to before you disciplined them

The Body for P Flonzor is obnoxious to get, as you need to kill a group of Cat Pirates that appear in Item World Floors 91-99, which can go from exceedingly rare to merely myths of ancient lore, easily the hardest part of unlocking LoC

And finally you need about 39% of the X-Dimension maps completed.
Perfect Items Leveling
At first..
- Upgrade L.Yoshitsuna and L.Arcadia to 99 LVL, gency out and head to the Land of Carnage
You'll be able to steal Baal sword and trapezohedron from items God 2.

And now... it's time... for perfect... items... leveling....................

• All this is both easy and difficult at the same time:To get started, steal items with Enforcer innocent from Map 7-3
*Enforcer - Allows the transfer of unsubdued Innocents, but this Innocent's level goes down by 1 each time you do.*

- Remove all another innocents from trapezohedron and Baal sword

- Insert innocent like:
Dietician Increases HP
Master Increases SP
Gladiator Increases ATK
Sentry Increases DEF
Tutor Increases INT
Marksman Increases HIT


1.Clear to level 10 and kill Item General
2. Gency out
4. Double kill item General and proceed to item town
5. If there is no senate reload the game
6. Pass desired Bill
7. Repeat steps 3-7 to level 20
8. Clear to level 30 and kill Item King
9. Gency out and add 1 more innocent [Physician Increases RES]
10. SAVE
11. Double kill item King and proceed to item town
12. If there is no senate reload the game
13. Pass desired Bill
14. Return to town and add final innocent [Coach Increases SPD]
15. Clear to level 40 and kill item General
16. Gency out
17. SAVE
18. Double kill item General and proceed to item town
19. If there is no senate reload the game
20. Pass desired bill
21. Repeat steps 16-21 to level 99, remaining bills on floors 50, 70
22. On lvl 99 gency out
23. Reverse pirate for beat item to lvl 300

- Now you need a lot of gency out:
Again go to item world in item lvl300
Clear floor lvl99 and after on lvl100 kill item god AND DONT FINISH THIS FLOOR!!
Use Gency Out.

Repeat it [kill item god -> Gency out] until all stats reach 2 100 000


1. Innocents used to boost the item must be single stat and it is best to stack all of the same kind. The number in each stack does not matter, but you want to fill every slot available. Excluding Bow and Gun, Rank 40 items will gain no benefit from using innocents of their primary stats, for these you want to boost some other stat. Once you have completely finished leveling the item they can be removed for whatever innocents you want.

2. The maximum item level is 300. It is possible to gain 75 from reverse pirating, but it will require A LOT of resets, it is much better to expect about 50 from here leaving about 250 to gain from the leveling process itself. As you get deeper into the item level bonus gates will cause more and more events to spawn so it is easier to pick up levels torward the end. I would suggest these benchmarks. If you fall far behind it is in your best interest to reset and redo the levels. Take all mystery gates and activate all platforms. It is easier to get ahead earlier then make up for it later.

Floor, Item Level, Levels Gained
30 45
40 65 20
50 85 20
60 110 25
70 140 30
80 175 35
90 210 35
100 250 40

3. Rarity Matching (all gear with same rarity number) is good for endgame gear, dont overlook it when you are leveling your final pieces of gear. It is worth a 40% stat boost is you have all 4 items matching.

After all:
For weapon change some 2 your innocents on:
Fencer Gain more stats from equipping Swords [or another for your weapons if ya dont use sword]
Professional Increases Critical Hit chance by 1% per Innocent level.m

For equip change all whatever you want like
-100 Pharmacist - Increase Poison resistance
-100 Coffee Maker - Increase Sleep resistance
-100 Medicine Man - Increase Paralysis resistance
-100 Psychologist - Increase Amnesia resistance
-100 Social Worker - Increase Deprave resistance
-100 Firefighter - Increase Fire resistance
-100 Aeronaut - Increase Wind resistance
-100 Cryophile - Increase Water resistance

Finally duping trapzohedron for all your characters ┐('~`;)┌

Now you are ready for Baal

Just take Bill on Dark Assembly and lets beat him

BUt!! Lets get BEST armor

- Steal Ultimate Barrier from Baal
- The reward for defeating Baal is the Great Baal Horn! Just the best sword in the whole game

Now go into item world [Ultimate Barrier] lvlup for lvl99 -> Gency out -> Loc -> steal [invincible armor] from item god 2

Do you remember "Perfect items leveling"?
Yeah Yeah Yeah...
Do it againg, but for Great Baal Horn AND Invincible Armor



*The only thing you still can do is run around the chara world until your attitudes become 300%*